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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16688357 No.16688357 [Reply] [Original]

is it true that girls like a guy who can cook?
how many gfs have you guys gotten from cooking?

>> No.16688362

I'm so lonely. Is online dating really my best choice right now?

>> No.16688372

You can’t get a gf from cooking. You can get laid fairly easily though.

>> No.16688376
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I cooked a girl something for a date once. Had no effect on a relationship, but if you're deep enough that you live together, cooking your partner their favourite comfort meal when they have a bad day is probably the best way to get someone to fall in love with you.

>> No.16688377

Cooking is a feminine hobby

>> No.16688378

I can barely get a reply out of girls these days. I used to have them crawling all over me but I opted for LTRs. Out of dozens of girls I could have had I restricted myself to 3. Now I'm so damn lonely.

>> No.16688380

Gotten pussy, gf nah.

>> No.16688382

girls certainly like the delivery guy

i'm a delivery guy and my profile photo was taken of me when i was younger and more handsome but when they see me wearing my motorcycle helmet, dark glasses, and face mask they just assume i still look like the handsome guy in my profile photo so many girls will flirt with me but i'm just doing my job

i love being me

>> No.16688388


>> No.16688389

Girls like guys with big dicks who can stretch them out and make them feel feminine. They don't want a fucking nancy boy faggot femboi who watches YouTube cooking shows and spends 10 hours a day in the kitchen like a woman.

The black men they fuck only know the kitchen be where the white wymenz they be slammin' get dem their mac 'n' cheese and chicken.

>> No.16688396

I'll give you the best answer yet. Girls love narcicists. But you shouldn't make it obvious you're a narcicist. In fact, you should only posses the good attributes of a narcicist. The way to do that is to always be truthful to her. Never lie to her when it counts.

>> No.16688400

>I used to have them crawling all over me but I opted for LTRs.
wtf should i do?
i want a gf who loves me unconditionally, but not if it means winding up miserable
i'd rather just fuck at that point

>> No.16688403
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Do he even knows what a narcissist is?

>> No.16688405

>is it true that girls like a guy who can cook?
Have you ever heard anyone, male, female, or freak, complain about someone being a good cook? Of course girls like a guy who can cook. That alone isn't going to get you a gf, but it won't hurt. Ignore the retard posts above pretending it would.

>> No.16688452

Someone who wabts to excert control over other people. And needs other people to stroke his/her ego. This in part also makes him a pathological liar, because he either fakes who he is, or lies to protect his ego when he fucks up.

>> No.16688463

i think you just described schizophrenia

>> No.16688465

were your LTRs at least good? were you in love with any of them?

>> No.16688467

>Someone who wabts to excert control over other people.
>And needs other people to stroke his/her ego.
Wrong again. A narcissist does all their own stroking, no outside help needed.

>> No.16688472

My mom likes when I cook her food

>> No.16688477

I picked up the girl I'm dating right now by making food for her

>> No.16688481

what did you make? how did you feed it to her? like she just went into your house and you cooked for her and she said "mm tasty be my bf" like that?

>> No.16688483

i made her eat all the eggs

>> No.16688485

Is that Cindy?

>> No.16688486

I thought I was but in hindsight they were just beautiful girls and I couldn't talk to them about real things and I didn't care about them deeply.

>> No.16688496

We were lied to, anon. Girls do not love. The stories we were shown about happy eternal love were just fantasy.

>> No.16688508

She have downs, but I put a little roofies in the food. I told her that she beautiful and intelligent. Now, we're a couple.

>> No.16688509

i fucking feel like crying
i just want a gf who loves me so i can cuddle her
should i do short term relationships (assuming i'm chad enough) ?
like cuddle and fuck them for a few months then move on?
how do i break up with them?
won't they cry?

>> No.16688519

People rarely hook up outside of online dating anymore. It's that or meeting friends of friends.

>> No.16688527

My father told me: Always be strong son, don't you ever cry. You find a pretty girl and then you love her, then you say goodbye.

They wouldn't think twice before dumping you if they felt like it. I have cried each time a girl left me after the years of loyalty, pleasure, generousity and good times I gave each one. I like to give myself wholly to people, girls are not for men like me. Now I focus on cars, they are always grateful for some tlc. Leave the girls for the Chads who will treat them like shit. When they are older and realise they want someone who treats them well, they won't be of any value to you anyway.

>> No.16688528

That's a sociopath, idiot.

>> No.16688558

are you the same guy? how was it that girls were crawling all over you? like through online dating? they were all messaging you?

>> No.16688563

No, they like guys who are physically and mentally capable of bashing their skull open at any moment.

>> No.16688581

everybody likes people who are good at cooking. ITs a great way to make friends, which leads to dates.

>> No.16688586

>Ts a great way to make friends
you just cook alone at your house and friends appear???????

>> No.16688596

Just go around knocking on doors. Tell them, "I'm in the mood to do some cooking, you got anything that needs cooking?" Sometimes they do, and sometimes those people become friends.

>> No.16688651

anon i am actually on the autism spectrum so idk if this is a joke or not
pls tell me if it is i don't want to humiliate myself

>> No.16688666

It's not a joke. That's how I made most of my friends after my high school friends abandoned me. People love having cooking done for them.

>> No.16688671

your satanic trips make me a bit suspicious, but i'll trust you
i will be a college dorm, so it shouldn't be hard going door to door
but how should i pay for all the ingredients?
also the most cooking i've ever done is frying eggs
what if i fuck up?
would i make more enemies than friends?

>> No.16688678

You don't buy ingredients. If they don't have anything that needs cooking you move on. Don't do it if you can't actually cook, though. That would be stupid.

>> No.16688863

absolutely, I got a girl's number because of my pancakes

>> No.16688898

Learn how to make sushi; its not as hard as you think and white girls cream their panties at it

>> No.16688900

Women don't like me because of my short stature and off-putting personality

>> No.16688960

She's actually the cashier at the grocery store, and I was buying a couple pre-assembled shish kebabs to throw in the oven on my lunch break, and she was joking about how good it looked how I needed to share with her. Well, jokes on her, I came back with one cooked, and left my number on the plate. After that, I took her on a date and made my favorite chicken sandwich on a picnic at the beach, and she loved it.

>> No.16688976

Bitches love food. They also love leadership. If you cook like a boss, and not a beta bitch, then you demonstrate leadership AND create something pleasant they enjoy....food.

Just don't be a simp.

>> No.16689106


>> No.16689112

are you really asking this question? no shit

>> No.16689202
File: 200 KB, 640x368, bomfunk.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this nigga literally running around his hubzone picking up quests from NPCs irl
300% nigga

>> No.16689231

what does it mean to cook like a boss?
is it really that obvious?

>> No.16689303 [DELETED] 

lol the guy is gay

>> No.16689355

Whats the point of a woman if you are going to do the cooking aswell? What is she supposed to do? Just sit at home and fuck tyrone?

>> No.16689530

In person, I was swatting them away.

>> No.16689632

You sound like a psychopath

>> No.16689638

bro are you like 80 years old or something wtf

>> No.16689683

Nice fantasy. Have you been banned from the store yet?

>> No.16690430

No, I'm 26

>> No.16690438

Why can't your modern day 'murican white women cook worth shit anymore?

>> No.16690470

Cooking is a necessity of survival. Like you either pay people to make it for you, buy pre-made stuff like microwave meals or you COOK.

It's even more important if you take your health seriously or work out regularly. You need to eat and prepare the right stuff.

So I don't immediately see it as feminine, I see it as a necessity of life.

Now if you're baking cute little cupcakes with frosting and sprinkles, OK that gets feminine. But what about BBQ or preparing meats? That's like primitive man roasting his kill over a fire

>> No.16690496

>running around his hubzone picking up quests from NPCs irl

>> No.16690847

one time me and a classmate were cooking dinner at my house and then she bent over to check the oven and i whipped my dick out in her face and -wow- she started sucking it.

>> No.16690870

>i will be a college dorm, so it shouldn't be hard going door to door
>but how should i pay for all the ingredients?
your fucking weird and thats a weird thing to do and most people are too upity to eat food from a stranger, unless their bum drunks from the hood. and not the cool kids from the hood, but the ratty dirty ones whose parents didnt love them
get tons of free ingrediants from the foodbank.
i always try to cook for people at the skatepark, and theres only a few skateparks in shithole towns where people will eat my food. everyone else is like "nah, ima just get a burrito next door"

one thing i have noticed, is that exceptionally delightful socialites love weirdos and would probably be happy to have you cook for them even though its a weird as fuck propostion

im friends with some pretttyyyy coooool people becuase i do weird shit

>> No.16690893

>I'm so lonely. Is online dating really my best choice right now?
its your best choice if you have no girls in your social circle or employment circle.
internet is just one more of the many places to meet girls. nothing wrong with that.

>> No.16690914

>have 3 dating apps
>finally talk to a girl
>get her number
>she invites me for drinks
>it’s fucking happening bros
>”sorry I got covid :(“

>> No.16690915

Girls in 2021 cannot cook, and are extremely impressed by even the most simple of dishes, like chili.

So yes

>> No.16690917

Any girl I've cooked for by the third date has stuck with me. Any girl I waited to cook for ran to the hills. My ability to cook is my only redeeming quality.

>> No.16690967

It's like a 50/50 chance she's telling the truth or lying so she can flake, fyi.

>> No.16691032

covid was engineered for the sole purpose of cockblocking this one anon

>> No.16691166
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>he got a date?
>release it

>> No.16691429

im 27 and never kissed a girl

>> No.16691441

Everyone wants to be with someone who can cook. Guys want girls who can cook, girls want guys who can cook. Just the way it is.

>> No.16691456
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i kissed a girl when i was like 8 does that count

>> No.16691540
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Goddamnit anon, just finally delete her number and we can all go back to normal™

>> No.16691570

i could cook like a motherfucker when iw as younger and it never got me a gf, just bro friends who came to hang out.
then i had a girlfriend and cooked for her, but she liked anal and keeping her figure so she didn't eat that much. also learned how important it is to be able to cook but also have a place to you can eat that isn't a makeshift hobble of an environment.
>bitches don't dig gross garages for sitting down and eating nice food

>> No.16691581

when i was 5 or 6 a girl sucked my penis then made me suck her boobs
now whenever i see attractive girls in public i feel like murdering them then killing myself
does that count?

>> No.16691988

Nigga livin the /ss/ lifestyle

>> No.16692019

What happens to us to create such a massive gap in such a short time?

>> No.16692103
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You shouldn’t do anything just to get laid. Fulfill yourself. The right person will love you for being the best version of yourself.

>> No.16692113
File: 644 KB, 2048x1536, 534B3841-BE4E-481E-8F89-0959CAE46B70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon i can only make a good curry do i have a shot?
t.white 6ft

>> No.16692121

>6 ft
>can make curry
you can go to a local university and fuck every indian girl there
it'll take time, but you can do it

>> No.16692155
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Thanks fren.

>> No.16692156

I mean... I can cook more than just curry, but if she's down for a good, spicy curry, and she's into you, she's probably down for a good time - for a long time.

Plus what >>16692121 said. If your curry cuts the mustard with the people who know, they're more likely to want to let their parents try to embarrass you.

>> No.16692757

Online, sure.
Dating sites/apps? No. Just no.

>> No.16692882

I won't ever use tinder, but both my brothers found their current LTR's on hinged.

>> No.16692889

Same here, but it was my cousin. Does that count?

>> No.16692984

I am a psychopath

>> No.16693669


>> No.16693685


>> No.16693732

>cooking FOR a girl instead cooking the girl
There is no flesh sweeter on this Earth than that from an animal that you have thoroughly and utterly dominated. Cows can only be dominated mentally as they are incapable of the concept of consent. Human females however can be mentally, physically and sexually broken before harvesting them for food.

>> No.16695689

being able to cook is icing on an already very appealing cake. They won't suddenly look past other negative traits if you cook well

>> No.16695690

She doesn't like being called that >:(

>> No.16695702

This is the saddest larp I've ever seen, I bet you're asian, ugly and a virgin.

>> No.16695714

you'd be surprise, mate.

but if you wanna cope then i won't get in your way.

>> No.16696103

This girl looks so sickly and unhealthy. Weird.

>> No.16697332

Cooking together is an easy date activity that can bring you closer without doing gay shit like leaving the house.

>> No.16697619

>red stripe

>> No.16697626

How do I even get hookups?

>> No.16697631

Unless you have an opertunity to show off or talk about it honestly and fairly the awnser is nill

>> No.16697635

Depends on you location and outgoing demeanor One thing is being overweight another things is not caring about your overall appearance

>> No.16697640

Are you implying that an anecdote about how some girls flirt with an anon after seeing an old picture of him when he was younger and think he still looks like that is too unrealistic so it must be a larp?
Did you even read his post? Or are you just braindead?

>> No.16697641
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>One thing is being overweight another things is not caring about your overall appearance
>both apply to me
A virgin I remain.

>> No.16697653

There's still places in America where such an event is plausible, just saying.

>> No.16697657

Get a haircut or get the knots out of your hair unless you're going for curly and trim your beard or cut it Unless you're going for the conservative with a bike and wife that likes trailer parks guy involved in music events and blue collar work look Mind you, the biker look doesn't work well for everybody and you have to buy new jeans to keep up with size changes or risk being uncomfortable on the bike Unless you have a belt and jacket I guess

>> No.16697658

Being irritating doesn't help, either.

>> No.16697675

Confidence in your cooking, confidence that they'll enjoy your cooking, confidence in handling the ingredients and going through the cooking process, confidence in knowing your kitchen.

>> No.16697731

Food is acceptable and the person looked like they knew what they were doing I eat now

>> No.16697740

how did you guys replace agie?

>> No.16697836

Wait, why wouldn't it be plausible outside of where I live?

>> No.16697838

meant for >>16697653

>> No.16697876

The #1 thing chicks look out for is confidence. Real genuine confidence that only comes with being secure in yourself and your abilities. Girls can clock fake confidence LARPs at 30 yards. Insecure dorks just have a stank to em that girls can sniff out; they evolved to be able to do it as a survival necessity. There’s a reason why even dirty couch-surfing jobless bums can still get pussy: it’s because they got enough cocksure confidence that birds just instinctively latch onto him.

>> No.16697946

>is it true that girls like a guy who can cook?
Yes, but how much they wet themselves largely depends on where you are.
An Anglo area in an Anglo country (US, UK, Aus etc)? yeah they'll be decently impressed, especially if you make something properly good.
But if you're a white male in Asia (Japan, Korea etc)?
Women will literally scream, wet themselves, start panting and physically try to prevent themselves from boning you right then and there.
"You're a MAN, THAT CAN COOK!?!?!?!?!?"
it absolutely blows asian's minds and the easiest way to get into their pants.
>how many gfs have you guys gotten from cooking?
I've reeled in at least 3 Japanese girlfriends cuz of being able to cook basic shit like pasta, a curry or a roast dinner.

>> No.16697950

>cooking your partner their favourite comfort meal when they have a bad day is probably the best way to get someone to fall in love with you.
yeah this.
my ex and I used to take turns cooking for each other.
coming home to her house tired from work, the smell of dinner halfway cooked.
she'd sit me down in front of hte TV, pour me a glass of whisky and tell me to relax while she'd finish up dinner.
It was the nicest shit ever.
She used to cry when I did the opposite for her because she couldn't fathom a man actually cooking good food for her.

>> No.16697955

Nobody's taking advice from a retard who has had more than three girlfriends. You're supposed to find someone to marry, not just fumble through relationships with everybody you think you have a chance with.

>> No.16697959
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>the girl in op's pic went crazy and made herself look ugly so incels would leave her alone

>> No.16697972

>You're supposed to find someone to marry, not just fumble through relationships
that's just the way it goes sometimes my dude.
not everyone you pop a boner for, ask out to dinner a few times etc turns out to be the right person 6 months or a year down the line.
want to know how those 3 ended?
>first one ended cuz we had a fight a couple months in and realised it was never gunna work with her living 2 hours away with her parents
>2nd one ended cuz she literally had no free time to maintain a relationship between running the family business and taking care of a quadriplegic dad
>3rd one ended cuz she had mental issues; being 36yo and once-divorced

stop pretending like all of 4chan is /r9k/, cuz it's not.
go post feels guy and spam "tfw no gf" in a thread fucking elsewhere, faggot.

>> No.16697984

I already said you're not someone to take advice from on the subject, why are you further confirming that?

>> No.16698075

Seethe, imagine not being able to cross reference vaginas by depth, silk factor, hue, depth, constriction, scent, and flavor. A half life, a cursed life.

>> No.16698200

everyone likes a guy who can cook
being able to cook doesnt get you pussy, neither does lifting, being rich, being able to play an instrument, etc. you have to present the skill(s) you are good at, the confidence that you are good at what you do, and the pursuit to get better. otherwise you just come off as a guy who picked up a skill just to get pussy, which is cringe to everyone

>> No.16698216

>pursuit to get better

>> No.16698890
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Aggie's mom is CUTE! CUTE!

>> No.16698943

none, but i have gotten pussy by telling a girl she's pretty and that i liked her.

>> No.16699012

I invited a girl over for dinner and made food for us in our instant pot. bitches love instant pots

>> No.16699631

Haters will say this is bull, but this is all there is to it, fellas

>> No.16700422

who the fuck cares what you think? lmao

>> No.16700446

Stop bumping this fucking piece of shit thread.

>> No.16700732


>> No.16701311

no, get fucked lmao

>> No.16701348

dude it gets pretty wild out there when you figure it out cant lie. Most days you're cooking for yourself though so maybe try switching it up a few times and giving it a try with something or someone else you haven't tried before. I just hit up the restaurant place and snagged a whole bunch of baloon whisks the other day and I think i got them too large but I'm not too worried because they were like 2 for 3 dollars. I smoke drugs

>> No.16702023

>red stripe
This is like a starter lager for teenagers in the UK, not particularly known to drunk by niggers, despite it's Jamican origin. That's Rachel Goswell from Slowdive a band from Reading, I really doubt she ever fucked a nog.

>> No.16702899
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>tfw no sleepy eye gf

>> No.16702904

*sigma male hobby

>> No.16702990

I think in general it's a good thing if you know how to cook. My GF loves my cooking, but it's more like an after-plus than a before-plus.

>> No.16703044

at least 4

>> No.16703707

This is only the view of corporate anglo wageslaves. Men are better cooks then women, though maybe not in angloland where is consistently bad regardless of gender

>> No.16703719

… cows can also be physically, mentally, and sexually dominated before you eat them

>> No.16703773

Anyone with a brain likes someone that can cook. Even more so if you live together.
It means the person can make proper food for you and even if you can cook yourself, that means you won't always have to do so.

People, regardless of gender, likes people that are dependable.

>> No.16703846

Yes, they do, on the other hand, one of the reasons my gf wants to get married to me is because wants to quit her job and cook for someone everyday, which will mean me cooking less often :(

>> No.16703855

I would never marry a dumb bitch who wants to abandon her economic value like that.

>> No.16704021


So, how'd you fuck it up?

>> No.16704328

is it abnormal to have your first kiss when you're like four in nursery?
i'd kiss girls all the time. im not sure that after my first kiss i ever went a year without kissing a girl.

>> No.16704559

seethe jewboy the traditional family isnt completely dead yet

>> No.16704598

la goblina...

>> No.16704629

Ive woo'd women with my ability to cook any kind of eggs they want for breakfast. (Read: i watch a video on what they want and do it. I dont know shit)

Long story short,
Women are easy to impress.

>> No.16704850

I will never cook for a woman. It's servile and homosexual

>> No.16704891

I don't know about getting someone interested in you, but cooking for friends and loved ones is always a sigma move. I wasn't the greatest chef some years ago (I've improved since then) but my gf at the time would always appreciate it. Palatschinke (basically crepes), steak & asparagus, pasta bolognese. I wish I had cooked more often and taken more of sincere interest in cooking earlier but campus dining was just too convenient.

>> No.16704923

> she died

>> No.16707108
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>is it true that girls like a guy who can cook?
yes, yes it is

>> No.16707110

please be in the united states

>> No.16707486

Make my date a shepherds pie on the first date, now we're engaged.

>> No.16707489

>is it true that girls like a guy who can cook?+

>how many gfs have you guys gotten from cooking?
None, I hate women

>> No.16707495

>how many gfs have you guys gotten from cooking?
Few if any.
But I've never dated a woman who can cook.

>> No.16707732 [DELETED] 

Weird that ck is the 2nd saddest board on 4chan. Dont worry I've never had sex before either but my excuse is christian schools. Don't send your kids there. wish me luck before 30

>> No.16708349 [DELETED] 

She always looks like she has a terminal illness.