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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16754501 No.16754501 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16754506

Next year: Whoops it is, that study was wrong!

Don't really trust these anymore.

>> No.16754508

k :)

I like you, friend.

>> No.16754512


the news loves this communism


I swear being a journalist is the equivalent of being an amateur sex worker and takes less effort

>> No.16754513

You don't know what communism is

>> No.16754520


Good for me

>> No.16754521

the truth is that we don't really fucking know because a lot of this shit is new and it takes a long ass while to figure out what kills someone slowly. we can clearly say "METH AND HEROIN BAD" but what about someone that eats eggs three times a week?

>> No.16754522

"Journalists" basically need to shit out a constant stream of crap articles every day to make themselves seem legitimate. There honestly needs to be a different term to distinguish these people and the teleprompt readers from those who actually report on real news.

>> No.16754523

All carbs are bad for you. Don't listen to the carb addicted fatties who argue otherwise.

>> No.16754538

When I was growing up, my mom used muscovado sugar for everything because she thought it was healthier.

>> No.16754543

>caring what a paid mouthpiece for various powerful lobbies says

>> No.16754547

Did the paramedics have to cut the side of your house out to get your mom and the couch she was stuck to out of the house so they could transport her to the hospital and a rollback tow truck?

>> No.16754553

So, it's not bad for you unless you consume like 4 pounds of it per week? Good to know, I'll continue to consume moderate amounts of cane sugar, be it refined or brown, as normal. Thanks for the heads up OP.

>> No.16754561

No, she's not American.

>> No.16754570

Shut up.

>> No.16754573

Don't worry, I'm sure your dad is.

>> No.16754574

I didn't even know it was supposed to be healthier. I thought the taste difference was the main purpose.

>> No.16754589

that's true
most brown sugar on the market is just refined white sugar with a bit of molasses added.
not that there's anything wrong with refined white sugar.
the added elements in brown sugar (minerals like potassium, magnesium, etc...) are present in negligible quantities anyway.
in short, use brown sugar if you prefer the taste, not because it's "healthier".

>> No.16754599

meat has carbs from glycogen unless it's aged

>> No.16754602

>Next year: Whoops it is, that study was wrong!
Wow, and I was so sure pure sugar was less healthy than pure sugar + impurities.
Guess it pays to be a contrarian cunt, huh?

>> No.16754604
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>not that there's anything wrong with refined white sugar.

>> No.16754608

>real news.
OK, Donald, let's get you your meds, a cheeseburger, and then it's off to bed, mmmK?

>> No.16754618

>unless you consume like 4 pounds of it per week?
Weird coincidence. I just got 24 pounds of pure white sugar from Amazon today.

>> No.16754621

He's been out of office for over 9 months now and he's still in your head.

>> No.16754625

p.s. I also recently got $70 worth of mayo, and could barely lift the box.

>> No.16754627

Fuck dude Donald be living in your head rent free still, I suggest dilating then kys

>> No.16754633 [DELETED] 

He's still in the news, white nigger.
And tell me you don't remember celebs from last year?
Especially ones that tried to overthrow the government?

>> No.16754640


>> No.16754648


>> No.16754675

Sugar is healthy. Theres no such thing as bad carbs.

>> No.16754690
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>t. triggered cvckboi incel
Rent free

>> No.16754691

We would literally die if we didn't have carbs. You like that roof over your head and all the amenities of modern life? If we hadn't switched to a grain based diet you never would have had it. You probably wouldn't even be alive

>> No.16754700

The fuck? That can't be more than like 10 to 15 gallons worth. How week are you?

>> No.16754708

Another racist Biden supporter banned. Kek

>> No.16754883
File: 16 KB, 355x309, sugarfree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obese cope

I eat no sugar, post abs faggot

>> No.16754914

It's not about being "better". It's literally about how it tastes. Raw sugar still has the molasses in it, so it's got a more defined and distinct flavor other than "sweet". I also like how it barely dissolves in my iced tea, so I can enjoy a nice gradient from almost unsweetened, to syrupy sweet as I reach the bottom of my glass. Best of both worlds.

>> No.16754979

You would call them investigative journalists I suppose, but hardly anyone will pay for that in-depth work any more. Why bother when you can lazily repackage a dozen trivia articles a day into just enough filler content to make the ads go down easy.

>> No.16755012

not only is it NOT better for you there is no such thing as raw sugar, well except if you're sucking on a piece of sugar cane, or a sugar beet.

>> No.16755056

refined sugar, honey, agave, maple syrup are all terrible for you, we did not evolve the ability to eat large quantities of it, humans would have very limited access and might eat something sweet only for a few days out of the year.


>> No.16755078
File: 15 KB, 349x267, grahamchapman17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>?<a href="http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-80524660/stock-photo-healthy-cane-sugar-on-old-wooden-spoon.hmtl?src=12C7MOXdZc71-VjPk2XbEA-1-1" target="_blank">Atelier_A</a>/Shutterstock

>> No.16755086

These are the people telling you to learn to code.

>> No.16755087
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>> No.16755099

yeah and at about the age of 2 you are supposed to no longer be able to digest lactose. but humans have a defective gene that allows them to digest it long past when they should not.

sugar is not a normal food for people to eat.
but don't let me get in the way of what your chimp brain wants.

>> No.16755101 [DELETED] 

even more nonsense

>> No.16755106
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the hadza are in the stone age, make of that what you want.
if you eat meat as fresh kill you also consume the animals bloodsugar and glycogen store, quite sweet, but you wouldnt know, never ate a fresh liver in his live probably.

>> No.16755114

and for the monke argument, if you take the time and look at the body with the brain/body ratio that comes closest to the human brain body ratio... guess what he eats all day?
fruit and protein from bugs. the occiasional leaf, but alot of fruit if he can. because high brain mass requires high energy and nutrient dense foods.

>> No.16755142

Literally everyone can digest lactose. Theres no such thing as lactose intolerant theres only retarded brainwashed idiots who think they are allergic to lactose all of a sudden.

People for some reason think sugar is the thing that is bad for health and not all the toxins they put in the food containing the sugar. Its like putting sugar into a bottle of bleach and blame the sugar as the poison.
No such thing as bad sugar or bad carbs

>> No.16755146

But "raw" honey is fine, right?

>> No.16755159

Calm down Alex Jones

>> No.16755161

Uninstall 4chan, man.

>> No.16755173

terminally deluded

>> No.16755182

literal retard.

>> No.16755186

why do people eat so much sugar. i don't eat it at all and don't miss it at all

>> No.16755188

Holy fuck you're stupid. Never post or share you opinion again retard. Goddamn you make me want to kill myself knowing you're allegedly the same species as me. You must be one of those defective smoothbrains. Fucking dipshit.

>> No.16755193

Name a high carb food.

>> No.16755203


>> No.16755205

Why is /ck/ such a brainlet board?

>> No.16755225

Cats and dogs crave meat. Its apparently animal cruelty not to feed them meat. Humans crave sugar and diary but apparantly thats unhealthy for humans. I guess humans are the only one who should eat things they don't like..

Makes sense to brainwashed clowns like you i guess

>> No.16755296

Sugar was much more rare then at least in large quantities unless you were lucky enough to find a beehive or it's was Autumn and you were carb loading on fruits. Sugar is also a good preservative. So yeah our ape brains crave it like drugs because it is calorie dense. Our bodies haven't adapted as quickly as our technological abilities have. We are actually too successful in that regard.

>> No.16755419

Sugar is a rare and valuable resource in the wild, mans instincts are not adapted to the American obsession with corn syrup.

>> No.16755773

>crave it like drugs because it is calorie dense.
Ive heard it compared to cocaine in how it lights up the reward center in the brain but i dont think it has anything to do woth caloric density because fat is more than twice as calories but doesnt produce tbis same effect.

>> No.16755785

Which sugar company paid for this study?

>> No.16755789

Probably none of them considering they were trying to sell less-processed sugar at a boutique markup.

>> No.16755822

Yeah it gives you a dopamine hit when you eat sugar and brain plasticity will cause you to crave it more the more you eat it. So we probably crave it even more than they did also the brain is probably acting selfishly since it requires glucose to function. But because of that Neuroplasticity eating fat frequently can trigger the dopamine release

>> No.16755828

>trusting expert testimonials instead of at bare minimum double blind studies

>> No.16755891

>double blind studies
The only studies of this kind get the "wrong" result and are buried and or ignored.

>> No.16755897

What a shocker, sucrose is still sucrose regardless of the form its in.

>> No.16755926

Seeing as were in a post truth climate, that's a good thing. Emotional articles are what fuel decisions, and we should play into that as much as possible.

>> No.16755941

>excessive amounts of sugar in literally any form is bad

Wow what an amazing discovery, can't wait to hear the upcoming scientific consensus on how wet water actually is

>> No.16756317

We can see hunter-gatherers today eating 50g of sugar from honey every single day. Some will even say it's their favorite food. Some have been seen eating up to 250g of sugar from honey in a single day. Of course that doesn't mean it always happened in the past during our entire evolution, but since honey is an easy way to get a lot of calories and it's still possible to find large amounts of honey without farming it still probably wasn't that rare.

>> No.16756329

I've never heard anyone refer to raw sugar as healthier. Just better tasting

>> No.16756499

Nip/Tuck is a good show, I agree anon.

>> No.16756567
File: 1.32 MB, 1615x3024, 980A82A5-94ED-4A1F-9C7A-240C06008861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raw sugar fuck yeah!

This also means you guys have to stop being dickfaced assholes about my pink salt.
See pic.
It literally says on the bag:
>endless health benefits
>season your food, detoxify your skin, stay hydrated
>84, that’s EIGHTY-MOTHERFUCKING-FOUR, trace minerals
>that fuckton of minerals will “improve sleep” and “flush toxins”.

Suck my balls, you toxin-filled sleepless assholes.

>> No.16756657

>ignorance is actually... LE GOOD

>> No.16756662

Pure sugar + other nutrients, you mean.

>> No.16756868


>> No.16756878

cats and dogs need meat. What they crave is also carbs. Thats why despite craving something they need like meat, they get by on meat flavored wheat/corn crunch. Kibble is also bad for cats and dogs but they still get it shoveled at them because they like it. Cats and dogs raised on kibble often have to be reintroduced to meat slowly because they plain do not like it

>> No.16756882


>> No.16756885

no fuck you asshole!!

>> No.16756919

Yes, let us embrace the degeneracy of the modern age. Hopefully the next generation does do even more than us.
Are you even aware what kind of path your mindset puts us all on? Fucking lazy bastard.

>> No.16756922

Does so*

>> No.16756929

That bag makes me want to murder the people responsible in front of their families.

>> No.16757007

> eggs three times a week
Is... is that supposed to be a lot?
Excellent bait.
Yikes. Literally extracting the wealth of brown people's land for the sake of white consumption? This ain't it, sweaty.

>> No.16757011

Maybe try and understand how things affect the hormones in your digestive system

>> No.16757049

When the general problem is excess sugar intake causing obesity and diabetes then having negligible other nutrients isn't really helping. It's not even comparable to whole fruits.

>> No.16757072

It's obvious that macronutritionally sugar is sugar. The question is do various forms of sugar, like raw, agave, maple, honey, etc. have enough micronutrients to be somewhat worth using.

>> No.16757166

kek I wasn’t aware /pol/ users were allowed on /ck/

>> No.16757378

>Having to apologize to stupid fat americans

>> No.16757426

Yeah, sugar is bullshit at any rate, save a bit from fruit.

>> No.16757440

The be entirely fair, neither does pretty much any person who advocates in favor of communism, so what's the problem?

>> No.16758041

90% of the posters here don’t cook and just consumes garbage fastfood. It’s literally the fatfu/ck/ board.
The boards with the lowest knowledge barriers to entry are often the worst, you see this with /tv/, /pol/, /v/. Easy to post because it’s easy to consume some form of film/tv/games, and have opinions on politics and there’s no real gatekeeping effort that /mu/ or /lit/ have.

>> No.16758059

what the fuck is the matter with you posters? do you have to shit up every single board dragging your obsession into everything?

>> No.16758064
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>> No.16758076

>The be entirely fair, neither does pretty much any person who advocates in favor of communism, so what's the problem?
Having grown up in communist countries, I realized white people actually believe in the propaganda meant to control the population. All communist countries are in effect, really just military supported dictatorships at its foundation.

>> No.16758236
File: 136 KB, 936x1261, 227085292_379780303607902_8971463478508394495_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white people actually believe in the propaganda meant to control the population

Those tend just to be your cucked urban and coastal whites.

>> No.16758440

we do know whats bad, the first medically recorded heart attack came 2 years after the introduction of vegetable oil. till then what we know as heart disease was fucking rare.

>> No.16758451

we crave them because they are high in energy, however we don't live active lives where we burn 4000-5000 calories a day working anymore, we live sedentary lives that require barely more then passive living (around 1500 for women 2000 for men) calories to maintain.

>> No.16758523
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I usually don't have sugar or any sweetener at home, but when I do, it's muscovado, I don't even care if it's healthy, I like the taste.

>> No.16758534

incredibly stupid post

>> No.16758544

And the proof is?
A misunderstanding of the science.

>> No.16758550
File: 93 KB, 645x729, 0F1A6613-2033-4AE3-B440-CA3E72BE3A01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based retard

>> No.16758552

O/ is pretty shit too. Most of them don't even own a car let alone understand anything about em. 90% of the advice given there is either simply wrong or as bad as backward.

>> No.16758559

Coastie here. It's just the cities. You've obviously never left the cities if you ever visited so stfu

>> No.16758584

is that ellen page

>> No.16758630

show me a medically identifiable heart attack that came before

>> No.16758737

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.

>> No.16759194

All sugar is bad. When will retards stop pretending it isn't?


>> No.16759198

The science is settled. But science changes.

>> No.16759234
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The funniest thing is that you get people saying no one has tried Communism before, which is true since no one bothered to mention what an actually communist society would look like and communist governments are always just trying to skip through capitalism as fast as possible before they fuck up and have it explode in their faces. But the people who say no one has tried Communism usually don't even know that and certainly dont understand why these states fail. Watching communists not understand communism has become a hobby of mine, it's a fucking circus.

>> No.16759239

so is a dick in your ass but it doesnt stop you

>> No.16759240

Okay fatty

>> No.16759246

China is the most powerful nation in history. Surpassing Stalin's Soviet Union.

>> No.16759297

everyone is unhappy there

>> No.16759321

i trust my gut
i dont eat a lot of sugar but if i'm going to it'll be less refined
simple as

>> No.16759340


>> No.16759352


>> No.16759357

Everyone is unhappy everywhere. Who cares? it's the norm now

>> No.16759381

Show me when you think vegetable oil was introduced.

>> No.16759389

How retarded do you have to be to think that "raw sugar" is healthy?

The problem with refined sugar is eating to much and having a negative impact on your blood sugar and caloric surplus. Whether it is slightly less refined makes no difference.

>> No.16759390

Are you paid to say that, Chang, or do you really believe it?

>> No.16759436

No, it's my abs from not eating sugar, faggot.

>> No.16759623

>All carbs are bad for you.
And yes, that includes fiber.

>> No.16759644

>getting a measurable amount of nutrition from raw sugar
how fat are you

>> No.16759685

Fiber is a marketing meme

>> No.16759702

Trust studies that are backed by studies. Not headlines based on preliminary results of studies.

>> No.16760207


wrong the ability to digest lactose after the age of 2 is a genetic defect.

also lead

>> No.16760258

Is your sugar racist? Facts checked or debonked?

>> No.16760284

>also lead
Didn’t you read the bag?
It clearly explains that it “flushes out toxins”.
Giving you lead is the literal opposite of that.

>> No.16760382

true facts: sugar is garbage
true facts: molasses is the best
true facts:
liberals/democrats/socialists/communists/marxists/leftists/globalists/satanists = the same people