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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 53 KB, 862x816, coffee (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16682932 No.16682932 [Reply] [Original]

Latte art 911 edition
Previously >>16670035

I know that latte art doesn't improve the taste of the coffee but it does put a smile on my face. Makes me grin like a Disney princess.

Blackouts due to necessary maintenance makes me prefer ways of making coffee that don't require mains power. I have a fireplace that can double as a small stove. Any suggestions?

>> No.16683079
File: 107 KB, 956x946, coffee (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple latte art is best; no need for fancy implements like toothpicks or stencils.

>> No.16683114
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>mfw coffee instant type II
Bills Brew isn’t too bad either.

>> No.16683128

skipped coffee today. proud of myself. feel ok

>> No.16683176

Went to my local cafe/roasters to get some beans today. Got a shot of espresso while I was there and it was like drinking a cup of lemon juice.
I normally get a cappuccino while I'm there so I'm not sure if the barista just pulled a bad shot or if i normally don't taste the sour ass coffee under all the milk

>> No.16683425

Some coffee have a very berry/fruity taste but I would say tasting like lemon juice was probably too much.

I like it more balanced between fruity, nutty and chocolatey.

>> No.16683718
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Coffee wakes Ra the sun-god up in the morning.

>> No.16683769

retard fucked up if it was sour

>> No.16684048

In my experience, that sour taste occurs when the machine isn't cleaned properly. Happens both with espresso and beer taps.

>> No.16684057
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I got one of these chinese tube milk frothers like that nespresso one, is there a trick to prevent the foam from getting too thick? I know for lattes you want steamed milk but surely frothing properly can give a decent proxy to steamed milk?

>> No.16684064


>> No.16684101

just swirl it for a while till the foam reaches a density of your liking

>> No.16684510
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>PID and unpressurized filter for $150
lmao how the fuck
fucking chinks

>> No.16684584

Too thick? Just let the milk foam settle.

>> No.16684830
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Wake me up before you go-go...

>> No.16685273
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Mmm... mocha

>> No.16685637
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Do any of you drink instant coffee, at least some of the time? Or do you only drink brewed coffee?

>> No.16685650

I was drinking nescafe gold until 3 weeks ago
Haven't had coffee the past few days because I can't figure out the moka pot.

>> No.16685670
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made the mistake of buying a specialty coffee with "chocolate" tasting notes. tastes no different than supermarket trash. fuck you Guatemala

>> No.16685817

hell yeah brother.
I keep instant around all the time because i mix it with a packet of hot coco for an instant mocha.

>> No.16685857

My sister is a missionary in Guatemala.

>> No.16685863
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Is coffee good for you?

>> No.16685938

i don't know
can you repeat the question?

>> No.16685947

Can you believe they made him a janitor at Harvard? That show was a socialist masterpiece. Two parents in a somewhat normal relationship working their asses off and getting nowhere. 7 seasons of struggle.

>> No.16686112 [DELETED] 


>> No.16686119


>> No.16686286

barista fucked up

>> No.16686316

it doesnt

It's poofy foam that sits on top of the coffee and it's so fluffy you might just drink the whole coffee without even getting to it cause it rocks at the back of the cup when you take a sip

>> No.16686468
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What's your typical order at a coffee place if you go to one?

For me it's one of these depending on what I feel like that day:
>Black Americano
>Filter coffee

>> No.16686490

>I can't figure out the moka pot.
what's there to get? you put water and grounds in, heat the pot, and pour out your god awful shitty moka pot coffee

>> No.16686575
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so my dad got an advert on facebook or something and bought this super expensive low acidity coffee from Nicaragua. its insanely overpriced but really good. I was curious if you guys had any recommendations for similar roasts that I should try testing with my dad

>> No.16686661
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So happy to find this general. Here’s my pour from this morning.

>> No.16686953

Would drink

>> No.16687272

How coarse do you grind for cold brew?

I do my "cold" brew in room temp for 12-18 hours and then pour it into a bottle and refrigerate. What about you?

Also, what do you think about mixing different types of cofffee?

>> No.16687756
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I just got a new Yabano espresso machine. I'm pretty happy with it. Been using it for like a week now, since my DeLonghi EC330 gave up the ghost after 4 yrs.
I'll see how long this one lasts, and then I'll move into a quality machine.

>> No.16687789

how long after blonding do you cut your shot? Immediately?

>> No.16687800

>15 bar + BUILTED IN STEAM WAND - Espresso maker comes with steam wand, you can enjoy cappuccino and latte with creamy and rich foam at any time at home!
You should be weighing your shots.

>> No.16687907

Bros which Xeoleo grinder is the *right* one?
Do you recommend it for a newfag?

>> No.16688099

The only one that I've heard talked about is the mini ek43 clone with the ghost burrs.

>> No.16688103

the first one as you can grind for 2 people without refilling

i have been using one for 5 months, for everything but espresso.

works fine, i have even dropped it a few times

kind off regret getting the one with plastic cup, has it will get brittle in a few years.

>> No.16688153

So which one from the above is that anon?
Aren't they all the same size/capacity? What are the differences?

>> No.16688202

When was the last time you felt the effects of caffeine, /ctg/? For me it was when I drank enough coffee over the course of three days that I got coffee-scented diarrhea

>> No.16688226

Its the one that looks like a mini ek43clone and has ghostburrs.


>> No.16688232

does this help you feel smug around all the fake blondes ordering desert coffee drinks?

>> No.16688265

whats that lil shitter called?

>> No.16688267

Hello time traveler.

>> No.16688358

they have the same size burr, but the body of the grinder varies in size.

>> No.16688423


>> No.16688592
File: 865 KB, 426x240, 2 soys w coffee (no sound).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangerous with soys around

>> No.16688698

huh, look at that, they also sell rebranded corrima machines.
Kinda expensive though.

>> No.16688730
File: 85 KB, 900x721, toes coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to order pic related at local coffee place?

>> No.16688743
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For the low price of $1500, you too can become a latte art master

>> No.16688896
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yes, instant is for when you're in a hurry; I've done that.

Hello, mocha bros.

Nice pour; classic latte art.

>> No.16688953

Honestly I mostly order something gay and sugary like a frappuccino or a flavoured latte. Espresso or cold brew if I don't want anything filling. I can have good filter coffee at home.

>> No.16690085

No, I just order what I want

>> No.16690579

coof. Its about to be espresso and music time. What kind of headphone setup are you guys running? I'm looking at abyss 1266s in a month or two but I can't decide on the electronics.

>> No.16690815
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Today I had some plain cold brew coffee mixed with a can of Coca Cola

>> No.16691735

when one must buy storebought coffee i generally see people hawking these two:
>peet's major dickason blend
>starbucks verona
any other non-shitty storebought coffees?

>> No.16691749

kirkland signature

>> No.16691760

personally i'd rather drink my cat's piss than store bought coffee beans because they'll be old and stale and even the finest grind wouldn't produce any crema

but if you must then just go with vittoria coffee because they're popular so they would have a higher turn over and therefor the coffee would be the """"freshest"""" option on the store shelf.

>> No.16691792
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r8 settis

>> No.16691942

congratulation on your new thermoblock system

>> No.16692627


>> No.16692671

Have any of you anons tried turkish/homemade coffee, how its called here? Essentially take water, boil it in a small heater, at boiling point add ground coffee, mix and stir a bit and pour into a cup

>> No.16692952

name three things wrong

>> No.16693253

15bar pump, shitty steam wand, and more plastic than anything else you own.

>> No.16693257

What does any of these have to do with thermoblock?

>> No.16693264

the thermoblock system is just a shitty way to heat water and it's never at the precise temperature. coffee grinds are quite delicate.

>> No.16693723
File: 121 KB, 1080x1349, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some pre-grinded Vittoria cafe in a tin at the work kitchen. It's been there for longer than I have; so 13 months. Haha.

>> No.16693952

what's your favorite foods to enjoy with coffee? for me, it's baked goods. sammiches with good quality bread, scones, etcetera. not sugary.

>> No.16693980

Been considering the merits of trying to get into espresso if I could get my hands on a half decent machine that isn't stupidly expensive. Anyone have experience with the breville bambino? That seems to be the cheapest machine I can find that more than a few people have had good things to say about but I also see a lot of mixed feelings about it out there.

Been keeping an eye out for a good price on a used gaggia classic as well since that seems to be the most common recommendation for a dirt cheap machine you can do good things with but everything I've been seeing lately seems too high for what you get.

>> No.16694063

every morning, because it is less of hassle to clean.

heat water, while grinding beans, add coffee stir (just to mix the grounds), let it boil, pour into a room temperature cup.

>> No.16694100

Have it with baklava

>> No.16694688


>> No.16694692

You're going to need a good (expensive) grinder as well. Don't bother with espresso unless you want to spend a bit and get a new hobby.

>> No.16695009

I was planning to grab probably a baratza encore here soon anyway, I know there's debate about whether it's actually capable of grinding for espresso or not, but most of what I've seen has said that it does okay at it, especially if you're willing to do a few upgrades. If nothing else I was figuring I could probably pick up a competent hand grinder at some point since I'm not against some extra work if needed.

Honestly just trying to figure out what my best rock bottom price choice for everything would be if and when I did device to pull the trigger on it.

>> No.16695027

>ok setup
>dogshit sink

poor trying to live nigger rich

>> No.16695041

Sugary baked stuff for me like cookies or pastries.
Bananas. Oats.

>> No.16695171

Love how fuckin pointless these threads are. This guy comes to you with a legit inquiry and is ignored in favor of memes and faggotry.

>> No.16695182

>You're going to need a good (expensive) grinder as well.
>I was planning to grab probably a baratza encore here soon anyway

>> No.16695188

Is Coffee good for you?

>> No.16695194

no, try >>>/tea/

>> No.16695197


>> No.16695262

This. If you have to debate whether or not a grinder's distribution and adjustment are good enough for espresso, you're not going to have a good time.

>> No.16695278

Not saying I was planning to grab that for espresso specifically, just that I was already currently planning to grab one for my general filter use already, and depending on how it did I might be open to trying to use it for that if it seemed possible.

If I end up needing a different grinder whenever I'm ready to take my shot on a machine it is what it is, and I'll get that handled, I'm really just trying to get a picture in my head of what would be considered acceptable at the absolute bottom tier price range for the machine itself so I can keep an eye out for deals. I have no previous experience to benchmark against do if I end up with something pleb-tier entry level that doesn't bother me I just want to know I'm getting something that will work and I can start learning good technique on.

>> No.16695305

Anyone tried putting milk powder in coffee?
I feel like milk powder would give it that bit of dairy without diluted the coffee.

>> No.16695306

Medium roast is a meme. Either get light or dark.

>> No.16695315

Acidity has more to do with roasting doneness.
Light roast = more acidity. Dark roast = less

>> No.16695365

>If I end up needing a different grinder whenever I'm ready to take my shot on a machine it is what it is, and I'll get that handled
If you're planning on replacing a product, just wait. You want to buy as few grinders as possible. Do your homework.

>> No.16695376

Have you considered a manual set up?

>> No.16695401

For the machine itself as opposed to the grinder you mean? I've considered it, but I'm less interested in that honestly. Not totally against the idea though.

What's the issue with potentially having dedicated grinders for espresso and other brew methods? If I end up going manual for an espresso grinder I'd still want an electric setup for my daily driver anyway, worst case scenario if I don't need it anymore I can sell it or gift it I'm really not worried about that. Either way I'm really more interested in figuring out candidates for the machine right now, I know grinders are a completely different subject that are arguably more important so I'd want an idea of how much I'd be looking at already so I could realistically budget for a grinder. Either way the amount the encore would set me back isn't a concern that's going to impact future budgeting for me, I'm not a poorfag I just don't want to go all in on a $1000 espresso machine.

tl;dr: I know grinders are important, that's not what I'm trying to figure out right now

>> No.16695428

>What's the issue with potentially having dedicated grinders for espresso and other brew methods?
Nothing at all, but I'd hate for you to get stuck with a shitty grinder for filter if you're dreaming this all out. At least look at a cheap decent burr carrier like the df64 before fucking yourself.
> Either way the amount the encore would set me back isn't a concern that's going to impact future budgeting for me
Its $140, this isn't a flex. A $200 kinu phoenix will knock out all your bambino espresso needs. A $2600 lagom p100 will also do it and let you easily swap out burrs to various ssps. You're not a poorfag, so don't shop like one.

>> No.16695466

All good info that I'll keep in mind, but still I'm probably not looking at actually pulling the trigger on a machine for a while yet, so if you have any feedback on the machine itself I'd love to hear it.

Is the bambino worth the 300 dollarydoos for someone who would likely just be fucking around with it on weekends at least for a while to see how interested I am in potentially upgrading later, or would I be better off not even considering it and just continuing to watch for a potential steal on something like a gaggia that I can fix up/modify if I ever see one for a reasonable price again?

>> No.16695498

If you're willing to pid a gaggia, go for that. If you're not at all interested in milk drinks(or are ok with getting a separate steamer later), I've been loving my flair 58. Its warming up while I type this. Breville bambino is 90% chrome plastic with a 15bar pump(which you can dial down) and a nonadjustable pid.

>> No.16695520

I'm more than willing to tinker with the gaggia if I get my hands on one, the fact that it's easily modded and serviceable is a big plus for me, was just hoping that if I'm gonna have to go in and tinker with it I could nab one ideally sub-$300 used, and unfortunately it seems like people have largely gotten wise to what they can sell them for even in shit condition based on listings I've been seeing. Plastic construction doesn't bother me, I'm really only concerned about whether it'll be possible to learn on the thing to the point where I can pull consistent shots that aren't dependent on whether the machine wants to behave. Being that you say the pump can be dialed down, do you know of any concerns beyond just needing to do that? I do like the idea of potentially having a half decent machine that can also do milk for $300 as a backup if I never manage to find a good deal on a gaggia but the time I'm ready to buy.

>> No.16695567

>Being that you say the pump can be dialed down, do you know of any concerns beyond just needing to do that?
Yeah. You're going to complain every time the 10lbs of plastic slides across your countertop when you try to lock in the portafilter. Also they're generally a pain in the ass to service since breville/sage doesn't restock their parts. They're known for just sending out new machines for complaints, which you may like. I don't like "ewaste" or whatever the fuck they call it these days, and if they're willing to just send out new machines, they're making them for pennies and know they sell a junk disposable product.

>> No.16695584

Good to know. Out of curiosity is something like the gaggia what you would consider the absolute cheapest worthwhile purchase, barring a manual setup?

>> No.16695599

Its a staple in the home espresso world for a reason. Commercial 58mm portafilter so you've got all the accessories and upgrades you can dream of, and a deep modding community. I'd say the prices on them used are a good sign if you're looking at one. They hold their value.

>> No.16695653

What is the quality difference between a $300 hand grinder and an electric one? Want to upgrade the little Kitchenaide one that I have but don't know which way to go.

Also want it to be able to do espresso as I intend on getting a machine at some point in the future.

>> No.16695682

In an electric some of the cost is going to a motor and whatever electronics are in it, in a hand grinder you're paying for burrs and construction. At the same price point you'll usually see better burrs in a manual grinder and more solid construction.

>> No.16695768

Well that much is obvious but also there is going to be a point of diminishing returns so I guess that is my real question:

How much better is the grind on say a Kinu M47 Classic versus a Fellow Ode?

Or another recommendation from either type? I do FP most of the time, just got a Moka, want an espresso and will likely buy a V60 and a siphon soon. I just want to try all the coffee, I just enjoy the process.

>> No.16695836
File: 160 KB, 1336x1467, D5F44C94-C4BB-4277-8270-0F6167B7E9F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best drink known to man.

>> No.16696510

Ode has a SIGNIFICANTLY smaller range compared to a stepless grinder like the kinu.

>> No.16696542

where can i get that coffee?

>> No.16696579

Why the fuck does he twist the group handle during extraction?

>> No.16697191

Encore won't cut it.

Why do you want to make espresso?

>> No.16697198

That's not an aeropress though

>> No.16697206

Has anyone tried some novels techniques to grind coffee? Like using ultrasonic or something?

>> No.16697244

Jesus christ. I shouldn't even give you a you for this.

>> No.16697256

Apparently ultrasonic grinders exist but not in a form that could be used to grind beans

>> No.16697296

To drink it, ideally.

>> No.16697343

Coffee grinders are essentially small chute fed macerators. You're talking about an ultrasonic POLISHER.

>> No.16697372

check craigslist every few days, typically when people move they don't take their espresso rigs with them

I was able to get a lightly used Sette 270 and Rancilio Silvia PID from a divorced lawyer for 700 bucks

>> No.16697419

dumbest post in this thread

>> No.16697511
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I feel like I'm doing something very wrong.

I recently bought proper fresh roasted beans for the first time ever. Prior to this I'd been drinking stuff bought from the local Walmart for a long time - decent stuff, but obviously not comparable to anything special. But I got my new stuff in (single origin Brazilian beans) and tried it and it just doesn't taste right. It's like it's bitter and sour at the same time. I've tried fiddling with the grind, but it just doesn't seem to come out right no matter what I do. I use a V60 and have been getting great results with it with the other stuff. Do you guys have any advice?

>> No.16697800

A thread or two ago I was trying to decide on a nice handgrinder. Couldn't decide between the c40, kino, or a 1zpresso. I just pulled the trigger on a 1zpresso k-plus. The apparent construction quality, speed of grind, external adjustment, hopper capacity, and price swayed me in the end. I'm a pourover guy, so super fine adjustments aren't terribly critical, but supposedly it ain't bad for espresso grinds. I hope it's good. I'll let you guys know next week.

>> No.16697991
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Oh shit is coffee this complicated? I just make 4 shots from a moka pot and pour it into 2 cups of microwaved milk for the wife and i. You can buy beans not prepackaged? What the hell? Where do i even start with all this

>> No.16698031

What's the best electric grinder for pourover under 500€?

>> No.16698069

Is the Aeropress really the best coffee maker at ONLY $30? That sounds too good to be true when Espresso machines cost $1000+

>> No.16698078

bitter and sour at the same time sounds like a grind inconsistency issue, being simultaneously over and under extracted.

>Where do i even start with all this
if you don't have lots of disposable income and really like coffee, don't bother. it's not worth knowing what you're missing out on.

probably df64


>> No.16698184

i do really like coffee. i primarily work from home even before the pandemic so coffee is a big part of my life. how much money are we talking anyway? i would like a coffee setup for my home office

>> No.16698282

Don't listen to jaded retards, if you're just trying to improve your brewing skills and aren't trying to get into stuff like espresso you can get very good results for a relatively small investment.

Absolute most important piece of equipment is a decent grinder which can be had for anywhere from $50ish upwards if you're willing to deal with manual grinding. If an electric grinder is a must for you then you can give something halfway decent in the $100-200 range especially if you're willing to look into hunting for secondhand deals.

Beyond the grinder there's tons of options depending on the brew style you are interested in. You can grab a cheapo pour over cone for filter coffee like a Hario v60, an aeropress, french press, chemex, all for a pretty low investment. Optional piece that drastically improves quality of life but isn't necessary by any means would be a good pouring kettle (commonly called gooseneck) preferably with temperature control so you can dial in your brew temp to what you like. Failing that a regular old kettle or even just heating water on the stove works you're just gonna have a slightly harder time brewing but it's entirely doable.

Go watch my nigga James Hoffmann on YouTube if you want to learn a bunch about how different brewing methods and techniques affect the final product. He also does a bunch of product reviews but those tend to be mostly for higher end stuff that gets pretty pricey.

All said, you can easily get a decent starter setup from nothing for less than $100 depending on what you choose to focus your spending on, just whatever you do make sure you do your homework on whatever grinder you get since that really is the most important factor.

>> No.16698292

thanks for the info dump, i'll google up what all those terms mean and look up the guy on youtube. thanks a bunch friend.

>> No.16698314
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Nice. I'm helping my local cafe. Their business is down by half...

>> No.16698618

Yes, but why do you want to make it for yourself, rather than just buying one?

>> No.16698651
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Even with the new or upgraded burrs? I will do more research on that aspect. But what of the quality of the grind? That is my concern. I know that a hand grinder of the same cost is going to be less physical material, less electronics, less weight, simpler assembly all translating to less cost to produce. So if there is a handgrinder similar in cost to an electric one that additional cost is likely in better machining and construction.

But HOW much better? I know this is purely subjective but it's what I want to know from other people's experiences. Do you personally think that the additional benefit of a better grind that translates to a better cup of coffee is worth it over the convenience of an electric grinder? Do you think that you can tell a difference? Do you think you can or can't because your method(s) of brewing are good or not good enough?

>> No.16698660

Lack of good coffee shops in my area (pretty much just Starbucks-style hipster hangouts focused more on quirky flavor drinks instead of good coffee), convenience of making it wherever I feel like, control of how it's made, ratios, beans, etc., and interest in the actual skill/process. I enjoy picking up hobbies.

>> No.16698663

You are using a v60 which can under and over extract at the same time. Switch to an aeropress for better results.
Yes, but the real redpill is realizing espresso is overrated.

>> No.16698670

Anything can over and under extract at the same time if the grind is inconsistent, aeropress won't fix that schizo.

>> No.16698674

>grind inconsistency
How do I fix this?

I have an Aeropress and swapped to the V60 because it's both better-tasting and more enjoyable to use.

>> No.16698678

Usually the answer is a better grinder, what are you using currently?

>> No.16698693

Timemore C2

>> No.16698698

Midwit take. Back to your hoffmeme vids.
Kek it's over

>> No.16698962

>Is the Aeropress really the best coffee maker at ONLY $30?
French press and pour over are pretty cheap too.

>That sounds too good to be true when Espresso machines cost $1000+
Yeah well it's a question of value then, isn't it? You can buy a Toyota Camry that will get you where you need to go but the experience won't compared to a BMW M3.

After all, coffee and espresso, while coming from the same bean, are two different drinks, like wine and brandy. If you want espresso you are gonna have to fork over the dosh for it, it's simply the barrier to entry, sadly.

Also consider that some people like the process for making espresso and milk drinks. It can be both an art and a science, and a varied one at that.

>> No.16699002

>seriously replying to a shitpost

>> No.16699028

It's a valid point, the Aeropress is cheap and people fawn over the coffee it makes. It's also portable, easy to clean, easy to use and the first genuinely new thing to happen to coffee in a long time.

I can appreciate that and I don't even like it.

>> No.16699139

Yes but that poster is just shitposting that the aeropress is the best method and other methods like pour over are shit due to uneven extraction and the aeropress is somehow able to account for uneven grind to eliminate this issue by magic.

>> No.16699176

based and 1zpressopilled

>> No.16699186

have you considered making a cuppa with the ground grounds?

>> No.16699193

Thought about getting an electric grinder, what's the best one that's fairly compact?

>> No.16699213

just get a drill and attach it to your manual grinder retard

>> No.16699326

$50 manual grinder won't get you anywhere. If you're brewing daily, it gets cheaper every time you use it. What kind of setup are you looking at? Entirely pourover, automatic pourover like the ratio 8? Hybrid immersion like the clever dripper or hario switch?

Yes. And those new ssp burrs turn a $300 grinder into a $485 grinder that still can't do espresso nearly as well. You're trying to compare 47mm conical burrs to 64mm flats. Fundamentally different. Here in a few weeks I'll be able to do a kinu m47p and a weber key side by side.
You can't afford the best.
Imagine how many of those pieces of shit are sitting in a landfill not breaking down. Disgusts me.

>> No.16699349
File: 167 KB, 1500x843, Burrs+selection+Guide+2021-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, conical burrs break down coffee and it exits straight down via gravity. Flat burrs need centrifugal force to expel grinds from the side. They don't make manual flats because your arm can't expel the grinds from the burrs like a motor would. You can stick any of those 64mm ssp burrs into the ord, but the adjustability just isn't there. If burrswapping and potentially modding a grinder is what you're into, look at the df64.

>> No.16699396

A $50 manual grinder will get you perfectly serviceable coffee that's miles above anything you'd get pre-ground or from a cheap electric grinder at a similar price point. The idea that you can't get decent coffee without spending hundreds of dollars upfront is retarded.

>> No.16699415

I'm sure theres some harioskertonposting group you can join on facebook. Kindly fuck off. We're talking about precision milled stainless steel burrs. Comes at a price. When the entirely of your grinder is a tube, and handle, and a set of burrs, why in the fuck would you cheap out? Coffee is a luxury, not a necessity.

>> No.16699434
File: 177 KB, 1200x606, 43540_jxpro_burrs_question_hb6774YL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the quality of burr on a brand new jxpro. $160 and they don't bother to polish the edges after machining. Maybe those unclean edges season down perfectly even and you have no complaints. Maybe those edges chip off and you wonder why your grinder is worse than everyone raves about online. You're talking about something 3x cheaper.

>> No.16699602

>near boiling water in plastic
what did frisbee man mean by this

>> No.16699612

i'm embarrassed to admit that there have been times when i have been desperate enough to get my caffeine hit from those leftovers that you speak of.

>> No.16699613

For half a decade, frisbee man didn't understand he shouldn't be using bpa.

>> No.16700262
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Would you buy an old Rancilio Silvia for 100$ local pickup? They say in the listing that it works, just need the gasket on the group head replaced. What would you be wary off/check when you're picking it up?

>> No.16700267

theres nothing wrong with hot water in plastic

>> No.16700273

based also aluminium in deodorant is great and proplene glycol and nitrates are good for you too mazel tov laheim

>> No.16700286

its a V2 if that makes any difference

>> No.16700321

Aluminum in deodorant ate through my skin.

>> No.16700344

schizo posting

>> No.16700655

That sounds like too good of a deal but the seller might be an idiot. I'd probably proceed warily and look for red flags. If they're rolling to demonstrate it definitely do that.

>> No.16700744

Instant coffee is great for camping due to convenience. Cowboy coffee is another option though.

>> No.16700918

I don't think I've had instant in probably 15ish years. No hate for people who use it but it's not for me. Closest I'll do is if I'm visiting family or something I'll use their Keurig with whatever pods they've got because at least it's something.

>> No.16701052

yeah i dont go to coffee shops because of rhis. indie shops get by on their fun atmosphere and big chains get by by pumping every drink with tons of sugar and caffiene but fucking nowhere makes good fucking espresso

>> No.16701057

whats that thing on top of ur breville?

>> No.16701648

good goy, make sure your kettle and all your mugs are plastic as well

>> No.16701693
File: 163 KB, 1080x1279, b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dislike pod coffee. I rather have instant or go without than pod. It's not the taste but the mentality; plastic & aluminium used to create a container that gets thrown away after one use. Just.... NO!

>> No.16701766

Fuck off, if you drink instant coffee GTFO of this thread.

>> No.16701934

Any of you ever use a krups Il Primo espresso maker? It's a little thing and obviously not a "real" espresso maker but I got one for free and I can't seem to make it work right. I can get a coffee out of it that is espresso-ish, but if I try and make a real espresso in it, it basically doesn't work. Like I grind a bean down to the powder, put it in the cup, and tamp it down, it can't get enough pressure it seems to get through the cake. It just dribbles out coffee drops and seems to hold the water (and pressure) at the top which isn't good.

Any ideas? I'm thinking maybe I don't grind as fine a bean (but still much smaller than normal coffee) and then only press down very lightly or maybe even not at all, then max pressure to pour.

>> No.16701982

It probably just can't produce the necessary pressure.

>> No.16702104

how does one make cream for coffee out of milk? first time posting in this general so hello

>> No.16702145

Cream is separated out of milk prior to homogenization. You have to buy it specifically unless you have dairy cows. Cream naturally separates and rises to the top of fresh milk, although industrially this is sped up with centrifuges. Some people use whole milk, some people use half & half (half whole milk, half light cream), and some people use light cream in coffee.

>> No.16702158

I usually use whole milk but I want to try light cream for a stronger ((mouthfeel)), also I can get my hands on raw fresh cow milk, you reckon I can make light cream from it? if so how much effort would it be?

>> No.16702262

I dunno dude. I've never gotten my hands on fresh milk. I ususally put half & half in my coffee, but if I do happen to have some light cream in the fridge for cooking, I'll throw that in there too. It's just more fat. It's richer. Might want to brew your coffee extra strong so you can still taste coffee. Coffee with cream is good for calories when you don't really eat breakfast.

>> No.16702271

sounds good, thank you

>> No.16702295

Heavy cream or whipping cream doesn't work very well in coffee. The fat tends to separate out into oil slicks and globules when you pour it in hot coffee. I guess some half & halfs and light creams have added emulsifiers in there expecting people to pour them into hot, acidic coffee. Go read labels next time you're at the store.

>> No.16702437

Does it have a pressurized portafilter? If so that's probably your issue since those are designed to work with a way coarser grind then you would or should be using for espresso, grinding for actual espresso will just choke it out.

I'm not a fan of it either, but if it's all that's available I'll deal with it.

>> No.16703024

>You're trying to compare 47mm conical burrs to 64mm flats. Fundamentally different.
This is the sort of info I like to hear. I am leaning toward a hand grinder because I am willing to spend a few hundred and I care more about quality than anything else. Otherwise I would be drinking plastic coffee from K-cups.

So is the JX Pro no good then? I hear great things about it, especially given the price, but it seems like the Kinu is the gold standard.

>Imagine how many of those pieces of shit are sitting in a landfill not breaking down. Disgusts me.
Agreed. That's why I said I appreciate it but I don't like it. I don't use "inert" plastic unless it isn't going above room temperature. Even then I tend to avoid it in my house.

If they made a vac insulated stainless version (a la Yeti) I would buy it. Until then I won't bother. Why they don't or someone else doesn't is a mystery.

I don't know much about the inner workings of an espresso machine but I can say from experience that with broken, but repairable, items they tend to sell for a fraction of the cost. If parts and guides are available and it doesn't seem like it'd be beyond repair and you feel up to it then I would do it,. and have, on other things myself. I don't like second hand stuff usually, but there is something about revitalizing an item that I really like.

I would be wary and look everywhere for anything possibly or practically irreparable like any sort corrosion or if there is any sort of dents or broken welds that makes keeping pressure or fitting parts impossible in it's current state.

It's one thing to have to repair, it's another to have to fabricate.

>Cowboy coffee
Best way to have camp coffee

>> No.16703165

Apparently the Aeropress makes Espresso though?

>> No.16703186
File: 61 KB, 488x488, GUEST_1950356f-27ef-4a89-9d4a-81b8b864b173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coff bros
i found it
this shit is the best coffee you can buy with the least amount of effort

>> No.16703188

>So is the JX Pro no good then?
It can be "good" but also have island chink tier manufacturing. Theres no reason for 1zpresso to cut costs on essential machining processes and still set themselves at the price point. Like, you wouldn't buy a decent knife and the blade edge has a massive burr on one side.

>> No.16703200
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>You can't afford the best
Yeah okay
What's the best one for a reasonable price then

>> No.16703230

>Apparently the Aeropress makes Espresso though?
So does a moka pot. That is if you deign to call either one actual espresso.

>It can be "good" but also have island chink tier manufacturing
I find that statement to be contradictory. How can it be chink tier manufacturing and still be good? If it's burrs are ground to shit then it's not going to produce good grounds, that is it's sole reason to exist.

It's like owning a luxury car that rides like dog shit. What's the point in how well made the rest of it is?

Whatever. I am probably going to end up getting the best Kinu they have. I am sure 1Zpresso has arguably the best value in a hand grinder that there is but I will fork over the dosh for those diminishing returns and get a better grind.

>> No.16703242

It doesn't, you can't get anywhere near the pressure needed to make actual espresso with an aeropress or a moka pot or anything that isn't an actual espresso machine. It make decently strong coffee but it's not espresso.

>> No.16703304

Define reasonable. What are you looking for?
Its all relative. If they knocked off 15-20% it would be a comparative steal. But for ~$30 more you can get a kinu phoenix soooo.
> If it's burrs are ground to shit then it's not going to produce good grounds
Its going to produce a slightly more uneven grind than if they actually polished the edges down for sure. Whether or not your palate is sensitive enough to notice or if this will fuck your ability to dial something in is undetermined.
>It's like owning a luxury car that rides like dog shit.
Ever driven a corvette? The seats are about as low as the wheel base so you're cradled directly next to the suspension. You feel every little tug and bump.

>> No.16703323

I just need something that can grind 20-30g at a time with fairly consistent quality and ideally a precise way of selecting the grind such as settings on a screen or at least some way of tracking what it's cranked to.

>> No.16703468

Filter focused or espresso? If filter>espresso, go with a commandante c40 and add on a redclix later if you want more adjustability for really tuning pourovers or get into espresso. Any of the kinus if you're wanting to get into espresso. They've got a slower cutting pourover focused burr you snag later if you're not happy when doing anything coarser than espresso. With either of those grinders you can setup a pretty fucking good coffee bar for ~$500. Flair has refurbs pro2s for 289 and refurb classics for 145. Toss on a kettle and any pourover cone you want and you're set. Buy a hario mizudashi for another $20 and you've got a cold brew filter and a carafe to brew your pourover into.

>> No.16703545

You sound like one of the few who should actually get into it. I recommend a flair 58 and a breville smart grinder pro for entry level equipment.

>> No.16703563

Filter focus, I use a V60. No desire for espresso.

>> No.16703593
File: 182 KB, 739x881, 7FC98901-A74F-4E35-8963-285B8A88774A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nespresso gave me a free Vertuo Next machine with my capsule order, so I’ve been testing it since yesterday.
I don’t like that the quantity of coffee is predetermined by the capsule (40 ml for espresso, 80 ml double espresso, etc..) and it’s noisy, also they don’t have a vertuo ristretto capsule and also there are a lot of absurdly long coffees for me in the sample kit (I’m Italian so all I drink is espresso).
So far it’s good however, the thick cream is not a meme but I can’t really say if it’s a real improvement vs the standard capsule system.

Anyone here tested both?

>> No.16703614
File: 92 KB, 800x800, IMG_2166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People rave about the c40 for filter. Doubleshotcoffee has the new mk4 for 325 shipped. If you really want to go all out get the redclix and the dosing funnel and I think you'll be thrilled for years.


>> No.16703639

oxo conical burr grinder is all you need

>> No.16703670

Last week I saw the mk4 was on doubleshot for $360 or $370. The mkIII is in sale for $325 because it is discontinued. I'm the guy who talked to sales at comandante in a previous thread. The mk4 has a more thoughtful plastic interior frame, but it also now comes with a plastic bean jar (pro or con depnding on you). Although people rant and rave about the c40 for filter coffee and I mostly do filter coffee, I am not a fan of paying almost $400 for more plastic, and it's a real fuckin shame they don't mill the frame out of steel or something. I bought a 1zpresso. I have no idea if I'm gonna like it, but I hope so. $250 vs $360 and a lot of people can't really tell the difference. I dunno what I'm doing. I will come back and tell you all if I think it's nice or a peice of shit. One of the tough things is that nobody owns two or three high end manual grinders. You can't do a direct taste test comparison. The coffee gay video is old now and doesn't include several new high end contenders.

>> No.16703761

Its only 325 in black mk4. I dunno if thats a difference in the body material because the others are 360+.
>nobody owns two or three high end manual grinders
Hop on eaf discord. People have rooms full of multi thousand $ grinders man.

>> No.16704146
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its actually not bad

>> No.16704280

I took a look and the Oxo conical burr grinder seems fantastic. How about this one? It's a little more expensive but seems good as well.

I hate to cheap out but also I really don't want to spend over $200 if I can avoid it.

>> No.16705166

As always, the poors kill the thread. Disappointed coof.

>> No.16705185
File: 132 KB, 512x512, chock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who else chock full o nuts here?

>> No.16705333

That's the quintessential poorfag burr grinder right there. If your goal is just too grind coffee as cheap as possible without going manual it's a fine choice.

>> No.16705341

if you're spending more than $50 on a grinder you're a larping autistic faggot. it's just coffee.

>> No.16705355

I bet you buy budget phones too.

>> No.16705362

go comb your beard, soy faggot

>> No.16705454

Baratza has been the standard for a long time but imo the oxo outperforms it from a set-and-forget standpoint and from a grind standpoint and from a price standpoint

if you get a 20% off bed bath and beyond coupon you can get it for way cheaper than anything else in its feature range

>> No.16705466

Sorry, I'm not setting foot in Bed Bath and Beyond. My wife handles that kind of shit

>> No.16705479

they have a website retard
if you sign up to receive emails you'll get an e-coupon within 24 hours
no more spoonfeeding for you

>> No.16705565

Does your opinion on the matter change at all with an encore that's had an M2 burr upgrade? Obviously that increases the price gap but would you still say the oxo outperforms in grind at that point?

>> No.16705926

tfw he doesn't have 30lbs of steak in the freezer

>> No.16705932

Any advice for a teabro who wants to get into coffee?

>> No.16705955

If you're replacing burs then yeah you're probably getting a more consistent grind
the diminishing returns for pourover/immersion is steep and early, for the majority of people spending 200+ dollars on an enthusiast-level non-espresso grinder is just a waste of money

>> No.16705997

You'll need a bit more than a gaiwan.

>> No.16706002

stick to tea bud

>> No.16706020

Get some light or medium roast beans with a recent roast date and slam em through a 1zpresso grinder and aeropress and you're set.

>> No.16706023


>> No.16706032

So I can't go wrong with either of them? I'm not a coffee savant, I just want decent.

>> No.16706048

baratza and oxo are not savant-tier grinders by any stretch of the imagination

>> No.16706049

Also aren't decent. Low to mid low tier.

>> No.16706050

My hand grinder is a Timemore.

>> No.16706217

Any experience with nitrogen infusion? I want to give it a try but I have no idea where to look for resources. And honestly, I trust anons here more than most websites anyways

>> No.16706322

I think you would like wet process Ethipoians and Kenyans. Those often have a clean, tealike quality with various notes of fruits, spice, sugars. The easiest way to start brewing is pourover with a decent hand grinder like Timemore or 1zpresso.

>> No.16706352

when i drink caffeine now i feel nauseous and inflamed a couple hours after, also i get a runny nose
what's wrong with me

>> No.16706467
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I rather not support pod-people. Heh.

Get a grinder and whole beans (preferably light or med roast). Choose between moka-pot/plunger/filter as they are all cheap and entry-level coffee brewing methods. Have fun.

>> No.16706578

What's the /ctg/ consensus on Cuban coffee?

>> No.16706818

If you want an electric grinder for less than $200 you're not likely to find anything better. Main difference between the two is going to be user serviceability. Both companies are known for providing good support if you have an issue, but the baratza has readily available parts for repair and modification if you're into that. The encore gives you the option to do things like upgrade your burr set or mod the grind adjustment to be stepless down the road if those kinds of things are important to you. With the oxo you're getting what you get when you buy it but for a decent discount comparatively.

>> No.16706848

nigger i am not using the bed bath and beyond website. I am not a woman or a faggot. my wife makes my coffees for me. I don't give a fuck what she uses or where it comes from.

>> No.16706856

none of this turbo autist shit matters. a cheap grinder is all anyone needs

>> No.16706882

>he """"""needs""""""" a grinder
Fucking casual

>> No.16706907

>overextract burnt coffee on a moka pot
>let's just add a shit ton of sugar in the moka pot so it isn't disgustingly bitter

>> No.16707133

>"""""he"""""" """""""""""grinds"""""""""" his """"""""""""""""""""coffee""""""""""""""""""""

>> No.16707145

For me, it's Turkish Coffee.

>> No.16707327

Cockroaches aren't coffee beans.

>> No.16707415

Man I love my gaggia classic but it sucks dick at frothing milk, no steam pressure at all

>> No.16708190

What should I get from Starbucks? Caffeine gives me panic attacks but I really want a nitro cold brew.

And then a blueberry muffin or a panini?

>> No.16708212

Maybe they can make your gay coffee with decaf? I don't know?

>> No.16708382

Are expensive beans worth it if I'm making anything with milk in it like flat white or latte? Right now I only drink black coffee so bean quality is a huge factor and whenever I have milk drinks I can't tell if the beans are good or grocery store tier.

Considering an espresso machine so I can make nice milk drinks and it would be nice to save money on beans by going back to grocery store or low end roasters.

>> No.16708432

If the cost of decent coffee beans is a concern for you then you have no business spending money on an espresso machine retardo

>> No.16708573

Thanks for the advice. I'm gonna get the machine and go back to $8/lb grocery store beans for any milk drinks.

>> No.16708579

It can, and some beans are made specifically for milk drinks. Honestly though if you just want mostly milk drinks, just use a moka pot and stove top milk heater with wisk. You can get a bellman stove top milk steamer if you wanna get fancy. Espresso requires hobby money and autism.

>> No.16708685
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Yes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTVE5iPMKLg

>> No.16708773

The poorfag spends his time off work coping for his bad purchases online.

>> No.16708834

I was wondering if anyone had some advice for me when it comes to steaming oat milk(lactose intolerant),
I have a pavoni machine and I buy oat milk labelled barista edition but can never seem to get that white at the end of the pour, I think my technique is fine, do you think it's just impossible with vegan milks?

>> No.16708983

I have been drinking freshly roasted 'speciality' beans for a few months.

I ran out of the good stuff last week and as I still have a bag of cheap supermarket beans, decided to make a cappuccino. It was awful. All I could taste, even through the milk, was burnt ashtray flavour. The beans were roasted so dark compared to what I have been drinking.

A few months ago, I would have drank and enjoyed it. Now I cant tolerate it. Might be the same for you. Might not. Guess youll find out once you try. But dont be surprised if you hate it.

>> No.16708991

How long do fresh beans stay fresh?

>> No.16709103

Depends on how dark they're roasted and how you're storing them but in an airtight container you should get at least a few weeks out of them where they're still at their "peak" freshness, and after that they're just going to be losing flavor the longer you have them.

>> No.16709107
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Freshly roasted? The general recommendation is to get beans that were roasted less than two weeks ago. Try to find someone that roasts beans locally so you can get it as fresh as possible.

The reason being is that beans release CO2, and you want them to retain that. This is why everyone invests in a grinder. When you grind beans they will give off CO2 far more rapidly.

Also store beans in an airtight container at room temperature for best preservation. You also want the container to be solid, not transparent as UV light also degrades beans.

Freezing is okay if you need to, but try to just use what you have and buy as necessary.

>> No.16709135
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rate my set up.

>> No.16709158

9/10 for the cups
Don't really know about anything else

>> No.16709387
File: 137 KB, 1080x1080, 20210919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two grinders?
Replace the Breville when you can.
Nice tamp set-up.
Filter coffee too?
I call those catering cups cos a lot of catering companies you that style. It goes into storage nicely.

I wish I had the counter space in my rented apartment to do something like that.

Anyhow not drinking coffee this weekend until Monday morning 2021-9-20 as a test project.

>> No.16709394
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>you that style.
use that style.

>> No.16709490

so where do you buy you beans?

>> No.16709555

I like Peet's Big Bang. The only medium roast I've found at the grocery store. And Peets in my area is usually roasted within the last two weeks.

>> No.16709590

>Replace the Breville when you can.
Replace both.

>> No.16709591
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is that one of those mega salty ones? always prefer me a tonkotsu.

>> No.16709681

yes with black miso paste giving it that color.

>> No.16709682

Both what schizo? There's only one

>> No.16709770

Both grinders retard. Sette 270s are about as shitty as encores.

>> No.16709791

You quoted a guy talking about the breville, which is not a grinder.

>> No.16709810

Replace them all. There's decent consumer shit and there's trash consumer shit. Breville barely scrapes by, but a BDB would be a significant upgrade. Sette 270 to niche is a way bigger improvement than the guy did with encore to sette270 for espresso. Now he's stuck with cheap gear that doesn't hold value. But at least he likes his cups.

>> No.16709844

>rate my set up.
If a slayer single group and a titus are a 10/10, he's at about a .5/10

>> No.16709890

I mean, if I had more money, yes.

Sette 270 is about as good of an electric espresso grinder as you can get at its price point.

I got the Encore w/ M.2 mod for 150 total.

Both of which are well supported with cheap parts offered by Baratza.

The Bambino is just fine for the price as well, I don't plan on keeping it long term so I'm not too worried about the durability. The next step up would be a fully modded out Gaggia Classic Pro, or a Dual Boiler w/ a Niche Zero

>> No.16709934

i drink instant coffee on long backpacking trips, but brewing just gives a much better result and it isnt much effort at all.

>> No.16709991

>Sette 270 is about as good of an electric espresso grinder as you can get at its price point.
My pressure transducer was about $75 more. April's new tamper/wedge/knockbox setup is about 200 more than the encore and bambino combined. I'll say it again. .5/10
>I mean, if I had more money, yes.
A niche zero is £499. You'd have the money if you didn't buy two lowtier grinders.

>> No.16710011
File: 26 KB, 570x379, 2016-10-26-1477506897-7486778-NonFeaturePourablesPourOverCoffeeLibra-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to become a big fan of the pourover dripper bags for camping. I've had a few from April and Kurasu over the last year or so. "Fresh" beans because they add a puff of nitrogen to the pouch to force all the air out.

>> No.16710234
File: 66 KB, 700x700, b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pourover dripper bags
The local cafe sells them but calls it coffee chimneys.

>> No.16710338

Ok, I got a 1zpresso K-plus. I will post more thoughts and details after I use it for a while, but first pourover cup with a nice Kenyan at city+ just taking a wild guess at grind size is fucking good. Like already blows away any cheap hand grinder or cheap electric burr grinder I've ever used. Zero fucking regrets. Sadly I have no other premium grinder to compare it to, but this is really good.

>> No.16710345

>Peet's Big Bang
This is my favorite grocery store coffee.

>> No.16710807

Oh yeah. Hand grinders at that price point punch well above their weight. Glad you like it. Post a brew bed or two.

>> No.16711070

I just had an oh-shit moment fucking around with it. Accidentally de-zeroed the dial trying to figure out how it works. I got it back now though. Took a few minutes. What a clever little adjustment mechanism. Lmao.

>> No.16711076

Also, the reverse-threaded collar that holds the outer burr in place is fucking tight. Delightful machining.

>> No.16711146

One time when I was In high school I got the idea to make coffee flavored weed by letting some nugs sit in a mason jar with espresso for a week.

When I took them out to smoke their was a super fine coating of espresso they would not come off, being a broke high schooler working for minimum wage there was no way I was throwing this weed out so I smoked it any way.
Instantly I got this super caffeine high after the first hit my pupils got huge I started tapping my foot really fast all the movement were fast and jittery
Fuck it I smoked 2 more bowls now my heart was racing I had a super headache my head was throbbing my neck jaw shoulders and chest muscles were all really tight I was uncontrollably shaking my leg and hand my teeth were chattering like I was shivering and I kept having this twitch with my neck like I would keep looking side to side
I felt like my brain was going a mile a minute and felt fine was moving extremely fast.

This was the first only time I have experienced the full effect caffeine.

>> No.16712592

Don't get "locked in" to a grind setting that works now. Those burr edges are going to roll over the next few weeks and your numbers will shift. The point of having all that adjustability is to use it, so constantly experiment.

>> No.16712622

Yeah. The English documentation for this thing is so bad it didn't even come with an instruction card of any kind. Just a little paper with a QR code on it. Fuck that. My prior research says each step is 22 microns and people across the interwebs report using 6-7.5 on the dial for pourover. 10 steps per whole number. I made a wild guess at 7, so 70 clicks. 1540µ = 1.54mm. Tastes good to me now. I'll adjust if the flavor drifts. Probably need to step down finer a click or two over time. This happened when I broke in my old electric burr, but it was shitty with big fat steps.

>> No.16712704

If you're going for pourover supremacy, you might snag a melodrip too. I didn't think I'd like it as much as I do. It took a hazelnutty brazilian I hated to something I actually enjoyed. Still not my favorite, but the drinkability shot up immediately.

>> No.16712709

Please shill me some [relatively cheap] beans. $20 dollars per bag max

>> No.16712844


>> No.16712913

don't buy beans from a grocery store
find a local coffee roaster and buy beans from them.
if that doesn't exist find a brand online roasts fresh and buy from them. I personally like Verve but thats right at/above your price point

>> No.16713021
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For me it's the Aeropress.

>> No.16713475

Sey is around that point. Very good roaster.

>> No.16713544

Just to add, for super light/nordic roasts it's recommended that you let the coffee sit for 10-14 days after roast date for filter and even longer for espresso

>> No.16713920

Post book

>> No.16714498


>> No.16714793

What? Isn't it EXPRESSo because it's made EXPRESS for people on the go?

>> No.16714864

It's espresso; it's a italian loan-word cos they perfected its extraction. Like how english is the default language of pilots, so one from Afghanistan can talk with Taiwanese pilot.

>> No.16715778
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I'm a night-owl. Coffee helps me wake up in the morning.

>> No.16716075

newfag here, been using a french press for a couple of days now and I like the taste, but apparently the coffee is just never hot enough, especially when I let it sit for 4-5 minutes like those yt tutorials suggest. It gets warm pretty fast so I'm always in a hurry to finish it which obviously kinda ruins the experience. What do I do?

>> No.16716170

Ok, more tiral and error info about the 1zpresso K-plus grinder.
So this thing is billed as a 40g hopper capacity, and I have found this to be pretty much true. The biggest, most volumnious bean I have right now is a Kenyan AA. 40g of this bigfuck bean will just barely fit in the hopper at once (though you may have to jiggle and crunch them down a little to fully fit the crank lid shield thing fully on there). Smaller beans fit 40g easily. I do not currently have any super tiny beans like peaberry, but I betcha the hopper will hold between 40-45g of those. The magnetic catch cup holds extactly 40g of the large AA whole beans as. Now here's the cool part, and it will be of interest to anyone who's looking at this grinder as a big cup or 2-cup pourover grinder (as I was): at a medium or finer grind, the catch cup easily holds 45g of ground coffee. Possibly 50g (still untested). You will not need to dump the cup AND fill the hopper for larger doses. You will only need to top off the hopper with your additional 5-10g of beans. Hope someone finds this useful.

>> No.16716206

Many moons ago I was into french press coffee. I liked to steep for 7-10 minutes. I started to approach the heat loss issue by wrapping my glass press pot in a kitchen towel. Then I dicovered there were little foil-lined neoprene jackets specifically for my model of press pot (it was a Bodum), that significantly helped. There are also double-walled stainless steel insulating carafe press pots out there.

>> No.16716223
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>> No.16716409
File: 628 KB, 872x645, Screenshot 2021-09-19 at 17-21-00 Amazon de Rooster Coffee Set doppelwandig isolierte Edelstahl French Press 0,6 Liter (3 T[...].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are also double-walled stainless steel insulating carafe press pots out there
well I got one but the issue persists. Even when I only steep it for half a minute. The problem is not for how long it stays hot inside the french press but rather that the hotness doesn't last long enough when I pour it into my cup. I have a feeling that a better water boiler might fix this by making the water hotter than mine currently does, but idk.

>> No.16716412

Put it in an insulated travel mug idiot

>> No.16716432

Preheat your cup with hot water. This is why ceramic coffee cups are the ultimate coffee cup material. Ceramic is a heatsink. Utilize the thermal mass.

>> No.16716462

If you only steeped for 30 seconds and your issue with the results was that it doesn't stay hot enough in the mug then I have bad news dude, you're a fucking retard

>> No.16716811
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>> No.16717966

>I have a feeling that a better water boiler might fix this by making the water hotter than mine currently does, but idk.
He's trying to boil water hotter than boiling and it just won't work.

>> No.16718466

"Espresso" has the same triple meaning in Italian as "Express" does in English
>Specific ("express permission") to the recipient
>Pressed out

>> No.16718484

>Pressed out
>It isn't pressed

Cool story

>> No.16718556

from a local roaster in moonee ponds (suburb in melbourne, victoria, australia, earth) but they don't sell internationally. you have to physically go tho their bricks and mortar store to buy freshly roasted beans. i pay $36 per kilo which is pretty good.

>> No.16720181

jesus christ anon

>> No.16720231
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Make sure your water is just boiled. If you pour boiling water into the empty plunger, you can heat it before throwing that water out. Then use as normal. This "wastes" some water but ensures the temp will be higher.

>> No.16721161


>> No.16721170
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>make cold brew
>make moka pot with the exact same beans
>cold brew is tasty
>moka pot is bitter

>> No.16721218
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Alway me, btw.

>> No.16721284

Explain how you brewed the moka pot.

>> No.16721474

>Guys I got two identical steaks, I seared one in a pan like a non-retarded person, and I put the other one in the oven at 600F for 2 hours and that one tastes bad what the fuck

>> No.16721505

Do you guys put Bailey's in your coffee?

>> No.16721909

No but sometimes I like to put swissmiss in nice single origin pourovers to make people seethe.

>> No.16723399

I'd have to make sure I'd eat a good breakfast or my whole day works be ruined. I think you also have to make sure the coffee isn't too hot when you add it or it will taste weird.

>> No.16723527
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i recently got one of those frother wands and confused about the process. do i froth my milk and then pour in my coffee or do i dump the frothed milk after my coffee is already in the coffee? i use a phin filter if that helps

>> No.16723757

Anyone else here have a Baratza Encore? Mine just came in and the stupid fucking gasket doesn't fit.

>> No.16723815
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Hello coffee friends. I am buying a birthday gift for my s/o (no homo) that loves coffee, but I don't know jack shit about coffee.

He's been using a 20 dollar Mr. Coffee forever and has mentioned several times that he would love to have a programmable coffee maker. He'd probably love a coffee maker to come with other neat bells and whistles, he likes lattes and blended ice coffee and all that froo froo shit. He's also an IT guy, so he's skeptical of "smart" coffee makers due to increased fault points with shitty manufacturing practices.

Budget is 150-250 USD, but I'm willing to go up to 300 if the reasoning's sound. I want to buy him this because he doesn't ever replace appliances until they break, even if he doesn't like them anymore, and he deserves something nice he would never get for himself.

What coffee maker would Anon recommend?

>> No.16723845

Just get him whatever gay fucking Nespresso thing you can afford, it sounds like that's what he wants.

It won't be good, but you don't get good coffee from the type of machine he's asking for

>> No.16723895
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hoffmeme has shilled the Breville Precision Brewer before and has said he uses it almost every day.

>> No.16724093

I have that exact same phin lmao

>> No.16724099

Ratio 6. Automated pourover nearly at its finestl.


>> No.16724286
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As mentioned before, I don't like the idea of a pod machine that locks you in to a particular dealer. Also the waste in the pod versus a 200/250/500g bag of coffee rubs me the wrong way.

>> No.16724362

I tried a couple of times and it was awful. I thought it was because of the milk, but it could be the heat now you say it...

>> No.16724378

>budget 200-250$
>suggests 350$ device

>> No.16724408

>willing to go up to 300
heshe's already trying to buy some love homie. Might as well not end up with a shitty device. Bpb is fine but ratio is based.

>> No.16724446

pretty setup