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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16760734 No.16760734 [Reply] [Original]

What foods are “women’s foods” in your head that you won’t buy?

>> No.16760761

I refuse to buy eggs because they're just chicken periods and women have periods so eggs are to women like, and womens periods are their eggs leaving and the uterus lining shedding.
I also wont eat chicken because women gossip and cluck around like chickens and women are basically hens and get offended and their feathers go all over the fucking place if you breath too much. I like women, just not that type of women. I'm not sexist or anything. I just dont like that particular women, the ones with no self control or self respect. Theyre the ones that cluck and peck and cluck.
I like strong women with personality. The types that say fuck it and do what they want when they want. You know like men. Thats how I want women to be. Women are the source of new life. No man can provide the same joy or satisfaction as a woman can. I say this every day. You know all those women in your office that are all cute, you know, the one with the big tits that takes a long lunch and stares at you in the office? Well thats who I want in my bed, not some bitch who clucks around like a chicken.

>> No.16760765


none, it's food, it doesn't have a gender

>> No.16760781

Remember to fill your HRT prescription

>> No.16760783

also tootsie rolls. fuck those things. tootsie rolls are like eating shit flavored taffy. tootsie rolls are the worst candy to ever exist. if you had to pick between eating shit flavored taffy and eating a tootsie roll, you'd choose the tootsie roll. but even though you'd choose to eat shit flavored taffy but tootsie rolls aren't like shit flavored taffy. if you ever eat shit flavored taffy, it will ruin your day. I mean in general they're just bad. That's my opinion. And there's always some woman eating a tootsie roll like heehee toooooootsiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

>> No.16760799

Any food that increases estrogen. That includes beer.

>> No.16760803

>Any food that increases estrogen. That includes beer.
Yea I also avoid fish and chicken and beef and pork and cheese and milk and eggs too. Lots of estrogen in there.

>> No.16760812
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What the fuck

>> No.16760840

little fucking tiny ass snack bags are the worst. GIVE ME A HUGE FUCKING SNACK BAG WITH A FUCKING DOUBLE BAG OF CHOCOLATES!
Why do you think every single one of them is running around outside like click clack with their preppy femminist sjw high heels always has a small fucking ass bag of candy, or little chips (said with a huge lisp like chipcccccccccccccccc) especially in the winter when it's fucking freezing and everyone is starving? You can never get a huge bag of candy with a whole ass meal.

And I fucking hate the small bags of chips. What I want is fucking huge bags of chips. You can get a fucking half gallon of chips but why do we have to get a small ass bag of chips? My dates always buys me a huge bag of mixed nuts. They can sell that shit can't they? So why not huge bags of every other kind of snack? and none of that fake shit that is 90% air inside. Once someone bought me giant bag of cookies. And my friend's girlfriends boyfriend buys me tons of stuff all the time, usually like a fucking big bag of cookies, even in the summer when I don't have any real food because I'm starving. He must really like me and my small ass food supply. And I don't want people buying me fucking huge bags of fucking snack food, I just want fucking snack bags.

>> No.16761459

You mean "it doesn't have a sex", because gender is a hoax

>> No.16761465

any non-dairy milk substitute
possibly due to my gf being lactose intolerant

>> No.16761475

Take your meds. Now.

>> No.16761498


repeat after me. Inanimate objects don't have a gender.

>> No.16761633

Anything that is marketed as keto.

>> No.16761659

Anything diet.
Anything chocolate.
Anything sweet that goes with coffee or tea: pies, pancakes, macarons.
I spit on macarons.
Anything gluten free.
Anything vegan.
Anything spinach and green curry.
Anything that has pomegranate on it.
Any recipe by Ottolenghi.

>> No.16761667

I fucking love yogurt

>> No.16761668


>> No.16761681

Plant-based "meats" of any kind

>> No.16761698

I actually laughed.
great thread OP

>> No.16761806


you are sad

>> No.16761809

Basically just low-fat dairy. There's no excuse for that.

>> No.16761821

Pudding cups, pudding in general (i.e. flan types), cheesecakes, cupcakes, anything "pumpkin spice", any coffee that isn't black and unsweetened.

>> No.16761822

>I refuse to buy eggs because they're just chicken periods
Birds don't have periods.

>> No.16762305


>> No.16762468

Nutella, vegan butter/spread, Kind bars

Why do my co-workers think any of these are "healthy"

>> No.16762488

We're not talking about inanimate objects having gender. We talk about women's food. Here "women" is the noun, it's a genitive case and "foods" is the subject. This means that there is certain property relation between the women and the food. Not that the food is gendered. You mega-retard.

>> No.16763106

for plant estrogen to be absorbed by the body you need to take hormone blockers, whose effect is mimicked by many plastic derived substances
just dont eat plastic

>> No.16763124

None because I'm not an insecure faggot looking for a manufactured identity.

>> No.16763161
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>and another thing, i don't like people touching my stuff
>any one of you homos...... touch my stuff, and i'll kill ya'

>> No.16763194

Proof that men are the niggers of gender.

>> No.16763223
File: 524 KB, 990x600, Tupperware.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Yotam and take your pic related with you

>> No.16763291

Gender these nuts on your face, faggot
look at this negro
Anyways, I refuse to eat bread sticks since they look like hot Italian cocks. I don't put cocks in my mouth, only women are supposed to do that. Like your mom did with my cock
ahahahahahah got him again hahahahahahahah fuck you hahahahahahahahah

>> No.16763313


truly insane, and only made worse by the attempt at grammar pedantry

>> No.16763359

>*licks the shit out of a chicken's asshole*
>"dude, stop licking that chicken's ass, that's fucking vile"
>iT's NoT aN aSsHoLe, ChIcKeNs DoN't HaVe AsShOleS, iT's A cLoAcA!

>> No.16763371

>Reddit spacing

>> No.16763377

Wtf did I just read specifically
>friend's girlfriends boyfriend

>> No.16763383
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>> No.16763430

What the fuck. Nutella is 40% pure sugar. This is not even remotely healthy.

>> No.16763439

1: don't post if you don't know what you're talking about


>> No.16764339

Forget the label. If something is trendy on Instagram or Tik Tok, it must be good for you. That and anything from Trader Joe's

>> No.16764371
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Coffee creamer or half and half
Any kind of pre mixed alcoholic beverage
Anything marketed as gluten free or vegan
Ben and Jerry's ice cream

>> No.16766131
File: 60 KB, 800x534, muscular-man-raw-meat-portrait-naked-tearing-kitchen-85044913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost all meat products are from female animals; for example most beef comes from dairy cows who ran out of milk after a long life of having their calves taken away for the most production.

Really manly, ain't it.

>> No.16766196

>Anything marketed as gluten free
I'm willing to bet 60+% of self-diagnosed gluten intolerants are women. I don't know why and don't have any data, just a hunch.

>> No.16766201

I don't eat males because I'm not gay.

>> No.16766204

Most beef comes from steers, actually. Incel males. Dried out dairy cow meat tends to go to pet food.

>> No.16766212

> Anything gluten free.
> Anything vegan
So, every single thing you eat has to contain both dough and some animal product? Idiot.
Gender and sex are synonyms.
Based and schizopilled.

>> No.16766216

Special K

>> No.16766278

How the fuck is popcorn a “women’s food”

>> No.16766952

>women's foods
The fact that this thread exists is proof that marketing works.
It's like how razor companies can charge way more for women's razors even though they're basically the same product as men's razors.
Food is food, if it's being touted as "just for girls teehee" then it's probably a subpar product and no one should eat it.

>> No.16767260

Any sugar-loaded coffee drink

>> No.16767270

This guy eats quinoa lmao xd

>> No.16767274

Dick, and cum

>> No.16767293

Because it's for heifers who volume eat and are still trying to lose weight (aka 90% of mutt women)

>> No.16767311

Any basic food that's marketed as some fancy bio organic healthy respectful fun or similar stupid shit.
Food that's obviously not aimed at kid yet is marketedthe same way.
Flavored versions of stuff that shouldn't be flavored.
Overly sweet artificially flavored shit like moka caramel creamer.
Premade safe to eat uncooked cookie dough.
Shitty overpriced "superfood" plants.

>> No.16767344
File: 104 KB, 1200x1800, Classic-Quiche-Lorraine-Recipe-Beautiful-flaky-pastry-crust-is-paired-with-a-delicious-savory-egg-custard.-Perfect-for-breakfast-or-brunch.-1-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16767347
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Just drink some kefir or buttermilk you dumb bitch.

>> No.16767363

>gummy candy
>ice cream
>peanut butter
>soft cheeses
>white fish
>whole wheat bread

>> No.16767380

nothing honestly. I usually stick to pretty plain masculine food, but every once in a while I’ll eat a soi burger or have a fruity chick drink or something just to signal that I’m laid back and comfortable with my masculinity

>> No.16767455


>> No.16769062
File: 44 KB, 512x339, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In America, we have a brand of junk food called Skinny Girl.
You can't make this stuff up.

>> No.16770150

everything is right except for the spinach

>> No.16770162

I bet this thing is -filled- with fiber to make you feel full

>> No.16772068

Putting that much thought into it means the opposite of comfortable.

>> No.16772142

I have never associated gender with foods but if I'd have to pick one I guess strawberries dipped in chocolate

>> No.16772309

>anything "pumpkin spice"
This. The only exception is actual pumpkin pie.

>> No.16772406

the only actual answer to this are shitty diet crap like those 200 calorie useless frozen food things or "thin" oreos as they are genuinely meant to make dieting women pretend they are being healthy instead of just making their own food. the rest of this thread is pure schizo.

>> No.16773537

The razors are different depsite what shitty youtube videos will tell you

>> No.16775186

Not him but in what way? That's an honest question how things work is interesting to me and I've gotta figure there's a reason they're different

>> No.16775191

men are so retarded holy shit

>> No.16775193

Digits confirm

>> No.16775217

>Not him but in what way?

They're pink.

>> No.16775240

You will never be a woman

>> No.16775267

most people think that sweet stuff have no relation to weight gain

>> No.16775290

and dr pepper loving pickle fanatics. just because it's dr pepper and people commonly abbreviate the product into 'dp' doesn't mean it has anything to do with double penetration, which is what the internet tends to abbreviate that very act as. and pickles similar to dicks? i know you fucking ladies eat pickles and drink pickle juice so much because it reminds you of a dick. well, guess what? dicks only have those veins when it's being fucking constricted. those bumps? that comes from the skin where the hair comes out of our dicks and balls. stop pretending like these foods are so magical. pickles are mediocre toppings for sandwiches and burgers, or deep friend snacks and appetizers - not some kind of snack meant to be enjoyed. that's fucking psycho. you don't see anyone eating a goddamn cucumber as is do you? do you even know what goes in dr pepper?

>> No.16775295

i didn't she has a chocolate. is it any good?

>> No.16775332

YOU are based

>> No.16775750

Based on what?

>> No.16776060

I never flavor my yogurt because all I can see are onion boys putting raw honey and cracked nuts in it all the time. Also I only make my own because it's so easy, it's literally just heat some milk to 180 then let it sit in the stove for 12 hours.

>> No.16776074

Uhhh based?

>> No.16776230

Why are men so retarded

>> No.16776823

is this a modified James Rolf email copypasta?

>> No.16776916
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> Not having healthy gut flora
You do realise this is why you are a schizo yeah?

>> No.16776932

Wasn't Braveheart executed like that?
That can't be good for the joints.

>> No.16777486

Women are such vapid consumerist drones they've literally turned the act of shopping into a hobby. Actually buying things is a hobby to women. Plus they follow whatever the latest fad on tiktok or instagram is.