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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 197 KB, 750x750, Recipe-Viennese-Pork-Schnitzel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16761506 No.16761506 [Reply] [Original]

>cook it for an hour and a half
>plate empty in 8 minutes
>no leftovers

I hate cooking, all that effort every day for one meal is exhausting. Make more meals, more effort.

>> No.16761509

tell me you're an amerifat without telling me you're an amerifat

>> No.16761543

Unironically I'm not and I'm pretty /fit/ too. I'm just a lazy cunt and my mom stopped cooking because of it.

>> No.16761544

I made a TikTok
Of my slick cock
Then I found it wasn't me like I was Rik Rok

>> No.16761553

>hour and a half

Git gud faggit. I can cook a full balanced meal from scratch in 20 minutes. 12 if I don't do a starch.

>> No.16761556

make a big pot of soup then, or some kind of stew. that way you can eat it for a few days and if you get sick of it you can just freeze the leftovers for later

>> No.16761564
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Pretty good idea, but then I'll need to cook a new stew. I also hate food that has been frozen for a long time, makes me scared of getting sick.

>> No.16761687

Take the mealprep pill.
Cook once a week for a slightly longer time and have meals ready for you in the freezer.
If you cook more than you need in a week you can slowly build a freezer full of variety, which you can pick and choose from.
You can also decide to cook or order something else on a whim, and your stash will be there for you.
Perfect flexibility and efficiency, at the cost of the food being a bit worse-tasting.

>> No.16761697

how does it take that long for you to cook, and stop eating so fast wtf are you doing

>> No.16761887

Take the meal replacement pill. I exiist on meal replacement shakes (not that soylent garbage but the proper stuff) and only cook when I get a real craving for something.

>> No.16762012

This is something that sounds fun, bit costly on my student budget but I'll look into some cheaper recipes. Still learning to cook.
Well I plan a lot to make sure not to undercook and forget ingredients, sometimes pausing for minutes mid-cooking. I also eat super fast like a pig.
What meal replacement do you use? Might consider cooking one pot like the other anon said and that could last for a week with these replacement stuff.

>> No.16762026

millennials were a mistake

>> No.16762034

You should learn a decent number of easy and fast but still balanced meals that you can go to whenever you don't feel like putting in much effort.
Usually this will be a type of wok or simple pasta dish. I personally like couscous as a starch ingredient because it takes like 2 minutes to be done if you have boiling water at hand (I usually boil mine in the microwave). Very good with chicken and some fresh veggies, or a spicy tomato sauce with meatballs.

>> No.16762035

>cook it for an hour and a half
what was it?

>> No.16762044

I've been eating https://jimmyjoy.com/products/plenny-shake
as my primary sustenance for the better part of 3 years now.

>> No.16762049

for everyday i have a variety of meats and veggies prepared and portioned out, ready to cook in the freezer and a variety of carbs to go along with them, i cook lunch while i have breakfast oats in the morning which doesn't take more than 25min with thawing in the microwave
granted, more often than not it would look like dog food but it's fresh, delicious, very nutritious and healthy
for a special occasion though i do not mind cooking for long periods of time, but for everyday it's just not worth it

>> No.16762076

How is cooking once for the week more expensive than cooking the same food every meal?

>> No.16762379

What's even the point of the food isn't freshly cooked that defeats the purpose of cooking at all all together.

>> No.16762402

Wienerschnitzel takes like ten minutes to make.
The dry one you posted might have been cooked for an hour and a half, but it shouldn't have been.
I enjoy cooking. I try to cook small batches so I can cook more often.

>> No.16762432

is that stewed potatoes and watercress?

>> No.16762455

Make simpler meals and eat out for lunch at work. 15 minutes of work every day at most.

>> No.16762480

If you wanted easy home cooking techniques you could just have asked.

>> No.16762486
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For me the purpose of cooking is to have food to supply my body so it doesn't die or develop issues.
Flavor is secondary, and much less important than other things, such as the time to dedicate to other more important things (maybe if you lost 100 lbs you'd see them).
If enjoying food (or worse, the cooking process) is your highest priority, then that's your problem.

>> No.16762491

>Used to cook for my entire family before I moved out
>Literally cooking for 6 people
>Move out
>Habits never change and I still make big as fuck meals
>So now I make one meal and it lasts me for most of the week
It gets really easy OP if you really don't give a shit about eating the same thing over and over again

>> No.16762504

Best strategy be to cut what you make in half and then make something else too. Or maybe three different things to parse out over the week. That said the japanese garlic fried rice and steak I make is good enough I don't mind eating it daily

>> No.16762506

If you cook big meals like that a few times in a row you can alternate, and if you use a few different condiments for each, you pretty much never eat the same thing twice in a week.

>> No.16762554

You shouldn't be eating everyday in general. We were not intended to consume that many calories, and were meant to subsist on your body's fat and glycogen stores. Take a day off and make less meals that you enjoy more and you will find that you appreciate the food more in general.

>> No.16762562

The point of anything is to waste time and march towards death.

>> No.16762570

I used to do that but what would end up happening is I'd make too much too quickly and a bunch would go bad before I could finish it. I don't really mind eating the same thing over and over and prefer it to wasting food. I guess I could also just not be retarded and make smaller amounts as well.

>> No.16762571

Good news you're autistic, go ask the government for welfarebux, you can now afford to go get a McChicken every day instead.

>> No.16762584

You could also remember that freezers exist

>> No.16762609

How do you possibly spend hour and a half cooking? What are you making?

>> No.16762613

that's why I spend all day sitting on a computer

>> No.16762704

If you hate cooking and don't care about tasty food then why are you on this board?

>> No.16762709

>a variety of meats and veggies prepared and portioned out, ready to cook
are you mentally retarded?

>> No.16762718

If all you care about is getting food freshly cooked, then order pizza.

>> No.16762726

>Doing prep beforehand
How do you think that saves any time at all? You're just cutting more stuff at one time instead of cutting them in smaller portions. Mealprep is retarded.

>> No.16762759

wow you actually are a moron
it takes me less than 1h to prepare and freeze all that yet it cuts down my cooking time by at least 30%, not to mention the saved dirty dishes even with a dishwasher

>> No.16762776

No you don't. If you prep for the meal you are making you can do it while you wait the water to boil or pan/oven to warm up. You are wasting time when you mealprep in bulk and get inferior meals.
There is no reason to mealprep unless you wageslave like three jobs and do it in the weekend because you literally don't have the time during the week.

>> No.16762779

I do care about tasty food. Just not as much as I care about time for working on my projects and spending time with the people I love.
Meal prepping is a good compromise for me because it lets me have the most possible time for the last amount of money, at the cost of food being a bit less tasty (but still pretty good).

>> No.16762907

If that's how you get your kicks, then who gives a shit.

>> No.16762911

Yeah. Fuck parties, fuck the one night stands, fuck football and bars and overpriced drinks. A computer, an internet connection and some homemade food and I'm as happy as can be.

>> No.16763211

Cooking 10 liters of chili takes the almost the same amount of time as cooking 2 portions of chili, but you have chili for weeks. Ingredients are also significantly cheaper to buy in bulk.

>> No.16763220

True but if you just cut ingredients in bulk and then cook them every day that's dumb.
Soups and stew are fine frozen.

>> No.16763238

Oh yea just bulk prepping the uncooked incredients in advance is a bit silly.

>> No.16763363
File: 1.85 MB, 728x921, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food like chili, cabbage rolls and stew taste better when left for a few days. That's the right kind of meal prep. People who fry up vegetables and leave them for four days need to be put in jail.

>> No.16763800

>first day
>second day
ok for a workday lunch
>after that
no thanks

>> No.16765231

>dice veggies
>put in oven to roast or in a pot to boil/steam
>slap meat on a grill
>flip once
>spend 90% of the time waiting sipping beer and looking at my phone or TV
dinner in 10~15min every time.

>no leftovers
double your portions
congrats, you now have a leftover portion for lunch at work or for an evening where you're too lazy/tired to spend 10min cooking.

>> No.16765279

Idk bro, either learn to enjoy cooking or find simple tasty meals.
Personally, I love to throw on some tunes, crack a beer or bottle of red, and do my thing in the kitchen.
My brother is the opposite, hates cooking, and so just makes really quick meals. (His best is probably a quick pasta fryup with bacon, spinach, kalamata olives and a can of tomatoes.

>> No.16765294

Meal preppers will be the first to get the rope.

>> No.16765309

These sort of dishes are meant to be cooked for guests.

>> No.16765651

Meal prep is a fucking waste. Also, plenty of people don't have that kind of freezer space, flyover.

It makes no sense for you to post here if you don't like food or cooking.
This is honestly depressing. Eating every meal out of a tupperware or something because you don't have the time otherwise... you don't find that sad?

Condiments don't make something a new meal. You can slather fast food in a condiment too.

Who wants to eat 10 liters of chili? How bland can you be? Chili for weeks sounds like torture, you may as well start drinking a meal replacement drink.

I wish I was like you more than your brother, honestly. I hate cooking. It's just more work after a full day of work.

>> No.16766051

When I make a big batch of chili I freeze most of it and eat it every now and then. If you eat the same food for days then I don't understand how you don't get bored.

>> No.16766059

>>dice veggies
>>put in oven to roast or in a pot to boil/steam
>>slap meat on a grill
>>flip once
>>spend 90% of the time waiting sipping beer and looking at my phone or TV
>dinner in 10~15min every time.
Literally me, except I also boil potato, oil it in a saucepan to go on the grill as well, then use the leftover oil to saute some veggies

>> No.16766066

Even if I had to cook for hour and a half every day I still wouldn't mind. Cooking is a hobby for me. It's my zen time.

>> No.16766079

why does the amount of time it takes to eat matter, isnt the 'yumyumyum' the important part?

>> No.16766087

It seems this board is infested with boring people who love to eat bland, dry garbage. They're probably from /fit/.

>> No.16766088

>because you don't have the time otherwise
he specified he is choosing to cook in an efficient way because he would rather spend time with family or doing fun things, how is that sad?
>Who wants to eat 10 liters of chili?
you dont have to eat just chilli, prep 2-4 different things and vary it up

are you being retarded on purpose?

>> No.16766141

well get better at cooking then, it should not take you that long to cook and itll probably make the food worse

>> No.16766145

Pathetic food hating salt addict.

>> No.16766152
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Are you talking about me or them?

>> No.16766295

it takes the exact same amount of time to make a meal for one as it does to make the same meal for 6 people.

>> No.16766304

>Who wants to eat 10 liters of chili?
that's chilli for a year bro.
not to mention chilli's versatile.

>put it on toast
>serve with rice
>serve with spaghetti for quick n easy spagbol
>put in tacos
>put on nachos
>put in wraps to make burritos
>fuck it, just serve it with some boiled/steamed veggies

honestly, a big pot of chilli is dozens of different meals ready to go my boi

>> No.16766310

youre saving on clean up time, and each other time you want food youre saving the cooking time. even if the bigger batch of food were to take longer than multiple small batches combined id still prefer having that extra 20 minutes on the other days because its already done

>> No.16766670

>twitter nigger memes
unironically kill yourself "senpai"

>> No.16766677

So what do you guys eat? Why don't you cook bigger batches? The extra effort is minimal compared to the benefit.

>> No.16766716

For me the biggest advantage of meal prepping is how it allows me to keep working without the long interruption that's required for cooking, which can be a serious issue if I'm working on some complex code that requires concentration.
Now I can just get food and in under a minute I'm back at the computer eating while thinking about the problem at hand.
Before that I'd just not eat for way too many hours because I'd risk losing track of what I was doing.

>> No.16766780

I can prep the ingredients in the time that it takes for the pan to heat and water to boil.
I see absolutely no reason for meal prep.

>> No.16766786

What's the issue with mealprep around here? Why is it such a trigger word?
You cook large quantities of food that don't taste badly after a few days and thus only need to cook main meals once per week. This makes you see red? It's not like it stops you from doing an entirely new meal whenever you feel like it.

>> No.16766792

Nothing but soup and stew taste great after being defrosted and microwaved.

>> No.16766816

Personally i make 50/50 frozen and the rest is just chilled in the fridge. Eat the chilled first (which is slightly different) then go for the frozen.
I also don't need every single meal to taste "great", really. Then you can do every day cooking if that's #1 priority. I can easily find a good enough balance between convenience of having food ready which tastes okay and freshly cooked which is great. This week I've made meatsauce for spaghetti so the sauce is chilled while the spaghetti is cooked fresh each morning since it only takes ~15 min from cold pot to cooked pasta.
Even after a week the sauce will be ~90% as good as when it was fresh but we might obviously disagree.

>> No.16766831

All meat is pretty bad after being cooked, staying in the fridge for a day or more and then getting nuked. It's even worse if frozen.

>> No.16766832

Still way more than the minute it takes me to get food.

>> No.16766841

how do you need longer than 20 minutes for a fucking schnitzel? Or you count the cooking time for the potatoes as well, because that would be dumb you know

>> No.16766854

I try to hide it with some cold garlic yogurt "dip" or not nuking it so violently. Sometimes leaving the meat cold/roomtemp and heating the rest. I mean, you're right but I'm used to it and try to mitigate as best possible. You can do the reverse by prepping everything but the meat and find a way to cook it quickly in the morning if you're making lunch preps for work. I'm not trying to convince anyone they SHOULD do preps though. Just that the time saved can be worth it if you find recipes you're comfortable eating frozen or chilled.