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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 194 KB, 1400x1000, mushrooms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16749477 No.16749477 [Reply] [Original]

I just ate these and i've just realized it's a cursed food
you've cursed every time you eat them

>> No.16749478

literal retard thread

>> No.16749484

mushrooms are closer to humans that to plants

>> No.16749494

When you kill and eat an animal it's dead
But a mushroom doesn't die so it's in your stomach alive and will fuck with you and stuff

>> No.16749500

fungi came before animals.

>> No.16749502

Please explain how does it not die?

>> No.16749507

Mushrooms can manipulate chemical matters

>> No.16749511

>Go to acupuncture
>Come home relaxed
>Cook mushrooms
>Smell reminds me of jizz
Thanks grandpa. I'm glad you killed yourself. I hope any other pedos reading this do the same

>> No.16749515

It's doesn't die if you cut it from the ground
If you take a fruit of a tree it's gonna die
but a mushroom is still technically alive and it can still do things and sort of make decision
like it can go into your stomach and attack you chemically and curse you

>> No.16749519

he might've been controlled by mushrooms

>> No.16749526

Right now my head is being attacked by the mushrooms
there's nothing i can do but just hope i survive

>> No.16749536

i'm gonna lay down now and die

>> No.16749539

bye world

>> No.16749570

oh boy, it's the "I don't trust fungi" guy again

>> No.16750488

The thing I love about mushrooms is how they always seem to give me solid stools!

>> No.16750821

They spend so much time around trees so I'm not surprised they are so good at wood work.

>> No.16750837

They're great with chicken, eggs, pork, fish.. Versatile little fuckers

>> No.16752057

i didn't die

>> No.16752211

Are mushrooms good for pooping? I always assumed they weren't since they have no fiber.

>> No.16752226


>> No.16752753

depends what they decide. They can make you poo or they can make you constipate.
they can manipulate stuff like that

>> No.16752760
File: 110 KB, 800x445, steinpilz-1-800x445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck OP, this is now a pro Mushroom thread.
Everyone post your favourite mushrooms.

Mines the bolete, closely followed by the classic chanterelle and for sauce heavy dishes I like me some morels.

>> No.16752838

How do I get into mushrooms? I've never liked them. The texture always bothered me most I think.

>> No.16752841

Try a mushroom that isn't an overcooked white button

>> No.16752867

Good. You wont feel the wrath of the mushrooms

>> No.16752872

Try different kinds of mushrooms and prepare them in different ways.
When I hear people say they dislike the mushroom texture they generally mean the spongy, slightly slimy texture they get when you overcook them.
Try frying them in butter for a short time or frying them or whatever. You can also eat them raw but I'd dry them first.

You could also get a big slab of puffball and use that as a burger patty.

>> No.16752875

>You could also get a big slab of puffball and use that as a burger patty.
the mushrooms has turned you gay

>> No.16752907

Lenin was a mushroom. He ate so many of them, they took control over his body.

>> No.16752923

I've been eating a lot of mushrooms and my life has gone down the absolute shitter, so I get where you're coming from

>> No.16752927

That's the intention.
>spongy, slightly slimy texture they get when you overcook them
That's it, yeah. I've never tried cooking them much myself because my experience with them from other people/restaurants has basically been this. I'll give it another go with your tips. Puffball burger sounds interesting.

>> No.16752933

If you stop they will maybe show mercy and stop attacking you

>> No.16752935

fungal mycelium typed this post

>> No.16752941

Fungi were some of the first land organisms, here before the plants and animals
Way to go fungi!

>> No.16752943

>stretches my hyphae and secretes enzymes to digest you externally in your path

>> No.16752947
File: 145 KB, 640x730, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually a
ceratiomyxa fruticulosa plasmodium

>> No.16752954

Yes. They created plants and trees etc. They can control them
Just how we do with veggies etc. But the fungi just do it by manipulating the earth that the plants grow in.
They can control the mineral content of the ground etc. Water levels
They use these abilities in your body if you eat them. You're not safe until you shit them out

>> No.16752961

If you eat enough mushrooms to become part of the great and eternal mycelium these skills will become part of you.
I've been eating mushrooms since I was a little kid and I'm able to extend my mycelium through my feet and consume dead material from the ground.
I literally do not need food anymore.

>> No.16752966

i know you're larping now
if you mean it seriously then i'm afraid mushrooms has turned you schizo
(which they can ofc)

>> No.16752967


>> No.16752969

Isn't this schizo mushroom shit more like /an/ and /x/? Why is this allowed on /ck/?

>> No.16752978

Just take the schizo mushroom threads and turn them into mushroom threads.
There can never be too many mushroom threads.

>> No.16752989

Fungi typed this post.

>> No.16753008

how is mushrooms paranormal?
They are down in the supermarket you moron

>> No.16753034

What's your guyses spirit fungi lol
I dunno maybe I'm a black mold? Lol
Most days I feel very diploid sporophyte though, and I don't know how to feel about it. Any tips?

>> No.16753056

>cursed something
that meme aged like milk

>> No.16753065

literally not that meme

>> No.16753131

Best schizo on /ck/

>> No.16753220

not me

>> No.16753256

That's because they (mushrooms) don't want you to like them. They can control stuff like that.

>> No.16753317

Yes mushrooms can manipulate dopamine and other stuff like that

>> No.16754383

No they fucking can't because we're not insects, our brains are way too big and we'd be long dead if they could get enough mycelia into our brains to manufacture enough neurotransmitter to have any effect. Why is this board so dumb?

>> No.16754542

how does a psycedelic mushroom effect the brain then?

>> No.16754551

Based schizophrenia poster

>> No.16754571

Mushrooms can cause schizophrenia

>> No.16754584

every other animal is closer to humans than mushrooms though

>> No.16754586

Not the ones in the OP

>> No.16754587
File: 137 KB, 1311x627, mushrooms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16754590

Shit you're right, I forgot about that.

>> No.16754752

Yes but they are dead when you eat them

>> No.16754759

All i know is they attacked me
I have some left in the fridge but i'm not gonna eat them. I don't want to get attacked again.
I might burry them even.

>> No.16754764

don't let /fit/ know about this. there will be some schizo who will start eating only pounds of button mushrooms to boost test.

>> No.16754772

I love mushrooms my state has the biggest mushroom in the world which also makes it the biggest organism in the world. We are all interconnected through the mycelium.

>> No.16754789

they make you pick a fight with someone and get fucked up. high test + schizo = heem sleepy (literally)

>> No.16754805

A lot of mushrooms will work together when they are in the forest
they can communicate with each other and they control the forest

>> No.16754810

mushrooms are the fruiting body of fungus, they never were alive. that's like saying your dick is alive. which it isn't because you're fucking impotent and retarded.

>> No.16754815

Fuck your mushroom. I'll take my Pando, we might not be the biggest organism but we are the oldest. But no for real mushrooms are great and I'm fascinated by that particular mycelium network is fascinating

>> No.16754827

Trust me my dick is alive
Actually two nights ago i came in my sleep
So not only is my dick very alive but it has a mind of it's own
Also the fact that you talk about mushrooms and then think about dick tells a lot about you
btw i'm uncut. If you are cut then you can't really talk about dick life

>> No.16754844
File: 719 KB, 2448x3264, penis-envy-mushroom1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't laugh and think about dicks when you look at a mushroom what's the point of even living anymore?
Penises are fucking hilarious looking and always have been

>> No.16754848
File: 66 KB, 480x480, 1-text-550-beef-mushroom-kabobs-480x480[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite way is probably grilled beef and mushroom skewers. it's pretty easy, and you can use cheaper cuts for kabobs

>> No.16754852

Reminds me more of Normandy

>> No.16754857

skewers are low iq cooking

>> No.16754872

I hope it never dies

>> No.16754943
File: 40 KB, 702x475, C8QQq1FWAAQRCmY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the point though. just marinate the meat, skewer, and grill.

>> No.16754949

They look like penises and act like penises in the wild.

>> No.16754957


>> No.16754982

How so?

It reminds me of one of my trips to Pays de la Loire, the region where you visit the pretty castles, there was a museum at Saumur dedicated to mushrooms built in a cave, nice and fresh perfect during the summer. Afterward, I ate some mushroom-shaped meringues, that was a nice trip.

>> No.16755016

Hohohoho! Yes, good.

>> No.16755110

Psilocybin mimics serotonin and can/does behave as a neurotransmitter

>> No.16755512

>cursed food
ok, reddit.

>> No.16756399
File: 1022 KB, 320x178, Oh dear.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to a gay bar, waiter wanted to know if he could push in my stool..... said no am ok , what a nice gentle person

>> No.16756473

all those guys with helmets in a little box getting ready to die for _____.

>> No.16756477

Yes now imagine what it can do to your stomach etc

>> No.16756983

You don't have to get into them if you don't like them friend.
If you really want to tho, different mushrooms have different textures and dried mushrooms are
much better (not mushy -which is what people don't like about fresh mushrooms-)

>> No.16757376

>If you take a fruit of a tree it's gonna die
Based retard doesn't understand how plants work

>> No.16757384

What mental illness is this?

>> No.16757393

What did the mushroom say to the door when he left?

Nothing. Not a fucking thing. Not a single fucking word did he say, that motherfucker, not even "bye". What a fucker.

>> No.16757481

Can't eat mushrooms as they aren't plants and obviously nor are they an animal.

Can't eat shrimp either since they're literally cockroaches that live underwater.

>> No.16758038

It's too late you can't run from them it's useless it will outrun you there's no escape they are inside me already I can feel them moving inside me they will take control if I let them

>> No.16758071

a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is considered mentally ill

>> No.16758090

Like our government treating us like mushrooms, keep us in the dark and feed us bull shit.

>> No.16758335

Another soldier lost to them (shrooms). Let this be a lesson to all of you: don't eat the shrooms. (They) will take over your body. They control stuff like that.

>> No.16758392
File: 48 KB, 600x450, Boletus frostii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boletes are cool.
Here are some more cool boletes.

>> No.16758400
File: 41 KB, 389x425, Boletus fraternis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16758403
File: 100 KB, 708x590, Strobilomyces floccopus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16758407
File: 322 KB, 1500x1000, Boletus satanus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16758413
File: 69 KB, 599x397, Aureoboletus auriflammeus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16758419
File: 31 KB, 541x414, Pulveroboletus ravenelli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16758540

Fungal hands typed this post

>> No.16758556

Imagine eating this unirronically
you're too far gone. The mushrooms have taken over. Using as some sort of swinger club for fungi sex. What a way to go out

>> No.16758659


>> No.16758663


>> No.16760127
File: 62 KB, 360x491, Hericium americanum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come, anon
lay down your arms
it is not too late for my mercy

>> No.16760171

plants are animals too dude

>> No.16760192

shittake mushroomz

>> No.16760198

this thread is property of lichen gang

>> No.16760253


>> No.16760265


>> No.16760367
File: 127 KB, 800x600, Phallus hadriani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lichen are just symbiotic colonies of cyanobactera and fungus
fungalbros cannot stop winning
>captcha: mw ass