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File: 258 KB, 1024x683, Detalle_de_los_Sesos_de_Cordero-Brains_of_Lamb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16708010 No.16708010 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here eaten brains? I know of beef brains served as sesos from Mexican taco places, and of mixing pork brains and eggs. Never tried it though, what's its like? Is it good? I hate liver, is it like that?

>> No.16708049 [DELETED] 

Dont do it unless you want aids

>> No.16708054

I ate human brains one-time and now I can't stop laughing

>> No.16708056

Not even I eat that shit. Is nigger tier here down in México

>> No.16708115 [DELETED] 

You are the nigger. I hope you get disemboweled by the cartel pablo

>> No.16708180

a friend tried pork brain. he described it as a extremely concentrated pork taste with a weird mushy consistency. but i would not reccomend it. prions disease is pretty serious.

>> No.16708225

Yeah, I had some from a Mexican place. Can't remember if it was pork or beef.
Like this guy said, it was mushy and not really a pleasant food texture. Taste was fine. Prions are definitely a cause for concern, and I wouldn't make a habit out of it. Probably the worst "meat" filling option available.

>> No.16708241

Hell be fine. Good luck with your eternal lockdown up there on brave mutt world goyim

>> No.16708250

i did and i was a bit afraid of getting prions like mad cow disease and brain damage, however the risk is so low and the flavor is unique, so try it once at least. i did, but i was a bit afraid of getting prions like mad cow disease and brain damage but the risk is low.

>> No.16708257

I ate sheep brains one time when I was pretty young, my dad told me it was scrambled eggs. Don't really even remember how it tasted, but once I found out what it was I didn't want to try it again. Same thing happened to me with eating a sushi roll with unagi/eel.

>> No.16708271 [DELETED] 

No thanks satan. This is paradise

>> No.16708272

No. I don't want mad cow or KJD

>> No.16708353

You can only get kjd from eating human brains tho, right?

>> No.16708457

You can’t get prions from other species’ brains you fucking retards
It’s only same species
Mad cow is caused by cattle waste disposal being sometimes incorrectly fed back to cattle therefore causing indirect cannibalism

>> No.16708462
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I ate pan-fried Pork brains when I was a kid.

>> No.16708553

It's kind of like eating bone marrow.

>> No.16708633

It's pasty but not really mealy or grainy like liver. The taste is whatever you want it to be but by itself is fine, like beef if mashed potatos were an organ. Shouldn't try it if you don't like liver but I recommend at least tasting it if you get the chance. Get it deep fried.

>> No.16708739

weak comeback

The other guy won

>> No.16708887

How do humans get mad cow then jerkoff?

>> No.16709062

Does it taste like liver though? Because I love tripe, and heart, and sweetbreads, but just absolutely despise the taste and smell of liver

>> No.16709151

What does tripe taste like? It's on my list.

>> No.16709170

It's hard to explain, it's very unique. But it's very meaty and has a strong smell like beef marrow or steak fat, but it is completely lean not greasy. It has a nice crunchy chew that is very satisfying. I would recommend trying it in menudo or pho soups.

>> No.16709368

I also like liver but I wouldn't say brain is anywhere near as overpowering as liver can be, although it depends on where you get your meat from anyway.
Liver is great in a stir fry, with some rice, a little chili sauce. You just need to get it whole from a butcher and chop it up, thin slices for stir fry, thick for a quick pan sear with just s&p. Chicken liver is cool too. I love liver.
Oh and for brain just dredge in coating of choice and fry for a couple of minutes.

>> No.16709380

from eating beef that was infected with prion disease dipshit, not from eating brains

>> No.16709445

>>16708054 It made you smarter, can't recommend it enough.

>> No.16709454

Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease?
Same issue. Prions.
And it can take so long for problems to materialize, it may not even be traced back to what you ate.

>> No.16709464

This is not how prion disease works. It's like saying wood can't catch fire from burning coal, because they are different things. Prions are misfolded proteins that cause other proteins that come in contact with them to become misfolded as well. Humans eating cow meat contaminated with "Mad cow disease" prions catch it as well (Variant-CJ disease) . Nobody truly knows how many cases of TSE really occur, due to lack of adequate testing.

>> No.16709524

I ate dolphin brain while in Japan, I was underwhelmed.

>> No.16709530
File: 265 KB, 490x363, brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't say I eat it regularly, maybe 10 times a year.
It's good, you have to like the texture and taste is quite strong, it can be offputting for a lot of people.

It's traditionally consumed battered where I live

>> No.16709539

eel is the best meat in the entire world you tastelet

>> No.16709553

Meh, it's just bland fat fish taste with a fuckton of bones. You just like the sauce they use for unagi

>> No.16709579

the texture makes it for me, if you didnt know what an eel looked like you wouldnt care

>> No.16709585


>> No.16709668

Brains are for tanning hide, not eating. You want to be diseased?

>> No.16709784
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>> No.16709814

had veal, pork and lamb brain before. It's alright. the texture is odd, but the taste is pretty much like bonemarrow. Super fatty creamy and rich. Works well on toast imo

>> No.16709828

Goat brains. Was tasty.
Also chicken brains but I don't remember the taste.

>> No.16709846

Based prionanon

>> No.16709862

Mexican here. Taste sesos tacos once. Didn't like them. The consistency is very soft and greasy to the mouth, and the flavor was kinda too strong to me. I love liver tacos though, specially with a very hot red chillies sauce

>> No.16709953

It's really good. It tastes like pan drippings.

>> No.16709966

they sell sheep and pork brain where I live, easily available, never had it though. My filipino friend said the best way to eat it is deep fried

>> No.16710033
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We don't want zombies on our lawn

>> No.16710360

Alright, you guys convinced me. I love the taste of bone marrow and fatty beef. I'm going to go to a local Mexican taqueria tomorrow and try a sesos taco. I'll report what it's like.

>> No.16711442

fuck off zombie

>> No.16711488

Brain fritters are GOAT, but only if properly drained of the frying oil. Greasy fritters are disgusting.

>> No.16711498

Kneel https://youtube.com/watch?v=gLhIQkOvL7g

>> No.16711502
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I live in Libya, There's afew fast food places that sell roasted sheep head (like pic related)
Honestly the Tongue, cheeks, eye are all fine and taste like normal meat, the Brain is usually very mushy like mashed potato and tastes like >>16708553 said.
i don't understand how liver is not more popular in the west, it tastes so fucking good esp grilled.

>> No.16711507

ive made shee'ps brains once, poached then dredged in seasoned flour and pan fried

>> No.16711510

do they make more smarter if you eat brains

>> No.16711511


>> No.16711512
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forgot the image

>> No.16712301

...eyes taste like meat? I would not expect that.

>> No.16712618


>> No.16712730

Ate deep fried rabbit brain in panko tasted Nice texture nearly made me vom

>> No.16712808

Mexicans will put prolapsed donkey anus in a taco, I wouldn't eat something just because they eat it.

>> No.16714501
File: 34 KB, 498x282, porkbrains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prions disease
how common is that? goddamn i want to eat some more pork brains, but it seems like its not worth the risk. pic related though not an actual concern

>> No.16714518

Based prion infested madman

>> No.16714533

>i don't understand how liver is not more popular in the west, it tastes so fucking good esp grilled.
I usually pan-fry liver on low out here in the west where my only experience with it was from my montengrin friend's family. whats the best way to cook it on the grill? I'll definitely try it out. and what do you pair it with? onions are obvious, but I usually prefer to pair it with fried potatoes

>> No.16716054

>i don't understand how liver is not more popular in the west
It keeps liver cheap and more readily available for me, so stop telling people about it

>> No.16716059

chinaman here
ate them in hotpot a few times
tastes like bacon-flavoured butter

>> No.16716088

Not much different than bone marrow, or lard.

>> No.16716100

canned pork brains are pretty common round these parts

>> No.16716101

>Has anyone here eaten brains?
Not since they warned of the risks of connective tissue, spinal fluid, and brain association with CJD, aka mad cow prion disease. It is not worth the risk.
>what's its like? Is it good? I hate liver, is it like that?
It has a strong mineral/iron flavor, very much like liver. People eat brains for the mushy texture more than the flavor. Don't bother. It's a dangerous food. They're not even allowed to feed it to animals.

>> No.16716136

What is this a still from?
August underground?

>> No.16716260

I've had pork brains a few times. My Chinese gf loves it. That 'delicacy' that only became such probably due to times of austerity and famine.

It tastes savory and melts in your mouth. there isn't a lot of "bite" to it. It can be a little mushy. I've had it prepared in boiling water for 30 minutes, and also simmered with salty, water with some oil and seasonings. It's really not that bad, but I should probably stop eating it to avoid the prion or whatever.

>> No.16716539

Liver is high in protein and cheap.

However, it's also extremely high in iron and other vitamins, so even eating the appropriate serving size vastly exceeds the recommended daily amount for those nutrients. Also, regular consumption of organ meats is associated with developing gout. I'm concerned about ever eating liver for that reason.

>> No.16716566

Tongue is also super high in cholesterol

>> No.16716616

>I'm not a zombie I swear, I'm a human being with a face, and stuff

>> No.16716968

I ate eggs and pork brain, you can barely feel the brain lol, i consider it shit ingridient and pretty disgusting. All i Felt were eggs whats the point of the brain then?

>> No.16718711

Ok Google remind me how many people in this thread are alive in 3 years

>> No.16718722
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Maghaz is an indian dish that is basically curry with brain. it's fatty but it has its own distinct taste. It's not bad.

>> No.16718732

found the brain industry stooge

>> No.16718806

Sheep's brains in Macau was like meat butter in broth, delicious. Pork brains in tacos is also good, but you need something chewy or crunchy to break up the texture.