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16696770 No.16696770 [Reply] [Original]

what are some good wines?

>> No.16696776

whatevers cheapest cunt

>> No.16696794

passion pop

fruity lexia

>> No.16696798

Boone's Farm strawberry. 2018.

>> No.16696826
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Rosie all day.

>> No.16696828

barefoot pinot grigio is my go-to daily chugger

>> No.16696831

I’m depressed

>> No.16696835

Drink some Rosie. You'll still be depressed, but you won't care.

>> No.16696840

That's a better state of mind than being happy imo

>> No.16696856

Does you wife's bull come over before or after wine time?

>> No.16697094


>> No.16697111
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I introduced a friend of mine to this stuff on a lark after seeing it in a gas station and the absolute madman likes it, I don't know what his problem is.
He hates port too.

>> No.16697633

gwuretzerrimer some word like that...good shit.

>> No.16697875

Based boones farm enthusiast

>> No.16697923

Mad Dog 20/20

>> No.16698269

Depends on what you like.
In terms of pinot noir I've liked some examples from Jura I've had plus some chateaus in the usual Burgundian villages like Gevrey-Chambertin and Marsannay.

Even then I find most good quality Beaujolais cru from Fleurie and Moulin-a-Vent are better value for comparable red Burgundy these days.

>> No.16699633

Male wine drinker here. It’s funny buying a good Bordeaux. I usually get asked who I’m buying it for, Wife? Mother? Sister? Surely it can’t be for yourself. Then when I tell it’s for me, I get a shocked look. They recover and decide to ‘play along’ with me. Then they start telling me lots of things I know I about wine.
It’s at this point, if I can be bothered, I go through their shelves and tell them all the ones I’ve tasted and why I like them or not. Which regions I prefer, big up Marlborough, and why I’m not a fan of Californian and 100% prefer Spanish.
Now is when I think they feel bad. Because they always offer me loads of samples. I can usually free taste like 4/5 different ones min on every visit.
Having said that met a really nice man last time through the airport who was giving out Schlumberger samples. We had a great chat. He was awesome.
Now girls at bars when you order a large white find you immediately intriguing. They watch you take a sip. I think they are waiting to see if you make a face. When you look pleased then they have their in to strike up a conversation.
I don’t know a lot of other male wine drinkers but I wish I did. I can only go on so many tasting sessions with girls.

>> No.16699979
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I like.this wine

>> No.16700022

I prefer Campari. Campari and soda is a great summer drink and the one and only time I cheated on my wife was facilitated by my ordering of a Campari and soda at a hotel bar. I was at a conference in another state and after drinking quite a bit of wine at dinner I went to a bar with a few colleagues. I was feeling good and stopped by McDonald's for a McDouble and carefully ate it on my walk back to the hotel, making sure I didn't get it on my suit.

It was the second last day of the conference and I had given an excellent talk and decided what the fuck, might as well keep a good thing going and maybe attend the talks a bit later tomorrow. I went to the hotel bar and ordered a Campari and Soda. It was the perfect addition to my booze and grease saturated stomach. I was chatting with some strangers and by the third C&S a very attractive woman in her late 30s (older than me) sitting a few stools over came over and asked what it tasted like. I flirted with her and gave her a taste and two hours later I was having a taste.

It was amazing and when COVID is over and conferences resume normally I'm going to start plowing pussy via the C&S opening move.

>> No.16701219
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>> No.16701258
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what's the word?

>> No.16701262
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>> No.16701279
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>AHHH the Frensh champagne hasalwaysbeencelebratedforit'sexcellence

>> No.16701290
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I prefer Ripple

>> No.16701350

Read the fuckin labels
Look at the importer and region the wine comes from
Eventually you will find an importer you trust and a region whose style you like

>> No.16701357
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I have had more of this by volume than any liquid other than water in my life so I guess it must be good

>> No.16701466


>> No.16701518

Sounds like a pretty weak drink. I'd try it. I like highballs.

>> No.16701527

sexcellence, yes. paul masson is for those with huge cocks

>> No.16701542


>> No.16701658

All wine tastes like trash, it's alcohol for women. Drink liquor.

>> No.16701666
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Winefags, a lot of recipes use wine. And yet wine apparently goes bad in a matter of days. Am I seriously expected to buy a new bottle every time I want to deglaze my fucking skillet? What's the trick here?

>> No.16701677

I like the cheap Taylors port and tawny. I don't like wine in general but it being 18 percent helps. Tell me why I suck /ck/

>> No.16701685

Vacuum cork
or, more commonly...
Once you use the wine to deglaze, you drink that wine that evening with dinner or later after secks so you can play some vidya while she's asleep.

>> No.16701704

Who the fuck is she? I live alone.

>> No.16701759
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>older lady, maybe late 50's
>"i'd like a spanish or argentinian wine"
>coworker gives customer to me
>"i'm looking for a tempranillo or dry red spanish wine"
>sees me and says "oh no, i've seen you before, i know how this is going to go"
>"it's for a sangria for a 80th birthday"
>show her our red blends and worldy red wine section
>asks if we can cork a bottle for her to taste before buying
>no, i don't think so. if you don't like it then we're stuck with an unliked bottle we can't sell
>call boss and ask for recommendations
>old lady is motioning to me to ask my boss about corking a bottle of cheap malbec
>finish with boss and look for wine she recommended
>lady tells me she knows what she needs and tells me she's done with me
>proceeds to check out with cheap bottle of malbec
>takes it out to her car and opens it to try it
>immediately brings bottle back in and asks for a refund
>says the 2019 90 point mablec for 10.99 we just ordered two weeks ago tastes "off"
>i say no, it's opened, you bought it, it's covid, no
>asks me to call my manager (store owner) a second time
>angry about my calm attitude and resolve, says she'll never come back to our store again
>manager picks up and says to just give her the 11.65 back and forget it
>lady will be talking to my boss tomorrow to complain about me
>i wasn't even on the clock. i was just there helping out for a few because day off and need people to interact with for sanity's sake
>leave this night and visit other beer guy in town at other liquor store for validation
>tells me some woman came in at the same hour asking to cork a wine for her for a sangria and 80th birthday party
these people, no matter their age, will cause a scene, will scream on Yelp and complain to every manager, owner, and the CEO, just to get their way no matter what pain, harm, or disruption they cause. so FUCK Malbecs and anyone who enjoys it. you're just as insufferable as people who enjoy Chardonnays.

>> No.16702248

If you're gonna buy cheap sauvignon at least buy Touraine.

>> No.16702251

At least you don't get customers who fake a racism complaint. I can take retarded people normally but not actual retards who make a legal problem for me.

>> No.16702442

I'll try it out, I like sticking with cheap wine.

>> No.16702466

whatever gets you pissed mate

>> No.16702755

>legal problem

>> No.16702757
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>> No.16703279

>what are some good wines?
I want to go to miami...

>> No.16703293
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ABC (Anything But California)

Oregon usually isn't too bad. Usually. Otherwise Europe is your safest bet if you don't want to get ripped off by marketing budgets and design by committee

>> No.16703458

Malbec is very good for the money, you live in a shitty ass country with stupid people.

>> No.16703465

Jesus Christ, is that The Prisioner?

>> No.16703481

Coincidentally, the ABC countries are also South America's more prevalent wine producers.

>> No.16704463

>working for free

That's what you get.

>> No.16705484

Looks like straight megapurple to me.

>> No.16705512

>complaining about the drinkers of what is essentially the wine equivalent of vanilla and chocolate ice cream
lol get a job somewhere other than a shitty liquor store

>> No.16706252

>get paid to do literally nothing for half your 40 hours a week
>love where you work
>boss is known to give her loyal workers money to pay their bills - no interest or payback
>discount on booze
>where i work i have no one watching over me
i'd rather be poor and happy than rich and miserable.

>> No.16706430

if you're so happy then why are you going on some long diatribe about retarded boomers

>> No.16706440


>> No.16706488

You can still cook no problem with old wine. Keep it in the fridge. Just won't be great for drinking. You don't have to buy 75cl bottles.

>> No.16706492

Cheap wines from Portugal, Spain and Italy

>> No.16706570

second customer to act like a bitch to that extent in 3 years. small price to pay for a college job.
you guys auditioning for clown world?

>> No.16706594
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Proper qual wine

>> No.16706759

Post dry reds you enjoy drinking straight up without food pairing.
Hard mode: No weak tannins.

>> No.16706764

What is your take on boxed wines and plastic bottle wines?
I feel the boxed ones are mostly inferior to bottles when I've had the opportunity to try next to each other. However, plastic bottles don't seem affected but there aren't that many to try for me yet.

>> No.16706767 [DELETED] 
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>No weak trannies
ill post my strongest ones then

>> No.16706768 [DELETED] 

You like adding R's around because you're a retard ye?

>> No.16706770 [DELETED] 


>> No.16706798

all piedmont shit. from barbera to nebiolo and anything between. Sicilian Terre nerre is hit with every bottle Aglianico and nero d avola are drinkable like water.
and merlot of course. frogbros are good at making extremely drinkable wines. Especialy fan of rhon since it is cheaper than bordeaux, not too fruity and great over all
btw fuck fuitfaggs. Primitivo niggers need to gtfo

>> No.16706871

Nice, thanks.

>> No.16706894

>no weak tannins
Sagrantino di Montefalco gives tannins for days and ages extremely well for the price.

>> No.16706909

wee buckfast mate
anyone pining tae share a needle behind dalkers sainsbo?

>> No.16706914

>Sagrantino di Montefalco
thats one pricy wine here anon. how much does it go for in your area?

>> No.16706972

>He hates port too.
Sounds like he's just a pleb.

>> No.16706976

are you a granny or something?

>> No.16707112

$20+ argie malbec.

>> No.16707175

Sagrantino isn't that expensive if you can get it from a budget producer, maybe $20. If not Rosso di Montefalco is cheaper and almost as good and still quite tannic. Taurasi is also a good backup option as is Aglianico del Vulture.

>> No.16707207

aglianico is great as is nero d avola. carignano opinion?

>> No.16707424

Carignan/Grenache isn't going to give as much tannin I find. Most examples I've had are quite peppery to where I'd rather spend the same money on a nice Garnacha from Montsant or Tarragona.
Maybe Gaglioppo could be a good budget option although I don't know how tannic that grape gets.

>> No.16708424
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i'm considering ordering this. however, i will have to buy 6 bottles of them.

>> No.16708742
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I drink Muscadet every fucking day it's so perfect as an easy glurping white wine

>> No.16708748

>english wine

Please dont, they only grow this for catholic rituals it's terrible

>> No.16708826

Grillo is also good cheap gulpable white.
Same with cheap Viognier.

>> No.16709000

catholic rituals sound nice, i've heard

>> No.16709014

damn I have to read grand blue again

>> No.16709534
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>> No.16710752

anon our Lord Jesus Christ was a carpenter. Not the sort known for their wine

>> No.16710926
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