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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16705699 No.16705699 [Reply] [Original]

What do?
It's really sweet she cooks for me sometimes, but she sucks ass at it. She mismatches spices, or over/under spices by a huge margin, doesn't use cooking oil of any persuasion, claiming that the pans are "non-stick" and proceeds to over cook everything. I try to add some flavor by putting soy or bbc sauce on whatever she cooks, but it doesn't help, it just clashes with the bland food she shits out.
What do, /ck/?

>> No.16705704

>bbc sauce

>> No.16705705

cook with her and show her how to do all the things she does wrong

>> No.16705706

BBC sauce?

>> No.16705708

Either do all the cooking or leave her

>> No.16705710
File: 20 KB, 309x320, 10284300984_0a74476253_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell us about the BBC sauce, OP

>> No.16706200

my fucking sides. it’s over op

>> No.16707102

bump for explanation

>> No.16707208
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>bbc sauce

>> No.16707212
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>bbc sauce

>> No.16707257

Cook with her

Cook very simple things solo (like a carbonara) and explain briefly how you made a sauce, what level of heat you fry something on and why, etc.

Ask her to cook solo, but be honest & nice with some feedback (don't mention everything, even if she did 10 things wrong) on how to improve 1-2 things. Give positive comments too ("the pasta turned out great", "the meatballs were slightly cold on the inside, try frying them on a lower temperature next time and they'll turn out great too").

Cook the same thing she cooked before, but properly. But don't do frame it in a way that "I'll show you how it's done". Just cook it as normal and ask "Do you notice anything different from when you cooked it? I fried the meat on a lower temperature with some oil. Do you think it turned out well?"

Basically, subtly teach her without going into a
>ok idiot, this is how it's done
feeling for her. Your goal is to motivate her to want to do better. That her cooking for you makes you happy and that you enjoy her food.

>> No.16707275

teach her or tell her to stop, fag

>> No.16709075
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>bbc sauce
what the fuck op

>> No.16709097

Mutt's law

>> No.16709172
File: 10 KB, 236x236, 086d03393b6c0ef2ede1a721052f3034--reaction-pictures-frogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show your face, coward

>> No.16709536
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>> No.16709567

My ex couldn't cook for shit. I offered to cook some meals with her and showed her some basic recipes that virtually no one could fuck up. She got a bit better but she had absolutely no patience in the kitchen. Once I told her that you really shouldn't ever use the highest heat possible for anything other than boiling water that helped a bit. You can guess why she's my ex now though.

>> No.16709568
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>> No.16709622

You faggots are so easily baited.

>> No.16709773

teach her to cook you fucking retard. you should be cooking primarily until she's good, and she should be cleaning primarily until she gets proficient. its a great bonding activity as well

>> No.16709796

>great bonding activity
You’ve never had to teach a woman how to cook. Also good luck doing that if you have a small kitchen

>> No.16709800

>I try to add some flavor by putting soy or bbc sauce on whatever she cooks
sounds like you can't cook, either, dude. also:
>bbc sauce

>> No.16709819

works for me
>I do all the cooking
>have her chop some shit to my specification if I dont want to do it
>explain what I'm doing as i do it
>she learns
>she's impressed
>she puts out
wins all around

>> No.16710802

>t. Dumbass op

>> No.16710806

>Once I told her that you really shouldn't ever use the highest heat possible for anything other than boiling water that helped a bit.
Well you sure can't cook for shit either

>> No.16710877
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>>BBC sauce

>> No.16710878
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lol, lmao

>> No.16711320

Pick out some basic recipes and cook them with her. I don't invite my friends over to teach them about cooking, but since I'm making food I always end up teaching them a thing or two, especially about grilling.

>> No.16711350

teach her, make an event of it.

>> No.16711352

sounds like youre an insufferable autist

>> No.16711366

just give her a recipe to follow. fucking fuck how hard is it?

>> No.16711375

OP, break up or get a vasectomy.
Breeding with "stupid" will only give a lifetime of misery. Seriously. Dumb down your genepool and you'll be sorry.

>> No.16711425
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>bbc sauce

>> No.16711452
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>bbc sauce

>> No.16711692
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>> No.16711921
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>bbc sauce

>> No.16712105
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>bbc sauce

>> No.16712123
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>soy or bbc sauce
the impossible choice

>> No.16712841
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i hate this fucking board

>> No.16712858

Mansplaining always turns out well.

>> No.16713451 [DELETED] 

I get so sick of incompetent women. Let me give you some personal insight on the matter.

I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant.
She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.

Do with this information what you will.

>> No.16713529

dangerously based

>> No.16713541
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>> No.16713703
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>bbc sauce

o hai newfriends

>> No.16713737

>like a carbonara

>> No.16714771

baited niggers

>> No.16716679

I know your Gonna call me a fag but I've never had a gf but me and my mom cook together alot and I suck on her dds

>> No.16716707

>and I suck on her dds
I pray to God this is but a joke in the utmost poor taste.

>> No.16716722

They taste nice actually especially underboob sweat and nipples

>> No.16716749

You're freaking sick, dude. Contact a mental health professional asap.

>> No.16716760

>You're freaking sick, dude. Contact a mental health professional asap.
Pfft I'm not Gonna talk about my incest with some fucking normie piss off

>> No.16716975

I know what I'm doing, laughing at you. Sounds like the complete opposite of my wife. The only food I make is when I barbecue, besides that she cooks everything. She can even make everything at Thanksgiving without breaking a sweat. I couldn't be with a girl that couldn't cook, even if she was insanely hot. If your gf isn't that good looking I'd be confused about why you were with her. If she's good looking try and teach her to cook.

>> No.16717645

if someone cooks for themselves they should improve eventually, if they dont they clearly dont give a shit about anything

>> No.16717668

holy fucking cringe

>> No.16717694
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>> No.16717698

He's kinda right though, I make all the food at Thanksgiving and if I met a girl who not only could but would and wants to, I would marry her mha2g

>> No.16717777
File: 5 KB, 251x240, 1630983038070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> bbc sauce
> the c isn't even near the q on the keyboardo
OP unironically is a cuck isn't he?

>> No.16717888

I would go on dates with her to cooking classes.

>> No.16718635
File: 171 KB, 600x600, 1624740956733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bbc sauce

>> No.16719445
File: 496 KB, 550x595, they call me ranch cause I be dressing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this shit still being bumped, I made this shit like 4 days ago as a joke.
You niggers are so easily baited god damn.

>> No.16719631
File: 3.00 MB, 1647x2240, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, son.

>> No.16720086
File: 990 KB, 792x800, oi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put me in screencap

>> No.16720140

look at those digis dood

>> No.16720286
File: 38 KB, 480x360, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that post number

>> No.16720289
File: 31 KB, 243x234, 247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was just a joke dude lol

>> No.16720439

Gonna purposely leave you out of the screencap

>> No.16720444

>like 4 days ago (Sunday)
Cope. Fucking loser

>> No.16720451


>> No.16720558

Still not in the screen cap lol cope

>> No.16720587

Sounds like both you and the guy you're quoting are unexperienced. What if I told you that not all women behave the exact same way and some will be very receptive and some others will be cranky about it? Fucking retards

>> No.16720616

I can cope with a lady not being able to cook if she loves food and has the drive to learn and experiment.
Met this girl who loved chicken parm so imagine my surprise when I go over there for dinner and she orders the chicken parm from East Side Mario's.
Boldly mused at how she didn't even know how to make it herself and didn't care.
Interest in cooking is a must for me.

>> No.16720753

why is barbecue shortened as bbq

>> No.16720786

dont know
dont care
simple as

>> No.16720925

Based ignoramus

>> No.16720954 [DELETED] 
