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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16695801 No.16695801 [Reply] [Original]

redpill me on eating raw eggs

>> No.16695802

it's cringe

>> No.16695807

it's based

>> No.16695810

the rice cooks the egg

>> No.16695821

the egg cooks the rice

>> No.16695835

i have no comment

>> No.16695844

you only absorb about 50% of the protein in raw egg white but 90% when it's cooked. there probably isn't any nutritional reason to consume raw eggs, but if you like the taste then it's fine.

>> No.16695913

Imagine if he cracked it wrong and got a little bit of eggshell in his windpipe

>> No.16695917

imagine if he crammed it wrong and got a little bit of eggshell in his asspipe

>> No.16695963

There’s a video of that happening no need to imagine.

>> No.16695990

Everyone focuses on the protein and pretends like micronutrients don't exist, so insist there's no reason to consume raw egg. The actual truth is that the white should be cooked to improve bioavailability of the protein and the yolk should be consumed raw because cooking destroys a lot of the nutritious vitamins inside and oxidizes the cholesterol. Eggs aren't a singular thing, they have two separate parts that should be treated differently.

>> No.16696000

Is it true you can hardboil an egg in your ass?

>> No.16696002

The micronutrient density of eggs, even just the yolk, isn't particularly high. A more obvious solution than cooking one part and not cooking the other (or consuming them raw), would be to eat vegetables. They're far more dense.

>> No.16696027

>A more obvious solution than cooking one part and not cooking the other
Ever heard of a sunny side up egg?
>eat vegetables. They're far more dense.
They're more dense with less-bioavailable forms of almost every nutrient they contain, so that's not an apples-to-apples comparison, plus egg yolks have vitamins K, D, and B12 which are all much less common in plants.

>> No.16696048

Lol what? Egg yolk contains every single vitamin except C which the chickens can synthesis themselves. Excerpt from the source below:
>The egg yolk contains high amount of vitamin A, D, E, K, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, and B12, while egg white possesses high amounts of vitamins B2, B3, and B5 but also significant amounts of vitamins B1, B6, B8, B9, and B12 (Table 2). Eating two eggs per day covers 10% to 30% of the vitamin requirements for humans.


fuck outta here with your vegetable garbage. not one vegetable on planet earth that has even a fraction of the micronutrient profile that eggs have

>> No.16696061

>Eating two eggs per day covers 10% to 30% of the vitamin requirements for humans.
Holy fucking based. Eggs are truly a miracle food.

>> No.16696978

Over easy chads... we won...

>> No.16696982

Drinking protein shakes are cheaper and better arguably
Eggs have like 5g of protein what's the point

>> No.16696991

>protein is the only nutrient

>> No.16696994

It is healthy and the best food against hangover but only use ones from a farmer you trust or if you have hens yourself.

>> No.16697011

Rich Piana said that real motherfucking food was the best option every single time

>> No.16697075

>redpill me on eating raw eggs

>> No.16697088

>be me
>Go to "homeopathy" doctor
>Do muscle testing
>Allergic to eggs
>That explains my bloating and gas
Wonder if this has anything to do with cracking a fucking egg into the fucking frying pan and a baby chicken fell out when I was a fucking kid

>> No.16697096

Not MY ass, you can't. I'll fucking wreck you.

>> No.16697102
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>>Allergic to eggs
All my sympathy, dude.

>> No.16697106

Yeah, you should take advice from a guy who juiced every day and died of a heart attack at 46.

>> No.16697119
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>Allergic to eggs
I'm so, so sorry...

>> No.16697158
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Such delusion.

>> No.16697177

It tastes like shit. Made me gag once.

>> No.16697224
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I still try sometimes

>> No.16697240

>Protein is the only nutrient

>> No.16697302
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Has anyone ever tried making a prairie oyster? Are they actually good?

>> No.16697408

not for women

>> No.16697472

There were 206 independent sources used to create the article that I linked (which, unsurprisingly, you did not bother to read). Please explain how the source is "delusional".

>> No.16698086

You don't taste nuch since you're just supposed to neck it. It's more the smell of hot sauce and Worcestershire that you get than anything else. I've done plenty of prarie oysters over the years as a hangover cure and I don't know if it actuqlly does anything physically but it certainly wakes me up.

>> No.16698177

eat 4 dozen a day so you can become as big as a barge

>> No.16698181

It's for insecure manchildren who like to show off like attention whores

>> No.16698222

naw bro you're good
you want to get the eggs from wild chickens
>wild chickens
>wild eggs
>wild gains

>> No.16698423

Fr I live in Kauai Hawaii I eat wild fruit and widl chickens surfing and fishing I got a fat girlfriend I pick up during sex and shit I don’t even exercise and I’m 236 lbs of raw chisel muscle

>> No.16698457

Eating raw eggs may lead to biotin deficiency, since raw eggs contain high levels of avidin, a protein that tightly binds biotin. It is denatured by cooking. There's literally no reason to eat raw eggs over cooked.

>> No.16698476

No, egg WHITES contain avidin. The yolks do not. So it's still true that cooking the whites and leaving the yolks raw is the best possible scenario.

>> No.16698488

Is biotin that stuff that tastes gross in your cum?

>> No.16698493

Biotin is a B vitamin that contributes to hair and skin health.

>> No.16698526

Right, so it’s the nasty cum stuff? I always take a big dose of vitamin b if there’s going to be water sports involved

>> No.16698536
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Too many anti-nutrients, you must age them for two years before eating.

>> No.16698666

Stoped reading right there

>> No.16698848

yeah i like em

>> No.16698884

>CTRL+F salmonella
>0 results
You retards failed to mention the one reason why you shouldnt eat raw eggs.

>> No.16698894

>muh salmonella
boomer meme

>> No.16698923

It's healthwise completely fine. The heat from inside the body cooks the egg, so you don't get salmonella

>> No.16699107

Salmonella is not a concern in the modern first world. Chickens get vaccinated for it, eggs get pasteurized, refrigeration prevents growth of any tiny amount of bacteria that may have survived all of that. The chances of getting an egg with enough salmonella in it to make you sick is practically 0.