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16703073 No.16703073 [Reply] [Original]

I'd like to make a cocktail that has a pale blue colour, with an 'arctic' feel. I would serve it with one large crystal of ice and would call it 'sex on the glacier' maybe. I would assume it would get its pale colour from curacao and vodka maybe. However, if anyone could give me some ideas for this, either a pure, pale, blue all the way through, or having an effect like 'sex on the beach's gradation of colour, that would be really appreciated.
>Bonus question, why tf is curacao blue? It's artificially made blue, and is naturally clear.

>> No.16703216

your originality for the name for your cocktail deems that the drink should only be blue curacao on ice

>> No.16703241

Just use blue food color. Fucking curacao doesn't taste "artic" at all. Also stick to dry ingredients like vodka, gin, vermouth, water, white wine etc. The color change effect will be hard to get without sugary ingredients though.

>> No.16703254

Get one of those ice-ball makers they make for whisky and shit to make the ice look fancy. Also add a bit of peppermint.
>>Bonus question
>Lucas Bols tended to add an "element of alchemical mystery" to his products, explaining the unlikely addition of a blue coloring. In 1912 Bols sold blue curaçao as Crème de Ciel ("cream of the sky"), most likely a reference to the 1907 musical Miss Hook of Holland.

>> No.16703285

>sex on the glacier
wow thats cringe. To say nothing of the normalfag "sex woah lol and alcohol too' nomenclature which is horrible, how would you even be able to keep an erection in an arctic climate on top of a block of ice? Have you put any thought into this at all? Perhaps the intended mental image is penetration with a frozen flaccid penis. Because that's the only "sex on a glacier" anyone is going to have.
Delete this thread, think on it a while, and come back with something better.

>> No.16703298

Maybe I will be making it in a place with lots of glaciers around? Sex on the beach is a common cocktail, it's just a play on that, you prude fag.

>> No.16703306

Whoa, no way! Now it's cool.

>> No.16703310

1 part creme de menthe, 3 parts blue curaçao, 3 parts club soda, garnish with raspberry skewer. Might be good, but I'm not a drinker so idk

>> No.16703322

I'm not a fag or a prude. I'm a 24 year old virgin, and proud of it.

>> No.16703332

Yeah I second something with this.
Definitely grab some minty/menthol liquor (preferably something that isn't too sweet)
I've seen and had peppermint vodka that wasnt very sweet but had a nice mint flavor.
Alternatively, get some fresh mint leaves and muddle them in the cocktail

>> No.16703339

The trick here is creme de violette. Specifically, certain cremes de violette will end up with an incredibly deep rich blue color - particularly, I find, The Bitter Truth's own creme de violette. The other thing is that you want flavors that are associated with "coldness" to it. Mint, for one, is the classic. Since you want something that will let the creme de violette's color go through, I'd say either gin or a light Cuban rum. I think you can get away with two different cocktails - one that's clear and see-through, and another with a graduation of color.

Arctic Julep
>add into mixing glass:
>0.25 oz creme de violette
>0.25 oz simple syrup
>8-12 mint leaves
>press the mint to release essence
>add dash of absinthe
>add 2 oz of a London Dry gin
>pack with ice
>stir vigorously, then strain into chilled double rocks glass with big ice cube

Arctic Winds
>into shaker
>0.75 oz lime juice
>8-12 mint leaves
>0.5 oz orgeat
>2 oz London Dry Gin
>shake vigorously
>pack chilled Collins glass with ice and 1 oz of carbonated water
>strain contents of Shaker into glass
>add 0.25 oz of Creme de Violette to the glass to create the graduation effect you want
>top with more carbonated water

Just two guesses of possible decent ideas.

>> No.16703347

Now that people have mentioned the Creme de Menthe, I came back to it and my thought process for the last one is more in the vein of a Last Word
>0.75 oz lime juice, clear creme de menthe, creme de violette, light Cuban-style rum (Puerto Rican/Nicaraguan/Panama rums work fine too)
>shake, strain into glass with cracked ice and carbonated water

>> No.16703425

Thanks for your advice guys.
The reason I've asked for this concept is because I'll be serving it in Longyearbyen which is surrounded by glaciers and is in the high arctic.
I'm not so sure about carbonated water. I'm envisioning something that looks, still, peaceful, thin, like the colours and sounds of sitting on a glacier in the arctic

>> No.16703428
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I really want to make this but I have no friends to drink it with

>> No.16703439

>I'm not so sure about carbonated water. I'm envisioning something that looks, still, peaceful, thin, like the colours and sounds of sitting on a glacier in the arctic
Right, then the cloudy version you can skip. The first one is probably the better one, though it could probably be redone to be 0.25 oz creme de violette and 0.25 oz white creme de menthe but there might not be enough fresh mintyness on your face. I'd also suggest dabbing the outside of the glass with mint.

>> No.16703442
File: 572 KB, 683x1024, web_Kinky-Kinky-Arctic-Mimosa-4-683x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artic mimosa

>> No.16703449

America was a mistake.
ml too difficult?

>> No.16703457

I know it's fucking cringe. Use tablespoons at least

>> No.16703461 [DELETED] 

1 part blue, 2 parts chartreux, tonic water, 1/2 part brandy, 1/2 part gin, a dash of magnesium citrate, tonic water, grapefruit bitters
I don't know what it would taste like, but sounds interesting.

>> No.16703467

1 part blue, 2 parts chartreux, tonic water, 1/2 part brandy, 1/2 part gin, sweet vermouth, a dash of magnesium citrate, tonic water, grapefruit bitters
I don't know what it would taste like, but sounds interesting.

>> No.16703470

Ounces are a more ergonomic measurement than millilitres. Mixing drinks isn't about precision.
That said, imagine being a fucking tard who can't understand more than one system of measures. That's almost as bad as only understanding one language.

>> No.16703474
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Sounds like you need RIOT JUICE.

>> No.16703487

1 oz = 30 ml (approximately). Cocktails have their origin in America and most equipment is thus designed around the oz. Pretty simple. It's also one of the many common measures available in all jiggers (0.25 oz, 0.5 oz, 0.75 oz, 1 oz, 1.5 oz, 2 oz - or 7.5 ml, 15 ml, 22.5 ml, 30 ml, 45 ml and 60 ml).

It sounds overwhelmingly sweet, the whole thing is completely unbalance. Sweet vermouth, Blue Curacao, Chartreuse all are liqueurs and as such contain inherent sweetness and it's all drowning out the brandy and gin mix which is a solid idea. Tonic water is made with quinine-flavored syrup. Magnesium citrate is a laxative. The bitters are a nice touch. There is something there, but you've too much going on and you need to rebalance that.

>Mixing drinks isn't about precision
It actually is mostly about precision. It's like trying to prepare a baking recipe without measurements. You're just gonna screw yourself.

>> No.16703496

Imagine being a tard you measure dry ingredients by volume rather than weight.
1 cup of chicken and amother cup of chicken won't be the same, but 100g and 100g will be.
Literally no one knows what an oz is, plus OP said they were in Europe where they don't use oz but ml.

>> No.16703501

>Ounces are a more ergonomic measurement than millilitres
Ounces are only useful for dry ingredients using ounces for liquids is completely retarded

>> No.16703502

magnesium citrate is a laxative if you drink the entire bottle, a dash is just sours. Isn't sex on the beach a saccharine bomb?

>> No.16703506

What the fuck are you on about. Wrong thread?

>> No.16703510

Are you guys actually this retarded or are you just trolling...?

>> No.16703514

While I agree entirely, it isn't that hard to translate. Plus, I work in three different countries, each with different measure laws (Ireland, c'mon man...), so I have to translate everything into "parts" where one part is one shot, which is different wherever you go.
Cups can fuck off though.

>> No.16703524

>why tf is curacao blue? It's artificially made blue, and is naturally clear.
Traditionally colored with butterfly pea blossom iirc, purely because it looked fancy to people in the 18th century. Now it's all artificial.

>> No.16703525
File: 109 KB, 654x848, Shot_glass_in_imp._fl_oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It actually is mostly about precision.
>I have to translate everything into "parts" where one part is one shot
Ipso facto, ounces are more ergonomic.

>> No.16703528

An ounce of oil and a ounce of water will weigh different. Why wouldn't you just ml so that they are equal.

>> No.16703531

Now I fucking know you're trolling.

>> No.16703544
File: 49 KB, 500x628, 861f3efff59aedea603e35b8c3c059f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An ounce of oil and a ounce of water will weigh different. Why wouldn't you just ml so that they are equal.

>> No.16703552

I meant grams not ml

>> No.16703553

You don't get to name it if you don't originate the idea, you faggot. Sex on the glacier is cringe as fuck too.

>> No.16703561

Don't double down on pretending to be a retard, man...

>> No.16703580

>magnesium citrate is a laxative if you drink the entire bottle, a dash is just sours. Isn't sex on the beach a saccharine bomb?
Yes and it's a terrible cocktail, but the flavor profile of that thing is just slightly citrusy peach, it's not a "good drink", so to speak.

>> No.16703585

>Traditionally colored with butterfly pea blossom iirc, purely because it looked fancy to people in the 18th century
Nah, blue curacao is new. Butterfly Pea Blossom is a recent thing and it's so acidic it would instantly turn butterfly pea blossom tea from blue to purple.

>> No.16703590

You have an ounce of water and an ounce of grass in a measuring cup. How much do they weigh?

>> No.16703600

Look, you're in a bar environment, you want some precision but not extremely so, you're measuring almost exclusively liquids. Volumetric measurements are fine. Japanese and European bartenders measure it in mililiters, and they generally revolve around 25ml and 30ml as bases with 5ml showing up surprisingly often (it's a barspoon, basically, go figure)

>> No.16703606

Just stop replying to him. He's clearly trolling as nobody is fucking retarded enough to not understand the difference between ounces as a measure of weight and ounces as a measure of volume.

>> No.16703619

So an ounce of grass is different then an ounce of grass? What a subhuman system

>> No.16703627

Every time you go to click that Post button, you have the option of not pretending to be a retard. Think it through next time.

>> No.16703641

A fluid ounce is a volumetric measurement, deriving from the volume of one ounce weight of pure water. Like a liter derives from one kg of water. Semantically, you're correct that one "ounce" of oil will weigh different (if you mean the weight measure), but colloquially when referring to liquids, people use the word ounce to mean a fluid ounce. So a fl. oz. of oil will be the same volume in ml as a fl. oz. of water.

>> No.16703648

Yes, an oz (weight measure) is different from a fl. oz (volume measure), because there are densities. Both are referred to as oz and you detect which one it is through context. Oh, and people in countries that actually use liters and grams still use things like "cups" for measure because the metric cup is a thing.

>> No.16703652

No one in western europe uses cups. Born and raised in Britbongistan, everyone is allergic to cups here.

>> No.16703653

>thread successfully derailed
lmao, dumbericans everyone

>> No.16703657

Blue Curaçao is a Dutch liquorette made from orange peels. The blue colour is just food colouring

>> No.16703660

Seriously, OP just wanted a tasty pale blue booze.
Yeah but why blue? Curacao has become synonymous with the color blue, but it's fake.

>> No.16703669

idk, it's a tropical Dutch colony, maybe it's inspired by the colour of the Caribbean sea

>> No.16703673

How are you going to get girls to drink your dateable cocktail if it's not a pretty color like blue

>> No.16703675

Oh my bad, it says this right in the wiki:
>Lucas Bols tended to add an "element of alchemical mystery" to his products, explaining the unlikely addition of a blue coloring.

It's just a meme from a time where artificial colouring was still a novelty

>> No.16703677

Noone uses cups. Recipes just say 250ml, 1/4 liter or very rarely 2.5dl.

>> No.16703680

A cup is just 250ml or a quarter litre. It's not a separate retarded thing like fl ounce

>> No.16703745

1/4 liter I've seen, 250 ml I've seen, cups I've seen, but 2.5dl I've never seen.

Yeah, the metric cup is a thing.

>> No.16703747

>No one in western europe uses cups. Born and raised in Britbongistan, everyone is allergic to cups here.
That's odd, I lived in Portugal for a bit and plenty of the recipes I saw called for cups.

Make it for her then and there. If they're already there, they'll go for it.

>> No.16703754

I've seen dl just in French recipes so i wrote very rarely. But dl in general is a pretty useless unit imo.

>> No.16703765

>Western Europe
Pick one.

>> No.16703801

I'll pick both as the Westernmost country in Europe.

>> No.16703954

Ireland, Iceland, Greenland, French Guyana...
Portugal is basically Africa.

>> No.16703967

If you really want to get down to it, Russia is both the easternmost and westernmost country in Europe.

>> No.16704277

D... Drinks?

>> No.16704283

>one large crystal of ice
Please tell me how you are going to manufacture ice crystals that large.

>> No.16704293

>Freeze tub of water
>24 ish hours later, crack it open, saw into cubes. Will be see through, much better than ice machine quality.

>> No.16704405

Bols invented the blue as a novelty. Bols had (famous at the time) bartender Harry Yee from the Hawaiian Village Hotel make a cocktail that they could advertise with. He came up with the Blue Hawaii, and well I guess the rest is history now isnt it? Thats the drink that really caused blue curacao so be so popular
This all happened in the late 50's and Harry is still alive to this day

>> No.16704797

You can with a small cooler and your freezer. Freeze water directionally (so only one side) and it will be crystal clear and be around the same size as your cooler.

>> No.16704818

Sex on the beach is like a classic dumb person cocktail anyway like it hasn't been popular in years but boomers think it's funny cause it has a bad word in it

>> No.16704943

Same with a blowjob or a pornstar martini.
Woo woos are kino though.

>> No.16705312

This thread got derailed hard, but any further recommendations for pale blue cocktails are appreciated. ml preferred but I'll always just assume whatever the main alcohol is 40ml (or different depending on the region's law, but that is a Norwegian law measure.)

>> No.16705344

you could probably just make any good winter cocktail blue with food colouring, since as you say the curucao is just blue colouring anyway?

my favorite winter cocktail is the Penicillin and it's aready quite pale so you could probably colour it very easily

>> No.16705376

Oh it shows.

>> No.16705409

Curacao would give it an orange taste and when i think of artic i think more mint. I'd say maybe some clear creme de cacao and some peppermint schnapps sorta like a peppermint patty and then add some simple syrup colored with blue food coloring.

>> No.16705452

>wants to create a new cocktail
>doesnt actually do anything but ask for someone else to create it for him