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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16686134 No.16686134 [Reply] [Original]

how do i get less sensitive to spicy food? I like the taste but it makes my mouth burn

>> No.16686141

I can't even begin to imagine how vile looking you must be, you spineless anime pedo piece of shit. God, I want to strangle you to death

>> No.16686144

Holy based

>> No.16686151

cool but how can i eat spicy food without my mouth feeling like it's burning down?

>> No.16686164

By eating more of it and building up a tolerance.

>> No.16686165

eat more eat more eat more eat more EAT MORE EAT MORE EAT MORE EAT MORE



>> No.16686190

just let weight training, start off small and gradually build up the more comfortable you get

>> No.16686208

I started when I was about 5 years old.
started with plain old enchilada sauce.

when that was no longer spicy to me, I tried something different.

Went all the way up to habanero before finding my comfort level at about cayenne.

>> No.16686213

>ecchi mechs
What did he mean by this

>> No.16686215

So just make the same dishes, but without adding hot peppers?

>> No.16686284

Don't listen to all the retards saying you can train your body to accept hotter foods. That's not how it works. Unless you're from North Dakota or France, or are a literal manchild who's afraid of anything spicy, you've most likely found your comfort level, and that's okay. I don't even bother with anything hotter than serrano, bird's eye, or habanero (cooked/diluted). As far as I'm concerned there's no flavor benefit of going beyond habanero.

>> No.16686300

don't listen to this quitter he's wring and complacent

>> No.16686317

Stop being a massive pussy. I bet you cry owchie when the doctor gives you a shot. You probably can't handle any amount of pain or discomfort and are probably obese because you can't tolerate exercise. Try this, eat a habanero and a whole raw onion everyday for 30 days and lift a dumbbell until you literally can't lift your arms above your head. Pain is good for the human mind, it keeps you sharp and hardened against life's many miseries.

>> No.16686333

>finding my comfort level at about cayenne
Cayenne pepper is based.

>> No.16686620

mashallah brother

>> No.16687092

not nice

>> No.16687115

he said while posting on an anime site

>> No.16688540

eat shit, tanny

>> No.16688591
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gotta gradual build your tolerance, start with raw peppers

>> No.16688599

Winner wins again.

>> No.16688625

What's the point though? You end up getting the same experience out of the food, but you simply have to add more spice.

>> No.16688748

Why would you want to get less sensitive to it? Why not just learn to handle the heat instead? The heat is the fun part.

>> No.16689015

>how to make spicy food less spicy

>> No.16689183

>eating entire raw onions daily for a month
imagine the smell

>> No.16689189

You can only get used to it. Look at that guy on Hot Ones. He eats all the same wings that fuck the celebs over. Obviously that's not natural.

>> No.16689368


>> No.16689379

Dangerously based

>> No.16690897
File: 37 KB, 430x277, ryushika3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost /lit quality of hatred.

>> No.16691796

Just eat Samyang Nuclear Fire ramen daily, you will build tolerance very fast.

>> No.16691840

le funny schizo

>> No.16691861

Genetic experimentation? Alter your DNA, go get a second dose of the vaccine, see how many shots it takes until your genetic ode starts looking like AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA AAAA...