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16685160 No.16685160[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This makes boomers break out in terrified sweats.

>> No.16685164


>> No.16685169
File: 167 KB, 1500x1120, 304518382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there buddy. You know what you're about to eat contains RAW EGG in it right. Yes that's right, RAW EGG. Bet you feel stupid now. No need to thank me buddy, but I did just save your life.

>> No.16685187

i never understood why this is a problem. eggs are often mixed with cream or milk or sugar and whipped and eaten raw in desserts, but as soon as you see the yolk everybody screams salmonella. its not even a salmon lol

>> No.16685216

It's not a problem. The CDC is terrified of samonella and passes draconian laws already to prevent even the tiniest chance of salmonella being in American eggs (hence why American eggs need to be refrigerated, as the are treated multiple times to assure they have no samonella), in addition the fact you do refrigerate them brings the chance of getting samonella from an American egg (european eggs don't wash eggs and rely on the natural protection of the unwashed eggshell, which is 99.9% effective as the american method) to literally 0%.
There was a few cases of restaurants not refrigerating their eggs and using old ones which let to a couple samonella cases which the media blew up and the rest is American history as the say.

>> No.16685237

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.16685244

Ramen is pretty fucking good and super cheap if you're in Japan. To me they ruin the flavor of the food with too many ingredients. They have something that's good tasting and then they just need to add more to it.
Sushi is the opposite where the adherence to minimalism makes the dish boring.

>> No.16685262

even if it's safe it's still gross

>> No.16685284

But it's not though.
It would only be "gross" if the egg's tasted bad and they shouldn't.
I got some from a local farm a few weeks back and the yolks tasted great raw.
It probably depends on what they feed the chicken's.

>> No.16685286

because they have virtually no arable land. the reason they eat fish all the time is cos fish is all they ever had (until recently).
same with chopsticks: no metal, hence no forks, hence a culture of using chopsticks and all the "rules" and "tradition" that surrounds it is really just one massive millenia-old cope for not having iron.

>> No.16685287

You just don't like eggs. Literally everyone I know likes the taste of egg yolk. There's a reason everyone orders eggs sunny side or over easy.

>> No.16685335

Ha and ha

>> No.16685352

Hah. I had that last millennium, zoomer bitch

>> No.16685354


>> No.16685410

it's time to grow up son

>> No.16685431

Eggnog also has raw egg, it's all a retarded meme

>> No.16685441

You fell for the pasta bait there boys.

>> No.16685768
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>This makes zoomers break out in terrified sweats.

Im a boomer myself and i eat raw eggs on rice with curry for almost 20 years.
Never got sick.

>> No.16686010
File: 391 KB, 1360x768, DDDB2214-6EFD-45F4-BAC8-5187C0E6C768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rice cooks the egg

>> No.16686017

if japan eats shit then americans will eat shit and defend the japanese art of eating shit.
-jimmy dessnuts

>> No.16686021

americans are fucking stupid, post that webm of them trying to understand a roundabout

>> No.16686038

I'm convinced it's partially a conspiracy by factory farm lobbyists to make it harder for small farmers to do business. I'd love to raise some chickens and sell the extra eggs to break even on the costs, but that requires salmonella vaccinations for the chickens, washing every egg, storing them all in a refrigerator, having to get a refrigerated van if you want to take them to a farmer's market, paying for licenses and certifications, regular water testing, etc, etc. It's fucking ridiculous the level of expense you have to incur just to sell some extra eggs from your own chickens to your neighbors/community, it keeps me from getting into chicken raising altogether because I wouldn't be able to break even unless I turned it into a full-time job.

>> No.16686065

I like the taste of cooked egg yolks

>> No.16686069

there's probably a bit of truth, but having an army of casual handling those things would result in a tons of mistakes and possible intoxications