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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16756595 No.16756595 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when a McGangbang (mcchicken inside a double cheeseburger) cost less than a Big Mac?

I 'member.

>> No.16756604

Ive never seen a mutt in real life

>> No.16756612

That actually looks like something I'd eat from Mcdonalds, Big Macs are fucking AWFUL.

>> No.16756623

Do they still make these?

>> No.16756624

I'm going to get this on Friday (that's usually the only day I eat fast food.) I haven't gone the McGangbang in years. Usually when I go there I just don't eat all day and then get a Junior Chicken and a Double Quarter Pounder.

>> No.16756627

yes but the zoomers working the cash register won't know it by name and will probably throw you out if you try ordering it

>> No.16756691

Yes, I'm old enough to remember the pre-Trump era.

>> No.16757432
File: 59 KB, 743x418, 1548755934051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should not ever order a ""'"secret menu""" item. At best, you'll get an eyeroll and sigh from the cashier, at worst you'll be told to fuck right off and order something that's on the board. The only people who order this shit regularly are teenage girls and flaming homos, and the occasional self-important reddit fag. If you have any respect for yourself you just don't do this shit.
I always used to make these 'people' feel absolutely retarded for trying to order off menu. Even if I knew what they meant. The fucking menu exists for a reason, order from it or go home and cook. I would give people my most confused look and slowly say how we didn't have anything like that. When they insisted they had heard it was on the secret menu, I would always tell them I wasn't sure what they meant. After all, the entire menu is posted behind me. Some of my coworkers would always say stuff like "Tell me what's in it so I can ring it in" but I wouldn't. I loved seeing the frustration and embarrassment as these fat middle aged rednecks and shithead kids had to pull out their phones, surf the web to find the item again, and then read it back to me. An even greater satisfaction when they asked for an ingredient we clearly didn't have and I got to tell them that. Or if something was discontinued, I would always say things like, "Oh, I don't think we've had that item since 2008.. "
So fuck you. Don't be a colossal retard and embarrass yourself in front of a wagie. Just ask for a fucking strawberry frappuccino with caramel and toffee nut, don't be the fucking nigger demanding a Captain Crunch frappe that you KNOW you saw on Facebook.

>> No.16757466

>when a shitpost you made forever ago resurfaces as pasta

The never did fucktard, you order the food normally and assemble it yourself.

>> No.16757504

Why keep all that bread?

>order the food normally and assemble it yourself.
My favorite version of this was an Egg McMuffin and a McDouble. Remove the top bun from the McDouble, and one on the English muffin halves, assemble, enjoy.

Google tells me they stopped serving all day breakfast in March of 2020, but just a few weeks ago, they fucked up my order and gave me an Egg McMuffin instead of a Big Mac around noon.

>> No.16757535

LOL thinking you can embarrass anyone wearing a mcdicks uniform! Cute

>> No.16757539
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That was bothering me too much.

>> No.16757545

My friend started a thing at our local burger King when he ordered 8 burgers and stacked em. They started serving it as "the Ocho" I'm guessing because it was around the time dodgeball came out

>> No.16757559

Sounds like the pasta was from a Starbucks employee, they get nice aprons desu.

>> No.16757565


>> No.16757840

>a double cheeseburger
>not a mcdouble
Did you chauffeur place your order for you?

>> No.16757846

>1 less slice of cheese and that's it
really cracka?

>> No.16757855

Back in the day, the double cheeseburger was significantly more expensive than the mcdouble.

>> No.16758110

Back in the day, the double cheeseburger premiered on the dollar menu. Go back to your Xbox 360 and play Gaylo 3.

>> No.16758123

>not simply chicken sandwich

>> No.16759252

>Think I'm too good for McDonald's
>Try to eat better, fish, eggs, actual beef
>Get a craving for Burger and can't resist the urge to gorge myself upon a McDouble
I hate being American so fucking much I don't want to eat burger but they're too good aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.16759314
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I did this once with a spicy chicken sandwich in the middle of a classic double from Wendy's. I was high as shit and it was pretty good.

>> No.16760311

I used to work at Starbucks and people who used to order "secret menu" stuff was pretty annoying. Especially when we all had no idea what it was and they'd get a little pissy at us for not knowing how to make it.

>> No.16760319
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Reddit tier food with too much bread.
Really what you want is kfc tenders inside a double quarter pounder.

>> No.16761310

10 out of 10 anon

>> No.16761468

A couple of days ago I had my first McDonalds products in DECADES, a Cheeseburger and a bacon burger. I've always avoided going to fast food places, in favour of restaurants ... and I was correct. This crap is barely food. The cheese burger looked like a toy and tasted more like sauce than burger, the bigger bacon one was some dry hunk of shit and the "bacon" was barely tasteable. Why the FUCK would anyone ever eat this garbage?

>> No.16761555

thats a lot of fucking bread

>> No.16761561

for you

>> No.16761629

Do you remember the last time you looked down and could see your own dick?

>> No.16762510

Most of us wear pants and underwear, anon. When's the last time you went outside?

>> No.16762657

I am outside.

>> No.16762906

Is this actually tasty?
If I love a double cheese And a mcchicken by itself, will I enjoy this? Also can I assemble this myself? I doubt the local McDonald's staff where I live will make this or even know what this is.

>> No.16762910

Dude same. Around 2014 this "le secret menu" shit was everywhere. I was 19 and working at McD's. There were so many 14 year olds new to smoking weed coming in and asking for weird shit. The "McGangbang" was definitely the most common one, but the weirdest I ever heard was the "McCumshot". I asked them to explain themselves and they said it's just a large fries with a McFlurry, they dip the fries in the McFlurry and I guess that's a "cumshot" to these kids (fucking zoomers).
Anyway, since these orders always happened during late shift when manager and supervisors were gone, me and my bud would incorporate the shit at the bottom of the sink into the order somehow. place a few crumbs of mystery substance under the bun, strain some of the liquid into drinks/shakes, etc.

>> No.16762956

>Stoned teenagers asking for a regular order, not even a "secret item"
Hah I will show these dumb fun having children by smearing my wagie tears mixed with spit in to their order haha guys I'm such a winner!

>> No.16762961

>muh wagie
Don't worry, that was 7 years ago and I make 6 figs now working 30h per week.

>> No.16763038
File: 115 KB, 900x900, Mcgangbang-mcdonalds-secret-menu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, good for you anon.
Could you answer my question now?

>> No.16763108

>If I love a double cheese And a mcchicken by itself, will I enjoy this?
Probably not. The two sandwiches are both good in their own rite, but somewhat contradictory in nature.
In the McChicken, the McChicken sauce is there to enrich the relatively dry chicken with fat so that it goes down smoother. If the heavy sauce wasn't there, the sandwich would be too dry to enjoy.
In the McDouble/Double Cheeseburger, the beef is already greasy and has acidic add-ons (pickle, ketchup, mustard) to cut through the fatness. If those weren't there, the grease would be overbearing.
So one is enriched with fatness while the other has stuff added to cut through the fatness. They are not complimentary at all.
> can I assemble this myself? I doubt the local McDonald's staff where I live will make this or even know what this is.
The meme started as something you assemble yourself. I never heard of a worker actually doing it for you.

>> No.16763187

>can I assemble this myself?
I don't know, can you stack 3 shitty burgers on top of each other
the absolute state of /ck/

>> No.16763623

Thank you for confirming that you're a fat piece of shit.

>> No.16763685

>can I assemble this myself?

no, it's not allowed, you don't have the proper training

>> No.16763786
File: 219 KB, 1920x1080, dollar-menu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the good old days anons. I just wanna be a dollar menunaire again. take me back.

>> No.16763905

>eating that shit ever

>> No.16765186

Thank you for confirming you have zero sense of humour and walk around your parents' basement in the nude.

>> No.16765201

I remember telling my mom about the McGangbang and getting in trouble for saying gangbang.

>> No.16765299

Double cheeseburger was $1 when I was a kid, they only added the mcdouble to keep the double cheese on the dollar menu minus one slice of cheese.

>> No.16765318

A further sign of how lazy in general people have gotten; you can now buy a frozen grilled cheese sandwich at kroger. You thaw it out in the microwave. To "cook" it you toss it in the toaster. I shit you not, that's the directions on the box.

>> No.16765343

Atleast you know what's going into your latenight McDonald's order

>> No.16765586
File: 46 KB, 800x450, 6fb8873916fa4712b7f19b1d1dc9cd63_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bigmacs are 2 for $6 now...

>> No.16765656

Well, is it good?

>> No.16765715

Only in the app :^)

>> No.16765952

truly depressing