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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16680461 No.16680461[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16680465

coffee. black. malboros.

>> No.16680466

>Posts children food
Try tripe bitch

>> No.16680468

What you just hunted.

>> No.16680492
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>> No.16680497

>meals that define bowel cancer

>> No.16680509

I'm gay, btw. Not sure if that matters.

>> No.16680525

cancer is a meme. jews will tell you having foreskin increases your risk of penile cancer.
That said OP, the real problem with eating is the possibility of contracting parasites

>> No.16680655

The middle east way or the chinese way?
Tried both, if you gonna eat it as meat then the chinese one with soy sauce tastes great. But for a tripe soup, the middle east one wins ez.

>> No.16680662
File: 203 KB, 750x541, 1589801755068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steak. Whisky. Done. Triggered? Then grow a pair, kid.

>> No.16680665

Can you show me some tricks on the forklift

>> No.16680668

people who eat raw meat are 100,000 years behind on the evolutionary scale.
even Australian Aborigines cook their meat.

>> No.16680669

>1911 print
Never fired.
Not even cut.
Not even moonshine & I don't know the brand so it's trash
10/10 manly meal.

You want me to act like fucking abos? Fuck off back to your abo tribe I'm a white dude I don't act like the abos.

>> No.16680670

By the time I started drinking coffee black I had switched to menthol.

>> No.16680672
File: 71 KB, 1024x607, A75D209F-7CD7-4B76-85F6-17B8671308A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asians live almost off of nothing but raw fish, rice, and household pets yet the look like this. Care to explain?

>> No.16680674

If he's so asian then what's he doing in our western tournaments about western vidya??
Go back to the rice fields, boy.

>> No.16680702

has to be satire

>> No.16680706

yes goyim buy this product to be a real man! be entirely defined by consumption good good.

>> No.16680712

>masculinity = being a fat fuck
See this is why y'all need women in your lives.

>> No.16680718

It's called menudo, gringo.

>> No.16680722


>> No.16680724

I guarantee you it wasn't a woman that came up with the idea to cook meat

>> No.16680798

Menudo? Sounds tasty but where is the cow/sheep stomach in that?

>> No.16680840

No that's from your boyfriend jizzing in your rectum.

>> No.16680842

>Meals that define masculinity
Whatever meal an actual man eats. Doesn't matter what it is. Gtfo you insecure little bitch.

>> No.16680856
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Your mom's puss

>> No.16680880
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>> No.16680883

>imagining the way my guts would feel if I ate two steaks for dinner instead of like half a steak, some veg, and a carb
Maybe I could do that shit when I was a teenager, but if I eat too much red meat all at once now it feels like I've been loaded down with buckshot.

>> No.16680904

Ugh, especially ground beef. I love making my own burgers and subs at the grill but bread+red meat makes me lose my appetite way too quickly.
I eat extra vegetables (I don't grill the extras} and some chia seeds after the whole ordeal. My guts thank me.

>> No.16680927

>letting something define your masculinity
Enjoying what you want without worrying about what others think is masculinity you LARPing troons

>> No.16680933
File: 33 KB, 450x338, __opt__aboutcom__coeus__resources__content_migration__serious_eats__seriouseats.com__recipes__images__20090728-tripe-soup-primary-09fc9019ca43458b8628814b372de190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cow stomach is the main protein in menudo. Its good shit

>> No.16680940

They were a pretty good pop band back in the 80's too

>> No.16680944

Whisky doesn't really pair with anything.

>> No.16680950

Your mom probably forced you to wear a dress in front of your friends because you're so insecure lol

>> No.16681019

swedish surströmming, icelandic hakarl, that rancid butter from some middle eastern country. durian.

>> No.16681021

whats the point of owning a gun when you are never going to fire it ever?

americans are so degenerate

>> No.16681048

Better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it

>> No.16681056

any dish that involves the inners
at least thats how it seems whenever eating in a group of friends

>> No.16681068

Go to a shooting range and fire it. It's a fun hobby.

>> No.16681098

If you were here I would.

>> No.16681119

What on Earth about that meal suggests being fat?

>> No.16681132

Sodium, carbs, fat, red meat, all that shit is a heart attack on a plate.

>> No.16681143

I asked what about that meal suggests being fat, not what your idea of a heart-attack-inducing meal is.
Btw, the average woman is as fat as the average man so no idea why you think a woman's presence in a man's life would make him be less fat or have a better diet.

>> No.16681152

based menthol smoker

>> No.16681156

The Breakfast of Champions (tm).

Imo it's acceptable to substitute Marlboros with Newports.

>> No.16681161

holy fucking cringe
I agree with the rest of your statement

>> No.16681165

Lol, as if women were healthier than men or could cook.

>> No.16681166

Bourbon pairs with Vanilla ice cream.
Thank me later.

>> No.16681216
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Menudo brings up pork, should've specified the stomach part.

>> No.16681239
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>> No.16681245

protein shake, protein bar, red bull.

>> No.16681261
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Can o beans roasted over an open fire

>> No.16681269

mentally ill

>> No.16681311

by definition, none that get posted here

>> No.16681366

>I am insecure, the post

>> No.16681374

Mexican menudo.

>> No.16681494

imagine having such a fake personality, stealing it from men before you that you "respect". become your own man.

>> No.16681502

imagine living in a place where you need it.

>> No.16681503

Its fucking RAW in the middle! Touch THAT just TOUCH IT!!

>> No.16681604

the I-am-not-gay starter kit

>> No.16681612

My pronouns are they/them btw.

>> No.16681623

it's insecurity mixed with stupidity.
contrary to popular belief, most asian food is cooked. sushi is just a pretentious extrapolation of a fermented fish dish.

>> No.16681626

You have the nutritional intelligence of a early 2000s woman

>> No.16681634

tripe is only worth my time as sausage casing.

>> No.16681649

Tripe is supposed to be the stomach, intestines on the other hand are just called 'intestines'
Unless you actually case your sasuge? Sasuga? Sauce? Sosig? whatever it is in stomach walls.

>> No.16681654

>his masculinity is defined by artifacts and not his character and reputation

>> No.16681657

it's one of the greatest privileges a civilization can ever afford, to be able to own weapons for aesthetic reasons, and never need to use them.

>> No.16681663

What's the point of having a fire extinguisher when you are never going to fire it ever? Anyways leave fire fighting to the professionals if it does happen.

It sounds like your neighborhood needs more diversity!

>> No.16681679

the only meal that defines masculinity is the one that feeds your wife and children. a boy without a family is not a man.

>> No.16681691
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Can't believe an obvious ironic banter post is attracting so much genuine seethe and anger. This board is full of idiots and new children.

Fuck you

>> No.16681710

>busting your ass off to afford the habits of a wench who sits on her ass all day and to feed an annoying runt is masculine

LMAO, thanks but no thanks, keep that "masculinity" all to yourself, bud.

Nightlife, hobbies and pets are much more fulfilling to me.

>> No.16681715

The culture is gone. The expected behavior has eroded. We are not all friends sharing banter. We are strangers constantly shit testing each other.

>> No.16681725

spoken like a true manchild who can only larp at having any actual responsibility.

>> No.16681729

Having that view of a family just proves how jaded and sad you are. Trusting yourself enough to love another person enough to marry, and investing yourself into the future generation? Peak masculinity. So many others fail. The successful man will have his fill in his youth, choose the finest wife and mother to his children after he obtains his way to wealth, then build his empire.

>> No.16681736

Having a job is enough of a responsibility. Taking more responsibilities for the sake of it doesn't make you masculine or mature, just a masochist. People who pick fruits on a farm the whole day or people who carry bags on their back at the harbor the whole day also have responsibilities to attend, that doesn't mean I want those responsibilities for myself. I'm happy like this.

>> No.16681753

Women are dumb vapid creatures, lmao. If your idea of happiness is wanting to spend your whole life under the same room as a femoid or having to drive your children to school every morning and paying for their education, so be it. You don't get to tell me whether my life is sad or not, you don't know me. By all means go and start your family and then go to therapy every week because your wife is nagging you and you get 5 hours of sleep per day and you don't see your friends anymore, I'll keep my bachelor lifestyle and my money and my friends.

>> No.16681792

Yes yes, I don't know you but somehow you know every detail of my life? You sound like you have serious problems with women, maladjusted, resentful. You don't need women to be happy, but the relationship you have with the idea of women is going to keep you from being happy.

>> No.16681806

You overcooked it.

>> No.16681819

I never talked about your life or give a shit about it, I merely said I don't want anything to do with your married with children lifestyle. You, otoh, keep telling me how I'm sad, maladjusted, resentful, jaded, etc. Kek, all because I find females boring and don't want children. Literally female-tier gaslighting and psychobabble from a simp.

>> No.16681845

mental illness

>> No.16681860

>I bet those grapes are bitter anyways

>> No.16681889
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>> No.16681941

Yeah, I really lament spending my youth keeping my paycheck to myself, going to bars every wweekend and having casual sex with women, going to the gym and buying music records I like. I wish Karen took half my paycheck to do her nails while I work and come back home to her telling me how Brenda is getting a divorce and gained 10 pounds and then having her deny me sex because she has a headache. Females are truly enlightening individuals and not catty and vapid. Oh, I also wish I had to wake up early to drive the kid to soccer practice and go to PTA meetings. Oh, and the dadbod as well.
Truly a mystery why it's the married with children crowd who goes to therapy more than the suffering bachelors.

>> No.16681950

Cope. There's a reason Married with Children was such a hit.

>> No.16681953

>keeping my paycheck to myself, going to bars every wweekend and having casual sex with women, going to the gym and buying music records I like.
sounds like a bunch of shit a teenager would do. you're not a man, you're just a salty manchild.

>> No.16681956

TLDR: cope and also seethe

>> No.16681971

>having casual sex with women
yap I am sure you are a real pussy getter.

>> No.16681984

Sure it is, Jamal.

>> No.16682002
File: 214 KB, 1080x1252, 7388dba1b7798b1a6f7d5daf57206c762b206fed71200e3fac1c1c73fcf362a8_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. virgin waiting for his trad waifu


>> No.16682006

You got me, I'm really sad that I'm having fun in my youth. I wish I were a manly man with a dadbod, a mortgage and no friends.

>> No.16682011

too bad he fucked it up and all for $900
>muh asexual
i assure you this man will kill himself in his 40s

>> No.16682025

>that image
It's fair to make fun of him for wanting a "traditional wife" for reasons, but thinking "having a girlfriend and have a barbecue" today is the same experience as what that tweet is implying, then it's retarded.

At least know your enemy before making fun of it

>> No.16682030

>would rather get std than have standards.
>believes you either have a cheap whore or an obese dependapatamous
>doesn't understand that he could be sticking his dick in crazy who lies about being on birth control/pokes holes in condoms and end up having to pay child support to a brenda/karen

Have some fucking standards. Only fuck if you want to procreate

>> No.16682031

We already know he wants le epic white ethnostate free of karltural marksism, we also know that's a cope for friendless virgins like you. Protip: you'd be the same outcast in the 50's as you are today.

>> No.16682046

My point is that the image you posted is just wrong and childish. I'm just being autistic over your image alone. I'm not criticizing or challenging anything you said. No need to get personal with me.

>> No.16682049

Just buy your own condoms. Also womdn are vapid, catty, manipulative creatures with no personality. They talk shit about their own friends behind their back and follow whatever fad they believe will get them the most attention. The second you won't pay for their stuff, they'll get another provider. Sure, they can be fun to talk to about music or whatnot but spending your whole life beside them is a no-no for me. Denying female nature is either a feminist sjw thing or an incel-that-believes-in-trad-waifus thing.

>> No.16682051

also you're talking to someone else; I'm not the guy you are wasting your time arguing online with

>> No.16682068

Dude. You are meeting women in bars and clubs. No wonder they are vapid and have no personality. I'm in a 50/50 financial relationship with my long term, committed, monogamous girlfriend and neither of us would talk shit about the other. I have tons of friends who are like you, it's all fun when they are in their 20s-early 30s, but once they get past that age they are just sad and broken. I knew a guy who was with this 9/10 doctor and he left her because she wanted a family and he just wanted to fuck around. Next thing I knew he was stuck in an abusive manipulative relationship with an ugly landwhale with saggy tits and he couldn't get rid of her for half a decade. Be careful with your dick dude. Loneliness is a powerful thing, and friends generally move on due to their own primal loneliness. Go get a real hobby outside of just listening to music and meet real women who aren't just interested in sex and validation from men.

>> No.16682138

How small is your penis?

>> No.16682141

>women are vapid, catty, manipulative creatures with no personality.
it's very easy to think this if the only women you fuck are bar sluts.
my wife is quiet, friendly, zero cattiness, hates attention whores, doesn't give a fuck about fashion, actively dislikes spending my money, and was a virgin before I took it. you don't meet women like this because you spend all your time fucking bar whores.

>> No.16682149

>all these triggered tranny soyboys replying to the edict of a gigachad

>> No.16682174

ime it's always women that like "blue rare" shit, at least being the kind of pain in the ass that will order that at a restaurant

>> No.16682184

this picture is gayer than billy herrington

>> No.16682190

italian tripe is superior

>> No.16682194

Imagine thinking you could ever be a man without getting married and starting a family.

>> No.16682212

>enjoying what you want without worrying about what others think is masculinity
how masculine you feel yourself and how masculine others perceive you are two different things but they are intertwined. insecurity that you aren't acting masculine is not masculine of course, but some acts are not masculine, and everyone has different standards.

>> No.16682295

>was a virgin before I took it
oh you sweet summer child.

>> No.16682890

case in point; you think all women are whores because you only fuck whores.

>> No.16682991

I'm gonna be a centrist fuckhead and say the truth is somewhere in between the two extreme arguments

>> No.16684554
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extremely based, lol@ all the fags mad

>> No.16684569

centrist about what? there are a ton of vapid soulless dogshit women, and the vast majority of them are slutty bar whores, which he has a penchant for fucking, because they are cheap, loose whores.

>> No.16684742

My mom is currently making menudo for Sunday morning.

>> No.16684764
File: 26 KB, 375x275, 5033d4aaff7c4a8311993325a4437928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meals that define masculinity

>obsessing over what you eat in terms of masculinity because your society is so pozzed that you never had male role models and father figures to help you define masculinity as you progressed into manhood

Do Angloids really? And OP, it's food you made yourself. Your vegetables, your meat, your fish, something you got yourself that didn't come in brightly coloured packaging. You eat your blood, sweat and tears and, most importantly, your effort.

Now go back to obsessing over your BIG MANLY STEAKS that someone else killed for you, cleaned for you, cut for you, and probably cooked for you. Which on its own, would not be a problem. There is no issue with eating food prepared for you by another. Until you use it as a measure of your own worth, faggot.

>> No.16684960

pure cringe

>> No.16685091
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most gun people's lives revolve around trying to create a scenario where they "had no choice but to shoot" a total stranger.

Repeat after me: "I was afraid for my life"

>> No.16685224

>oh you sweet summer child
go back, don't come again

>> No.16685242 [DELETED] 

>eating meat makes me a man
It makes you fat. Eat a salad once in a while. You smell like a Mexican at Home Depot.

>> No.16685260

eating meat will make me smell like Paco Rabanne cologne?

>> No.16685279 [DELETED] 

Yes you fat ugly wetback. Get a real job and home and car before I deport you.

>> No.16685291

>It makes you fat.
Meat doesn't break the Laws of Thermodynamics and a medium steak is about 500 kcal and the average man burns around 2400 kcal per day, a steak is hardly a sign that a person is fat.

>> No.16685332

I've got a visible six pack, I have a full time salaried job in tech, I have a very nice home, and I don't have or want a car because I live in the city and I can just rent one if I need it. You won't be deporting me from the US if that's what you mean, because I've got citizenship despite being a shitskin. On a scale of 1 to 1488, how hard does this make you seethe?

>> No.16685340

>are 100,000 years behind
It wasn't even remotely that long ago that humans were eating raw meat.
For some reason you retards conflate having fire with cooking meat, but that's not the case at all.
The Inuit utilized fire yet ate all of their shit raw and europeans were the same way up until maybe a couple thousand year's ago.
Human's in cold climates made fire's out of necessity because they needed it for warmth.

>> No.16685370

>Raw steak
the texture is not very enjoyable, I hope it makes it through the rest of your GI tract without any problems
enjoy losing your sense of taste

>> No.16685375

Thread winner I guess. Yeah, it was an untterly shitty thread to begin with.

>> No.16685398

You need to go back, Jose

>> No.16685432

Based sigma male!
Death to all peeminist

>> No.16685488

Lmao. Imagine bragging on an anonymous cooking board about being middle class. Christ you people really have low standards. But hey, better than the cartel back home, eh?

>> No.16685519

Listen man, you just don't get it.
Tartare can taste REAL fucking good

>> No.16685530

>you: you're fat, poor, and unemployed
>me: no actually the opposite
>you: ha ha he's bragging about being middle class!
Also, ban evasion is against the rules, MAGA-kun

>> No.16685547
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>> No.16685559

Everytime it is reposted it never fails to make me laugh that someone thought having a kimber would be manly.

>> No.16685707

You write like a 15 year old, jesus christ

>> No.16685760

Post your GI Colt then, my man.

>> No.16685837
File: 223 KB, 900x750, a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have been Jewed.
Consooming does not make you a good man.

>> No.16685910

What's the point in having a penis if you're never going to use it ever?

>> No.16685917

Are you going to post one?

>> No.16685928
File: 1.13 MB, 1922x1773, A14A2572-EFEB-4DB5-8AC8-ADAC9DFDB63D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16685931

>his masculinity is depended on what he eats
I think the feminists might have a point this time: some of you motherfuckers are incredibly fragile.

>> No.16685950

Did it help them overturn a stolen election either.

>> No.16685951

Based. Dont let these gaslighting cucks demoralize you into enslaving yourself

>> No.16685959

meals for schizos more like it

>> No.16685962

Agreed. These fake macho fags are so cringy

>> No.16685973

Lmao such is the case for many ammofags

>> No.16686086

Anything that you caught, killed, foraged or grew yourself.

>> No.16686107


>> No.16686128

This fucker gets it. Manhood is about hard work, responsibility, and respect.

>> No.16686139
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>> No.16686160

Retard, archeological sites with remnants of cooked meat literally predate humanity, with the oldest known hearths going back over 400,000 years. The minimally sized human jaw is objectively the result of adaptations to consistently eating cooked food.

Extreme northern groups eat their meat raw because cooking is a luxury, not because raw meat is preferable. How much fucking wood and tinder do you think there is in the arctic regions to be wasting it with cooking on a daily basis? There's a reason those fuckers made their houses out of snow and it wasn't an aesthetic choice.

>> No.16686434
File: 1.39 MB, 1080x1555, RDT_20210912_2025306238654713396787116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16686439

op's pic was on the front page of leddit yesterday. from the op of the thread, he asked for a rare steak from an outback steakhouse in china.

can't find the post now but there you go. doesn't make sense since it was frontpaged literally yesterday but it's not like anyone on /ck/ gives a shit.

>> No.16686761
File: 250 KB, 474x315, 1606758376912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife's boyfriend introduced me to this and I've never looked back, best start to the day ever!

>> No.16686765

Actually a good take.

>> No.16686769

I feel like people that eat their meat raw are retarded.
Humanity has evolved past the need to eat raw meat.
People that ate raw meat (cavemen) only lived to about 24 years old.

>> No.16686805
File: 12 KB, 300x300, downloadfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The age-old, baffling cope of euro's trying to act like having rights is a bad thing

Like "haha you get to own thing? Pathetic! I'm not even ALLOWED to own thing here"

>> No.16686810

Imagine how insufferable the faggot who took this picture is.

>> No.16686816
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>> No.16686835
File: 2.30 MB, 1348x867, e14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Steak. Whisky. Done. Triggered? Then grow a pair, kid.

>> No.16686888

this thread hella gay
are there seriously niggers from plebbit here?

>> No.16686947


>> No.16687149
File: 74 KB, 1153x1007, terry0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizoprenia is based though
you probably have some faggy mental illness like bipolar disorder

>> No.16687166
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>> No.16687171
File: 55 KB, 1353x902, That one pic from ck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Newfags out themselves
I doubt many people find 4chan through /ck/ but given how often people reply to recognizable things I feel like there must be a lot of people who rotate through here.

>> No.16687178
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>> No.16687188
File: 982 KB, 2414x4214, 1600024932132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What bugs me is it's not even the original faggot posting it anymore. It's some copycat.

>> No.16687351

That's how it always goes, post some dumb shit long enough and memelords will adopt it, either because repetition is the height of comedy or because it gets (you)s and red exclamation points which IMO should go away. 4chan was better without that shit but I'm sure most career shitposters are on their phones using plugins these days so it may not matter.

>> No.16687446

>schizoprenia is based
Yeah, because homelessness and substance abuse is so based

>> No.16687578

If that's what they want to do with their lives and it's what they're doing with their lives then it is in fact based.

>> No.16687587

Cool. So I can fuck trannies and fags? That is what I want to do

>> No.16687794


>> No.16687946

girl smel like it to atract man

>> No.16688631

>Eating the flesh of other beings makes you masculine
Oh plz brainwashed hooman niggers, you faggots can't even man up to your oppressors, you let them rape and murder your children while you wageslave your life away to them, absolutely pathetic.

>> No.16688648

What are you even supposed to do with the gun? Shoot the steak? Kill yourself when the meal is over?

>> No.16688675


now go back to your support group will the real mentally deranged make card board rockets and Amphetamine aerators.

>> No.16688691
File: 33 KB, 493x276, omf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This made me laugh a lot more than it should have.

>> No.16688745

Nutten frühstück

>> No.16688751

I go shooting every weekend, weirdo.

>> No.16688766
File: 2.22 MB, 2121x1414, ssgsgwgt3w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% this.
Also Lobster.

>> No.16688791

Ironically agree with you. I think's a gigachad trait to be able to eat whatever the fuck he wants even, when the fuck he wants and not give a single fuck what other people think about his choice of food.

>> No.16688793

>he is really going to die on that hill
This is what being an edge lord does to you

>> No.16688846

That steak is practically charcoal

>> No.16688855
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>> No.16688858
File: 2.26 MB, 640x495, 1616406325110.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does this image make people seethe so hard?

>> No.16688983

You must be a millionaire lol. That our you or you buddies reload munition.

>> No.16688988

I love menudo and tripe in my pho. Tripe makes for good soups.

>> No.16688992

Menthols rule

>> No.16689114

>you have to eat disgusting offal dishes or you're not a real man
fuck off

>> No.16689177

based libertarian fag poster

>> No.16689180

damn I'm tryna make that squire into a squirter if you know what I mean

>> No.16689246
File: 57 KB, 720x960, 1624474108374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty self explanatory

>> No.16689971

enjoy alzheimer's

>> No.16690002

Uh what the fuck?…it’s not either or kid

>> No.16690014
File: 2.35 MB, 1601x2048, dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be so embarrassing, can you imagine being forced to wear a dress in front of all your friends?

>> No.16690030

Real men smoke Camel non-filters.

>> No.16690037

I JUST ATE A WELL DONE STEAK AND IT WAS JUICY AS FUCK AND DELICIOUS (it was an accident i promise i just overcooked it and ruined my meal)

>> No.16690056

you are the biggest coping cuck here faggot.

>> No.16690060

go back to discord troon subhuman

>> No.16690065

go back and slit your throat while you are at it.

>> No.16690095

A well done steak, when done well, is actually good, and I find that said well done steaks make better, richer pan sauces from the fond.

>> No.16690303
File: 79 KB, 504x450, salt-pepper-box-no-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16690315


>> No.16690321

I kneel

>> No.16690328

>archeological sites with remnants of cooked meat literally predate humanity

>> No.16690329

based giga chad copy pasta repost 1000 times image
loling at all these normalfags falling for the bait

>> No.16690348

Anything you want to eat and don't give a fuck what others think.

>> No.16690366

Oh honey...

>> No.16690428

mmmmmm melted plastic lining

>> No.16690446

Ice cream. It's just a fuckton of sugar and nothing else. It's the most "I don't give a shit" food therefore the most masculine because you don't care you're being judged that you're eating pink sprinkled jizz that is unhealthy.

>> No.16691526

Yeah, I reload.

>> No.16691555

bro that looks like the cheapest cut of beef I've ever laid eyes on. they must have gassed the shit out of that beef with CO2 and the coloring agent

>> No.16692746

the kimber really completes the image

>> No.16692762
File: 35 KB, 700x700, 1602359547044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the lining doesn't melt because it is insulated by the contents of the can. fill up a soda bottle with water to the very top, then place it in the hottest part of a camp fire. the water will come to a boil without the thin plastic ever melting.

>> No.16692843

I'm 33 years old and have been posting on ck since ebaumsworld was the only 4chan analogue and I was alt-tabbed to kongregate

unfortunately for me there is nothing I can do to pry myself away from 4chan. even if I did slit my throat my fat ugly ghost would be shitposting from beyond the grave

you're stuck with me

>> No.16692855

Guess how much plastic dissolves into the water

>> No.16693602

homemade cheeses

>> No.16693626

Based for triggering all the tofu eating limp dicks

>> No.16693628

>bussy comment removed


>> No.16693717
File: 335 KB, 1200x675, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the fluffiest & sweetest pancake for the main man.

>> No.16693761

>215 posts
>not even a mention to Broccoli
LMAO you are just a bunch of little kids

>> No.16693806

If you lose x% of your dick by cutting foreskin you reduce your risk of cancer by x%
Trannies have 0% risk of penis cancer

>> No.16693829

>raw garlic

>> No.16693839

Menthols are better IMO, they don't leave your mouth feeling like its an ashtray.

>> No.16693877
File: 54 KB, 1024x750, chocolate-covered-bananas-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you wanna be a tough mother fucker then eat this. No man will dare to look you in the eyes when you eat this.

>> No.16693978

Cute. You bought your wife a kimber. What kind of handgun do YOU have?

>> No.16694044

spicy curry with beans

>> No.16694247

They made their houses out of ice and it was because that provided the best insulation.
You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.16694541


>> No.16694544

An entire pizza in bed while hungover

>> No.16694566


go flaunt your vagina somewhere else

>> No.16694595


>> No.16694599

It's amazing how easy it is to spot who has a single mother

>> No.16694611


>> No.16694659

Found little Timmy! Hello little Timmy! Did you have chicken tendies for breakfast today too?