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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16681006 No.16681006 [Reply] [Original]

Boiling only reduces it by a small amount and takes away a lot of nutrients and minerals. Even completely cooking it doesn't fully eliminate them. Some say take it with calcium but that would only form calcium oxalate crystals in the kidney

>> No.16681030

My guinea pigs don't even like this stuff. If you give them a big pile of "spinach and spring mix" they'll eat every leaf except the spinach. Then there will just be a pile of spinach neatly left.
You could use guinea pigs to sort the spinach out of mixed leaves haha

>> No.16681049

You don't. You find a low oxalate alternative and just accept that you'll never eat spinach again.

>> No.16681055

Is oxalate content in foods really that bad if you don't already have kidney problems? IF you have a varied diet and drink enough water it should be fine, right?

>> No.16681059

Mostly, yeah, you should be fine. Avoid taurine, that shit is poison and will inhibit your ability to absorb or pass oxalates.

>> No.16681062

Just dont eat a ton of them, and DEFINITELY dont eat spinach with dairy.

>> No.16681066

It's just the next housewife and /fit/ panic. Wait till it's over and a new one is en vogue so you can eat it again.

>> No.16681071

Isn't that an essential amino acid?

>> No.16681076

I don't know, maybe. The point is, don't drink energy drinks because they'll fuck up your kidneys.

>> No.16681097

I dont drink that shit. The taurine in that trash is not the same as the naturally occurring taurine in food

>> No.16681224

I get that horrible squeaky teeth feeling after eating spinach, unless its thoroughly cooked and rinsed. Can't do it.

>> No.16681246

Drink water and realize that unless you're already damaged (kidney problems, gout, stones), a little oxalate/oxalic acid in your diet won't hurt you. Alternately, give up coffee, tea, chocolate, nuts, and berries with your spinach.

>> No.16681329

we all die, eat what you want

>> No.16681403
File: 81 KB, 1200x902, 1583208924297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit are all Americans picky eaters or something? I can't believe this thread.

>> No.16681448
File: 40 KB, 697x427, average european.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16681639

Actually it is, turd wrangler

>> No.16681673

I love spinach, I just am not fond of pissing rocks.

>> No.16682311

Taurine is non-essential for humans.

>> No.16682478

every single good spinach dish features dairy, fuck this

>> No.16682533

I eat about 115g of frozen spinach every day in a smoothie, and I'm not concerned about it.

If you're really worried about oxalates just rotate your vegetables. Bounce around between spinach, chard, turn greens, beet greens, mustard greens, collard.

>> No.16682578

I drank a sodium bicarbonate solution, 1 quart of water to 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Pissed out sediment. Consult you drug dealing doctor before trying something from a post on the internet, retard.

>> No.16682880

Colonize yourself with Oxalobacter formigenes

>> No.16682889

sure it is, vegan