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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16696577 No.16696577 [Reply] [Original]

/fit/ here
How's this looking?

>> No.16696603

nu nu

>> No.16696607

what the fuck is it

derrr /fit/ here look at me i made chicken broccoli and rice am i a chef now?

>> No.16696611

where's the seasoning

>> No.16696617

Why does every /fit/ dipshit hate flavor?

>> No.16696627

No hot sauce?

>> No.16696639

what is that? Did that used to be a chicken? What did you do to it???

>> No.16696673

oh so you can take a dump in a bowl
who gives a fuck?

>> No.16696680

It's cooked chicken breast rubbed with mustard

>> No.16696690


>> No.16696692

chicken with mustard is an extremely based combination. Add a little bit of sauerkraut with caraway seeds on the side (libby's in the can is good) and that's a damn good meal

>> No.16696701
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For fucks sake at least make it look good. This bird suffered and died for you.

>> No.16696728

The greatest honor I can do that bird is to turn it into muscle which I then use to beat in the skulls of racists and nazis.

>> No.16696738


>> No.16696772
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That bird is dead and doesn't care about your political agenda. You didn't even kill it you little pussy. You paid for people to breed a chicken that doesn't even act like a chicken. It's fucked up and just eats, sometimes its legs will shatter under its own weight. It's food is low quality shit, it never forages, its muscle meat is under used so the resulting cardboard you get is just empty protein. Fuck you for supporting industrial poultry production. You should beat in your own skull because you are the true nazi.
>t. Not a vegan. Just hate industrial poultry production and lazy fuck consumers who don't give a shit what they put in their bodies.

>> No.16696816

/ck/ here
kill yourself and/or stop coming to our board

>> No.16696854

I enjoy the thought of some AIDS ridden nigger lover treating his water seasoned chicken breast like Popeye treats spinach, thinking it'll balloon his flab out to functional muscle so he can wind up and bop the baddies that papa Zog defined for him. Kek'd heartily, thank you xir.

>> No.16696881
File: 3.39 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20210913_110543103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unbelievably based