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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16740742 No.16740742 [Reply] [Original]

>The average total time spent in the drive-thru lane increased by more than 25 seconds from a year ago to 382 seconds. Compared with pre-pandemic times, that’s nearly a minute longer. Order accuracy dropped to 75% this year from 87% in 2020.
>Chick-fil-A topped the list for order accuracy, followed by Yum Brands’ Taco Bell. Arby’s, Carl’s Jr. and Restaurant Brands International’s Burger King all tied for third place.

How do we fix this?

>> No.16740750

Tougher immigration laws, and better basic education.

>> No.16740752

By making your own food.

>> No.16740755

Just order delivery like a normal person. If they fuck up, they send you more food

>> No.16740757

not enough lynchings, you gotta keep em on their toes

>> No.16740758

We start rounding up all the wagies (bartenders, servers, fast food workers) and we Just kill all of em. Replace with female robots. No more tips and drugs for them

>> No.16740760

Cut down the menu.

>> No.16740764


You're not doing shit, fatass

>> No.16740766

Stop clogging up the goddamn drive thru, fucking fatties.
I order on the app before I leave work. Get to the restaurant, park, go inside, pick up my order and leave. In and out in like 30 seconds, while I watch the fatties in their cars that haven't moved an inch.
Sometimes I can't even get into the parking lot because the drive thru fatties block the entrance from the street.
Everyone would be in and out quicker if they'd just order and pay on the goddamn apps. It's 2021, there is no fucking need to be talking into the drive thru speaker or paying with cash.

>> No.16740770

Vaccine passports. Get the chud OUT OF MY WAY

>> No.16740784


surely robots are genderless

>> No.16740789

Gender is something that only exists if you believe in it, so robots are whatever gender they want to be

>> No.16740814

>order accuracy dropped to 75%
literally how, don't they get a list telling them exactly what to make from a limited amount of options?

>> No.16740818

Its not that easy especially with the turnover rate of noobs

>> No.16740819

Less workers; higher workload.

>> No.16740861


>> No.16740884

Going to quote my own post because it's the actual solution.

>> No.16741023

In the past six months I have burned $60 driving away from places that asked me to go to the waiting bay when I ordered a standard item and there was nobody behind me. If I had so much time that I could afford the extra time it takes you to walk out the door and across the parking lot to my car I wouldn't be using the drive thru, assholes.

>> No.16741059

just shut the whole thing down and consider it a failure. No one wants to work those shitty jobs and people who eat there deserve to starve.

>> No.16741078

I've decided to become an irate bastard over this issue in the last year. If there's nobody behind me, I'll just stay there at the window because I know all they're trying to do is clear the order off the digital board so they don't get bad stats. If there is a line, I'll ask for a refund. Fuck 'em. If the guy behind me only ordered a fucking cone or a coffee, I'm not going to go sit in the parking lot for 10 minutes just so he can get his shit first. If I'm going through the drivethrough, it's because I'm there for "fast" food.

Ironically, it's the companies' dedication to monitoring and recording the service time stats that's lead to this bullshit. The worst of the worst is when you're eating in and they fucking clear your order from the board before it's ready and then they waste an extra five minutes fucking around because they forgot about it.

>> No.16741110
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I went to Wendys last friday and got the Big Bacon Cheddar... it took forever and they forgot the bacon. I should've got the bourban bacon cheeseburger. I'm going for a Big Hardee tonight.

>> No.16741161

i quit going to fast food places because zoomers literally get ever order wrong now i get 2 hamburgers NO CHEESE from mcdonalds every once in a while and the last 3 times its been with cheese or straight up plain hamburgers fuck zoomers they deserve their future bunch of brainless morons

>> No.16741173


>> No.16741217

I go in, order at the cash, and put my order before people waiting in line for 8 minutes. Better if I can order before I arrive via riual or w.e option.

>> No.16741346

>Ironically, it's the companies' dedication to monitoring and recording the service time stats that's lead to this bullshit.
It's less the recording itself, and more how the bean counters actually base actions and evaluations from that data:

I could go into a spiel about it, but if the relevant management doesn't see the forest for the trees and is not primarily concerned with the customer/employee experience of the stores, that data will just be used impotently more than not and create perverse incentives like you mentioned.

Actually correlating data with the reality being recorded and using it effectively is legitimately hard.

>> No.16741352


What's stopping you, muchacho? Fire the first bullet and kickstart the fourth industrial revolution you're craving.

>> No.16741355

not a zoomer but when I was working drivethru as a teenager when someone sounded super butthurt about their order like you screaming "NO CHEESE" I would 9/10 put the cheese on

>> No.16741360

>order accuracy is that low
Is this a thing that happens? I haven't had my order wrong in years at a fast food restaurant and I go about twice a month. I don't like in a diversified area though.

>> No.16741367

Lots of places already did that.

>> No.16741465
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I suggest using steralising drugs in the food. That way the low IQ clientele will be removed from the gene pool and after a generation the restaurant will close due to no new customers.

>> No.16741490

i ask politely like hambuger with no cheese please but zoomers are brain dead mongoloids with the attention span of a goldfish

>> No.16741496

how the fuck do they track this anyway? are all fast food restaurants supposed to report how often they get customers' orders wrong?

>> No.16741527

Kill those who order 20 burgers.

>> No.16741532

We need more immigration

>> No.16741662

I can't explain why but I blame online orders.

>> No.16741718

Well, that's why they put cheese on. You ask for an item that has no cheese by default and then use the word "cheese," which would be unnecessary if you weren't asking for cheese.

>> No.16741722

>How do we fix this?
Fart rape

>> No.16741802

Nailed it

>> No.16741808

>whatever gender we want them to be

>> No.16741814

Only go to Chick Fil A. That's what I do

>> No.16741826

You don't. They've learned they can keep the places understaffed and you junkies will still line up to get your fix.

>> No.16741889

fuck off wagie go fuck up more burgers you loser ass

>> No.16742135

Fuck off, globalist. I order through the drivethrough like a real human.

>> No.16742207

My guess is it's all the mobile apps that allow for custom orders. Customers go cray and add/remove things that they didn't know that they could change before. While it's great that people can customize their orders in newer ways, the problem is fast food placed aren't designed for accommodate a hundred custom orders an hour.

Plus, customers are dumb. They'll think that they added some other sauce than what they actually picked or will forget to remove something they don't like. Then they get upset that the restaurant followed the order they received from the mobile order.

>> No.16742226

>I order [...] like a real human
If you're not talking face-to-face with someone in the process of taking your order, you're not. Drivethroughs are already very dehumanized and impersonal.
You can dislike the app, but it's just the next step in that paradigm shift.

>> No.16742248

>If you're not talking face-to-face with someone in the process of taking your order, you're not.
You're assuming there's a real person behind whatever meatbag is talking to you. You're talking to a robot no matter what, just in different forms.

>> No.16742282

I assume I'm talking to a biological human when talking to a meatbag.
"Individual" or "person" is irrelevant subjectivity for such a fixed interaction as order-taking, even at a place with waiters/servers/etc. I'm pretty sure some people can gauge the measure of a man in the time it takes to place an order, but can't say that's me.

Keep in mind I don't care how people prefer to take orders in general, but drive-throughs and apps are a closer experience to one another than to more traditional ways. The key difference is the loss of the stilted, impersonal communication via voice.

>> No.16743302
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The people who rely on fast food have no other alternatives, and with labor getting more and more scarce, the payouts for giving a shit are just not high enough.

>> No.16743376

I'm so sick of the strain on society poor people are. They're dumb as fuck, lack basic skills in everything, and use up all of our tax money for free hand outs and they can't even do well at their shit minimum wage jobs.

I wish we just round up all of the poor class scum nad ended their miserable lives, they'd thank us for putting them out of their meaningless existence desu

>> No.16743405

Whenever I drive by a fast food chain it's packed and I can usually be see the same cars after shopping. People really wait 40 minutes for something that can be made cheaper vat home for less time.

>> No.16743410

Society would collapse without poor's doing the necessary basic labor

>> No.16743418

I'm fairly sure gorona has something to do with it.

>> No.16744453

Not really. We need to keep creating jobs just to keep them from being aimless. 90% of it could be done with many fewer people or no people at all

>> No.16744479

>people quit en masse
>everybody would rather stay on welfare than go back, even if it pays more
what a fucking mystery I wonder what is causing this

>> No.16744617

Maybe in your country, but there's billions of jobs needed around the world to make everything cheap so you can shitpost

>> No.16744626

Just use a web browser, that's all the 'app' is anyway. It's exactly the same as using the touch screen inside the building anyway.

This. They fired everyone then expect the people willing to come back for $9 would magically be good at their jobs.

>> No.16744718

>Chick-fil-A topped the list
Well, duh.

>> No.16745986

>stay on welfare than go back
Make 100$ more/week, but no:
food assistance
rental assistance

The markets finally catching up

>> No.16745996

paradigm shift this cock into your mouth you corpo slut

>> No.16746070

Redesign the menu in the form of a flow chart, with menu items organized vertically by price. It should read left to right in the order of Mains, Sides, Drinks, and Desserts.

>> No.16746075

And so are species or age

>> No.16746085

Half-correct. A better idea is tougher immigration ENFORCEMENT while opening up legal immigration. The lottery is fucking ridiculous. The rest of the world uses a merit system, including Canada/Scandi/whatever Euro countries that liberals say we need to be following.

The cycle of "the drive-thru never gets my order right" and "fast food workers don't deserve to be paid living wages" has to end to actually accomplish anything.
Do you want your order correct every time? Get better workers. Do you want better workers? Then you have to HIRE THEM and PAY THEM.

>> No.16746155

Or just have zero immigration and start deporting en masse to dediversify your country back to sanity.

>> No.16746460

>How do we fix this?
You can't. The increased time is due to the cognitive decline in the workers due to covid. You'll be able to measure the continuing effects of "long covid" and brain-fog by measuring drive-thru times over the next few years.

>> No.16746489

I've got a big hardy for you right here

>> No.16746549

an Autist Menu
you might be onto something

>> No.16746742

Good, they deserve it.

>> No.16746752

We are in the middle of a pandemic and people are advocating for indoor ordering.

>> No.16746757

So, send everyone who has zero native american blood back to whence they came? If you've got no native blood, you're an immigrant just the same.

>> No.16746783

>USA was founded by american indians

>> No.16746826

Close but you forgot the third leg of the stool. Getting women out of the workplace.

>> No.16746840

Native supremacists have to be the dumbest faggots I know of. The people who came here hundreds of years ago faced millions of acres of untamed wilderness and managed to build a nation out of it. The immigrants who come here now just go to the welfare office and collect their gibs.
And what have the Natives contributed? The fucking land?

>> No.16746842

The drive-thru always gets my order right. People need to stop ordering retarded bullshit. The drive-thru is not the place for tons of customizations.

>> No.16746923
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If you're using a drivethrough you're already complying with the way in which corporations have removed front-facing staff from the ordering experience.
If it wasn't for corporate pandering to car-bound commuters and the rise of delivery fast-food, stuff like automats would probably be the primary way to get fresh fast food, and those are even more impersonal than using an app.

>> No.16746926

Without illegals they would literally be unstaffed in every coastal state lol

>> No.16746930

Great idea, then China can thrash us even harder.

>> No.16746935

It's probably not the employees. Dumb fuckers are seeing the excess of unemployed people as meaning everyone as replaceable, so they're ending up with an insane turnover rate assuming there's always someone else for the job. The only problem is, there's never enough time for the new guy to get used to his position before you fire his ass and think there's someone who is a cookie-cutter fit again.

I'm not specifically referring to fast-food, but this is happening elsewhere. People are refusing to train or let people learn thinking that prior experience means that they will know everything about their business.

>> No.16746937

>get rid of foreign scabs
>companies are forced to increase wages to entice domestic workers or otherwise shut-down franchises in oversaturated areas
I don't see the problem.

>> No.16747084

>no mention of in n out for accuracy
I dont think they've ever fucked up my order before

>> No.16747090

how fat are you?

>> No.16747119

Not very, I just don't like sitting around in parking lots.

>> No.16747297

>The rest of the world uses a merit system, including Canada/Scandi/whatever Euro countries that liberals say we need to be following.
The only merit system Canada has, is that your uncle has to be a manager at McDonald's so you can be employed instantly, pop a kid out, and THEN be on welfare for the rest of your life.

>> No.16747332

>The drive-thru always gets my order right.
Not him, but that's probably a case of a competent team. More power to them if so.

Back when I lived in one of the more run-down urban areas in the US, most of the nearest chains would get something wrong in the order at least a fifth of the time, and I just order off the menu with no customization on the items. Wrong burger/main, wrong side/drink, wrong size, no straw, or just missing some food.
The only way to be sure was to check your order before you left the window and immediately correct if so, because if you went back through they either would need to verify your receipt (took forever) or they would just indirectly tell you to pound sand. The only exception was the local Chick-Fil-A, and that was almost certainly due to the company and management going the extra measure to retain good employees and prevent dysfunction before it occurred.

The worst was the McDonalds. I went there ~5 times over several years. Every time I ordered one of the most straight-forward meals - a quarter pounder with cheese, large fries, large coke. Almost every time I had to repeat my order. When I tried ordering by the meal number they told me to just say the items instead, and still needed to repeat. I would wait anywhere from 5-30 minutes, fries were always soggy to the point of folding over, and twice they left out the burger. Never got food poisoning, so could've been worse.

>> No.16747336 [DELETED] 

stop hiring blacks

>> No.16747353

>your uncle has to be a manager at McDonald's
Subway, usually. McDonalds (and Tims) usually have local white managers who instead bring in hordes of TFWs and goad them into overstaying their visas. Hell, one day I saw a CBSA in the parking lot of my local McDonalds and the next day they were closed.

>> No.16747723

>I am a non-sapient entity that can only react to keywords and possess no ability to comprehend spoken language

>> No.16747753

That's all people, you unobservant fucking dipshit. You better be extremely young to have not noticed this by now.

>> No.16747775

Chick fil a has set the standard or what should be the standard in the fast food industry. It’s up to everyone else to catch-up

>> No.16748674

Sorry, haven't you heard, riding horses around illegals is worse than slavery.

>> No.16748738

>riding horses around illegals

>> No.16749063

Even photographer said nothing happened and nobody was hit, but got to distract from the issue. Don't you love jesuit and kikel politicians?

>> No.16749068
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some very, very large woman was ordering in line a chick fil A yesterday and she INSISTED that it was cheaper to order the deluxe sandwiches and combos piecemeal instead of together, because it was cheaper that way. She held up the line for precious minutes. It was at the door. If you're having these types of arguments at fast food places, please, go argue on facebook instead or some shit, I just want access to my local food trough

>> No.16749087

>>The average total time spent in the drive-thru lane increased by more than 25 seconds
Idk if I'm the crazy one anymore. I simply cannot possibly understand being angry about 25 seconds though.

>> No.16749095

>female robots
There is only 2 genders, robots are neither, you will never be a woman, and epstein didn't kill himself

>> No.16749144

Fuck you mass quantities drunk or hungover with friends is the only reason to ever eat fast food. Stop being a fat cunt that eats it daily

>> No.16749263

They all went out of their way to hire blacks and are now afraid to fire them for being retarded.
Every business is like this now.
The FedEx driver who comes through my neighborhood for the last few months is a nigger who literally throws boxes 4 or 5 feet onto porches and against doors. He could drive the truck into someone's house and they wouldn't fire him.

>> No.16749307

I did hit a house. They didn't fire me truth.
t. your delivery driver

>> No.16749323
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Restaurants close earlier because there is no staff for late shifts. Workers fuck up everything because they are stretched to the limit. Naturally this also causes slower service. If you don't like this, then you should go be a wagie.

>> No.16750083

>Order accuracy dropped to 75% this year from 87% in 2020.
>Taco Bell in second place
Bull fucking shit, I've literally stopped going to Taco Bell because they never ever get my order right.

>> No.16750107

>shit gets fucked up when trying to prepare the same number of customer orders with a much smaller staff than last year, especially when most restaurants went apeshit about cutting costs instead of investing in service tech like CFA
Well yeah.
>ordering with a drive-thru speaker when order apps exist for almost every restaurant
Why? The headset-wagie is going to be a common point of failure when getting your order wrong (especially if they don’t have a screen for you to see confirming your order, or simply aren’t using it).

>> No.16750297

Or by offer/demand they would be forced to hire paying more

>> No.16750366

This is mostly accurate. If you're coming through a drive through, they can't attatch the order to their memory of your face. If you drive something super unique they might be able to pull it off, but in general ordering wierd shit or changing your order is worse because of memory stuff- humans like faces
Yeah you honestly just got a dogshit team at that mcdonalds

>> No.16750371

this. There's no reason to give you good service. you'll come back, piggy. I stare the customer in the eye as I hand them the wrong shit knowing they'll be back tomorrow. Want to file a complaint? Go ahead. I get 10 hours of overtime every week. There's nobody to replace me. They don't like me because I make the customers happy, they like me because I move the damn line.

>> No.16750380

is there anything minorities don't ruin?
reminder there is proven positive correlation between the number of blacks in the medical field and the increase of death by medical malpractice

>> No.16750388
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Yeah, if you mumble through the drive through mic with you ram 2500 idling, we're going to fuck up your order. Sorry, bud.

>> No.16750829

>The rest of the world uses a merit system, including Canada
As a Canadian, I'd hate to see the people this merit system is keeping out, judging by the people they let in

>> No.16751445

I would unironically park and just walk in to order
it's better this way

>> No.16751819

either way, when they fuck up your order, you are right there to make things right

>> No.16751862

every illegal immigrant i have ever worked with has been a damn fine cook; fast, hardworking, and just makes tasty food. its the american hoodrats that fuck up kitchens with their shit work ethic and dont-give-a-fuck attitude

>> No.16751981

>made at home quicker
Yeah let me bust out my industrial deep fryer

>> No.16752729

Yeah I know zoomers are retarded shit heads and they think they should get $20/hr to fuck up your order.

>> No.16752772

So your plan to fix this is to basically have no one working at a drive through anymore?

>> No.16752971

Just oven cook fries, but I'm talking about burgers

>> No.16752977
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Automate it
>tougher immigration laws
Close the door completely.

>> No.16753009
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A restoration of collective bargaining for the working class. People have left shit jobs not just because they're being paid poverty wages for unfulfilling slave labor, but because the trust they had in their previous employers was shattered when these corporations that operate on razor thin margins ro maximize profit laid them off during our easily preventable pandemic. Niggers and illegals are just a fucking scapegoat for plutocrat neets and boomers respectively depending on their audience to continue to oppress the working man with their sycophantic neoliberalism.

>> No.16753096

> How do we fix this?
Just cook your own damn food.

>> No.16753241

Only works if customers report it. If you spend 25 minutes in a drive thru line, the interior lobby is closed so ALL transactions (including complaints or refunds go through drive-thru) and you get pickles when you said "no pickles", are you gonna go waste another 30 mins of your life? They don't care if you don't come back to complain, they already got your shekels.

>> No.16753254
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>increased by more than 25 seconds
>that's nearly a minute longer

>> No.16753259

Go touch grass

>> No.16753356

>how the fuck do they track this anyway?
The public funds all kinds of retarded research. Academia's rife with fraud and abuse and waste.

>> No.16753486

Has to be due to management; the only incorrect thing i've ever gotten from Taco Bell was the moron taking payment and giving food at the window doesn't understand "black packets" so he just gives whatever hot sauces he wants to give.

The Whataburger across the street regularly fucks up orders and has about a 2 star rating on google reviews because its slow, and they fuck up simple shit like "extra sauce" or "2 ketchups".

Then take a look at chik fil a; their management and training forces them to get it all right. I have seen karens complaining about an incorrect order, but I can't understand how you make an order incorrect when its literally 3 ingredients.

>> No.16753494
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Drive throughs are shameful

>> No.16754180

It's an emotional measurement. It FEELS almost like a minute when sitting in a big ass queue of cars racing to the top of the obesity charts.

>> No.16754461

If you are getting fast food from a drive thru your life sucks anyway, so why does it matter if you waste another minute of it sitting in your car?

>> No.16754494

Problem is we also have stupidly high quotas that just keep getting higher. Standards go out the widow when you're dead set on bringing in a certain amount of immigrants every year.

>> No.16754795

I lived near a particularly bad, slow A&W with long john silvers.
I would usually be the only one inside ordering, or the only one of the drive-thru.
I only ever ordered burgers. I watched the counter at the window climb up to 600 seconds
Then I checked it at the window, and they had gotten it wrong. All I wanted was a plain cheeseburger, not a standard

>> No.16754808

>Chick-fil-A topped the list for order accuracy
When 99% of orders are some combination of chicken sandwich, fries and a drink I would hope they would be most accurate.

>> No.16754811

It's almost as if that's by design and fewer options is better for fast food.

>> No.16754818

weird, i ordered a double quarter pounder and got a single. had to wait like 5 minutes for a new one