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16714640 No.16714640[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>drink bottle of vodka almost every day for 10 years
>quit cold turkey last week
>shits are way more frequent (like 4-5 times a day now)
>every shit is burning, acidic liquid

What foods can I eat to return my shits back to normal?

>> No.16714647

Go see a doctor. My shits always get better after I quit drinking.

>> No.16714663

> vodka
you wrecked your gut biome hard eat yogurt and see a doc

>> No.16714667

Your body is getting rid of the junk that you have been putting into you. It will get better eventually

>> No.16714672

how were the DT's? I'm about a week clean, finally able to sleep

>> No.16714725

Honestly, its been OK for me. Mainly just irritability, night sweats and the acid shits. Also eating anything made me have a major gag reflex for the first few days.

Been taking milk thistle, fish oil, and vitamin B. I've been trying to eat healthy but all my body craves is fat and carbs. Like all I want is burgers, burritos and tacos.

>> No.16714726

Dont ever cold-turkey off alcohol or benzos. Playing with death.

>> No.16714732

Daily reminder: if you cant resist the cravings that return after getting healthy, try Naltrexone. Else you are trapped in the endless cycle of bender-sick-health-bender

God forbid you get so bad you are constantly under the influence.

>> No.16714738

yeah me too, I've had pizza 2 days in a row.

>> No.16714750

Not OP, but naltrexone fucked me up the first day I took it... I know antabuse is supposed to do that, but I'd rather deal with any withdrawal symptoms than I got from naltrexone. It was so bad, I went sober for three months without the pill.

I'm considering trying it again though, because I'm back to drinking a lot. Thoughts on why my body shit on me and if it'll do it again? I'm talking death sweats, body cramping up, basically hallucinations... it was horrible.

>> No.16714755

Never heard of that, but you can always break a pill in half, and then halve that one. so 1/4th a pill. should be out of your system pretty quick. and if you do suffer any weird symptoms like that, they will be less intense and, as i said, the drug will leave your system at 4x the speed of a full dose.

>> No.16714761
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Dumb fucking frog poster. A bottle of liquor every day? I have a few pints of beer on the weekend and still feel bad about that. Be thankful you're not fucking dead because I wish you were.

>> No.16714762

if you take any prescription drugs investigate possible interactions

>> No.16714765

>drink heavily for over a year
>really bad habit
>decide something needs to be done, but I struggle with quitting
>fuck it, quit cold turkey one day
>go two weeks without a drop after 14 months of heavy alcohol abuse almost daily
>absolutely zero side effects, don't even feel better really, just bored

>> No.16714768


>> No.16714770

You just have good genetics man. Take that info and try to exceed in life.

>> No.16714775

Shut the fuck up soy

>> No.16714776

The only one I take doesn't apparently interact with Naltrexone.

>> No.16714777

ok well if its been a while, try a small dose and see where that gets you.

>> No.16714782

I'll fucking rape you bitch

>> No.16714783

Fuck off pussy. If you feel bad about a couple of measly pints you might as well be a vegan.

>> No.16714785

No, you feel guilty after a single beer. Your baby nuts couldn't rape anyone.

>> No.16714787
File: 13 KB, 225x211, haha_ooga_booga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking beer is already vegan. What are you even talking about you flaming fucking faggot?

>> No.16714788

I said a few, asshole. Enjoy pancreatitis and dying in your 40s, alone

>> No.16714792

>absolutely zero side effects, don't even feel better really, just bored
Same, more or less. When I quit for those three months, it was so desperately lonely.

Of course, I got back to drinking and it didn't help as much as I thought it would, probably thanks to covid stuff making it harder to get out with people and do things. Recently I've just been drinking alone, in a perpetual haze. I miss high school, college, and my early 20s, brehs.

>> No.16714802

Protip, you're gonna die just as alone as that anon, at least he'll have gotten to the point.

>> No.16714807

i finally realized alcohol is not a solution. it ends up fucking you too bad. you cant lean on it enough. unfortunate but thats the cold hard truth.

>> No.16714813

yogurt like the others said and something like buckwheat or bran cereals to bulk up

>> No.16714855

Neither is sobriety. The problem is, most adults don't do sober things together. Unless you can get to that point where you actively blame alcohol for your problems, and genuinely want to avoid it, you're fucked. I can't hang out with my friends while they all have a great time drinking when I desperately want a drink, and no one is stopping me.

And your friends eventually fade you when they need to come over to your house and play Nintendo sober to interact with you.

>> No.16714859


>> No.16714873

holy this this is embarrassing
No shit they're fucking losers and so are you so if you drag yourself up from being a loser and get your life together they're going to resent you for being able to be happy without wasting your time on alcohol
protip: make worth while friends you fucking waste

>> No.16714897
File: 25 KB, 156x184, Shades-penguinwars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. You don't know me
2. Alcoholics are the scum of the earth

>> No.16714899

lots of leafy greens like more than you think is normal, bananas, yogurt and berries, shit like that

>> No.16714910

My friends don't have an alcohol abuse problem like I do, you fucking faggot. It's not their job to cater to my whims if I can't handle my shit. Sadly, I drink at home alone, and they're people I've known for 20 years or more and actually support me.

"lol just get new friends" is for people who never had actual friends.

>> No.16714912


Your shits are gonna be awful for about a week. Then they go back to normal. Just wait it out.

Eat lots of fiber drink lots of liquids if you can, avoid acids and heat.

>> No.16714944

>Been taking milk thistle, fish oil, and vitamin B
Why? So you can just pee it out and waste money?

>> No.16714965
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Whenever I stop drinking I start to remember why I do and have to hold back the tears while I drink until I'm blackout drunk enough days in a row to forget my epiphany
How the fuck do you just stop?

>> No.16714978

If you drank a bottle of vodka every day for 10 years and quit cold turkey, watery shits would be the least of your worries.

>> No.16715001

Get a Frogger machine and devote all your attention to mastering it.

>> No.16715018

good point
no argument here

>> No.16715031

naltrexone. turns you into not an alcoholic. you dont even think about drinking on it

>> No.16715038

OP never specified how large the bottles were. They could be half pints for all that we know.

>> No.16715044

Not that anon but I drink because I'm bored and hard booze makes everything less boring.

>> No.16715100

The problem is alcohol cant be used constantly without MAJOR life-altering issues. Health, social, financial.

People sure try, though.

>> No.16715165

The tough thing is that alcohol has some major beneficial things, so using it limitedly is tough. I can't really fight you on health, but as long as you're not an angry/sad/sloppy drinker, your social life blooms with alcohol, and is stunted without. One needs a very sober niche to thrive without it.

Financial is also debatable. The Koreans have a drinking culture that's going to hurt your career prospects if you decline.


Same thing here, I work in marketing/media, and times out with salespeople or vendors, who I'm expected to engage, are uncomfortable if I'm the sober guy bringing down everyone's night. The people who are a part of the drinking culture almost always want that sober person to leave, and then talk about how they can loosen up. This leads to better relationships, better financial negotiations, and ultimately career gain.

>> No.16715173

Not my problem. If you're 30+ and can't figure this out just kill yourself.

Yeah, I said depression moron

>> No.16715183

thanks for the solution, guy on 4chan on saturday night

>> No.16715189

>what is being able to have or fake a happy sociable personality
If you're one of those salarymen that depends on social status and aren't naturally charismatic just learn to be a manipulator there's a reason psychos excel in the field or just quit because alcohol won't help you contend with the psychos or the naturally charismatic

>> No.16715221

Personally, I'm a friendly guy, but warming up to someone I've never met is much easier with a couple of drinks. I also live and work in Las Vegas. No one is coming here to talk about work and get out after a nice sober meeting at Applebees.

Regardless, being the consistently sober guy who thinks he doesn't need alcohol to be fun, is rarely true. Some people are. Generally, he's also the same person posting on reddit that says "I LOVE being sober so I can watch all of the people making dumb decisions," which is why everyone else hates them. They're sitting there feeling morally superior, instead of letting loose. The ones who head home with no girls, no stories, and a sensible bedtime.

>> No.16715257

yeah, those are all sensible points. your steadfast belief that social life suffers greatly by refusing drinks is easy to defend.

>> No.16715260

I dunno what you're describing is more boring than the autist you're making fun of, never have I heard of an actually interesting story come from a bar nor are women from a bar worth it, the bar/club scene itself is as fake as the business shit people put on a facade of being more interesting/ better looking than they normally would be/are just to have a one night stand or impress the surrounding men and women to be validated, IRL social media basically

>> No.16715319

I assume you spend time with maybe one person a week, probably a family member.

>> No.16715343

I'm happy to hear what you do that's so much more interesting completely sober, but I'm assuming it's some version of endless exercise, board games, or your hobby you completely engage in alone at home.

Truth is, if you have a robust social life without drinking, I'm all ears. I've been trying to figure out how to do so for years.

>> No.16715372

I should clarify my own statement here. The bars are generally full of loosened up people, genuinely looking for some more social connection. There's a bit of extroversion required, and I know I'm not on the right site for it. I love sharing some stories with people, hearing their stories, and maybe we bond.

Oral history is a true human tradition, and exploring those stories is a lot more fun to me than reading a book in isolation. Many of us struggle to open up, but alcohol seemingly enables us to do so. I envy those who don't drink and feel completely open to sharing their adventures, but I find them to be few and far between. I grew up shy, and alcohol helps me be the kind of person I want to be.

Many bond, if not just for a night. It's a good time.

I'm not sure why women from a bar "aren't worth it" outside of 4chan autism though. Normal people, both men and women, enjoy a relaxing night with a few drinks. It can lead to more flirty and fun behavior. You might need to loosen up a bit.

>> No.16715401

How much is a bottle? A pint? A fifth? A half gallon?
Drinking heavily for a year isn’t a very long time son.

>> No.16715417

i was agreeing with you, idiot. didnt even post a wall of text. very basic, up-front "yes"

>> No.16715426

very basic my bad anon

>> No.16715489

watching movies or shows/ playing games
talking about topics that I couldn't talk about while drunk
I'm fine talking about things I've done with other people but I obviously keep some of it hidden like I'm not going to reveal my "pol" side to people that won't agree with it
chess is another thing to do although that can be counted in games
the thing is, is that like you were talking about earlier I not only have a moral superiority complex but just a superiority complex in general, so like I said earlier the bar to me just looks like performance zone for average people so I look at it like why would I bother trying to find someone there either as a friend or romance when it's extremely unlikely they're going to have much depth as a person
I'm not even anti-alcohol it really is fun to get drunk once in a while, but my point is life is FAR better sober and the reason people look back more fondly on drunk adventures is it skews your perception of how fun what's happening really is (I'm sure you know this since that's basically why you explained you drink)

>> No.16715504

Take Imodium or Gastro Stop for the shits, and start cooking your own food. Fewest ingredients. Follow low FODMAP diet and it should be good after a few weeks.