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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 454 KB, 638x479, 1632329411822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16730849 [Reply] [Original]

Do you speak Cutlerian?

>> No.16730858
File: 7 KB, 235x230, 1618338554466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans resting before finishing a meal

>> No.16730861

How do you say "I'm taking a shit"?

>> No.16730876
File: 15 KB, 194x259, taking a shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16730881

I've been doing this since I was a little kid, but don't remember anyone actually showing me. I do the resting knife American style and the resting fork Continental, though. It always seemed weird to me when people didn't know you're supposed to do some variation on this.

>> No.16730883

"I'm resting" - poke the waiter with a fork until he gets his hands away from your plate
"I'm finished" - turn the plate upside down, gravy and all.

>> No.16730889
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>> No.16730903
File: 183 KB, 1300x1300, 153687379-hand-drawn-plate-fork-and-knife-cutlery-signs-table-etiquette-engraved-style-vector-illustration-ele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck is the difference between "break" and "pause"?

>> No.16730909

oh fuck I always did the "did not like" as a kid, I didn't know it meant that I hope the chefs didn't either.

>> No.16730924
File: 215 KB, 980x4300, TG_109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally everything is verboten

>> No.16730936

If anybody is going to know it's a chef but they're also not going to care because you were a child.

>> No.16730954

what pretentious bullshit

>> No.16730957

t. uncultured thug

>> No.16730961
File: 1.75 MB, 4096x3867, demiurge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are asians so autistic holy shit

>> No.16730963

they don't serve cutlery at micky ds, your table manners at home don't impress anyone

>> No.16730965

pausing eating the current dish vs delaying the next dish

>> No.16730970

oh, that makes sense

>> No.16731018

dude, I've witnessed amer*cans praying before a meal and clapping afterwards.

>> No.16731134

details, plz

>> No.16731268

I will do about half of the things on that list and there is nothing you can do to stop me.

>> No.16731446

>doing anything with chopstick
>japs freak out

Only they would gatekeep cutlery

>> No.16731457

it's not even cutlery have you ever tried cutting anything with chopstick those things be round

>> No.16731502

Should be noted that most Japs really won't do shit if you don't follow their chopstick etiquette. Respect is a big cultural thing, and criticizing a customer or guest is seen as extremely disrespectful and shameful. Unless you're bothering other guests, they'll mostly just bite their tongue and bear with your foreign antics.

This is kind of why anonymous sites like this are popular over there, so people can actually vent without the fear of being known as a disrespectful person.

>> No.16731519

Of course if you put it down in a list like this it seems autistic, but the idea is to just not be a rude asshole.

You can make an autistic list like this for American eating etiquette as well. Like don't eat with your mouth open, don't use your fork to pick up food from other dishes, don't lick your fingers, etc. The type of shit your mom would nag you about, but nothing that really matters if you are eating alone.

>> No.16731529

we's got freedoms we can do all 'o that shiit fool

>> No.16731553

>Should be noted that most Japs really won't do shit if you don't follow their chopstick etiquette.

That's because they view gaijin as cutely pathetic retards who will never into Japanese society/culture. But once you realize that, you have unlocked real ultimate power and can do anything you want.

>> No.16731841
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pfft what?

>> No.16731845

When I'm done Ill just throw the plate and the silverware in the trash.

>> No.16731856
File: 76 KB, 262x242, 1632334327928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16731867

American etticute:
>Pray before meal
>Immediately start eating
>Don't stop to chew
>Cutlery is for decoration - don't use it!
>Chew with your mouth open
>Lick your fingers after the meal to compliment chef bubba
>Clap as you stand up
>Tip every person you see on the way out

>> No.16731908

I know about the finished position but I've never heard of the "I'm resting" position.

>> No.16731943

My fucking sides

>> No.16731966

it's the polite way to communicate to the waiter that you don't wish to be waken up

>> No.16731981

>transferring is taboo
Haha I'm here with a date and you aren't.

>> No.16732197

table etiquette is retarded as hell. just dont be a slob.

>> No.16732775

Almost all of these are bad manners with a knife and fork too.

>> No.16732800

Then you can french kiss their wives with a mouth full of rice and claim that that's how Americans feed each other.

>> No.16732838

That's what "I'm resting" means, it's to say "Don't take my plate, I'm not done yet," so that can be used if you have to excuse yourself from the table.

>> No.16732961

only stupid gooks believe this is real

FFS you dumb cunt, no one cares

>> No.16733016

is this loss?

>> No.16733086

>Continental style
Which continent, though?

>> No.16733089

>guide in English
>everyone thinks it's 100% real authentic Japanese ten commandments
80% of this shit no one even does naturally. Have you ever seen anyone, in any country, use chopsticks to drag something to them?

>> No.16733218

most of these are just common sense, that apply to any utensil. However shoveling is something that you see in Asian countries all the time, It certainly doesn't seem verboten to them.

>> No.16733367

>can't shake off bits of food stuck to chopsticks
>not allowed to lick them off either

What the hell do you do with it, then?

>> No.16733434

yeah i learned all this shit at cotillion right after my elocution courses

>> No.16733683

Cram it up your ass

>> No.16733706
File: 59 KB, 1483x597, 202A70E0-0A3A-479D-A224-FABEDD05CAB8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, they first identify Europeans based on their writing style.

>> No.16733831

>If anybody is going to know it's a chef
it would be the matron D.

>> No.16733853

Americans do not use both onife and fork.


>> No.16733881

Put it on your mouth. The point is not to stick your tongue out.
A date with an acrobatic neanderthal? Why the fuck are you attempting an airborne chopstick to chopstick transfer? Just leave it on your plate for them to pick it up from or use the back of your chopsticks to move it to a neutral/sharing plate.

>> No.16733954
File: 17 KB, 718x404, tenson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my tongue is a weapon and my stomach is a graveyard. the nips fear the yankee gustation

>> No.16734019

The fork is missing because it's the only way they can dislodge the fecal matter from their fat smushed sphincter.

>> No.16734032

>why not just leave it on your plate or use the sterile part of your sticks to put it on a clean plate for them so you don't offend other people
How romantic.

>> No.16734056
File: 38 KB, 560x591, 1630341592752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buts fucking based though?

>> No.16734307

Imagine being so obsessed with Europe that you post this.

>> No.16734345

Somebody post the being indian eating ediquite video

>> No.16734350

The wheel kinds

>> No.16734397

Imagine being so autistic that you had to communicate with your waiter through occult symbology rather than just opening your mouth and speaking

>> No.16734408

sounds like a jolly good time

>> No.16734410

lolwut, shoveling is common practice in asia. That seems more like something a westerner would find offensive that got tossed in there.

>> No.16734418

Weird but yes. I grew up in Germany, and remember actually being told this by my uncle when I was maybe 6 years old. It's still something I do automatically to this day.... Knife and fork together means done, knife and fork in V shape means not done.

Interesting to see this again online 25 years after hearing it for the first and last time.

>> No.16734446

Couldn't have been bad if your plate was empty

>> No.16734457

Exactly. There's no sense of romance or intimacy in using a shared plate.

>> No.16734630

I only heard about this bullshit about 15 years ago since then I have kept an eye out at restaurants to see if anyone does it.

they don't.

>> No.16734780

it's a poop fork. it's annoying when I eat at a fancy place and they expect me to use the smaller dedicated poop fork. I just bring my dinner fork with me. no one is going to tell me what to do

>> No.16734809
File: 2.71 MB, 640x480, when I realize.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...........i-is that not how you Americans feed each other?

>> No.16734810

>speaking to the help
you are a funny man

>> No.16734817

Shoveling is considered offensive in South Korea because South Koreans try really hard to differentiate themselves from Japan. Whoever made that image is lumping all the Asian countries together at once.

>> No.16734879

>he's never eaten an applause-worthy meal
Limey detected

>> No.16735786

break is taking a shit in the bathroom
pause is when you stop eating to take a sip of wine.

>> No.16735846

The guide is intended for chinkoids from bumfuck villages on chinkland….not whites. They are fucking filthy disgusting slobs with no manners to even worth mentioning. They will pick their nose with their chopsticks and spit on the floor if there wasn’t a decree and infographic written out for them.

>> No.16735891

>cant pick the items you prefer
>cant move the chopsticks towards the food
>cant insert the chopsticks in the bowl to pick up whatever you want to eat
how the fuck are you supposed to use it then? leave the sticks at the table and telepathically teleport the food to your stomach?

>> No.16735907
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>Speaking to the working class

>> No.16735922
File: 11 KB, 380x159, proxy-image[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never speak to the working class
>never expect the revolution

>> No.16736556

If you're taking a shit, they wont be there for you to speak to them

>> No.16736563

>forgetting the ceremonial shart at the end

>> No.16736669


>> No.16737843

fucking lold

>> No.16738042
File: 85 KB, 1081x758, very real study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Not understanding the difference between working class and serving class

>> No.16738207


>> No.16738216
File: 2.91 MB, 900x506, faggot vs. man eating.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically

>> No.16738221

Imagine being so obsessed with America that you post this.

>> No.16738225

Imagine being a goat for a day and spending time in the goat tower.

>> No.16738230

Rude, that's Islamophobic

>> No.16738236

How the fuck is the American style resting position supposed to tell anyone anything? It just looks like you've lazily left your knife and fork on the plate

>> No.16738241

>his waiter isn't an uncle Ted
Hope you didn't leave a tip