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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 306 KB, 1400x1400, Tyga_introduces_TYGA_BITES__1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16695270 No.16695270 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16695273

>Tyga bites
Fucking kek

>> No.16695728

By doing nothing. Virtual restaurants, like other restaurants that focus on branding, will inevitably destroy themselves by selling shit food with no quality control. People are not so dumb they would continue shoveling shitty food in their mouths because it has Tyga's name on it.

>> No.16695751

Isn't this the guy who had furry porn for an album art cover and his label had to convince him to censor it lol

>> No.16695763

link pl0x

>> No.16695785

what's wrong with virtual restaurants?

i'm a delivery guy and sometimes i've collected orders form a normal house where somebody cooks food in their home kitchen and sells it on uber eats. the customer would never know that it comes from a normal house instead of a commercial kitchen.

then there are the kitchens that have several business names using the one kitchen. they're like virtual restaurants. as are the pop-up kiosks you see in malls.

sorry if i talk too much but i believe that i have some insights to share.

>> No.16695791

I'm all for fuck the man, but I do kind of like knowing that my food is made in a commercial kitchen, with commercial food safety standards.

>> No.16695792

Branding is a significant portion of income for a restaurant. People line up at McDonald's by the thousands because a celebrity put their name on some shit they could have ordered off the menu before. At a certain point the food has to just not be poisonous to sell.

>> No.16695795

yeah me too, to be desu.

>> No.16695818

>i'm a delivery guy and sometimes i've collected orders form a normal house where somebody cooks food in their home kitchen and sells it on uber eats. the customer would never know that it comes from a normal house instead of a commercial kitchen.

>Whats wrong with people selling food from their uninspected unlicensed home.

Professionally certified, licensed and regularly inspected restaurants get bad grades (think C or D) very often but are usually given time to correct the issues for a second follow up inspection unless they get a straight up F. Brand new restaurants are even less likely to pass the first time. Why the hell would you want to eat food from some random strangers house?

>then there are the kitchens that have several business names using the one kitchen

These places are fucking trash because they all have the same base of ingredients and then clutter up the search results by pretending to be different restaurants. You order from the new Korean bowl place and its trash and then later you try the Thai bowl place and its more money wasted since its actually the same thing with a couple ingredients swapped.

>> No.16695826

ive never even heard of a virtual resturaunt

>> No.16695833

>Why the hell would you want to eat food from some random strangers house?
i've been invited to many people's homes for dinner parties and i never felt the need to inspect their kitchens

>they all have the same base of ingredients
not necessarily. i see the same commercial kitchen using business names like "sonyas kitchen" that does pastries and "henry's hotdogs" as well as "pap's pizza" all using the same kitchen.
but your experience may differ, ofc.

>> No.16695855

There's a difference between being invited to dinner by a friend or acquaintance and eating food from a random person's house sight unseen.

>> No.16695875

A normal person's pot will over its lifetime see the same amount of use as a pot used in a professional kitchen will see in a year. Not to mention professional kitchens are required to meticulously label dates on everything.

You trusting your health to some random person preparing dozens and dozens of meals a day is in no way comparable at all to having a meal at a friend's house that invited you over for a dinner party. If your friend is calling it a dinner party there is a zero percent chance they didn't get fresh grocercies and also do a lot of cleaning. You also get to do a spot check for rodents, roaches, and other insects before you sit down and eat.

>> No.16695877

Put an end to them?
Why do you hate money?
>Open “Wao Dat Bao” or similar
>18 different kind bao buns!!
>(because the local Asian store sells 18 different kinds of frozen bao)
>”kitchen area” is a freezer and several microwaves, easy to keep compliant
>charge $3+ per bun because you sit them on a slice of banana leaf in the foam container. Green piece of leaf = so authentic
Just sell some frozen Chinese buns, bro.

>> No.16695881

>You also get to do a spot check for rodents, roaches, and other insects before you sit down and eat.
third world problems

>> No.16695887

I'm guessing you have never in your life looked at the feed of health inspections for your city.

>> No.16695890

nope. not my job.

>> No.16695894

You talk like someone who is unvaccinated, continue eating food from random strangers homes. Life will take care of you soon enough

>> No.16695898

dude wtf. you seem perturbed. are you feeling ok?

>> No.16695953

I’ve never heard of this before. So what restaurant/kitchen/source makes for example Tyga Bites?

I assume you basically develop a product and get a third party to make it or simply cook it from frozen/prepared ingredients?

Kind of a cool idea because you could have niche foods that would otherwise not be adopted or feasible for standalone restaurants. I can definitely see this being the future of fast food in some ways.

>> No.16695960

Not my problem.

>> No.16695981

Any restaurant can sign up to be "Tyga Bites" or "Beast Burger". There will be a listing in Uber Eats, et al for the virtual brand, with zero mention of the host restaurant.

It's a win for the restaurant, because they get extra business, with none of the worry of getting negative reviews from making shitty food.

>> No.16696001

more like nyga bites amirite lmao

>> No.16696009

based xD

>> No.16696081


>> No.16696108

the mr beast burger bangs tho fr

>> No.16696391 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 600x600, tyga-kyoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16696408


>> No.16696659
File: 107 KB, 563x557, niggabites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.16696663
File: 116 KB, 676x1000, 61HVV-ZkkFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jew fears the home restaurateur

>> No.16696675

Anon this is the most tranny jannied board on 4channel you are going to get b&

>> No.16696733

You have way too much faith in people. This is Care Bear tier optimism.

>> No.16696799

what the fuck is a virtual restaurant

>> No.16696822

bitch doesnt even have fur

>> No.16697301

So do they presumably get the ingredients to make it or what? Is it actually consistent across cities/locations?

>> No.16697378

>decide to give this italian place i've never heard of a try
>food gets delivered in a chili's bag
>spent $40 on shitty fucking italian food from chilis

yeah fuck all ghost kitchens

>> No.16697393

the items are usually pretty basic, fries, chicken nuggets, burgers. Most restaurants have that stuff

>> No.16697446

No, they line up because some celebrity put a name on a McDonald's item, not "some shit".
McD promos are a ying and yang.
McD provides
>why would you eat THIS (A guarantee of quality)
Celebrity provides
>WHY would you eat this (A reason)
Worst case scenario is you get a McDonalds meal, which as much as people like to bitch about, isn't terrible. These youtuber meals are legitimate trash

>> No.16697459

Pretty based but just let the dumb retard kill himself, stop replying to his shitposts

>> No.16697507

Or they can get them easy enough. I do a lot of grocery shopping at the local restaurant supply place, and the freezer section has at least one item from the menu of practically every restaurant in town.

>> No.16697848
File: 648 KB, 1953x1348, 20210703_140352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats illegal, ive owned a virtual restaurant, the food has to be prepared in a professional kitchen. i had 4 similar menus out of one kitchen

>> No.16697866

I've gotten food from one a few times. Wasn't bad. It's like standard chain restaurant food, but you don't have to talk another person to eat it. It's overpriced with delivery fees and app mark-ups, but sometimes you just want a decent burger without the hassle of putting on pants.

>> No.16697891
File: 6 KB, 161x200, pink-wojak-soy-boy-crying-thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thats illegal

>> No.16697901

a cat shits, steps on it then walks all over the kitchen counter and contaminates everything. then the food comes in an old tubberware 45 minutes late. And the tax you paid is also going straight into the wannabe restauranteurs pocket because "teehee it's not a real business" you'll be the one crying for regulation

>> No.16697905

>45 minutes late. And the tax you paid is also going straight into the wannabe restauranteurs pocket
As opposed to now. Where it's going right into a politicians pocket. Remember, those roads don't get paved withou- oh they don't get oaved at all...

>> No.16697910
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>> No.16697911

When they're run out of some random local place I'm usually fine with them. Anything to keep the decent local restaurants from going out of business. They've been having a horrible time.

>> No.16697914

That's not furry at all

>> No.16697926

>just take more money from me
I sell food myself, in a professional kitchen, not my moms

>> No.16697965
File: 11 KB, 183x276, images-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You CANNOT make and sell food without government approval or I WILL call the armed government agents to come shoot you! This is for your own good!

>> No.16697968

go ahead, eat shit and die

>> No.16697969

The government consistently takes more of the public's money and does less and less with it. Maybe the solution is getting the governmenr OUT of everyday life instead of trying to cram it IN further.

>> No.16697985

its nothing political, the tax you paid on the meal is essentially just extra money you're giving to a home cook. The fake restaurant doesnt have a tax ID.

>> No.16698042

>paying tax

>> No.16698044

>fake restaurant
If they make and sell tood they're a real restaurant. Paying taxes has nothing to do with it.

>> No.16698170

I wish I was still this naïve.

>> No.16698699

its pre paid, the consumer has no choice but to pay it.

>> No.16698709

Yes he is it's the album called Kyoto. It's too human by furry standards though

>> No.16698784

Who the fuck is this nigger? Did he also get famous by having a McDonald's meal named after him? That seems to be a thing lately

>> No.16699564
File: 84 KB, 600x782, 1621150540774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think virtual restaurants will be the future. There will be these massive factory sized facilities with multiple kitchens and anyone can make their own virtual restaurant for a price. The cooks in these facilities are assigned to whatever station they're assigned to and they cook the foods for these virtual restaurants and will be Doordash/UberEats exclusive. The big appeal is that anyone can become a restaurant owner.. For a price. It would be expensive but I wouldn't know. But it would be definitely be a whole lot cheaper than actually owning your own physical restaurant.

Screenshot this.

>> No.16699576
File: 877 B, 32x27, this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now what?

>> No.16699623

>thats illegal

>> No.16699698

there are cottage laws that let you sell foods like jellies and baked foods, but you cant sell a chicken sandwhich or anything like that

>> No.16699738

>cottage laws

>> No.16699752
File: 243 KB, 1300x956, portrait-of-three-girls-selling-lemonade-at-stand-in-park-E9YXRX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do we put a end to Virtual Restaurants?
blast them with piss!

>> No.16699762


>> No.16699803

Seeing how shitty ACTUAL restaurants can be, i can just imagine the kind of nightmare a virtual restaurant kitchen might turn into. It's like the kind of thing the chinese would open, with all the horrors of their hygiene standards, ingredients and food safety.

>> No.16699824

i'd actually be crying for less regulation, because if i went there and found the food to be shitty or make me sick i'd kill the proprietor

>> No.16699869

ghost kitchen

>> No.16699875

>frequenting an establishment that charges taxes
That's not very cash money, my jive turkey.

>> No.16699878

>put chicken and vegetables into a pie crust and bake it
>legal to sell
>put chicken and vegetables in between two pieces of bread
>illegal to sell

>> No.16699896

>bitching and moaning because the business owner gets an extra 3 cents on the dollar instead of Uncle Sam
Oh no what a tragedy. Whatever will our noble government due without more of my money to spend on buyinf missiles for Israel and teaching gay buttsex to people in Tajikistan?

>> No.16699957

delivery only restaurants are great. I dont know why its somehow superglued to shitty non-food celebrities.

>> No.16700019


>> No.16700141

>put chicken and vegetables into a pie crust and bake it
with cat shit on it

>> No.16700172

Oh my sweet summer child. Let the world shine brightly for as long as it can, because once you put those sunglasses on for a closer look, you'll spend the rest of your life looking for sunshine.

>> No.16700215

Apology accepted

>> No.16700289
File: 68 KB, 686x686, 1627087612552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> he actually orders delivery FOOD from a place he’s never actually seen before

You and every other moron pissing away money on ubereats type delivery shit deserve what you get.

>> No.16700300
File: 853 KB, 766x3231, libertarians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The government consistently takes more of the public's money and does less and less with it. Maybe the solution is getting the governmenr OUT of everyday life instead of trying to cram it IN further.

Agreed, if we're talking about handing over $4 BILLION to Israel every year but not when it comes to government enforced food safety standards.

>> No.16700304

Did you just microwave lean cuisines and put them in different packaging?

>> No.16701830

are you guys seriously going to ignore this opportunity? i don't get it.

>> No.16701951

Tubberware? Are those containers made especially for you, tubguts??