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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16728534 [Reply] [Original]

A fucking tire company is the authority on cuisine

>> No.16728622

How do people get to restaurants, anon?

>> No.16728628

that and and some faggot named anthony mustache or some shit.

>> No.16728635

>I am ignorant of history and will assert things that might make sense to other ignorant fucktards.
Congratulations, you're stupid.

>> No.16728645

I always heard that Michelin star restaurants exist because the tire company was trying to describe how long it's worth driving to a restaurant.

>> No.16728650

Congratulations, you know a basic fact.

>> No.16728657

wait- uh.... helicopters?

>> No.16728664

Why do you have to be rude? I work in a kitchen and I've never heard anyone reference this basic fact while discussing Michelin star restaurants. I'm glad you're better than all of us. Get fucked, virgin.

>> No.16728666

Spend your off time reading instead of smoking weed.

>> No.16728669

wow you really let an anonymous post get right under your skin. this site isn't for you buddy

>> No.16728670

What good would reading do, chump?

>> No.16728674

stfu triggered nerd welcome ot 4chan

>> No.16728677

Oh no the mentally ill people on fourchan !!!

Lol be safe out there cowboy

>> No.16728678

By reading, a person learns things.
Ah, yes. Ad hominen stuff. The clear indicator of the ignorant.

>> No.16728680

Hey, kick rocks. The last time I learned anything in a book I was in fucking high school.

>> No.16728683

Why don't you gobble my nutsack I R L ? Scared? haha. On your bike.

>> No.16728684

Enjoy your life of wage-slavery.

>> No.16728689

Thanks. I make $26/hour to drink on the job and work 35 hours a week. Could be worse, I suppose. It's nice to be a chef.

>> No.16728692

>I'll be dead by 50

>> No.16728695

You're so far gone I'm convinced you're an A.I.
That sounded like something Tay would say.

Im right here buddy. Not goin anywhere. See you tomorrow anon.

>> No.16728704

I'm not that guy but holy shit go outside. These types of "intellectual" debates died in 2011

>> No.16728708

>shit on seekay is intellectual
Seek help, fren.

>> No.16728727

Diabetic couch potatoes are definitely known for their longevity. You certainly aren't projecting here.

captcha: kp0p8

>> No.16728729

>the best restaurants are the ones you have to drive a long time for trust me

>> No.16728747

See, you're inventing shit. Nothing I have said is in any way indicative of a sedentary lifestyle. You mentioned you're a chef --albeit without specifics regarding your training-- and I made some observations about life as a chef, granting you the benefit of the doubt that you are in fact capable of cooking.
Please don't reproduce. You are clearly very stupid.

>> No.16728776

Walking, you fat fuck?

>> No.16728798
File: 534 KB, 1417x793, B04FDDEF-D96A-4161-A90A-17F7CAD9E64E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans always have to be eating. Look at this pic. He’s eating right before Omaha beach

>> No.16728809

actually I do know the history and it doesn't make it any less ridiculous you fucking faggot

>> No.16728816

Name one tire that tastes better than a Michelin. You can’t. Stupid linglong chewing motherfucker.

>> No.16728823

I already have two beautiful children. Don't lose sleep over this.

>> No.16728839

>Bragging about making $26 per hour

>> No.16728843

I couldn't imagine needing more. I fulfill my nerdy gaming needs and enjoy a social life. My house will be paid off in full n about 3 years from now. Tell me more about how bad my life is.

>> No.16729152

It's not a big deal anon

>> No.16729254

"Nerdy gamer needs" just about sums it up. You're a scumbag life waster who will never get over the existential crisis when it hits you.

>> No.16729277

Do americans really think $26/hour is a good salary?

>> No.16729318

>he said, arguing with someone 4chan about their life choices

>> No.16729325

thats slightly above mcdonalds salary in my country.
Do americans truly madly deeply really?

>> No.16729328

based as fuck.
i dont give a shit that the guide split from the company, its still nothing but a retarded grift to charge 300% extra on the 800% youre already charging.

>> No.16729363

Urban scum.
Go take a subway, stinky.

>> No.16729367
File: 8 KB, 215x235, i cant leave drank aloooooone got a nigga fienden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what other examples are there of a company that owns more than one experiment that leads the thoughts, beliefs, opinions, and actions of others where the theme is completely unrelated to the central theme/purpose of the company? don't give these weirdos the satisfaction.

>> No.16729513

i take the public transport here in evropa

>> No.16730472

4chan heritage nigga. It's our right.

>> No.16730492

>what is amazon, google, facebook, and apple
These days companies want to own your entire life experience. All the better to milk you for every penny you have.

>> No.16730514

Reading is for sexless losers. Spend time actually doing stuff instead of reading about stuff

>> No.16730554

Yep... you couldn't trust any sort of food-production company or restaurant to do it, everything would have a terrible bias: "The langoustine at Per Se was passable, but mine's better. 2/5."

>> No.16730715

They make very good tires, however they are a bit too expensive for me. I usually go with Korean tires.

>> No.16730722

>Yeah fuck reading
>Hey how come I didn't build this grill right
>No officer I didn't read the signs that's why my car is totaled
>How come I put coca cola in my popcorn instead of butter
Go be stupid somewhere else. Satan trips are superior.

>> No.16730744

Back then, most companies were actually interested in their customers. They did a lot of value adds to provide a good experience.

>> No.16730748

>buy shitty tires that are half the price of the expensive tires, but last a third as long
Why am I poor?

>> No.16730751
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> pretending to be better than someone else while posting on a Somalian yam harvesting forum

>> No.16730807
File: 112 KB, 1300x488, stars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>convinces you to add road miles
Big brain move really.

>> No.16732248

In case anyone was wondering, the reason the tire company also is the cuisine "authority" was because of low tire sales. They gave stars to restaurants that were far away from city hubs to encourage people to drive further, which used up valuable tire tread. It's a nice gimmick.
Source: a YouTube video

>> No.16732290

I've seen this pic for so many years and only now do I have a proper adult appreciation for it. Man. Love this now.

>> No.16732368

Why doesn't it?

>Want to get people driving around to sell tires
>Let's put together a guide that shows great places to eat so people drive more
>Becomes super popular
>Make it tough to get in the guide

AAA does the same thing -- and their results are actually better, IMO. I'd take 4 diamond English Grill over 3 star French Laundry any day of the week.

>> No.16733302

OP just learned about michelin stars and wants to fit in

>> No.16733679

This doesn't make it sound any less asinine.
If anything, it accentuates it.

>> No.16733968

Close. But closer to the truth is that Michelin was a pioneer of publishing maps and atlases geared toward motorists in the early days of the automobile. It went hand in hand with their tire business is the same way it did with US gas stations giving free highway maps with fill ups for tourists.

Michelin atlases began marking attractions along scenic roads that were deemed worth of a car trip for pleasure in their own right along with listing descriptions and reviews for restaurants and hotels where they recommended travelers stop. Over time the prestige of being included in these guides turned into its own thing separate from the maps and atlases. Btw, Michelin still make excellent atlases today and still take their restaurant guides and ratings very seriously.

>> No.16733982

>being this unaware
Literally McFuckingKillYourself, retard
>reading about “stuff”
This nigger has literally never read a single book in his life

>> No.16734020

Fancy words don't make things true, or opinions less of a stinky asshole.

>> No.16734044

>worthy of a special journey
Wow. I can't remember the last time I've been on a special journey. I sure would like to go on one again but I'm going to need companions. Who's with me?

>> No.16734290

How do you even get a Michelin Star? Does someone just show up one day and give it to you? Do you apply?

>> No.16734313

They have a squadron of anonymous reviewers that show up at random times

>> No.16734329
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>my nerdy gaming needs

>> No.16734331

a FRENCH tire company

>> No.16734917

Eat cock faggot

>> No.16735125

Jesuits and their court bergs

>> No.16735271
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