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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16726069 [Reply] [Original]

Dippy egg & soldiers discussion thread. Americans stay out please.

>> No.16726122

>they invented a kitchen appliance just to hold a boiled egg

>> No.16726133

American here. What is this

>> No.16726135

>they literally let their eggs roll around on the plate
Lmao my ass off

>> No.16726144

>mfw Americans call eggy-cuppies "kitchen appliances"

>> No.16726148

Tableware and kitchen appliances are different categories.

>> No.16726171

>What is eggs Benedict on toast?

The superior way to eat eggs and toast, that’s what, named after an English turncoat too, how fitting.

>> No.16726177

That's not a boiled egg. What a fucking stupid thing to say.

>> No.16726185

>Dippy egg & soldiers
Why do Brits attempt to present themselves as noble aristocrats yet talk like fucking toddlers?

>> No.16726190

Americans shop at Piggly Wiggly's so stfu

>> No.16726201

this is kinda like Onsen-Tamago from Japan?
neat. didnt know our brit friend had similar food to it.
i guess closest thing to this in amerimutt culture is "poached eggs", i fucking hate those things though.


>> No.16726202

>boiled egg

But that’s how you make eggs benedict?

>> No.16726205


>> No.16726209

atrocious bait

>> No.16726215

Dumbericans eat Twinkies and Ding Dongs.

>> No.16726238

>he doesn't have a self egging eggcup
because dippy eggs are for little children

>> No.16726242

American here. I won’t shit up your thread too much. Just curious if you eat the whole egg, or just dip toast until all the yoke is gone. I’ve been wanting to try this for a while now, but I don’t have any eggy-cuppies

>> No.16726245

When the yolk is gone, you eat the white bit with a spoon.

>> No.16726271

He doesn't know what egging really means.
He's jealous because their soft boiled eggs don't have runny yolks.

>> No.16726272

>Twinkies and Ding Dongs
Literally children's snacks. Try again.
>HobNob and Wotsits. . . .
real mature there.

>> No.16726292

They're stupid. British are the dumbest race of Europeans in existence. They are low IQ and put on heirs of pretention as a big charade. I am not joking. View the Daily mail. View documentaries of average British life. I can't believe they are a first world countries. I've seen Africans in dire poverty live more logically than the Bongs.

>> No.16726293

You can just rest the egg in a shot glass.

>> No.16726304

It's for children, and nostalgic for adults.

>> No.16726324

>Literally children's snacks
They're not though, are they?
>sugar-daddy, tootsie, snicker-doodle,
Explain these.

>> No.16726327

>view the daily mail
Kys ignorant cunt

>> No.16726328

Fucking desperation set in with this post.

>> No.16726340

Reddit detected. Daily Mail is a leading news agency and consistently includes information in their reporting that other UK media tries to sweep under the rug. The only reason redditors like you hate DM is because they tell you the truth that you don't want to hear.

>> No.16726364

>dinner time
>get two eggs and soldiers
>eat the mum cuts off the top of the first egg and goes back to the kitchen
>dip the yolk
>carefully spoon out the white
>the egg shell is perfectly in tact
>flip the empty egg shell upside down in the holder
>"MUUUUMM can you open my other egg"
>she takes the teaspoon and hits the empty egg shell
>she is mildly surprised when it shatters easily but is hollow
>I burst out laughing at the ultimate humour of my prank
>dad smirks
funniest shit 5 year old me ever did.

>> No.16726376

>Jammie Dodger
>Jaffa Cake
>Nik Naks
>Rim Jobblers

>> No.16726380

silly lad you were

>> No.16726381

That's a piece of bread and am egg.
That's one (1) slice of bread that has been rationed into portions to give it the appearance of greater volume and just one (1) single egg that has been boiled - the most primitive method of egg preparation.

This is very glaringly a "meal" born from desperation and scarcity. This is all that this Brit could afford to eat as his dinner. However, the Brit lies to himself and frames these literal crumbs, which is all that he can afford, as an elegant experience. Notice the gaudy golden spoon, the tacky grandma plate, and the laughable cup designed specifically for this purpose. Note the snarky nature by which he discusses this "meal". Note the pretentious name, "egg and soldiers". All of this serves to fulfill the Brit's delusion that he enjoys abundance and wealth - all while he is forced to consume a single egg and a single slice of bread as his dinner.

This is a harrowing, shocking and outright revolting look into the mind of the Brit. A literal bottom-feeder forced by poverty to sustain himself on crumbs and morsels, yet touting himself to be the model of eloquence and grandeur. This is the definition of the British mindset, and it should serve as an example of what happens when a nation collectively loses touch with reality.

>> No.16726384

>Americans stay out please.
You could've had a nice thread OP. If only you weren't OBSESSED.

>> No.16726391

Try it with Marmite on your toast, or Vegemite if you're AusGAYlian

>> No.16726398

You're losing your way now and Rim Jobblers are an American import.

>> No.16726403

It's not obsession. Everyone knows Americans are shit at cooking.

>> No.16726430

Mummy, I want a titty for brekkie!
>t. Englishman

>> No.16726434
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all engl*sh """""people"""""" should be exterminated. The island should be resettled by Germans and French.

>> No.16726442

You call your mother's breasts dippy eggs and soldiers? That's just really fucking weird.

>> No.16726446
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I've always wanted to read a copy of the Sunday Sport.

>> No.16726447

They tried and failed.

>> No.16726448

I fucking love soldiers and a googy egg

>> No.16726455

Just dipping toast into a soft-boiled egg. You know it's British because of the remarkably gay name.

>> No.16726456

G'day m8 I've just eaten me dippy eggs n wobble meat, may I have me whirly sticks for dessert innit

>> No.16726463

If you eat it in the evening, does it become a pm egg?

>> No.16726464

Putting eggs into little cups is stupid

>> No.16726471

Thank you for this.

>> No.16726484

How would you crack the top off for the soldiers then you retard

>> No.16726495

This fucker thinks he can eat a soft boiled hot egg, straight out of the water, in his hand. The dumb fucking imbecile.

>> No.16726532

It proves how stupid British people are like you.

>> No.16726539

That's why people need to respect the rules. No fat retard yanks ruining our googy egg thread

>> No.16726551

jesus christ

>> No.16726556
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But, that's exactly what Brits do!

>> No.16726568

You read silly girls magazines? Okay. Strange. Do your parents know?

>> No.16726586

>tfw ywnh a decent looking girl with such low expectations that boiled eggs are perfeclty good enough as both a personal hand warmer and snack with a £60 prize to be excited about.

>> No.16726598

i eat two dippy eggs with soldiers for lunch every single day ama

>> No.16726600
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It was always hard to tell which of these were genuine and which ones were just trolls. They published literally anything you mailed it.

>> No.16726603

You scoop out the whites with a spoon to eat it once you're out of soldiers. Always hated that part as a kid because of the smell.

>> No.16726607

I don't bother with cups anymore. The yolk always runs down the side and then I have to clean them. Now I just put my eggs straight on the plate, halve them, stand them up on their asses, then season them. Then scrape up and yolk left on the plate with my knife.

>> No.16726612
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>> No.16726634

Do you shell them first?

>> No.16726643

it should be tried again

>> No.16726713

Americans, rightly, laugh when some Europoor obsesses over America on this board. But as soon as Britain is mentioned they go into an almighty seethe.
I just don't get it.
In this case though, OP is a ludicrous faggot for mentioning Americans first.

>> No.16726872

They'd still fail.

>> No.16726880

Hypocrisy at work here.

>> No.16726970

>oi, it's just bantz

>> No.16727232

Shot glasses work great... alternately, egg cups work great as shot glasses.

>> No.16727234

Simmered (poached), out of their shell, in opposition to being boiled in their shell.

>> No.16727399

I think one soldier per toast. Because you dip once and get some yolk. Then scoop out some egg and eat it with the toast. You're then left with a small piece of toast that is undunkable.

One soldier per egg. Call me crazy but it's the truth.

>> No.16727404

Butter a slice of toast, cut half of it into fingers.
Get a teaspoon, tap around the top of the shell to crack it and peel that off. Scoop the top of the egg off and eat that, revealing the yolk.
Add a pinch of salt, then dip the fingers in the yolk until it's depleted.
Spoon the rest of the egg onto the half slice of toast and eat that.
Most importantly: surreptitiously turn the empty shell over so you can't see the hole, then pretend a new egg has suddenly appeared, deviously fooling any bystanders.

>> No.16728325
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>> No.16728400

so many egg dishes assume I am eating one egg so all the pain in the ass involved with peeling shells or poaching will be manageable
But I'm over here trying to eat 6 eggs in a go

>> No.16728408

>I've seen Africans in dire poverty live more logically than the Bongs.

Oh my god my fuckin sides this is funny as shit

>> No.16728992

Other american here. Isn't it a pain to eat it with the spoon? Once you're out of yolk why not just take the egg and remove the shell and eat the rest like a hard boiled egg.

>> No.16729001

It isn't so there's no reason to.

>> No.16729030

I guess I'm just used to eating hard boiled eggs because removing the shell seems faster than scraping out the white with a spoon. Guess a kid would rather scrape then remove the shell.

>> No.16729039

It pops out as a single piece

>> No.16729060

i love going to the pig, they have a wide selection of meats

>> No.16729101

You could soft-boil the egg and serve it on toast. It's not as delicate an operation, but at least it's the same texture of egg.

>> No.16729132
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However if the egg and bread were on separate miniature plates, themselves on a tray.

>> No.16729480


>> No.16729498
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>American here
Imagine introducing yourself in this manner on 4chins and not being immediately identified as a Redditor


>> No.16729751


>> No.16729991

absolutely vintage joke, pulled this a few times as a lad
miss you mum

>> No.16730019

>he said, wojackingly.

>> No.16730052

Even with hard boiled eggs it's quicker to remove with a (tea)spoon than peel if you're not bothered about having a whole egg, particularly with eggs that are a little old. Just cut in half with a knife and scrape around the edge - it's how I always do it when making egg mayonnaise or similar.

>> No.16730062

A quick cool-water bath with a cracked shell seeps water in between the egg and shell, making the shell super easy to remove.

>> No.16730080
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>> No.16730083

delusional mong

>> No.16730088

What do you do with the rest of the egg once you’ve consumed the dippy part?
Do you crack another egg and refill it?
Also, does this work with Cadbury eggs?

>> No.16730097
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The pig lives rent-free in bongs’ heads. What an actual chad.

>> No.16730125

Dippy eggs are based and Ameritards will never understand superior British cuisine. How does something so simple bring so much joy?
wiser words never spoken

>> No.16730192

> he doesn't have square eggs like those square watermelons
Are you really this undeveloped?

>> No.16730324

>brown hands typed this post

>> No.16730524

I had a british friend growing up, and i remember the first time i had a sleepover at his house, the morning after his dad made them for us.
I liked them so much i had my mom go buy some little egg cups afterwards, so i could have them at home.
Anyways, he died of a heroin overdose a few years back.

>> No.16730544

Poached eggs are the superior option. You get all of the goodness of a runny yolk, but without having to fuck around with digging egg out of the shell with a tiny spoon like a faggot.

>> No.16730551

No, you use a teaspoon and it's VERY satisfying. You get to hear the spoon scraping the inside of the egg shell digging out the last bits of egg. It's so comfy. Get some egg cups and try it.

>> No.16730564

You know how you always go one sentence too far in every post? ... Yeah... just something to keep in mind.

>> No.16730571

Learn how to shell a softboiled egg. All the goodness of a poached egg with none of the cleanup.

>> No.16730601

Poached and boiled eggs are topologically equivalent.

>> No.16730664

but the topography and texture differ slightly, and the method to prepare one kills the other.

>> No.16730683

Get your geology bullshit out of here. Fuck you, fuck induced polarization, and fuck aerial "surveys" you no account slant driller. God.

>> No.16730684

Nah man, just cut them in half and eat them with a spoon. Rinse them in cold water first so they don't burn me when I pick them up.

>> No.16730764

How is there less cleanup?

>> No.16730788
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now this is based

>> No.16730800
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do americans seriously have “holocaust classes” in primary school???

>> No.16730815

When i was in school about 12 years ago we went to a holocaust museum and a "holocaust survivor" (who looked about 60 lol) told us how he would stealth around the camp with a rusty knife taking out guards and when they were finally freed by the americans he was walking out the camp and saw the meanest nazi of them all and he charged at him with his rusty knife and took him out too it was so fucking obviously fake and even the teachers were looking at each other like "wtf" and we weren't allowed to talk about it again

like they literally just hired some boomer with an eastern euro accent to tell stories lmao

>> No.16730822

Just do soft boiled. Crack it in half, and scoop it into a bowl with toast. Salt pepper, eat.

>> No.16730842

Not him and you two got me. Ended up googling that shit. Wish it was real

>> No.16730873

Idk I kekd at how abrupt it was

>> No.16730976

Excellent bait. You got quite the crowd of retards flinging shit across the ocean at each other.

>> No.16731477

The pot cooking boiled eggs has boiled water and intact shells. There's always some detritus with poached eggs, unless you poach them in a bag/sous vide.

>> No.16731720

Shut up tea nigger you retards call cookies biscuits.