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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16676252 No.16676252 [Reply] [Original]

>About 655,000 Americans die from heart disease each year—that's 1 in every 4 death

>> No.16676259

which is a worse way to die, heart attack or cancer?

>> No.16676263

Don't eat sugar, don't eat trans fats, probably shouldn't eat seed oils, don't eat deep fried carbs, don't smoke. People have been arguing about what is good for a long time.

>> No.16676268

I eat red meat every day should I stop? Is fish everyday fine?

>> No.16676273

>don't get fat
>get some activity
congrats, you are way below the average risk

>> No.16676275

Fish runs the risk of mercury issues. Red Meat idk but this guy pretty much nailed it >>16676263
Refined sugar is bad bad bad, trans fat will make you cut your dick off, carbs from natural sources in moderation are cool but again processed sugar is how everyone including children are fat.

>> No.16676276

I'm not a cardiologist so I can't answer that. I don't think anyone shits on fish. Some of them shit on beef, some don't.

>> No.16676304

As long as you eat fish low on the food chain to avoid mercury, fish heavy diets are great for you.

>> No.16676406

Obesity is probably the main cause so as long as you maintain a healthy weight you'll be doing much better than the average person. Avoiding processed food, not smoking, not drinking too much, and getting some exercise seems to be the next best things to do.

As long as it's not processed red meat like hot dogs it's probably okay.

>> No.16676415

Fish thrice a week max
Chicken thrice a week max
Eggs four times a week max
Red meat once a week max
Beans supplement the rest of the proteins.
Keep shit balanced out with some grains and a lot of fruit and veg.

>> No.16676833
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>> No.16676866

Its physically impossible to get too much mercury even if you eat fish for all your meals

>> No.16676873

It's because you will likely die some day, and your heart giving out is the most common. I'm not sure there's a whole lot beyond general health to prevent that, talk to your doctor if you have specific questions.

>> No.16676876

walking on a cardiac ward heart failure is pretty fucked

>> No.16676896

classic Paul Dano

>> No.16676901


I once cooked a dish of tuna and brown rice. Since both items contained mercury I called it "The Korra Special."

>> No.16676903

Because housewives prefer a slimmer, less threatening and more effeminate mascot.

>> No.16676925

Nobody asked

>> No.16677002

i did

>> No.16677263
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This. Lowers your LDL and blood pressure and you'll love the way you poop.

>> No.16677285

Even if you have cancer you'll probably have a heart attack at the end. It's the organ that gives up first regardless of other complications. Cause of death is generally heart failure, and if your heart isn't 100% you will have officially died of heart disease.

>> No.16677294

I mean, if you dont die from heart disease or cancer then you die of something. I mean, yeah theres "old age" but its never just that, its old age and some sort of complication.

>> No.16677319

According to the American Heart Association, you should cut out all deadly saturated fats (eg animal fats) and replace them with heart-healthy vegetable oils.
/ck/ will tell you to do the opposite.

>> No.16677541

AHA has been funded by vegetable oils since their beginning

>> No.16677570

Take a fish oil supplement, or start eating sardines several times a week. Get a blood test report see if your numbers are even out of wack, why even worry if they aren't?

>> No.16677580

I feel like it's all genetic that determines when your heart goes out. My dad had heart attacks and strokes at 50 and he is healthy meanwhile my 90 year old grandmother was obese and ate like shit her whole life and still has no heart problems

>> No.16678562 [DELETED] 
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Yes. 1 in 4 die of heart disease but the other 3 die of gun violence. We need action now.

>> No.16678572

Isn't sugar more of a diabetes thing? I eat plenty of it everyday but I also eat good foods in general and avoid ultra-processed stuff. I feel like as long as you're using it for energy effectively you can get away with it since my blood tests always come back okay.

>> No.16678579

Every single human being who's ever lived has died from the heart.

>> No.16678592

>About 655,000 Americans die from heart disease each year
How can we increase that number? Oh, I know, put cheese on all food, deep fry about anything that's pick up from soil or sea, make half a gallon size cola like a normal size, infuse everything with corn syrup.
Jobs done.

>> No.16678633

High sugar diets caue arterial scarring and inflammation which causes blood cholesterol to aggregate in order to repair damage, eventually restricting blood flow to the heart. We didn't evolve to eat lots of refined sugars. There are correlations between insulin insensitivities (from diets high in refined sugars) and a bunch of chronic diseases. It really does look like the one thing not to eat. Most health problems seem to come back to three things: smoking, drinking, and sugar. This isn't news. Doctors have been telling people this forever. Most doctors consider white flour fairly equivalent to sugar, btw.

>> No.16678650

What if I eat fast food a few times a week to gain weight? Will it screw me over in the long run?

>> No.16678653

>High sugar diets caue arterial scarring and inflammation

>> No.16678877
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off the top of my head I'd say lower processed carbs and sugars and increase vitamin k
also saturated fat doesn't increase risk heart disease, its a meme

>> No.16679000

Be wary of anyone telling you to replace something traditional with something modern. 99% of the time they're trying to sell something, or are paid by those trying to sell something.

>> No.16679642

>poisons you with lead
Nothin personnel, kid

>> No.16680304
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>1/4 americans die from heart disease? no big deal
>flu with 99.8% survival rate? shut down the entire fucking country

>> No.16680310


>> No.16680345
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Survival rate would be much lower without shutdowns. Would literally mean to let half of the people over 80 die.

>> No.16681835

nah fatty fish definitely retain mercury concentrations that are dangerous

>> No.16681847
File: 1.21 MB, 2586x2867, PXL_20210911_184017358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made this fried bacon breakfast.

>> No.16681985

>people dying of old age

Oh no

>> No.16682146

Do Americans Really?

>> No.16682383

>Ugh, uncle Bill deep fried his slippers again...

>> No.16682844


>> No.16683266

Deep fried bacon is actually better than pan fried. You're making the bacon fat melt out of the bacon itself and into the oil. You're literally squeezing the oils out while you're deep frying.

>> No.16683381

>I eat red meat every day should I stop?
No, but I'd definitely suggest you cut back to every other day at least.

>> No.16683452

Maintain low glucose levels, low inflammation, eat lots of antioxidants and make sure they aren't spoiled / oxidized. Can do this by avoiding simple sugars, processed foods, avoiding polyunsaturated fat. Eat lots of protein, fiber, monounsaturated or saturated fat.

>> No.16683520

Exercise and don't smoke. It don't mater what you eat, if you don't exercise you'll eventually turn into a fat fucker who weighs 400 lbs.. Then yeah your heart will give out. You don't have to go all extreme with the exercise, just basic walking or riding a stationary bike is enough, long as you do it regularly. Eat what you like, just don't stuff yourself with it. I see people saying "don't eat this or that". What the hell, if you don't enjoy it now, you never will. Do you see 80 year olds going down on a stuffed crust pizza? Hell no. A single bite would do them in. How about that Dave's Double? Nope again. Enjoy it now before old age forces you to give it all up.

>> No.16683553

go on a jog once in awhile u bitchass.

>> No.16683554

Hilarious how shitlib journos are anti-maskers when it comes to China but rabidly pro-mask in the US. The average NYT pundit is more genocidal toward chinks than most /pol/tards.

>> No.16683750

add some moderate exercise, not smoking, some stress reduction if required and that's a recipe for a happy, healthy life if i've ever seen one.

>> No.16683781

Cancer, it's a slow burn.
I've had a mild heart attack and it's not a picnic but it's a few minutes of feeling like, well, you're dying. But you pass out pretty fast. I fully expect to die of a heart attack at some point and I'm pretty okay with it, I'd much rather a brief agony than months of feeling like shit only to wither into nothing

>> No.16683794

>lifestyle related health complications with no transmission that takes years and years to become serious
>sneeze and you might permanently scar other people's lungs

>> No.16683803

that's a nice straw man you've got there. really showed em

>> No.16684319

Wine from protugal and Italy
Replace part of your rice with fruits
red meat 4 days a week anon

>> No.16685218

Consider unsalted mixed nuts for snacks. They will lower your bad cholesterol while raising your good cholesterol.

>> No.16685249

this is what i do basically. I take psyllium husk caplets. way easier than trying to drink sludge

>> No.16685289

Are fish predisposition to collecting mercury ?

>> No.16685318

The larger the fish, the higher the mercury content. It accumulats its way up through the ocean food chain. Small fish like sardines have almost none. Large tuna and billfish species accumulat a lot of mercury. Mercury content in fish isn't really a big deal unless you are a pregnant woman.

>> No.16685327

Not an argument

>> No.16685334

Don't worry about it, OP. Nothing you do can prevent your inevitable death, and dying from a heart attack is a lot better end than dying from most of the other things that can get you if your heart stays healthy in old age. My grandmother took excellent care of her health and lived to be 90, but she spent the last 10 years of her life gradually succumbing to senile dementia until she couldn't even remember that she needed to eat, and just wasted away.

So eat that burger and die a few years earlier, because the years you'd gain from living healthy are going to be shitty years, and good food makes the years you have more worth living.

>> No.16685344

>eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, moderate amount of seafood and low in sugar
>eat less processed food and red meat
>avoid LDL cholesterol-heavy foods and choose ones high in HDL cholesterol
>exercise frequently, at least 30 minutes per day
>avoid smoking, drugs or frequent drinking
There, now you're probably going to die from age and not heart disease

>> No.16685356
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>eat a diet rich in fruits and low in sugar

>> No.16685400 [DELETED] 

>eat fruits and grains
>low in sugar
This post is a daily reminder to NEVER listening to retarded dumbass on the internet

>> No.16685715

Tea (green and white are best, but even plain black tea is quite healthy) and herbal tea are easy to incorporate into diet and have a lot to offer. Among herbal teas, hawthorn has gotten lots of attention for heart health. In terms of commonly-available foods, aromatic vegetables like garlic and onion are solid bets. Supposedly vegetarians have healthier hearts on average than meat-eaters, but avoiding animal products altogether invites enough other problems that I can't recommend it; just eat sensible amounts of meat and it shouldn't be an issue.
Getting regular aerobic exercise probably matters more for heart health than basically any dietary consideration, but I don't really need to tell you that.
Oh, and don't be fat.

>Is fish everyday fine?
If they're low on the food chain, sure. Sardines in particular are an unsung superfood.

>> No.16685745


>> No.16685777

Atlantic mackerel

>> No.16685988

I make overnight rye flakes.

>> No.16686022

>What food is good for my heart?
Some fucking pushups lmao
Get on it, tubby

>> No.16686150

The corporations got another round of bailouts and the western 'leadership' gets to blame the last 70+ years of bad domestic policy on trump and covid. The icing one the cake is the taxes payers get to pay for god knows how many unnecessary but mandatory 'vaccinations'.
It's never for our benefit. It's always so the rich and powerful can be more rich and powerful.
In a few years, everyone will be sick of this shit and start questioning if this all wasn't just a scam for the rich again. At which point, they'll come up with another boogieman for you all to be afraid of. Over and over and over.......

>> No.16686450
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>grains good red meat bad

>> No.16686821

I bought some pickled herring . Pickled in wine sauce . It has fat. I hear fish liver is good for you

>> No.16686960

his ass

>> No.16687006

he got swole from eating all the oats

>> No.16687491

>I've had a mild heart attack
Obese? Are you american by any chance

>> No.16689383
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>>sneeze and you might permanently scar other people's lungs
you joke but this is what covidiots unironically believe

>> No.16689951

what about if they tell you this after your open heart double by-pass?
my doc also wants no more than 1200 mg sodium per day

How long could ck/ go with a diet change, to zero saturated fat and 1200 cap on sodium per day?

>> No.16690337

>if you don't exercise you'll eventually turn into a fat fucker who weighs 400 lbs
What the fuck are you talking about lol

>> No.16691040

>It don't mater what you eat, if you don't exercise you'll eventually turn into a fat fucker who weighs 400 lbs
2021 and people STILL don't understand calorie throughput.

>> No.16691063

what do calories have to do with it? i eat as much as i want, don't exercise, and haven't gained any weight in years.

>> No.16691081


ur mum eats my seed oil daily

>> No.16691091


>> No.16691870

>food is good for heart but high in oxalates that are bad for kidneys
You can't win. Eat what you want and exercise if you're so worried about dying

>> No.16691886

This. can't win unless you go full vegan but I just can't do that, so I exercise instead.

>> No.16691896

evoo, avacados, nuts and seeds, beets, fish or fish supplements. greens like spinach, broccoli, cabbage.

>> No.16693022

When I cook bacon I cook it without oil and the fat comes off so I can use that to cook eggs and potatos
I also have onions, bell peppers, mushrooms, and spinach
Its not the healthiest but I thought it fits the thread because fuck you

>> No.16693048

Oats, beans, rice, chili peppers, barley, basically any lean protein with fiber is good for your heart. The peppers are good for your veins and circulation.

>> No.16693381

Should be able to die in battle before we're too decrepit too fuck.

>> No.16695284

The women's health initiative has disproven this. A low fat diet makes heart disease and diabetes worse.

>> No.16695320

I love this gif, what kind of art would you call this?

>> No.16695460

>one in four Americans die of heart disease
>one in 3 Americans are obese fucks.

Just don't be fat and don't have a family history of heart disease and you should be fine. Cancer will get you instead.

>> No.16696620
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you must be new here

>> No.16696665

hawthorn, tea or alcoholic extract

>> No.16696745

You don't eat enough to gain weight, retard.

>> No.16696859

Do Amerifats really?

>> No.16696873

I wish that number was 10x as high, fuck fat people but especially fuck American fat people

>> No.16697454

>old people die
Welcome to reality. What used to be called “dying of old age” has now had a thousand medical terms attached to it in an effort to spook people into getting addicted to pharmaceuticals in the hopes of artificially prolonging their life.
The actual facts are so long as you’re not morbidly obese or an anorexic skeleton, what you eat and don’t eat will at most add/detract about 2 years off your life. Keep your BMI in a healthy range and you’ll be fine, stop falling for Jew propaganda.

>> No.16698966

My 83 year old granddad died from heart disease and that's a good thing. He didn't suffer from cancer for years and he didn't become demented.