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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 28 KB, 640x360, outback-steakhouse-bloomin-onion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16735608 No.16735608 [Reply] [Original]

>1,350 calories

>> No.16735613

does outback steakhouse still exist?

>> No.16735651

a medium pizza from dominos is over 2K calories

>> No.16735659

Worth every bite. The thing even reheats decent in the oven.

>> No.16735667
File: 37 KB, 789x960, 1600581567989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I'm going to one tomorrow night, so I was looking at the menu and saw this

>> No.16735668

heh, nothing personnel heart.
*stabs it with my katana and takes a bite*

>> No.16735673

bloomin' 'eck

>> No.16735814
File: 40 KB, 550x413, to-start-sydney-mushrooms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the fried mushrooms better

>> No.16735821

yes its failing ish but where i work still gets artistically busy on friday and saturday

>> No.16735829

prepping these fuckers is a pain in the ass

>> No.16735832


>> No.16735863

I meant autistically.

>> No.16735864

You share it with the table, it's for 4+ people.

>> No.16735869

If you go to outback with 4 or 5 other people that’s like ~250 calories per person

>> No.16735872

Isn't it just one whole onion? Does deep frying it really give it that much calories?

>> No.16735875

Maybe the sauce is really caloric

>> No.16735889

that much breading's probably about 3.5 cups of white flour, plus a couple eggs.

>> No.16735899

Seethe, wagie, they're the only reason anyone goes to outback rather than logans, Texas roadhouse, longhorn, etc.

>> No.16735909

I learned to make my own blooming onions at home. It was a bit of effort but I started to eat them almost everyday. I got so fucking fat.

>> No.16735929

>Does deep frying it really give it that much calories?
Um, Yes?
I mean it’s cut in such a way that it basically has 100x the surface area of just an onion. So when you coat that thing with batter and deep fry it, it’s going to be insane.

>> No.16735930

>be 26
>on first double date with girl at Outback
>bite into food and tooth breaks due to years of not brushing or going to dentist
>never go to outback again

>> No.16735937

You're supposed to share it dumbass

>> No.16735953

hell no

>> No.16735966

Imagine being this guy and not understanding how deep frying works.

>> No.16736019

did you make the sauce too?

>> No.16736025

Sort of, I use cum.

>> No.16736123

How is it Outbacks fault you have worse dental health than a 2 bit mare?

>> No.16736127

The solution is to order both and hate yourself in the morning.

>> No.16736141

> be me
>never wash teeth
>not a cavity for 25 years
>also pretty white , whiter than most people I know who wash teeth
>move with gf
>"ughhhh anon why dont you wash your teeth, that's disgusting"
>bitch makes me wash teeth
>2 years later I have 2 massive cavities, and the affected teeth are literally crumbling and shattering
>go to doctor
>yeah anon, too much fluoride , cut back on washing or get a non flouride paste
>seriously considering strangling gf at this point

>> No.16736158

Please don't mention horses. It gives me a boner.

>> No.16736159
File: 24 KB, 387x309, The++are+those+legs+are+we+_dca305d5d69d6385dff370a6e95e352f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do people not brush ? If I don't brush for more than few hours my teeth feel grimy and my whole mouth feels gross.

>> No.16736243

I still remember the first time I had an onion blossom like 30 years ago. I remember it more fondly than the first time I had sex. There was definitely less crying involved.

>> No.16736263

Is this really a staple in the Aussie diet?

>> No.16736269

Okay but what colossal fatass eats the entire thing in one sitting?

>> No.16736277


>> No.16736284

This is your average Australian child's breakfast.

>> No.16736307

It's a shared dish. You're supposed to split with a table full of people.

>> No.16736780

What kind of schizo larp is this

>> No.16736789
File: 23 KB, 832x480, Amy Fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eats a plate of party appetizer alone
>then dinner
>why am I fat?

>> No.16736820

p sure with the sauce it's more like 2000

>> No.16736862
File: 180 KB, 432x504, bruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please say psyche

>> No.16736886

do you eat this thing by yourself you gluttonous pig

>> No.16736900

No joke, I worked tech support for a year. Was coworkers with some huge fatass. He would order a large pizza for lunch and eat the whole thing, chasing it down with a 1.25L bottle of coke. Wanted to spew just looking at the slob just slamming pizza into his gullet.

How the fuck can people possibly do this to themselves? What little self-respect must they have?

>> No.16736974
File: 470 KB, 1440x1200, canadian megamilk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fatass here, I think its because overeating is cheap and easy to do in the West and there is little shame in it unless you get scooter fat.

Did you live near a pizza place or did he actually get delivery every day?

>> No.16736984

what prep is there, just put it in the microwave?
anon failed geometry also shit i thought they used like a giant onion or something

lazy niggas and force of habit, I bet a lot of work from home people did it with no one to smell ur breath

>> No.16736991
File: 1.46 MB, 1024x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have that one DQ shake where its like 2k calories?

>> No.16736995

I wanna juggle them milk bags

>> No.16736999

They use food as a drug to feel good at first, then they need more and more to feel half as good, until it's their main source of comfort for every little stress in life. Same as any addiction.

>> No.16737004

me, 5'11 149lbs

>> No.16737005

I think it was Steak and Shake Oreo flavor

>> No.16737041
File: 50 KB, 690x513, EnCXeNAUYAA7c_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16737046

That's not that bad. You can eat around 1000 calories a day and maintain a non-manlet diet. You can eat a little less and lose weight if you're overweight. Seriously, start counting calories. 800 can be a lot of food if you want it to be.

>> No.16737053

thanks anon. Did fatties try and cope and say you were meant to share it?
your telling me niggas are pounding a milkshake and a vitamin as their sole meal for the day?

>> No.16737054

>32oz milkshake

>> No.16737061

That is a small amount of milkshake for the average sized guy, let me know when I can get a double gulp shake

>> No.16737072

Sorry, just got back from town. I walk back and forth and I'm a little tired. I meant in addition to the calories of the blizzards, men could consume another 1000 calories. If they're overweight they consume less if they wanted to lose weight. I said 800 because I'm tired, and that's what I'm doing. 1800.

>> No.16737083

sxe with leaf girl

>> No.16737090

do amerifats really?

>> No.16737100
File: 756 KB, 300x189, c86.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an entire quart of oreo milkshake
That's not a dessert, that's a death march.
The idea of trying to finish that before it melts is downright menacing

>> No.16737129
File: 474 KB, 754x1031, 1632010385144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German Chocolate Blizzard
not listed
> the only one worth a damn
> extra pecans and coconut please
> the rest are just ice cream with candy dropped in it
why live

> 263 g of sugar
anon do you realize thats literally 1/2 pound of sugar?
454 grams is 1 pound...

>> No.16737131

>implying you aren't supposed to share a 1 US quart/0.9L of ice cream with another person
And you're calling other people fat? That's half a tub of ice cream you fatass.

>> No.16737141

I can say that it's that exact reason for why I used to not brush
Whenever I brushed, my teeth would feel so dry and... I don't know the word for it, maybe sharp? Like I'd have to sit there and lick them for a while to get them "normal" again

>> No.16737148

They save money by only using one dim lightbulb for the whole restaurant

>> No.16737153

I’d say that’s a small amount of fried onions for an average adult?

>> No.16737158
File: 824 KB, 480x270, cognitive dissonance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never brush and have not for like 10 years.
My breath isnt that bad.
Whenever it matters I use mouthwash.

I think the main key is to drink acidic stuff regularly inbetween drinking water. Juice or Soda. Eat some Fruit. You also dont want to eat lots of stuff that dries your mouth out like Bread, at least without washing it down with stuff.

Other bit is I think I probably am injesting something non-water probably at least every hour... I kibda sorta have 1 big meal per day and snack all through the rest of the day.

I scrape my teeth with my fingernails and eat the pasty stuff stuck on them (because it was already in there so technically whatever it is ive already eaten it).
My teeth are surprisingly white.
I also make sure to floss alot.

>> No.16737204

How old are you now? Its good that you floss though because even if your dentite is good as your gums recede bare, unprotected tooth is exposed.

>Drink acidic stuff
Acid eats away at your teeth.

Sugar exacerbates bacterial growth.

The reason your teeth are as good as they has to do with your diet and that you are regularly drinking water and rinsing your mouth. But it will catch up.

>> No.16737222
File: 287 KB, 1077x1077, bacon king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2100 Calories

>> No.16737239

>when you can't spell Leela

>> No.16737263

I thought that was the baconator and was going to call you a doublenigger for lying about that 960 calorie wonder of the modern world. Carry on

>> No.16737268

thats more calories that a regular sized nutella jar

>> No.16737289

You can get one of these bad boys with extra cheese, bacon, mayo and an extra patty. Add a large onion rings and a large coke and you have a 4689 calorie monster.

You know there's someone eating that at least once daily.

>> No.16737308


Meant to be shared across an entire table.

>> No.16737646

you wash them, bread them and fry them. theres a lot worse prep to do at this shithouse

>> No.16737656

>ESL poster doesn't brush his teeth

>> No.16737829

>be me, kid
>dad has to go to a town a few hours away to work occasionally
>we always stayed in this hotel with an outback right next to it
>used to love going to outback, getting the brown bread, steak, etc.
I hate that it sucks now, or at least I'm old enough to recognize that it sucks.

>> No.16737900

based non teeth washer. it's 99% your diet that makes your teeth rot out

>> No.16737945

bullshit it's like 1000 calories like every other DBC

>> No.16737990

No, that's Amy. Watch more of the show and its hijinks.

>> No.16737994

What do they taste like?

>> No.16738033

That's a Texas Onion Blossom. They obviously taste like cactus flowers.

It's fried onion. It tastes like deep fried batter and cooked onion. It opens up like that because you slice a bunch of times down towards the root while leaving it whole, then shock it in ice-water, then batter and fry.

>> No.16738035

Onion rings but with way more surface area for breading. Not as soggy, as an upside. Kind of a novelty food, you should try it once and forget about it

>> No.16738041

you aren't supposed to eat it all yourself, fatty.

>> No.16738048

>only thing holding my teeth together was tartar and plaque

Go be a filthy muckman somewhere else.

>> No.16738049

i swear to god you're one of those niggers that says "HOW LONG IT TAKE 2 MIGROWABE :DDDDDDDDDDDD" when your fucking fat lard bowl takes longer than 1 nanosecond to reach your fat gullet
kill yourself
i mean theyre not that bad but management has us prep and make orders so we have to go back and forth, so we end up taking half the shift to portion out the washed mushrooms unless one of the guys takes one for the team and holds the line so prep can even start to get done

>> No.16738065

fluoride doesnt give you cavities lmfao its all the fucking carbs you eat. honestly the only time you "need" to brush your teeth is after you have carbs. or just cut them entirely and never worry about that shit

>> No.16738078

>blizzard is too much for one serving
>eat like a quarter of it and stick it in the freezer
>repeat and have many tasty desserts
It's fucking frozen, you could eat two spoonfuls worth 33 cals of your 1000 calorie blizzard once a day for a month and it would still be a tasty frozen confection all month.

>> No.16738174

Outback is legit good, the one in my town closed down the past year. Can't go wrong with steak or fish. Their wings are a highlight, too.

>> No.16738250

wish i could see a my 600 lbs life about superfat custimizations>>16737222
the kang of kangs
fucking no one would do that though

>> No.16738284


>> No.16739094


i would never consider drinking one of those idiotic milkskakes, but I would eat that burger without a second thought

>> No.16739295

You're not supposed to eat it alone

>> No.16739307

>honestly the only time you "need" to brush your teeth is after you have carbs. or just cut them entirely and never worry about that shit
You're an actual monkey. Acid is what rots teeth away. Acid is the byproduct of bacteria feasting on sugars. The worst thing you can do is brush immediately after a sugary meal as you will instead be brushing your teeth with acid mix and further ruin the enamel. By the way, kill yourself ketolard.

>> No.16739412

They've actually cut corners considerably the past decade or so. Sauces used to be homemade and the fries were hand cut. Now the sauces come in pre-made and the fries are frozen.

>> No.16739420
File: 28 KB, 154x164, WARUDO OUDA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you american cunt you always ruin shit pic not related

>> No.16739495

I'll eat a whole pizza hut pizza and two orders of breadsticks in one sitting, very occasionally, but then I'll just not eat the next day. it's easy.

>> No.16739501

dude I wanna do this now

>> No.16739656

These are the type of people dropping dead from covid who we had to stop the world for

>> No.16739783

You could eat one of these a day and some vitamin pills and survive indefinitely.

>> No.16739866

>I scrape my teeth with my fingernails and eat the pasty stuff stuck on them
Absolutely based twin

>> No.16739919

I've had a blizzard in my freezer for about two weeks, some days you feel like dessert, others you don't, I think I had like half when I first got it, and then two smaller portions later.

>> No.16739921

wouldn't you eventually get some kind of bowel obstruction or go blind or some shit?

>> No.16740067
File: 25 KB, 500x528, 1605960325537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot
>contains crustaceans
yes, it's because of seaweed

>> No.16740123

>things that absolutely definitely happened

>> No.16740323

brush your fucking teeth

>> No.16740382

it's for the whole table to share fatass

>> No.16740389

So you're saying you could eat one of these and 2 cans of Coke and be set for an entire day?

>> No.16740405

>anon has alzheimers, forgets where he is

>> No.16740514
File: 387 KB, 1080x947, Screenshot_20210924-144904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how these names are just so stereotypical and patronizing of Australia. Are there restaurants in your home countries that are similarly "American-themed" with things like the Mount Rushmore burger, the San Francisco omelette, or the Nigger-Lynching burrito?

>> No.16740520

lol, old fatty me would eat two

>> No.16740529

We don't use that word here

>> No.16740554

That's the point, it's an American word they'd use to evoke the image of a USA theme

>> No.16740592

they have entire sections of the grocery dedicated to america overseas

>> No.16740632

It would be extremely unhealthy.

>> No.16740653

On the one hand, seeing those calories is a bit creepy, like they're saying "you're dieting, right?". On the other hand, some (and by that I mean many) people really need to get their head set straight on how much they actually need to eat.
In a similar vein, anything pre-packed should have the nutritional value of the ENTIRE package on there, not just some "per serving" value that 50% of the people out there need a calculator to make sense of.

>> No.16741001

I dont even own a toothbrush bruh.
And I wont use any of the toothpastes on the market.
I have been out of that routine for so long I could never have it as a habit. Like writing in a journal or such. Id do it for like 3-4 days and then totally forget for like 2 weeks and be like "oh well"

>> No.16741011


>> No.16741018
File: 376 KB, 750x1001, 1631067188500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> blizzard too much for one serving
bruh I order the largest size they got
end up eating all of it
then I want another one, but if I had ordered two the other one would be totally melted, and by that time ive driven off or im somewhere else by then

>> No.16741080

>Dentist told me not to care for my teeth

>> No.16741093

How do they manage that? Are the bread fully soaked in oil or something?

>> No.16741102

>health shake

>> No.16741138
File: 26 KB, 627x480, MV5BNjcxNjZiNzEtYWU3Zi00NmE5LTliMTQtMWRkNTU4NWI0NTE0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTc0NjY1ODk@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>large deep-fried appetizer intended for 6 people has a lot of calories
No shit. It's actually 1950 calories.

>> No.16741145

Everyone thinks you fucking smell but they’re too nice to say it to your face. They mock you behind your back for being disgusting.

>> No.16741164

>38g protein
I mean....

>> No.16741167
File: 42 KB, 900x506, pCOeLcHhrxSveEs-1600x900-noPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go brush your teeth and see how much blood pours out of your gums. I bet you wince when you eat ice cream. Dumbass.

>> No.16741194
File: 853 KB, 2016x1134, outback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually pretty decent for a strip mall chain. LongHorn Steakhouse is better.

>> No.16741199

It's the opposite for me, fluoride is the only thing keeping my teeth together. The dentist gave me a prescription fluoride toothpaste.

>> No.16741209
File: 107 KB, 240x183, D47E88DF-B3C4-4147-BDE7-DDBDDB3EDC0B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1,690 Calories

Everything’s bigger in Texas

>> No.16741215

It really depends on if the onions are in season

>> No.16741223
File: 449 KB, 1206x2208, 2856B471-27A7-424B-B0F4-55C2E03FCB66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Texas Roadhouse tops them all

pic rel is my dinner from the other day

>> No.16741247

>totally unrendered fat
bleak shit, Anon.

>> No.16741293

It was rendered. I ate every part, especially the fat

>> No.16741361

Why is Texas Roadhouse retarded when it comes to plating? Every time I've gone they have to put each entree and side dish on it's own plate. If I'm there with 3 or more people there's no room on the table for all the shit they bring out.

>> No.16741689
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>> No.16741698
File: 1010 KB, 2016x1512, longhorn_steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Texas Roadhouse
Ranks below even Outback.

>> No.16741702

You can't like, own a town man

>> No.16741745

I do that regardless of what I eat, so win win!

>> No.16741767

This is a good point lmao

>> No.16741770

Right? I kinda want to see how far you can go in extreme eating (that remains on menu)

>> No.16741771


>> No.16741785

90% Calcium
38g Protein
52% Fiber

What's the problem, Eurocucks?
Don't know how to math?
Read a book.

>> No.16741876
File: 140 KB, 400x239, Hops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 3 remain. They crashed after 9/11. Their appetizers were superior, bread was superior, I don't usually eat burgers at restaurant but they made good burgers, and they did something with their steaks that made them superior.

>> No.16743143

Goddamn, haven't heard about this place in years.

>> No.16743328

I order 2 large and it's just 2 meals. Also at the outback I ate the porterhouse steak, my sides, the blooming onion, and finished my gfs dinner as well. Snacked on peanuts while waiting for the bill and got a soup from zoups on the way home

Maybe don't be a manlet
6' 170

>> No.16743441

>Are there restaurants in your home countries that are similarly "American-themed"
Australian anon reporting. A lot of cafes and restaurants here like to name their American foods after American rappers.
Biggie Burger
2pac Shaker Fries
Snoop Hot Dogs
Vanilla Ice Cream Sundaes
It's basically a cringe stereotype for venues at this point

>> No.16743454

Wait, you're fucking with us right?

>> No.16743536

There's one on Windsor Road and one on the Great Western Highway, two of Australia's most significant arterial roads. But I've never been, because you drive those roads to get to destinations, not to dine.

>> No.16743540

bizzare post

>> No.16743642

For you

>> No.16743669

Anon you forgot to post your weight. How can we evaluate the credibility of your posts otherwise?

>> No.16743771

i honestly am not.
any place trying desperately to be cool does this.
i've also seen it in bars and chicken wing joints.