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16712699 No.16712699 [Reply] [Original]

Why muck about with Hazy Marshmallow Chocolate Double IPAs and other bender drinks when you can drink the good stuff Europeans have been making for centuries?

>> No.16712721

I don't like the weird stuff people make with fruits and other additives but I do like IPAs, hazy IPAs, and stouts/porters
Here in USA the only European beers are Heineken and Stella Artois and both taste like 6/10 beers
I've been to Europe lots and most Yuro brews are pretty shit just like American macrobrews.

>> No.16712865

Both of those are 6/10 in Europe too. Mass produced beer is basically just soda

>> No.16712868

God forbid someone does something for the novelty of it.

>> No.16712888

>novelty of it

Yeah that's why all these cunts are making Smoky Chocolate Stouts and whatever other gay shite

Such a wank trend for beer imho

>> No.16712903

you must live in a really shitty part of america if the only euro beers you can get are heiny and stella.

>> No.16712915

Yeah Dallas is a real shithole with all the Cali-tech companies moving here

>> No.16713067

>Why muck about with Hazy Marshmallow Chocolate Double IPAs and other bender drinks
We don't, that swill is shit brewed for faggot tourists.
> when you can drink the good stuff Europeans have been making for centuries?
Just had a really fucking good pale zwickelbier from one of my favorite breweries in town. It's pretty great, anon.

t. Ashevillefag

>> No.16713110

Why should I pay a premium for 11.2oz of import euro lagers when there are plenty of local breweries selling 12oz of stuff thats just as good?

>> No.16713117

Erdinger is utter trash
Ayinger is hipster - haven't had it yet though
the other is just fruit juice

>> No.16713276

>Ayinger is hipster - haven't had it yet though
Their doppelbock, at least, is excellent, although Aventinus is better.

>> No.16713301

>Ayinger is hipster
kys dumb gay flyover

>> No.16713322

>12 FL Oz is like 340ml

Do Amerisharts love queueing at the bar to tip or something lel

>> No.16713326

>t. Ashevillefag
Former Ashevillefag here, how are you coping with how our town has been totally transformed in the last 15 years?

>> No.16714019

I can understand the hate for the meme culture of craft beer but a lot of them eeally are good beers if you look past the cringe. On the other hand most European lagers genuinely just taste like spoiled beer and I don't get the appeal, Spaten Oktoberfest is actually good though.

Captcha D00YA

>> No.16714046
File: 1.92 MB, 1277x1747, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cookie beer. For the dessert minded 20-something on-the-go!

>> No.16714093

Ayinger is fucking incredible and I will not hear otherwise. It's fucking good. In fact the best German beer I've had.

>> No.16714648
File: 799 KB, 280x280, dog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want all the fucking Californians to leave.
I've moved to Fletcher just to get away from all the fucking trash.

>> No.16714689

For me, it's the increased crime rates.
Also IIRC: Asheville voted in favor of reparations for blacks

>> No.16714756

pfft. was this intentional? you all replied the same and as fast as their beers showed up in stores.

>> No.16714767

Give me budweiser that has been brewed the hard way.


>> No.16714801
File: 14 KB, 480x360, YOU ARE THE BLACKEST RETARD GORILLA NIGGER I HAVE EVER LAID EYES ON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit on a widely enjoyed brand of beer without having ever tried it
>multiple anons in thread inform you that you should stop fucking your cousins
captcha: P ST0P

>> No.16715101
File: 160 KB, 1667x2083, it wasn't that good either.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahaha it's okay anon. i've had people shit on things i like too. you'll get over it. it's always cooler to shit on people for not having tried something than it is to share in the joy of having experienced the same things innit?
pic related is the only good thing they produce and it was one of the first beers i ever drank 5 years ago nigga.

>> No.16715115

This is my entire philosophy regarding beer

>> No.16715225
File: 124 KB, 768x1024, 29994881784_ac3eac549a_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At what percentage does beer stop tasting like beer?

>> No.16715285

now this is alcoholism

>> No.16715300
File: 265 KB, 300x699, warsteiner-warsteiner-premium-beer_1556212254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been really enjoying this warsteiner recently, it has a great balanced hop character and enough malt to taste like something without being too bready to fill you up. Pretty cheap too, it's only $14 per 12-pack, compared to Hacker-Pschorr which is about $18

>> No.16715497

>Why muck about with Hazy Marshmallow Chocolate Double IPAs and other bender drinks when you can drink the good stuff Europeans have been making for centuries?

If you don't think people who drink Lambic's and Flemish red's are as pretentious as the soy's you're horribly ignorant.
t. Lambic drinker

>> No.16715574

7% already tastes fairly strong

>> No.16715667

I think you may just be retarded if you can't find other beers in a 1m+ pop city. Try exploring some different stores other than your weekly Walmart trip with mommy.

>> No.16715669

fag, unironically

>> No.16716078

Why would I look for mediocre Euro lagers when there are tons of good craft breweries?

>> No.16716173

>That pallor
Less than two centuries old, my friend, and all three breweries, while old, are about 150.

>> No.16716179

The pilsner is the father of new world macrobrews. It makes sense that there would be similarities.

>> No.16716291

The problem is that many small breweries have to have gimmicky hipster shit because if they just did traditional European beers they would fall apart pretty quickly. Support your local brewery.

>> No.16716342

Breweries should always have a beer flavoured flagship brew. Probe and experiment, but always have something with mass appeal.