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File: 61 KB, 800x1024, cerveceria-modelo-modelo-especial-cerveza-12pk-bee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16724591 [Reply] [Original]

Why do hipsters love this stuff so much?

>> No.16724659

Fun fact, this is now the top 4 selling beer in the US

>> No.16724777

it almost tastes like a white claw or some other fizzy drink. I like it though because of its fence sitting taste

>> No.16724784

Never had it. Why is Mexican beer the same price as beer imported from Germany gtfo it should be $3.99 for six pack fuck mexico

>> No.16724799

It's brewed for the fighting spirit.

>> No.16724820

This isn't a hipster beer. In fact, it's a good tasting cerveza. Op is a fag

>> No.16724825

what is cerveza

>> No.16724923

It isn't except on the east coast. It is priced the same as budweiser in the west. t. arizonafag living is shithole east coast

>> No.16724924

Beer in mexican talk

>> No.16724929

Why not just say beer

>> No.16724932

It says cerveza on the bottles

>> No.16725008
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>not even 5% alcohol
No thanks

>> No.16725010

The only acceptable cerveza is estrella
I have spoken

>> No.16725014

Only good mexibeer is Modelo Negro

>> No.16725017

Fuck off op

>> No.16725068

which estrella faggot, there's more than one

>> No.16725075

Any, but I prefer Damm because it tastes a bit like cigarettes.

>> No.16725129

That's fucking racist, don't call people that

>> No.16725156
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shut the hell up

>> No.16725167

i like the tamarindo picante modelo. or the limon y sal if it’s a hot day and I’m drinking beers outside

>> No.16725179


>> No.16725183

What a retort. I'm definitely on 4chan haha you guys are crazy.

>> No.16725184

Sol and Tecate can live... they're all just a cheap Mexican take on Germany's only socially acceptable gift to the world.

>> No.16725202

This. Been drinking it for decades. I like the dark too.

>> No.16725506

never gad that aftertaste, but estrella galicia is also quite good

>> No.16725525

Tasteless but not American so it's exotic and not just cheap domestic lite swill.

>> No.16725602

why is it okay to put limes in Mexican beer but not germanish beer when they taste the same

>> No.16725609

Germans use lemons not lime. See Radler/Alster.

>> No.16725615

mexican beers use corn and rice while decent german beers use barley, the citrus would taste differently with it.

>> No.16725621

You've inspired me to make a brass monkey.

>> No.16725931

I've only seen radlers with grapefruit here, then again, I guess a shandy is a thing here.

While true, most light beers are good with most citrus. You find lime with mexican and southeast asian beers because they have limes.

>> No.16726188


>> No.16726248

It isn't that expensive

>> No.16726254

Hipsters still love it. None of them drink PBR anymore, go to a hipster bar in New York and it's all Modelos and High Lifes

>> No.16726409

…plastic bottle rocket?

>> No.16726633

Because they fagged up blue collar american beer and now its not cool so they are trying to fag up blue collar mexican beer. At least they don't know about Pacifico

>> No.16726660

Modelo negra is the best mass produced beer on the market

>> No.16726859

Pacifico is pretty popular, it's on tap at one of the hipster bars I go to

>> No.16726871

Do they though anon? Be honest now.

>> No.16726873

It's the new PBR

>> No.16726897

...where are you still finding hipsters?
What is this 2010?

>> No.16726905

Hipster is just a word for non normies post mid 2000s

>> No.16726913

Normie is just a twitter-friendly word for normalfag post mid 2010s

>> No.16726942

Hipsters in 2021 are more or less yuppies.

>> No.16727060

Dude go to somewhere like Bushwick, Brooklyn and you'll see what I mean
They're definitely still a thing

>> No.16727062

And none of them are drinking fucking modelo.

>> No.16727067
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Shit is expensive in Texas. Not a bad beer, but not worth the cost when Lone Star is half as much per ounce.

Cause it's Mexican and for whatever reason Mexican shit is en vogue right now.

>> No.16727068

The only people I sold this to was Mexicans and myself

>> No.16727074

P.S. the funny shit is people say it costs more cause it's a good beer. No, it costs more cause it's an import. That doesn't make it good. That shit is cheap down in Mexico as are all the overhyped Mexican beers are.

>> No.16727077

Used to drink modelos a lot more when it was cheaper because my brother worked with a lot of mexicans and that's what they would bring to work, so he got me started on it.

Now shit costs as much as something with 2.5x the alcohol content so what's the point? Get a 12 pack and drink them all and barely have a buzz but piss 500 times, or get a 6 pack of some hipster IPA and have a decent night for 8 bucks cheaper.

>> No.16727078

Yes they fucking are. The two big hipster beers here are Modelo and Miller High Life

>> No.16727079

Lone star any good?

>> No.16727081

Last time I saw a hipster drinking beer it was hamms

>> No.16727088

Then those aren't hipsters those are your faggot butt buddies that you saw at a gay little party one time and assumed the whole world did the exact same thing. Hipsters aren't drinking fucking modelo.

>> No.16727089

Lone Star tastes kinda meh, I'd rather just drink a Budweiser or Banquet
IPAs are awful for partying unless you're an alcoholic
I've drank IPAs for 11 years and most times, I'd rather drink a Modelo

>> No.16727093

Hamm's is big among hipsters in the Midwest but it's not sold in New York
What annoys me is when bars sell Miller High Life at a non discount price, like $5 for a 16 oz can. That shit should always be cheaper than Budweiser

>> No.16727097

>hipsters in the Midwest
You just keep digging yourself into a bigger and bigger hole of retardation don't you.

>> No.16727098

You clearly don't know any hipsters

>> No.16727101

You clearly don't know your ass from your head.

>> No.16727169

Best pilsner macro style beer IMO, given the cost and availability here it's a solid go to. It won't blow your socks off but there is a cult idea behind it since it's super Texan and all and sells itself as the "national beer of Texas"

>Lone Star tastes kinda meh, I'd rather just drink a Budweiser or Banquet
To each their own. I would get Bud when I traveled and didn't want to venture outside the hotel that didn't really ever serve anything you wouldn't otherwise find in a stadium.

Not him but have you ever been to the Midwest anon? The big cities are chock full of hipsters like every big city in the US is. Seattle, Chicago, San Antonio, Nashville, you name it dude they are everywhere.
>inb4 Chicago doesn't count

>> No.16727198

I agree with the IPA thing.
A 6-pack of whatever %7-8 abv IPA is an easy way to get a pretty good buzz going.
Now anything else seems like a waste of money if I'm drinking alone at home.

>> No.16727208

The modern day hipster is modeled after the Midwest hipster. This is common knowledge

>> No.16727573
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I'm too late

>> No.16727599

What? Modelo is what all the illegals drink. That or Corona.

>> No.16727630

Both like it

>> No.16727641
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Do you yanks like corona beer?
It's brewed in Mexico and is very popular in Europe.
Although I don't know how the marketing has been doing since the global pandemic.
Is it popular in Mexico?

>> No.16727673

It's popular here in Burgerland but it's losing popularity to its sister brand Modelo

>> No.16727691
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Mexicans love Caguamas
I work at a wholesale store in Michoacan and the most consumed beers are Corona Light, Modelo and Estrella
The Caguama holds the no. 1 place of them all tho

>> No.16727692

>Corona Light
That stuff is so watery

>> No.16727705
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Indeed, it sucks ass, i would only drink it if someone gave it to me for free
I personally prefer Modelo Negra or Victoria

>> No.16727765

Shitty macrobrew.
People drink it on vacations in their all-inclusive resorts and think this is hot shit.

>> No.16727794
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Whatever beer I start drinking becomes super popular. I’m not joking, I have very few friends and gate people in general, but I’m the biggest trendsetter in America. Negro was my go to Mexican but the liquor store by my house only has especial. Watch for bucket hats making a comeback too, I just like Jaws and have sensitive Anglo skin.

>> No.16727928

>bucket hats
Black guys already brought those back in like 2013

>> No.16727980
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>> No.16727981

Dunno why hipsters like it, and it's no good for getting slammed on because it's only like 4.7% ABV, but with a salty lime it's one of the most downright enjoyable and relaxing to drink beers I've ever experienced. Goes well with spicy MexiAmerican food, too.

>> No.16728004

>Why do hipsters love this stuff so much?
The ads in the US are super pozzed always showing muh immigrants and bot even Mexican ones half the time.

>> No.16728021

Gee, fellow schizoaffrenic, it's odd how they noticed that I only buy copious amounts of my brand of gin, bourbon, and beer. Why are they stocking it more? They must be onto me when they gave me the auto-generated Christmas "token," gift along with others.

The truth is, I'm just drinking their liquor like a tank and the mechanisms follow.

>> No.16728047

>New York bars selling marked up beers you can get from any convenience store in Mexico
>It's Modelo
>Not even Indio, Leon or Pacifico just Modelo
Globalization and capitalism never ceases to amaze me

>> No.16728066

They mark up literally all beers, how do you think bars make money?

>> No.16728103

The only person who's ever called it a caguama is one mexican kid i know of who works at a mexican restaurant... you're not him are you?
also, those are only good in the ponies.
i know what you mean. i've been ahead of the curve for every popular thing that has even existed since the last ten years - hawaiian shirts, hot sauce, recording myself lip singing, beers and other styles, foods, the works. I'm the reason my town even got a Hooters and Krispy Kreme. It's scary having this kind of responsibility.

>> No.16728108

I guess PBR stopped being cheap or trendy.

>> No.16728129

Re-read my post again, i work at a store in mexico not a restaurant. Everyone in this place calls them that

>> No.16728134

Negra Modelo is great, Especial is good better than Corona.
Tecate is pure trash but do I enjoy it from time to time.

>> No.16728159

It doesn't taste good IMO, it has a wine flavor

>> No.16728163


>> No.16728254

It's just a beer dude. Relax.

>> No.16728280

No, no, gotta do my part! MMMMMmmm!!!

>> No.16728330

I like the mango and pineapple. The Tamarindo has too much of a tomato taste.
Many hipsters in the past had been yuppies

>> No.16728507


>> No.16728529

No beer is that cheap anymore booner

>> No.16728589

heineken is always fucking skunked

>> No.16728686

Pacifico is relatively easy to find in the Northeast. The other two I've never heard of.

>> No.16728741

I used to drink it exclusively but it got really fucking expensive after coronavirus. I know everything got more expensive but Modelo almost doubled in price out of nowhere.

>> No.16728880

It's popular among everyone except Mexicans in America. We drink Modelo and our hot sauce of choice is Valentina

>> No.16728896

Only one place in my city that still has $1 PBR pints and I think they go through more PBR kegs than anywhere else. Yamhill pub, there is some hipsters but its mostly punk types and local alkys

>> No.16729155

I see PBR still ordered when there's a good deal on it, but most hipster bars in New York do no even sell PBR, so all the hipsters drink Modelo, Tecate, and Miller High Life

>> No.16729161

Hamm's is, that's about it
Modelo costs like 25% more than Budweiser so it's absolutely worth it to me.

>> No.16729163

Damn, I hadn't bought any before Corona but I remember it being not that much more expensive than Bud
It's the fastest growing beer in the US though, so it's not coming down in price.
It would be interesting if Corona ends up being Modelo's budget brand

>> No.16729197

and you take dicks up the ass

>> No.16729205

Both here cost around $3.00-3.80
They are cheap as fuck

>> No.16729211

Probably top3 on sales below Indio and the god-damned Tecate Light (that shit is just water)
At least here on the north side

>> No.16729488

Whats that cost in NY include sales tax please?

>> No.16729506

belgian here with an actually good beer selection
just wanted to say that white claw is disgusting. the berry flavour unironically tasted 1:1 like cough/inflamed throat syrup i had as a child

>> No.16730066

>Both here cost around $3.00-3.80
For a sixxer of 12oz beers? I find that hard to believe.

Went to Pueblo de Nowhere, Michoacan with my in-laws a couple times (suegro is from there) and that was practically the only thing you could get for beer there.

Cunado ironically loves them, it's a tongue-in-cheek thing nowadays but he says it's all they drank when he was younger.

I don't care for Corona Light but Familiar is actually good. Still overpriced here.

While I don't often pay the premium for Especial the Negra I feel is a more justified cost when I want to have some.

>> No.16731255

>Fun fact, this is now the top 4 selling beer in the US
was this due to aggressive marketing or what?
pabts used to pay bicycle messengers to drink their beer in dolores park.

>> No.16731260

where is here that a sixpack of beer is under 4 dollars?

ive only found beer that cheap in a handful of places.

>> No.16731288

Its an inoffensive beer and is good with pizza or Mexican food. in a party situation, I'd like a Modelo more than a bud light but given no choice will drink either.

>> No.16731366

>not hipster
>I liked this before it was cool

>> No.16731490

Try visiting wicker park in Chicago you absolute moron. Some of the most obnoxious hipsters I’ve ever met and I’m from California.

>> No.16731497

The only mexican beer that is worth drinking is bohemia.

>> No.16731521

Are you even american?

>> No.16731563

American with an actually good beer selection filled with various brews from around the world instead of just my one little shithole in the middle of nowhere (yurope)
Just wanted to say I agree with you about white claw, it's supposed to be a seltzer but the flavor is just gross and overpowering.

>> No.16731607

Hold on there bud, you can fuck right off with your spic speak

>> No.16731680

Can get a 6 pack of Lone Star for 3.99 all day long

>> No.16731691

Can get Lone Star for 3.99 a six pack.

>> No.16731703

Your first mistake was going to Wicker Park. Hell I'd rather drink in Wrigleyville.

>> No.16731727
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For me it's Olde English 800.

>> No.16731807

Mexican breweries has been killing you Belgians the past decade

>> No.16731985

I love skunked beer, but I'm a sigma

>> No.16732031

>try visiting TheNeighborhoodPackedShoulderToShoulderWithCocksuckingFornianDildos in Chicago, moron.

>> No.16732124

you're right, I live in bushwick. go to the levee in williamsburg and i unironically dont even think they serve another beer besides those 2

>> No.16732142

I would rather choke on budwiser than drink that garbage. it's Absolutely the worst Mexican beer ever made.

>> No.16732225

bud light is slightly better

>> No.16732349
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Modelo is a very old recipe and I think its neat the Mexicans of all fucking people preserved then popularized it.

>> No.16732354

>Modelo is a very old recipe and I think its neat the Mexicans of all fucking people preserved then popularized it.
This. So true. Going all the way back to the reign of Maximilian

>> No.16732372

Joe Rogaine advertises for it on JRE

>> No.16732479

It is older than that as the recipes would have come from abbeys that made pilsners. At least 5-600 years old.

>> No.16732658

They used to serve Yuengling years ago until it came out that Yuengling's owner is a Trump supporter
Do you have a favorite bar in Bushwick?
I like Cobra Club and Carmelo's. The latter has $2 Buds which is the cheapest beer I've ever seen at a New York bar.

>> No.16732663

A 6 pack of Hamm's is like 3.49

>> No.16732666

No, they barely market it compared to Corona.
The US's Hispanic population is growing + hipster/trendy bars began selling more and more Modelo

>> No.16732811

>A 6 pack of Hamm's is like 3.49
i asked where

>> No.16732884

it's under 5% so it's not beer

>> No.16732905

No, it's fucking terrible, watery af. It's the cheapest beer for a reason.

>> No.16732934

It's just normal lager. I don't get why people jerk off over it so much.

>> No.16732948

Damn, I didn't know all of my uncles were hipsters.

>> No.16732959


>> No.16733032

Because Corona is garbage and if the only spic options are Corona and Modelo, you pick Modelo every single time.

>> No.16733048

Yeah because they're totally using the exact same recipe in factories where they mass produce thousands of cans per day.

>> No.16733070

Cough syrup is pretty great. I would say your comparison to gross seltzer is a disservice to the dense flavors of Dimetap.

>> No.16733112

It's only sold in a handful of states

>> No.16733146

do they sell caguamas in murica?

>> No.16733169

I only see them of Corona Familiar
40 oz beers used to be really popular in America though

>> No.16733172
File: 14 KB, 400x600, ci-negra-modelo-5e9fde4dff726bf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, at least in the west.
I've seen corona (the most common by far), modelo, pacifico, carta blanca and victoria.
Wish they sold 32 oz modelo negras, that'd be the shit

>> No.16733176
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For me, its:

>> No.16733177

because its better than coors light

>> No.16733247

When I visited Nogales I got like a fuckin liter of this for like $4

>> No.16733254

I swear it used to be Negro Modelo

>> No.16733259

But is it better than Coord Banquet?

>> No.16733274

Believe it or not I went out and bought this, took 8 of em but they were delicious and was able to get drunk. I retract, may be a new favorite beer kek

>> No.16733292

Whats the mexican version of everclear? tequila is more expensive than you would expect, what do you guys use to get blind?

>> No.16733303

>what do you guys use to get blind?
a picture of your mom

>> No.16733325

Negra Modelo is easily one of the best dark malt lagers made in North America right now and it's as cheap as moderately more boring beers like Sam Adams

>> No.16733356

Only in border states as far as I've seen.

>> No.16733403

Oregonian here we got them and so does Washington

>> No.16733440

I only drink 'Gansett and Yuengling if I want a cheap beer

>> No.16733645

Why wouldn't you want a role model for negroes?

>> No.16734157


>> No.16734228

Fuck you, I order this after a shift of selling gallons of beer to retarded college students. It pushes off the impending hangover, and it is the only good tasting piss beer that comes with a lime.

>> No.16735244

Not me, PBR only

>> No.16735266

Heineken? Fuck that shit !

>> No.16736115


>> No.16736498

I buy beer based on price

PBR is the cheapest shit i can get, thats my brand this week.

>> No.16736565

You're supposed to buy the beer that is 9.99 before tax

>> No.16736615

I live off Dekalb so I go to Carmelo's a bit. Cobra Club I like more personally. Has a real shitty dive bar vibe to it. Clara's is good if you like sports.

>> No.16736662

Modelo is great wtf are you talking about
>hipster beer
>Oh no other people like thing so now I can’t like thing
Sounds like you’re the hipster in this scenario

>> No.16736685

People liking things that I like is the biggest red flag.things aren't good unless they're shitty

>> No.16736742
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Yes, recipes can be scaled into macro production. This includes trade secrets such as specific ingredients, measurements, and genetic lineages. In ye olde times there were open troughs where the monks would let the natural yeast float in. They didn't know anything about microbiology at the time.

Not because they were a dumb fuck like yourself. They didn't have the opportunities you avoided to become as assblastedly stupid as you have ended up.

>Sounds like you’re the hipster in this scenario
This whole thread is based off of a dumb fucking premise. Beer is fun to talk about but OP is still a fag.

>> No.16737344

Bootleg Bar has the shittiest dive bar vibe of all the places in Bushwick I've been to.
I like it but it's not my go to.
Honore Club down the block from Carmelo's is good too, except for only having 1 bathroom

>> No.16737347

I'm into beer a lot and I find these discussions interesting

>> No.16737382
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This sugar cane liquor, it's something like $2 USD for a liter. There's also cheap tequilas for $4 a liter, they're labeled "agave distillate", since your drink must be produced in the town of Tequila to be sold as such, the most common cheap one in my area is Rancho Escondido.

>> No.16737463

nah its mostly Tecate and Gansett

>> No.16737482

Haven't been to Honore Club but I'll check it out. Yeah the nice under the train location for Bootleg really adds to the shitty dive bar vibe. Pretty good bar selection in Bushwick desu. You ever been to Old Stanley's on Wyckoff?

>> No.16737522

how are there at least 3 people from bushwick on a Chinese anime cooking board wtf

>> No.16737677

silent majority

>> No.16737704

>biggest city in america

WhAt ArE tHe OdDs?

>> No.16738013

In New York? High Life is way bigger than Gansett

>> No.16738019

Yeah I've been to Old Stanley's and liked it.
And Bushwick has an insane amount of bars for a residential neighborhood, it's great
There's this bar by the Halsey L stop I go to sometimescalled Luv Story and they have some fine black women there (for if you get tired of white art hoes)

>> No.16738022

It's probably one of the most popular neighborhoods in the US.
Before Covid I met international tourists all the time