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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16746960 No.16746960 [Reply] [Original]


when was the last time you made a pot roast?

>> No.16746970

Last month.

>> No.16746974

not enough people have the patience to make a roast anymore..

>> No.16746975
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June 14th according to my phone

>> No.16747002

Donald Trump's birthday

>> No.16747013

I have never made one and I'm 35 years old.

>> No.16747016

rent free

>> No.16747019

I make them in crock pot. Ez Breezy

>> No.16747022
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my mom makes one almost every week

>> No.16747057

November of last year

>> No.16747099


>> No.16747129

How does it take patience to cook one of the easiest things to cook have you been reading lies in New Yorker again?

>> No.16747133

Last winter, I consider pot roast to be a cold weather dish.

>> No.16747142

A while. I buy a quarter steer at a time, and I think I only have three stew cuts left. But you've inspired me.

>> No.16747146

luv me roast
luv me mash
luv carrot
simple as

>> No.16747163

Not quite, it's my birthday as well but I thought that bit of trivia might be a bit dull to yer ears

>> No.16747474


>> No.16748240
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I don’t have the patience to, forgive me

>> No.16748260

like two weekends ago.

>> No.16748261

Last night but I also added celery

>> No.16748379
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quite some time ago. I mainly eat them when it's cold

>> No.16748398
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I cook stuff like that a lot during the cold months.
Not really a Summer dish.

>> No.16748408

Agreed. The whole house ends up quite warm in the process

>> No.16748410

Bout a month ago. Probably should do that again.

>> No.16748734

a couple years ago. i don't really eat red meat anymore because it makes my stomach hurt. i still do roasted chickens every couple months though

>> No.16748743
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like 4-5 months ago.

I don't generally do that kind of dish in the summer.

I picked up a nice looking chuck roast the other day though, so I might do one in the next few days.

>> No.16748767

My mom made it last week

>> No.16748784

>this op format

fuck off schizo

>> No.16748820

Don't usually roast that much since it's hot out still, but I had a roast last night.
When people ask me what white people food is, this is what I tell them.

>> No.16748828

Patience? You chop up some veggies and throw them in a crock pot or dutch oven with some roast then make gravy out of the broth. It's one of the first meals I learned how to make.

>> No.16748886

Same, last month over a cold weekend

Was delicious

>> No.16748969

this thread is for people who enjoy the simple pleasure of roasted meats and vegatables

>> No.16748989

I've never made a pot roast only normal roasts.

>> No.16749056

I like going over to moms for this. Sometimes I put one on before I got to work and set it for 12 hours. It just tastes like home.

>> No.16749110

No one makes them because they're not cooking for a family of 5 and investing in a massive cut of meat.

>> No.16749119


>> No.16749768
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Last winter, it's been too warm to have the oven in all day for months, but soon I can again.

>> No.16749774

It's my favorite food I make it all the time

>> No.16749796

Yesterday for real

>> No.16749807

Today is sunday. You should have waited and made it today. Like G-d intended.

>> No.16749822

3 days ago. It's one of my favorite meals. also cheap and super easy to make.

>> No.16750100

You're probably right, because I can't top it. Out of ideas tonight.

>> No.16750157

How is remembering our president's birthday a bad thing?

>> No.16750318

Over the fall and winter I make a 4 pound roast every week and get 5 dinners out of it.

>> No.16750705

What's your go-to slow cooker roast recipe?

>> No.16751337
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How do I make a nice roast with vegetables? What kind of meat? How do I do it?
Tell me because I’ve never done it before.

>> No.16751353

Best part about working from home. I can do a slow roast 5 days a week if I want.

>> No.16751378

Does anybody eat butter and drink milk anymore?

all the kids are falling for the margarine scam. Nobody wants to eat real food anymore

>> No.16751386

I haven't roasted ever since I got a smoker.

>> No.16751436
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what's that called? Doesn't look like a normal pot roast, gib recipe.

>> No.16751452

Love a good pot roast.

>> No.16751499

Just about any big chunk of meat will make a nice roast.
Beef Eye, pork loin, and whole chicken all make for excellent roasts and are very affordable. My favorite is lamb, but it's expensive and hard to come by. Whatever meat you choose, rub and season it generously.
In the case of pork and beef, it's recommended that you sear the cuts on all sides prior to roasting so that they maintain moisture. Lightly browning the outsides will do the trick.

For the vegetable bed, feel free to get creative. I usually go with carrots, broccoli, yellow squash, mushrooms, and onions.
Potatoes are also a good choice, but I personally don't care for them.
Whatever dish you cook it in, pour a small bit of liquid on the bottom to help cook the vegetables. Wine or light beer are good options here.
For additional seasonings, I'm a fan of rosemary, coriander, bay leaves, and garlic. With salt and pepper of course. Lemon is also a nice choice.
Times will vary based on whatever meat you choose, but expect 3-5 hours at 350F.

In short:
-Pick a fat piece of meat that'll fit in your dish.
-Sear it.
-Choose whatever vegetables you want
-Add your spices
-Add some liquid
-Put your meat on top of the vegetables
-Cook the bitch

>> No.16751506

Thanks anon
Do I put the spices on the meat or just sprinkle them over top of everything?

>> No.16751517

I make roasts almost every week. Hubs luvs em.
Best is lamb imho, nothing like a good leg of lamb or shoulder cut.

>> No.16751531

Pot roast is what made me realize that cooking a single, big piece of meat makes no sense at all. You're better off with smaller, flatter pieces of meat that cook faster and have more surface area (and therefore more seasoning).

>> No.16751532

You'll want to spice your meat before you sear it.
Rosemary, garlic, salt, and pepper are good for this step.
Larger spices, like the coriander and bay leaves, only go into the pot. But add some extra garlic, rosemary, etc at this point so that the vegetables get some.

>> No.16751543
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It's just been cut into ~1.5" cubes and seared before being slow cooked.

Then at the end I remove the lid of my dutch oven and turn the heat up by ~50-75f and let the top crisp up a bit to finish it.

It's just chuck roast cubed, shallots, half a bottle of red wine (reduced by half before adding stock), thyme, rosemary, and sage, and chicken stock. Then after ~90-120 minutes in the oven at 350f I add cut up carrots and potatoes for a final 60-90 minutes (before uncovering for a final 15-25 minutes at 400-425f)

Really easy to do, just a little time-consuming.

It's the same recipe for my braised chicken thighs as well, but instead of using red wine I use white wine (pic related).

>> No.16751556

Fact: more men now wear bracelets than eat stew.

>> No.16751560

i prefer tobacco roast to pot roast

>> No.16751562


>> No.16751569

better wear bracelets and not eat stew then wear stew and not eat bracelets!!! ha!

>> No.16751578
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OK, I've never made an actual roast like that since I've never used stock other than consomme/chicken powder. And the only time I used red wine in cooking it was way too strong. I'll try it later, no dutch oven but I have a slow cooker that I've used for birria and cholent

>> No.16751601

I could just leave the roast whole, but I prefer cut into cubes and seared on all sides so everyone can get a few nicely seared chunks.

When you just cook the whole roast as-is usually you get some nice seared edge bits, but a lot of the middle ends up not being as delicious because it's only seared on 2 sides (top and bottom).

So cutting into cubes just gives a lot more surface area for searing.

>> No.16751670


>> No.16752578


>> No.16752641

last month

>> No.16752664

Does making a roast pork shoulder in the same style as beef pot roast count? If so, just last month. If not, it's been a few years. I don't want to pay beef prices for a dish like pot roast.

>> No.16752674

Of course it counts, how do you play?
Big piece of meat in a roastingpot. Good enough for me.

>> No.16752690

I do it in the crock pot with quartered red potatoes, carrot, celery, garlic powder, onion powder, 2 tablespoons of gochujang, about a quarter cup of soy sauce, a good sized dollop of hoisin sauce, 4 beef stock cubes, and just enough water to cover.

>> No.16752695

Never, because I've been vegan since I was nine (9) years old.

>> No.16752699

Pot roasts and stews would be the roughest thing to give up if I were to go vegan.
They're all coming out with fake hamburger patties, but I really don't think they can fake a nice stew meat.

>> No.16752720
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No you libtard it's because of smart phones and the rap music turning the boys into girls, why there oughtta be a law

>> No.16752727

Seitan can work pretty well.

>> No.16752742
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And yet you call this a pot roast despite the fact that it is obviously hamburgers

>> No.16752748

luv taters in my roast
luv parsnips
luv mushrooms
luv onions when they get dark and caramelize
luv sweet patoters

>> No.16752881

I celebrate it too.

>> No.16752888


>> No.16752894

Yeah, the law says that I get to have them while they're still twinks.

>> No.16752906

literally last week, used the leftovers to make quesadillas

>> No.16752982

Not my president

>> No.16753286

Like 2 weeks ago and shit was amazing. One of my favorite meals. I use sweet potatoes in my roast.

>> No.16753297

That looks fucking tasty anon

>> No.16753301

Maybe 3 weeks ago. I usually make it every time I go to costco since they have really good chuck roast.

>> No.16753331

Get behind me

>> No.16753567

It was fucking amazing, a neighbor of mine always wants some when he sees I'm making it. I want an air fryer to really make the meat better though.

>> No.16753602
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>tfw mum used to make us a roast every Sunday
>made me roast beef and potato sandwiches with the leftovers for school on Monday
>never got fat
>her desserts were god-tier
>love British food to this day

>> No.16753610
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I'm thinking it's time for a roast.

>> No.16753817
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To add to this anons great writeup. Adding some tomato paste to the pan after searing then letting it cook for a little before deglazing with whatever liquid you are using adds a lot of flavor

>> No.16753832

I make boeuf bourguignon every 2-3 weeks, I'd say. Beef, onions, carrots, garlic, shallot, beef stock, wine, tomato paste, spices and seasonings, and a mushroom, pearl onion, and bacon topping to add at the very end. It takes forever to cook but the preparation itself is failproof and low-effort.

>> No.16753847

Last week, my grandparents were visiting and they really like it

>> No.16754112
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Its actually rainy today and this post got me craving pot roast so I'm going for it. Gonna put some turnips in too and see how that turns out

>> No.16754123

I've tried a couple times, it always comes out super bland no matter what seasoning I use or how much. The beef is always tasteless.

>> No.16754126

Quit smoking.

>> No.16754128

I don't smoke
I've managed to make some pretty great gravy and vegetables with chuck roasts but the seasoning just never penetrates the meat, or maybe it does and it all just runs out.

>> No.16754181

my mom made potroast and borscht every day for the first 20 years of my life, don't reckon i'll be preparing it at any point in my life.

>> No.16754186

oh and potato dumplings
still kinda like them for the texture tho

>> No.16754215

>when was the last time you made a pot roast?
A few months back.

>> No.16754273

20 years of eating it and you still can't spell it

>> No.16754354

years because I'm too poor to even eat a fairly decent meal

>> No.16754378

Beef is never bland. Doesn't matter what you do.

>> No.16754380

Like 2 weeks ago?
I do it about twice a month in a pressure cooker. Takes about 30 minutes to prep and 1 hour to cook.

>> No.16754531

Just finished making a pot roast will post new thread

>> No.16754822

That's bullshit, especially when you're talking about cooking a cut to death like a chuck roast

>> No.16754845

Not my problem.

>> No.16755315

The trick is red wine deglazing often in a dutch oven to get the fond up

>> No.16756660

Might as well be a vegetarian, faggot. You don't like meat, you need to change it to like it.