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File: 49 KB, 500x500, ket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16752864 No.16752864 [Reply] [Original]

What's your excuse for not having a glass kettle?

>> No.16752868

I have a steel one

>> No.16752882

Because I have a microwave

>> No.16752887

what's a good electric kettle without plastic? I've come to the conclusion that I don't want to boil my water in plastic, but it seems like most of them have at least some plastic element that comes in contact with the water

>> No.16752890

Steel stovetop kettle

>> No.16752898

yank detected

>> No.16752900

There was no 2L (67 oz?) glass kettle with a setting for temperature. So now I have stainless steel.

>> No.16752931

I had one, it broke two days ago.

>> No.16752950

I have one but a stovetop kettle would in hindsight be a bit better.

>> No.16752952

The high mineral content in my local water source leaves stains

>> No.16752964

You're supposed to decalcify them every now and then

>> No.16752996

Mine's made of diamond.

>> No.16753000

the plastic lid desu

>> No.16753002

Haven't had a microwave in years. The most useless appliance I can think of

>> No.16753007

They're ugly

>> No.16753035

>I don't use X, therefore X SUCKS AND IS OBJECTIVELY BAD

>> No.16753039

Take a look in the mirror

>> No.16753047

Anyone I know who cooks barely touches theirs. I didn't even realize it was missing at my new place until 6 months in. The only thing I want it for sometimes is quick heating a potato

>> No.16753054

The only use I have ever gotten out of a microwave was to heat up a bowl of soup or some liquid.
Not a fan of microwaves, imo it is the most useless kitchen appliance in a fully functioning kitchen.

>> No.16753064
File: 360 KB, 1024x768, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even on soft water, you have to clean the kettle out with citric acid now and then. Every little bit of mineral builds up over time.

consider a water softener while you're at it.

>> No.16753087

I use half vinegar and half water and boil it. Works fine

>> No.16753104

whats the benefit of a glass kettle?

>> No.16753108

Why use an entire bottle of vinegar when a teaspoon of citric acid does the job better?

>> No.16753115

I do have one. Drinking some green tea atm. #livingmybestlifeyaasqueen

>> No.16753221

Most of them? Where did the plastic kettle meme come from? I've never seen anyone using an electric kettle where any of the parts touching the water were plastic, it's always steel or glass even in the cheap Walmart shit

>> No.16753225

Makes a better noise when you chuck it on the floor

>> No.16753229

1. You don't have citric acid at home
2. You're a little bitch that is scared of accidentally inhaling citric acid
3. You're an idiot that is incapable of proper hygiene so you rub citric acid leftovers from your hands in your eyes
4. You're really, REALLY into vinegar smell

Can't think of any other reasons

>> No.16753275
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>You don't have citric acid at home
It's literally right there in the grocery store, what's your excuse?

>> No.16753284

Who said anything about an entire bottle?
My water boiler heats from a flat element at the bottom. It takes very little vinegar/water mix to cover it.
Plus a quart of vinegar is like fifty cents and when I'm done decalcifying the boiler with it I can use it on the sink in the bathroom or the toilet or something.

>> No.16753305

>My water boiler heats from a flat element at the bottom. It takes very little vinegar/water mix to cover it.
You still have to clean the limescale buildup on the walls of the kettle, genius.

>> No.16753312

Can't say I've ever noticed any.
I don't know why I bother arguing this with you. I don't give a shit what you do with your kettle.

>> No.16753314

Damn, and imagine all that shit is going in your lungs

>> No.16753320

I can't cure your blindness over the internet senpai, dunno what you want me to do about it.

>> No.16753325






>> No.16753338

I don't have to do shit I don't have to do what you tell me and I will touch the hot coils and feel the crystals and radiate in their power. I put the pepsi in the kettle and boil it down you say don't hold the switch on but I do it's just a pepsi

>> No.16753341

Learn to use it properly and you can more easily:
Reheat leftovers
steam vegetables
temper chocolate
even Paul Bocuse used microwaves.

>> No.16753371

Or, I can just use an oven/stovetop instead of taking up counter space and wasting money

>> No.16753387

steaming veg in a microwave opens up a hob.

>> No.16753395

I got memed into buying a soyboy gooseneck kettle for faggy pourovers that turned out to be pointless because the aeropress makes better coffee every time.

>> No.16753396

Why steam when I can roast or pan fry

>> No.16753463

Not him but no stores in my area carry it, I've checked literally every one. Had to order it online.

>> No.16753497

if you don't have a walmart then you're in a shit town.

>> No.16753506

How fat are you?

>> No.16753527
File: 250 KB, 1800x1201, Ottoni fabbrica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your excuse for not having a glass kettle?
Because I don't want my water to be in contact with plastic.

>> No.16753539

I'm 180 at 5'10". Be more active

>> No.16753652

I'm straight

>> No.16754297

I have a Walmart, but I don't know how to explain to you that different Walmarts stock different things

>> No.16754323

You're fucking dumb. it's a common item.
It's like saying "my walmart doesn't stock salt"

fuck off

>> No.16754329

>it's a common item.
It's really not

>> No.16754330

None. I own one. Love me some teas and shit.

>> No.16754362

Do dumb Americans really?

>> No.16754404

I have a metal one and I don't need two

>> No.16754407

I don't breath water faggot

>> No.16754425

Had one, instantly looks like shit even with the slightest amount of calcium in the water.

>> No.16754971
File: 171 KB, 513x542, gooseneck kettle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't make gooseneck glass kettles. I don't just drink tea, I also make pour-over coffee.

>> No.16754977
File: 128 KB, 1497x1500, 71nZ9f6aHHL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do though.

>> No.16755111

frying pan or oven for every leftover? exhausting

>> No.16755120

They make my dick too hungry

>> No.16755150

Are you all retarded or something? Am I the only person on the board that just uses a stovetop kettle like a real human and not some faggy """artisanal"""" glass pot that I have to plug in but it's better because I can avoid muh toxins and shit? Fuck off.
People have for a hundred years just filled up a kettle with their nearest water source, boiled it when needed and refilled only when the level got too low. If it worked for my grandad who fought the Japs on Iwo, it's good enough for me.

>> No.16755168

fucking based

>> No.16755231

it does a worse job of boiling water since the glass has to heat up too. since all these were made to do is boil water, why buy a slower one? no glass goosenecks either.

>> No.16755241

i'd break the fucking thing

>> No.16755321

Do you post this same thing often in kettle threads? I can’t imagine there’s a large number of people so paranoid about their water contacting any form of plastic or polymer.

Sorry, but you’re out of luck. Basically any and every electric kettle at least has a plastic component which will briefly touch your water when you pour it; even if it’s otherwise stainless or glass, plastic will usually form part of the lid, or part of the hinge mechanism with a hinged lid, and is most likely what the filter thing by the spout will be made of aside from the metal mesh (if the kettle has one).

>Where did the plastic kettle meme come from?
You’d be surprised. With any non-luxury hotel I’ve stayed at in Japan, more often than not the kettle in my room was entirely plastic aside from the metal heating element.

>> No.16755350

The American electrical grid and most houses built before the turn if the century aren't up to code for actually running an electric kettle and people regularly complain that they trip the fuse box.

However, if you are in a modern building then there is literally no excuse not to have one.

>> No.16755510

Even in modern houses this can be a problem. My house was built in 2004 and running my microwave & electric kettle at the same time trips the fuse box.

>> No.16755526
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my ex took it

>> No.16755605

Mang listen, I know it's boomer tier to say shit like this but it's true. My granddad was a nearly 18 year old high school senior when Pearl Harbor happened, and only waited to enlist because his father figure told him he wouldn't sign off until he had a degree. June 1941 and he was in the USMC 4th division training.
This man was a literal wire runner in Pacific Island hellsscapes for four years, including Iwo Jima, Guam and Saipan among others. Imagine running in uncleared enemy territory to lay cord for a shoddy walkie talkie and just praying you didn't get gored by some Jap faggot. I can't but holy shit is it amazing to me still.
So I live under the idea that if my granddad who was raised in boarding schools until 10 and didn't know his father until much later, and who was raised by his aunt and uncle, who still felt enough faith in his nation to want to give up his life for it, found it good enough than so can I, his shamed mixed race, fat, weeb descendant

>> No.16755609

I hardly have leftovers unless it's stew or chili or something which I heat back up in big batches for dinner the next night anyway

>> No.16755659


>> No.16755726

Every single electric kettle I've ever even considered buying was 100% steel in every place that was even close to touching the water. You can get them for like $20 all over the place, what the fuck is wrong with Japan.

>> No.16755782
File: 148 KB, 800x789, 1618656715520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you all retarded or something? Am I the only person on the board that just uses a stovetop kettle like a real human and not some faggy """artisanal"""" glass pot that I have to plug in but it's better because I can avoid muh toxins and shit? Fuck off.
>People have for a hundred years just filled up a kettle with their nearest water source, boiled it when needed and refilled only when the level got too low. If it worked for my grandad who fought the Japs on Iwo, it's good enough for me.

>> No.16757074

Last glass kettle I had started leaking.
They have a seal between the wall and heating element and it's prone to giving out.