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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16771881 No.16771881 [Reply] [Original]

Your ck/ moment of zen.

>> No.16771894


There's 0-cal / 0-sugar versions of all of this except the candy.

0-sugar sodas/energy drinks are based as fuck. Great for losing weight.

>> No.16771898

T. will die at 30

>> No.16771916

all this shows me is how good sugar is, if it's present in all these delicious things

>> No.16771923

i'm 39

>> No.16771927

>Great for losing weight
Sugar is bad but not as bad as the media wants you to believe.

>> No.16771932

Holy shit a ghost.

>> No.16771977

Your heart is on its last legs. Your body is trying desperately to filter the poison out of you but the attempt is futile as more and more artificial sugar is piled into your withering body. I weep for you, friend.

>> No.16771991


Possible health concerns with artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners have been scrutinized intensely for decades.

Critics of artificial sweeteners say that they cause a variety of health problems, including cancer. That's largely because of studies dating to the 1970s that linked the artificial sweetener saccharin to bladder cancer in laboratory rats. Because of those studies, saccharin once carried a label warning that it may be hazardous to your health.

But according to the National Cancer Institute and other health agencies, there's no sound scientific evidence that any of the artificial sweeteners approved for use in the United States cause cancer or other serious health problems. Numerous studies confirm that artificial sweeteners are generally safe in limited quantities, even for pregnant women. As a result, the warning label for saccharin was dropped.

Artificial sweeteners are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as food additives. They must be reviewed and approved by the FDA before being made available for sale.

Sometimes the FDA declares a substance "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS). Substances receive this designation if they meet either of these criteria:

Qualified professionals deem the substance safe for its intended use on the basis of scientific data. Stevia preparations are an example of this type of GRAS designation.
The substances have such a lengthy history of common use in food that they're considered generally safe.

The FDA has established an acceptable daily intake (ADI) for each artificial sweetener. ADI is the maximum amount considered safe to consume each day over the course of a lifetime. ADIs are set at very conservative levels.

>> No.16772009

wtf I love snickers now

>> No.16772721

the picture is actually a bit deceptive because the fat and protein will slow down the sugar absorption from the snickers as well as the fact that sugar in drinks hits your liver more quickly.

>> No.16772733

Dasani sucks rancid ass though. Tap water is better.

>> No.16772877

Why do packages show sugar content in metric if the US uses imperial?

>> No.16773012
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Skittles and a bottle of Mountain Dew, please

>> No.16773015

I really could go for a Red Bull right now. Coffee's jittery, anxiety-inducing body high has nothing on the smooth, cerebral effect of an energy drink.

>> No.16773032

your heart is more concerned with sodium and cholesterol than sugar

>> No.16773035

The US doesn't use cane sugar for its industrial sweetening.

>> No.16773082


>> No.16773090


snickers is that healthy?

>> No.16773135

So the snickers is even more healthy than the picture makes out?

>> No.16773167

Based facts

>> No.16773215

Studies found that "0 sugar" sodas and candy actually make you gain 40% more bodyfat
They're for diabetics who can't eat sugar or they'll die. "Diet soda" doesn't mean it's good for people trying to lose weight. It means it's for diabetics

>> No.16773565

40% more body fat than what?

>> No.16773571

>still posting on 4chan

You died years ago, spiritually at the very least

>> No.16773597

>the FDA

>> No.16773603


>> No.16773604

retard lmao

>> No.16773607

Take a hot guess.

>> No.16773817

I'm 35 and been here longer than you've been the abortion your single mom wishes she had you mega faggot. You going to make a tik tok crying about it?

>> No.16773864

Horseshit, the media never calls out sugary drinks as being responsible for obesity. It's always about more exercise.
If a kid drinks 600 extra calories a day of course he's going to get fat

>> No.16773888

>Make you gain...
That's not how studies work, no observational study is going to make a claim of causality or mechanism. Post your source.

I'm going to guess what it actually shows is a correlation between high consumption of diet soda and obesity, which is just an expression of poor eating habits and the fact that obesity is a risk factor for diabetes

>> No.16773940

pov you're fucking retarded and don't understand basic nutrition or chemistry

this has to be bait

>> No.16773986

Chill man, I'm basically half joking. I'm 26 and I've been here half of my life at this point. I'm just as trapped here as anyone else

>> No.16773998
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Ganbatte Oji-san

>> No.16774875

kek why do retards continually try and push this "diet soda is worse than regular soda" meme, pure delusion

>> No.16774893

Weight is calories in vs calories out.
There is nothing about diet soda that can magically make your body absorb 40% more energy from food, otherwise your body would already produce it considering that humans have been on the verge of starving to death for most of their evolutionary history.