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16711503 No.16711503 [Reply] [Original]

They took this from you

>> No.16711531

stop living in the past

>> No.16711537

I don't want to live in the present, and the future we're heading towards looks just as if not more horrifying.

>> No.16711539

I live in Florida I do this all the time still lmao

>> No.16711656


>> No.16711672

then take the blinders off, retard.
And take off the rose tinted glasses when you look at the past. There's a reason we do things differently now.

>> No.16711677

Get a vaccine and we'll get it back.

>> No.16711707

Holy shit why is he moving so fucking fast
Tell that to Israel lmao

>> No.16711724

>Mid-wit incel take

>> No.16711726

>And take off the rose tinted glasses when you look at the present. There's a reason they make us do things differently now.

>> No.16711772

Pizza Hutnight was a great memory of my childhood

>> No.16711779


>> No.16711784

COVID vaccines can’t provide herd immunity nor can they prevent breakthrough infections with long COVID symptoms. Get a vaccine to protect yourself. But don’t think COVID is going anywhere because of these vaccines.

>> No.16711804

No amount of meme vaccines will bring back the authentic 1980s sitdown restaurant experience at Pizza Hut.

>> No.16712585

You know things are bad when people yearning for the good old days keep getting younger.

>> No.16712597
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>> No.16712598

I live in a red state I still do this all the time lmao

>> No.16712629
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They made one of those restaurants, it never got to open. Once it was completed the pandemic hit and they had to close, they eventually just tore it down. It had the tiffany lamps, the tableclothes, everything. They were going to have a resurgence of the vintage style pizza huts, you can see it in their current advertising. Unfortunately the brick and mortar place never had a chance.

>> No.16712947

>Bro, get the Jab [TM] and not only will the crackheads disappear from your local pizza store, but the Indians/Koreans running them will stop cheaping out and splurge on both dining in AND language lessons

>> No.16713354


Wrong board my guy

>> No.16713371

If anyone lives in Florida, there's a Dustin's near me that's essentially just a Sonny's under a different name that's time warped to be stuck in the 90's (like, they even have a fucking salad bar ffs) went to it last week and it was like I was 10 again. I was the only dude under 50 and the after-church crowd was just rolling in. It was a throwback for sure.

>> No.16713423

He's referring to how Israel went all in on 3rd boosters and it caused covid infections to skyrocket. He wasn't being racist.

>> No.16713434
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I cry every time.

>> No.16713568

>If anyone lives in Florida

>> No.16713694
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We won't have herd immunity but covid won't fucking mutate every six seconds and it will lose some deadlier properties

>sitdown restaurant experience at Pizza Hut.

>> No.16713725

What is that, why does it look so horrible, and why are you pretending you miss it?

>> No.16714626
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What is that reason, huh? I'm asking you anon, what is the reason? You say architecture is dull, design is dull, movies aren't entertaining or funny anymore, immigrants from the least culturally compatible countries are being sent to western countries for 30 years, what is the reason? Who are you accusing? Who? Qui monsieur? QUI?

>> No.16714649

>you have to make your own food

>> No.16714653

That's why it only cost $2.99

>> No.16714662
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probably kikes

>> No.16714670

What do you mean? If anything the vaccines will just create a new selection pressure selecting for variants that produce a higher viral load and spread more effectively among vaccinated people. In other words select for variants capable of breakthrough infections asymptomatic or otherwise.

Without sterilizing immunity there won’t be much of an impact on the virus’ mutation rate.

>> No.16714673

I was sad when my pizza hut remodeled and took out the galaga, centipede, spy hunter arcades.

>> No.16714675

Israel went all in on the third boosters BECAUSE COVID infections were on the rise. They found that breakthrough infections were in people vaccinated early on with their second dose 6 months ago. Vaccine protection doesn’t last very long.

>> No.16714684

Its all going back to normal vaccine or not, just get your shit together stop dreaming about fucking Pizza Hut and cook your fucking ass off

>> No.16714705

The schizoposters and bots in this thread talking about vaccines don't seem to realize this is what OP was really talking about.

>> No.16714707

I'm 35 and never went to a sit-down Pizza Hut. In fact, it was only a thing I saw on VHS commercials before like, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

The fact of the matter is, I wouldn't sit down for Pizza Hut kind of food, just like I won't for some "boutique" pizza place. Pizza is for delivery and just about nothing else. It's lazy food. And fuck your home cooked pizzas too.

I also don't sit down to eat at restaurants that don't serve alcohol, either.

>> No.16714733
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The hottie redhead is gonna suck your burrito

>> No.16714759

Anyone else find it amazing how the 2018 flavor of everyday life bored and annoyed you to tears and yet now just two short year slater you'd tear someone's throat out with your teeth just to live one hour in the before times?

I envy the babies being born now that will never know how good things were before all this. And the crazy thing? It wasn't even that good. But it was still 10X better than this.

>> No.16714773

I was reading a book and in a particular seen a bunch of people went to a bar. I had this strange reaction that I realized was a sort of surprise/unfamiliarity at simply casually walking into a crowded bar. That’s how much things have changed and it wasn’t until I had that strange reaction that I realized it had an impact on me.

It’s a scary thought but perhaps the present is almost always better than the future? So enjoy each day as much as you can because it will surely get worse if not simply by the natural aging process.

>> No.16714799
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>things getting shittier every year
>everyone is more and more at each other’s throats
>depression continuing to increase
S-stop r-remembering things! It’s better now!

Is there any particular reason why you have this reaction to people feeling nostalgic about a restaurant from their childhood on a food board? What’s your motivation for trying to convince people their memories are wrong and they were in fact unhappier then? Furthermore, why do you ignore the data (aka deny science)?

>> No.16714810

Because in the bad old days things were less diverse and the big bad middle class was occupying more than their fair share.

>> No.16714816

>perhaps the present is almost always better than the future?
Seems that way. Which is a horrific reality really. What a curse where each moment you exist your reality decays around you.

What must it have been like to be born in the 1940s? Just unrelenting progress and improvement. It must have felt so good.

>> No.16714834

this is what I remember from pizza hut nights in the late 80's as a 6 year old.
>jukeboxes at every booth
>small arcade room
>dad downing a pitcher of swill beer
If I could go to one like that again I would experience...Joy.

>> No.16714837

There have of course been many periods of genuine progress and improvement but as someone born in the mid-80s I find myself often feeling lucky I wasn’t born even a few years later.

I’m tempted to say they were more innocent and fun times, at least for someone in my socioeconomic status, but nostalgia is one hell of a drug. My older brother used to say how my cohort was full of pussies and things were better when he was a kid so it’s important to recognize that kids these days will be telling themselves how much better THEIR music, media etc were.

>> No.16714856

It's important to also recognize that objectively things are worse today than they were yesterday, and that trend has been consistent for nearly two decades, arguably three. And the trend just seems to accelerate every day.

The kids who claim their culture is superior to their juniors are generally factually correct. Western civilization is trapped in an unrecoverable tailspin into the mountains. God knows what will be left of us when we finally bottom out considering how bad yet oddly functional things are today.

>> No.16714901

Might be the coke, welcome to the layer cake my son.

>> No.16714905

I agree and I think it’s been going downhill absolutely for the last 20 years (at least). I was JUST on the cusp of the really shitty cohort where it was all about zero tolerance and everything being about race, white guilt and all that. It was being introduced into people born in my year but wasn’t really widespread or refined yet.

I can’t honestly see things going back or getting better. It is impossible to move back and any attempts to do so are just misguided revisionism and LARPing. Those times are gone and will never come back. Doesn’t mean things can’t get better but they’ll have to be better on their own terms not merely trying to emulate our peak nostalgic periods as we subjectively remember them.

I have young kids and I do not look forward to what they will learn in school and be attempted to be molded into by their society. The worst part to me is that things that I hold sacred like freedom of speech, individualism, merit, privacy and right to self-determination are now consider negative attributes and dogwhistles. That’s the scariest part about all this and what makes me realize society has passed me by and I am no longer connected with the current social pulse. It’s not the music and the media and other ephemeral shit that always changes, it’s my core values being considered obsolete and unwanted.

>> No.16714986

I don't say that, you do. The guy who yearns for fucking Pizza Hut is the guy who says that.

>> No.16715068 [DELETED] 

>"I can't get away with calling the blacks niggers now" the post

>> No.16715077


>> No.16715086


>> No.16715104
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He's fast...!

>> No.16715112


>> No.16715204

this is like pining over the lost days sitting down to dine in a booth at mcdonalds.
ie. not something that is in anyway special beyond the nostalgia of being a kid the memories bring

>> No.16715220

>post deleted because he said the naughty bad hurty word
No sense of humour, these late-night guys.

>> No.16715239

>not something that is in anyway special beyond the nostalgia of being a kid the memories bring
We've long since hit the point where mundane nostalgia makes us happier than most of the crap we deal with on a day-to-day basis. I almost broke into tears eating a plate of fried perogies at the local fair once because it reminded me of when my grandmother would take me there as a child. I never got why she loved that cheap crap, but it really wasn't about the food in the end. It was about the memories.
Bitterly disregarding that tug at your heart just because you recognize how synthetic and commercial all that crap was now has to be a terrible feeling.

>> No.16715280

What word?

>> No.16715302

by "we've" do you mean your age group?
because this is how is for everyone, every generation. people grow up and become adults and realize that life isn't as exciting and fun as being an adult seemed like it would be, in fact life kinda really sucks 85% of the time.
unless you get really lucky, adult life is a shitty grind that you get stuck in.

woody allen said it best in annie hall

>> No.16716151

Terry may have been a schizo but he was right about technology.
If you'd permit me to utter a shitty chuuni line: we're slowly but surely witnessing why eating the apple of knowledge truly was forbidden. Sensitivity to information and knowledge is our hubris.

>> No.16716158

I worry about this too. I'd homeschool if I had the means. Hell, my kindergartner last year learned about slavery on MLK Day. How the fuck does a kid that young even grasp the full repercussions of slavery?

>> No.16717933

>Vaccine protection doesn’t last very long
yeah if its a pseudo meme vaccine for a meme "global plague"

>> No.16717948

I love this new format

>> No.16718086

It’s hard though because you can’t shield your kids from their generation. Homeschooling could be beneficial but they’ll get it from their friends and media. You could keep them in total darkness but that wouldn’t be in their best interests.

I don’t know the answer but I worry too. My son was encouraged to where various rainbow colours during pride week. He’s in kindergarten. I dropped him off and noticed it was the mothers who were also where rainbow shit and decking their kids out in rainbows. Some parents do it to out-progressive the other parents and really don’t care what the implications are or whether some subjects are relevant or appropriate for children.

My friend told me his grade four daughter was coming home talking about Trump all the time. Turns out her teacher would go on tirades about Trump. We live in Canada.

>> No.16718117

It's almost like its non-sterlizing non-immunizing gene therapy, or "not a vaccine"

>> No.16718127

Richmond is fucked. Anyway, watching you.

>> No.16718128

i work at a dine-in pizza-hut, nothing has been taken from you, you just stopped looking for it.

>> No.16718171

Not in BC thank god.

>> No.16718182

OK lol. 3 road two nights ago

>> No.16718228

>There's a reason we do things differently now.
I wouldn't be so sure of it.
One day your temple of profit and vulgarized science will fall.

>> No.16718540

Good. The 90s/00s were the most cancerous time in history

>> No.16718544
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>> No.16718549

>3 road two nights ago

>> No.16718558

>shitty pizza

Not missing much buddy.

>> No.16718562

I think he's talking about that double shooting, but that was no.4 at Granville.

>> No.16718581

I’m actually not from BC so none of this makes sense to me. Would like to visit the west coast again soon it’s a nice place although too expensive to live and too many bat soupers.

>> No.16718728

>How the fuck does a kid that young even grasp the full repercussions of slavery?
they don't have to.
adults don't even understand teh full repercussions of slavery, and if they did this entire movement wouldn't exist.
this is where you are supposed to do your job as a parent and talk to your kid about it. unless of course it makes you uncomfortable... because you don't understand the repercussions of slavery.

>> No.16718736

My ancestors are First Nation and almost certainly were involved with slavery. Fucking based if you asked me.

>> No.16718802

What's the reason?

>> No.16719066

it’s way better eating at home or in your car at an empty parking lot then to go eat near another person who can’t cover their mouth while i have my back turned to everyone else as i eat in my booth

>> No.16719106

People started getting bored of the old gimmicks so fresh gimmicks had to be sold.

>> No.16719109

Sounds extremely jewish

>> No.16719115

A "vaccine" that does not prevent me from contracting or spreading the disease and has a higher likelihood of serious side effects than the virus itself.

>> No.16719122

The "vaccines" promote mutation, moron.

>> No.16719126

Had forgot this even existed.

>> No.16719132

How fat are you? You don't fit into booths or normal dining chairs, huh?

>> No.16719134

Who are "they"? Only low iq morons who don't understand complexity have to find someone to blame for everything bad that happens to them. Makes it real easy spot /pol/tards.

>> No.16719154
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>He thinks we're ever going back even if 100% of people took the jab
Fucking idiot, COVID is the new 9/11 and the vax does not do what you think it does, it's population control

>> No.16719168

The variants we hear about today have already been discovered months ago but they didn't include protection for them in the vaccines for whatever reason (speed/necessity/etc)

>> No.16719211

>Who are "they"?
This interview is over. Shut it off. We can't air this.

>> No.16719274
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It's always the jews, every fucking time
Go on name a problem with society and I'll show you, pick anything

>> No.16719279

I will never enjoy a late night dinner at this one restaurant with similar seating as this ever again cause of covid retardation and the fact that it closed down a few months ago due to lack of customers

>> No.16719280

Rural poorfags keep voting for republicans even though the only thing they do is lower taxes on the ultra wealthy and big corporations and increase the wealth gap, effectively destroying the middle class.

>> No.16719285

Elementary school aged children electing to use "they/them" pronouns. Go ahead and tell me how they're responsible for that, with evidence.

>> No.16719295

>dude just vote for the Democrats who want to bring back SALT deductions for wealthy landowning coastals

>> No.16719309

>everyone who disagrees with the cult I follow is voting against their own interests

>> No.16719327
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Oh you mean the transgender shit? Easy, the pioneer of the concept of gender was john money who was jewish of course and it's easy to brainwash children who seek approval from adults, that's why they elect to play along, their teachers groom them and give them praise for doing it

>> No.16719349

Found the jew.

>> No.16719361

Jews were the pioneers in trandgeneder bullshit and all that is pushed on kids by media, which is 100% controlled by jews.

>> No.16719368

You can tell the kid knows this is wrong. This is a failure of the parents they should be charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
Maybe even child endangerment.

>> No.16719376

There is still a pizza hut with dine in and buffet in my town.

>> No.16719402

>SALT deductions
That's not even a party line thing on the left. The only reason Trump got rid of it was because it benefited states that didn't vote for him. Good job explaining how it's all about the Jews destroying the middle class, though.

>> No.16719406
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Social media has destroyed society, people will play along and parrot any and all of the "right" opinions for clout and fear of social rejection, I used to think people who were scared of having kids feared responsibility but I get it now, they're terrified of the future world where people will dress up their sons in dresses and tell them they're a girl so they can post it on social media for likes
You know what zoomers came up with recently? Demisexual, it's defined as someone only sexually attracted to people they have an emotional connection to
Fucking someone you love is an alien concept they had to re-invent, this is the world now

>> No.16719449

In the last year I have finally realized why Texans call themselves Texans instead of Americans.
It feels good to be a Floridian, bro.

>> No.16719459

Yes, Pizza Hut isn't the same as it was in the 90's because of dumb identity politics that nobody really cares about and not because of wealth inequality and the vanishing middle class. But keep obsessing over trannies. I'm sure if Trump gets another terms he'll fix everything.

>> No.16719487
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We ain't talking about pizza hut anymore buddy, I hate Trump by the way, he's an Israeli puppet maybe try visiting /pol/ instead of getting your info secondhand from Vaush and Contrapoints

>> No.16719496

You'll never be a woman.

>> No.16719545


1. pizza hut had a killer salad bar back in the day

2. fresh out of the oven pizza is far better than 30 minute old-steamed in the box pizza

3. back in the day, their pizza was made fresh there, even the dough

4. they had beer and wine. my parents would split a half pitcher of miller and my sister and i would split a half pitcher of root beer

>> No.16719562

I too made all the decisions about where my parents ate when I was in 4th grade, and also always insisted that I refused to eat anywhere without alcohol. (My family actually ate out all the time but never went to Pizza Hut because it was never good, but I went with friends, and for birthday parties and school trips.)

>> No.16719575

You are forgetting Jesuits

>> No.16719595

I just stopped leaving my house, instead
I can smoke after a meal, and enjoy myself unmolested by "diversity" which is just a propaganda word for "annoying garbage people"