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File: 379 KB, 1940x1300, 82D12377-6200-441F-B48B-ACEFF3518D8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16676823 No.16676823 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone actually enjoy the taste of ipa’s? Or do people only drink it to look like a coolfag? I only ever drink ipa’s when I want to get drunk faster since they usually have the highest abv

>> No.16676826

I like them.

>> No.16676830

I think they're great.

>> No.16676839

They taste like pine needles

>> No.16676843

I enjoyed the novility briefly.
But was just that, a novility.

>> No.16676847

I hate them. If i want high abv swill that tastes like nothing i go for Carlsberg Elephant. Bock and others are too expensive and filling.

>> No.16676856

>tfw to intellegent for IPAs

>> No.16676888

IPAs are what clueless people drink to look knowledgeable. Normal people drink cheap lagers or local brews.

>> No.16676898

>tfw bandmates are obsessed with IPAs
>every time they buy a round at a venue it’s some overly-hoppy perfume drink
Hey at least it’s free and gets me buzzed quickly

>> No.16676910

I used to. I also like bitter dark roast coffee and apparently that makes me a sociopath according to the internet

>> No.16676918

I liked them before the marketing clan got their claws into them. Now that's what every beer aisle is full of so there's no variety when I'm in the mood for something else. It doesn't help that my area has become culturally enriched which has turned most of the beer aisles near me into piss water.

>> No.16676922

This sucks so much. The “craft” section of every store is just 10 different mass-produced IPAs and MAYBE one interesting brew that’s not a standard lager or Pilsner.

>> No.16676928
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They're good when you want something strong and flavorful, but good in the way of like a grapefruit without sugar, or a the scent of a fresh cut pine tree. Don't let sweet-toothed tastelets tell you they're not any good. Some are too hoppy and the industry is oversaturated with them but they can be great.

>> No.16676931

Unironically. IPAs are for people who drink for fashion. Smart people drink for taste or economy.

>> No.16676940
File: 46 KB, 453x500, 1488914991134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IPA sucks, it's bitter af bro
>oh hey brew me a cup too
every time

>> No.16676945

>smart people drink for economy

>> No.16676950
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>> No.16676954

Can't stand them. I long for the day when a bar has more than one stout/porter.

>> No.16676958

some of them are pretty good. no one actually drinks things they dislike to look cool except whiskeyfags.

>> No.16676964

so you’re admitting you’re a retard who only likes things when they’re not super popular. faggot

>> No.16676967

>no one actually drinks things they dislike to look cool

>> No.16676975

Too expensive, i like all beer.

>> No.16676977

IPAs are great. Lager sucks, it's like drinking dirty water.

>> No.16676978

different types of bitter IPAs are disgustingly hoppy with a cough-syrup type bitterness. Coffee has an actual flavor underneath of the bitterness, and generally the bitterness is overcome after one's tastebuds change in their late teens. IPAs are just shit beer

>> No.16676980

Yeah it's a shame, now I have to drive to a certain grocery store or hit up a liquor store if I want a decent selection.

Never said I stopped liking them.

>> No.16676999


>> No.16677040

I only drink hazy IPAs because no other variety of beer seems to do the unfiltered thing where it's the color of actual fruit juice. but a regular high IBU IPA is just not satisfying in any way, my favorite types of beers are english ales, scotch ales, stouts, porters, pilsners and belgian dubbel/tripel

>> No.16677045

corection, adjunct rice lagers and "lite" beers taste like dirty water, not properly made german or czech style lagers

>> No.16677236

I like them every once in a while. My go-to beer that I want to keep in stock always going to be a German-style beer, typically a helleslager, dunkel or hefeweissen (or oktoberfest, this time of year). But sometimes I do get the urge to go for an IPA. As with German beers though, the best IPAs are the simple but quality ones, like >>16676928 . None of that ridiculously overflavored crap that so many breweries love putting out nowadays.

>> No.16677270

Yes. I like hops

>> No.16677487

I liked Harpoon IPA and Seahag IPA

>> No.16677589

>I don’t like something so everyone else is pretending
Shut up loser. I don’t like porters but I can understand why some people do

>> No.16677603


IPAs are garbage and I can't fathom why anyone would drink one to seem "cool"

>> No.16677613

>Does anyone actually enjoy the taste of ipa’s?

>> No.16677832

Whatever this shit is. Honestly drinking craft beer is pretty gay. Where I come from people who drink craft beer are seemingly retarded and are laughed at from the bottom of everyone's heart.

>> No.16677866

A couple of years back I went to my local annual beer festival, and it was 80% IPAs ranging from tolerable to vomit inducing, 15% red ales / porters / stouts etc. and 5% lager, which sold out in the first hours of opening.

>> No.16677987

yeah and they all have the same fucking infographic aesthetic and cost like 13 bucks for a shorty fourpack. its fuckin balls if i even found one i liked at my liquor store theres no way id ever be able to find it again

>> No.16677994

ok have had the fish ale n liked it. reccomend more like dat

>> No.16677998

By the way, help me out, would be really glad. So, I have an old ass bottle of whiskey, called Antiquary 12 Years, which is imported by Spain and has a spanish tax stamp, with a gift box. Well, it is like really old, has been around for ages, and back in the day in Russia (where I am from, as you guess), there was a lot of counterfeit alcohol and whatever, I don't wanna go blind or die, but surely tempted to try that out, any guesses whether it's safe?

>> No.16678115

Try pine beer

>> No.16678392

>Does anyone actually enjoy the taste of ipa’s?
I do, some of them anyway. Most of those date to before the explosion of IPAs, since the ones made for extremists don't click with me.

>> No.16678492

>do people only drink it to look like a coolfag?
Do you think people look cool when they drink IPAs?
There are many IPAs that taste good. I like how they taste. They're not the only kind of beer I like to drink, but when they're good they're good.

>> No.16678534
File: 574 KB, 504x900, gansett_1975retro_3inch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like gansett

>> No.16678576

Move out of Rhode Island you mong.

>> No.16678597

I used to like IPAs, but now they are my least favorite. I'll drink pretty much any other beer

>> No.16678671

I live in NJ and go to uni in boston
I did an internship in rhode island and it was comfy as fuck. That's when I got hooked on gansett

>> No.16678722

Im just messin anon, me and the boys in Mass exclusively sip on gansets, respect.

>> No.16678750

they started distributing around most of the east coast, I'm in VA and can get a rack for about the same price as Yuengling

>> No.16678788

I'm from Buenos Aires and I say fuck both of you :^)

>> No.16678797

Gonna open one now anon. You have a good evening alright

>> No.16679596

No Pilsner bros in here?

>> No.16679635

I like pilsners and IPAs

>> No.16679747
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when 4chan hates something and thinks its pretentious or to look cool, its usually good

>> No.16680146

They're a scam. I've had a hundred different IPA's and more than half of them by themselves, without any flavoring, are exactly the fucking same.

IPA's are literally a financial virus - every single brewery keeps one of deck, but then one thousand others around the country release as many as they possibly can. They suck up every last bit of aluminum produced, they suck up as much water as they can, CO2, and every drop of gas per transport infecting every single liquor store, grocer, bar, and concert.

It costs roughly $40-$100 for a single case of 4/6pks or 6/4pks which is most beer, even IPA's. On average, everyone hordes about 2-6 cases of each brewery's IPA's available each season, or year round. They're the exact fucking same each time, and people gobble them up every chance they can, especially if it the brewery has a reputation, the design is attractive, or social media spreads the word.
IPA's are more than just a fad, and it hurts to see so many people enjoy such mediocre beer that it becomes the only thing they drink.
>tl;dr IPA's are viral weapons that steal money from other states
You guys give me a ring if you try anything other than Citra Ass Down or Cliff Jumper.

>> No.16680152

they taste great and normie beer is trash, though somewhat refreshing if youre hot

>> No.16680154

fucking LOL are you me?

>> No.16680157

ok dork

>> No.16680168

>buy a round
>it’s free
Are you the sort of cunt who leaves when it’s his turn to buy the next round?

>> No.16680171

How did the market even get so oversaturated with IPAs?
Are they just relatively hard to fuck up completely as a novice brewer?

>> No.16680172

Men look good with tits so IPAs are the obvious choice.

>> No.16680195

Yeah it's safe
Seriously though I have no idea. Why would we know about the logistics of your local mafia many years ago

>> No.16680283
File: 8 KB, 225x225, slappity slap slap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these hands? they were made to slap.
you? made by god.
out two and two together.

>> No.16680306

IPAs are for people who don't like the taste of beer. Same thing apply to extremely fruity goose. Nothing wrong with them really and they were interesting to try, but I actually enjoy beer.

>> No.16680355

Enjoy the taste of ipa's what?

No one thinks drinking IPAs is cool.

>> No.16680359

Goose is poultry, not beer, anon.

>> No.16680366

same people complaining about bitterness in IPAs are the ones making the anti-black coffee threads

>> No.16680397

yah i like it.

>> No.16680564

The good ones do. I had one that tasted like orange juice once as well. I prefer the pine ones.

>> No.16680746

Depends. Do you also go to the bar after drinking 4 10% ipas and some hot 100 and asking the bartenders what cum tastes like and offending your wife and father in law?

>> No.16680753

People like you need to be put on a watchlist

>> No.16680761

I have sociopaths in my family. They drink folgers and light beer

>> No.16680773

Some IPAs actually go very nicely with a meal, but it's usually the less ridiculous ones. The extreme hop ones are for novelty or getting drunk pretty much

>> No.16680780

Based. >>16676928 Got caught by a meme trend and tricked himself into thinking orange scented industrial floor cleaner tastes good.

>> No.16680789

And don't forgot all the hops are good for growing bitch tits. I'm speaking from experience

>> No.16680795

I am fucking SICK of the taste of IPAs.

The very thought of it makes me wretch.

>> No.16680809

Because they know how to blend in, which is even more alarming.

>> No.16680822

not good