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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 247 KB, 1600x1157, Patatas a lo pobre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16686362 No.16686362 [Reply] [Original]

Just became unemployed, post poverty meals
Patatas a lo pobre [poor man's potatoes]
-Put a little olive oil and cook 2-3 garlic cloves with half an onion cut in thin slices
-Before everything burns add 2-3 sliced potatoes (around 1cm thick) and a green bell pepper cut in stripes.
-Put the lid on and reduce the heat as much as possible.
-Come back every 5 minutes to stir everything, the lid must be always on.
-It will be done in about 45 minutes, 5 minutes before the end add an egg or 2 on top of the potatoes.

>> No.16686383
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>> No.16686409

holy cringe

>> No.16686414

>1 Totino's part pizza
>Pre heat over
>Microwave pizza for 2 minutes
>Splash hotsauce all over the pizza and roll it up
>Place in oven and bake until crust becomes crisp
wa la

>> No.16686588

it was a different time anon

>> No.16686648

I think people knew things were getting out of hand with "2am chili ice soap" and were like yeah we gotta reevaluate ourselves

>> No.16686656

I'd take autism over the upvote/downvote, based/cringe culture you created.

>> No.16686666

You need to add water otherwise everything burns in that recipe
Have you ever tried it ? Also how are you supposed to stir everything if you can't remove the lid ?

>> No.16686731

That's why you put the heat at min, also, take out lid, stir, put lid back on, baby steps anon

>> No.16686741

>don’t spend .90 on a dried spice mix!
>instead buy a bunch of containers of dried spice which you will then mix

>> No.16686797

Garlic pasta or whatever the Italian name was and whore pasta
Bean and rice but cook the beans in a stock.

>> No.16688430

I know two brogrammers who still say shit like "Like a boss" unironically.

>> No.16689879

yeah but that guy has been an obnoxious faggot since day 1

>> No.16689992
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2 boiled eggs
Some rice
A can of 1 year old expired sprats in tomato sauce

>> No.16690006
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Leftover roasted potatoes
A piece of leftover steak
2 eggs
Cooked on hot coals

>> No.16690012
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Home pork meat
1 carrot
1 onion
2 mushrooms
Cooked over hot coals in the pork sauce

>> No.16690142

I made Hoover stew once (hobo stew)
>cook some pasta
>add in canned veggies, I used tomatoes, green beans, corn, and carrots
>cut up a hotdog and just toss that shit in
>the water from the canned veggies will be the stew broth, no need to add more water in
>season it with whatever you want. I added pepper cayanne granulated garlic and onion flakes
>lots of food for cheap.
I made enough for a week by going to the dollar store and getting the pasta there.

>> No.16690164

Kraft mac and cheese with a cut up hot dog in it. You can splurge and use chorizo if you want

>> No.16690192

fucking gnarly

>> No.16690202

Poverty food is hardly a delicious seafood buffet now is it?

>> No.16690312

kek it is,but it was tasty and filling

>> No.16690339

Poorfag representing:
I eat pasta aglio e olio for multiple meals each day.
THE lazy poverty dish.
Wish I knew about it sooner.

>> No.16690346

Welcome to filler town and the organ meat annex, m8. I'm currently sitting on $100, waiting on cheques from about $6000 worth of work. Tonight's meal is going to be chicken heart cacciatore (dredged and fried chicken hearts, re-braised in a tomato heavy stew with lots of onion, garlic and peppers, with some rosemary and oregano from my window garden) served over rice.

I'm looking at rice, peas/lentils, potatoes, eggs, pasta, canned tomatoes, oats, hearts and livers for the next week or two if my payment doesn't come in soon.

>> No.16690347

Ice soap

>> No.16690357

If this shit reminds you of the good times then you were too late

>> No.16690365
File: 31 KB, 630x201, EBT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here in CA, our ghetto population eats pretty much only fast food.

>> No.16690367

I don't understand why being impoverished would make you spend so much time hovering over a potato when you could just bung it in the oven.

>> No.16690382
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These are pretty good hot or cold, and you probably have the ingredients right now.


>> No.16690395

this rules

>> No.16690557

I remember when this "recipe" was first posted it was universally mocked here. It was considered absolute 9gag tier trash, and considering the format that's probably where it was posted first.

>> No.16690575

Im making this tomorrow

>> No.16690608

I'm sure you'll enjoy them Anon. In Scotland you're most likely to find them served with a liitle HP / brown sauce, or sometimes tomato ketchup.
I don't know if the recipe explicitly states or not, but please do leave the mashed potato to cool down before you mix it with the flour. I didn't on my first attempt, and I will never again stick my hands into a piping hot bowl of mashed potato. You don't forget lessons like that.

>> No.16690699

You could directly eat bread with a drop of oil and garlic to save both water and gas

>> No.16690779

I just made some, but the batter was too sticky so i added more flour and became stickier. Cooked 3 and they were soft on the inside, decided to fry 2 and the same result, gonna taste them tomorrow cuz fasting atm.

>> No.16690787

>I don't know if the recipe explicitly states or not
I'll let you know tomorrow when I've finished combing through its 600-page narrative on the history of scones.
On a more serious note though, any Americunts reading this can approximate HP sauce by blending A1 with maybe a small amount of ketchup to increase the sweetness.

>> No.16691010

Rice, fried veggies, and egg

>> No.16691143

Thanks for the new word, m8.

>> No.16691160

This is what I do.
When you are making any kind of vegetable that has a part you usually throw away, like carrot, onion, leek, etc, you take that part, the carrot peel, the first layer of the onion, and freeze it. When you have enough of it, use them to make stock. Also bones, usually parts with bone, they a
The stock you'll get will be as nutritious as the ones people make with the whole vegetables, but for much less

>> No.16691164

White rice with vegetable stock and butter.

Good stuff, you can spice it up with sweet chili, add some more nutrition and taste with those fried rolls, and top it off with spring onion.

>> No.16691178

does he expect me to own 3 different pans

>> No.16691220
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I make these for breakfast every day.

Picture 1/2

150g of eggs
1 tortilla
1 tablespoon cilantro jalapeño sauce

Green Sauce
4 jalapeños, halved
2 cups loosely packed cilantro
1/2 cup sour cream
Juice of 1 lime
1/2 olive oil
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1. blend all ingredients

>> No.16691226

doesn't work anon. When you're poor you live in shitty appartements with shitty electric plaques that take forever to cool down so your pan just says hot af for a while, burning everything.
It's a good idea on paper but you never used that recipe and it shows

>> No.16691231
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Picture 2/2

>> No.16691245

I forgot to include
1/4 Cup Mozzarella Cheese

>> No.16691247

Damn phone. Let me finish that sentences:
Also bones, usually parts with bone are cheaper to buy, even when you take them out, you pay less. Try getting a chicken tights with bones, remove them, and freeze, you can put them together with the vegetables.
When you are ready to make them, brown the bones and vegetable peels a bit in any oil, and cover them with water. Cook it for 90mins in a pressure cooker.
I recommend strongly that you use a pressure cooker, as it cuts the cooking time to 1/3 of the time it takes for a normal pot to cook it. It would take 4 and a half hours for the 1 and a half of the pressure cooker results.
After you strain your stock, put it in the fridge.
Then you can use it, with salt and spices, and some soup pasta to make a pretty nutritious meal.

>> No.16691268

you could just fry the eggs over easy or together with rice and keep the fish on a separate plate, it would instantly make it better

>> No.16691286

>Wish I knew about it sooner.
me too, someone here turned me onto it and that stuff is great

>> No.16691300
File: 10 KB, 144x351, 1631488274285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using more than one cooking vessel for chili
>using a teflon coated plastic handled shitbin
>pop culture spam
>feigned masculinity

>> No.16691306

Pasta puttanesca*

>> No.16691346

Ham and egg fried rice with frozen veggies

>> No.16691358
File: 218 KB, 1396x1527, 048F20C8-ED41-4BCA-8A08-64F77DA3BD98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides the very dated illustrations it’s not a bad recipe

>> No.16691691

the real poverty pill is picking up smoking so your appetite is suppressed and you skip meals

>> No.16691712

bagged ramen with red rooster

>> No.16691987

You dont need to be a cancerfag to skip meals, just fast.

>> No.16693410

its called fadge ya cunt get it right

>> No.16693469
File: 976 KB, 2000x1125, olivye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Olivye salad
-meat - boiled beef if youre rich, or processed meat like "kielbasa" and don't boil the processed meat if you get that

Peel the shit that peels
boil everything for as many hours as you can afford to, preferably in different pots
cut up the boiled ingredients into small cubes, or big cubes if you are lazy
put everything in pot and add a SHIT FUCK TON of mayonnaise -- put as much as you can reasonably eat
eating it refrigerated is best, enjoy

>> No.16693499

oatmeal with peanut butter and banana is a good cheap breakfast

>> No.16693507

89 cent pesto with the cheapest pasta
Add a can of tuna

>> No.16693612
File: 1.29 MB, 800x533, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you want is basically plov/pilav variations and soups that let you extract fat from subpar meat. That's best poor man's choice and have dozens of variations in different cuisines.
Plov: oil+meat+rice+carrots+pepper. Get any meat, replace rice with pasta/bulgur/etc.
Soups: fat meat or even leftover bones+potatoes+random veggies that was on sale

>> No.16694093

Where I live cigarettes are expensive as all hell.

>> No.16694110
File: 79 KB, 680x1020, frito-pie3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frito Pie

>> No.16694125

Butter/olive oil
Salt and pepper
Optional: Red pepper flakes, parsley, parmesan cheese

>> No.16694156

With wolf brand chili

>> No.16694168
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Learn to enjoy ramen noodles. The packets, not the cups. Throw the seasoning in the trash since it's disgusting and useless then make sauces and stews to pour over the noodles. My favorites are beef stew (you can substitute venison or pork if beef is too expensive) and chicken alfredo sauce.

Rice is also dirt cheap. Learn how to make a decent congee. You can add cubed chicken or canned fish like smoked herring or sardines as long as you get the type that are in water or you rinse the excess oil off. The fish will break apart and sort of blend into the congee. Add in boiled potato chunks and finely chopped shallot greens if you like.

Pickled eggs are also fucking fantastic. I like to get them when they're on sale near me for a dollar a dozen. Then I pickle them with some dill, garlic and a generous amount of whole black peppercorns. The brine is just water, white vinegar, salt and a small pinch of sugar.

>> No.16696008

holy fucking shit this is good.

Is there anything really good to add to it?

>> No.16696074

Staples like beans, rice, potatoes, oatmeal, and dried pasta are all dirt cheap. They practically throw onions and garlic at you in the grocery store, "GET IT OUT OF HERE BEFORE IT GOES BAD" and help get extra nutrition in. Opt for bananas and cheap apples rather than stuff like grapes or peaches or cherries (though check, seasonality and stuff will obviously affect it). Green peppers are usually cheap, cabbage is usually the cheapest brassica, and look for the cheapest greens mixes in both the fresh and frozen section. Blueberries are usually the cheapest berry, especially if you go frozen and make a great add-in for your oatmeal. Eggs are good, and it's stupid easy to have a well-stocked spice cabinet for cheap. A bulk jar of better than bouillon will make gallons of stock and is so much cheaper than buying canned or carton stock.

After you've got all your staples gathered together, what do you have leftover? How much else can you afford? If it's super tight, consider learning how to part out a whole chicken, it's miles cheaper than even bone-in, skin-on thighs and much cheaper than boneless, skinless breasts. Look for bargains and make sure you check both beef and pork. You'll pay more for stuff the more prepared it is, such as pre-seasoned cuts for asada or whatever, ham and sausage, and so on.

Learning to shop and having a plan is much better in the long run than saying fucking and only eating canned chili, ramen, and totinos.

>> No.16696150

but how you sposed to stir if the lid always on

>> No.16696212


I don't want to sound like the butthurt Italian cuisine nazi stereotype but please please please don't turn it into the typical American abomination by adding bacon, marshmallows and kosher cum. It's a recipe literally built from nothing, simplicity is what makes it great. You should only add pasta water and a dash of fresh parsley.

>> No.16696285

hp is global

>> No.16696412
File: 102 KB, 1096x579, 1630280130581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

aside from the meme I was just considering adding something like sun dried tomatoes and I saw an italian guy on youtube add an anchovy

>> No.16696424 [DELETED] 

wtf e haven't posted on here much in the past few years and I forgot how to spoiler lol

>> No.16696448


That would be acceptable anon

>> No.16696458
File: 2.28 MB, 4032x3024, american haute quizine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hamburger helper pasta w/o beef because im still waiting to get paid.

Seasonings: Pink salt black pepper a dash of soy sauce and shredded cheddar cheese, chalula sauce and topped with a helping of cottage cheese for added proteins

repostan from my thread since I didnt know there was one already up

>> No.16696477

if you did it with homemade bread instead of soggy rice I could get on board

>> No.16696478
File: 352 KB, 728x4672, gx1mY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget ice soap.

>> No.16696491

I just made a hamburger + rice dish for dinner. It's just a pack of ground beef, large onion, garlic, peppers, salt, pepper, all fried together. Then I added a cup of rice, fried it a bit in the fat, added some beef bouillon powder, and 3 cups of water. Let it simmer for ten minutes while covered. Turned out pretty good. (I added some corn at the end, but I might add more vegetables next time.)

>> No.16696566
File: 95 KB, 474x300, peggy+hill+random+quote+generator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gave you my recipe

>> No.16696668

jesus christ anon that is fucking GRIM

>> No.16696710

get flour and yeast, do the dough yourself
get canned tomatoes, cook with thyme, oregano and garlic
put on top, get some cheese (not pre schredded, it is more expensive and coated with toxins to keep it from sticking) and whatever you have to put on top
I am sure it is tastier, healthier and cheaper.

>> No.16696791

I've done this, except I just ate the limp pizza straight out of the bag once it was done microwaving while I thought about the choices that led me to that point.

>> No.16697164
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he's still making recipes

>> No.16697165

Have sex, incel

>> No.16697170
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>> No.16697172

>Black hand
That explains a lot.

>> No.16697173


>> No.16697193
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woman like homemmade pizza anon
all you could give them is probably a meal like pic related, indistinguishable from the content of your toilet