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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 124 KB, 720x912, pizza-bot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16672162 No.16672162 [Reply] [Original]

>pizza piñata

>> No.16672167

so are these unmanned, presumably uninsured vehicles driving on the sidewalk or on the road?
It'll fail and they know it'll fail, but before it does it'll be everyone else's problem. FUCK non pizza hut pizzerias, dude.

>> No.16672178

God yes, it'll be a new kind of hunting season.

>> No.16672185

>getting hanged for pizza rustling

>> No.16672198

I'm going to get run over by it and sue the ever loving shit out of the dominoes franchisee. He'll think he was hit by a train for being a cheap lazy fuck.

>> No.16672201

>presumably uninsured vehicles
Those things will undoubtedly be insured out the ass for liability because “Pizza robot hit me” will be the new slip-and-fall insurance scam.

Lol have fun with a massive stack of charges.

>> No.16672202

Viva Las Negros

>> No.16672209

>implying brown people care about charges

>> No.16672212
File: 196 KB, 710x430, 2-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are a few of these on some college campuses
>robots autonomously navigate pavements, campus crosswalks and pedestrian areas, which are notoriously challenging to reach by car. They move around a large university campus swiftly at 3 to 5 miles per hour during daytime and after dark and in various weather conditions, including rain and snow. The robots are spacious enough to fit a couple of coffees and a bagel sandwich, or multiple pizzas to share with friends, all while keeping the food at the right temperature.
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7W8ATP2qLEg

>> No.16672225

I'm sorry but I just want to kick it, not as badly as the robot dog though.

>> No.16672234

Yandex is in on it?

>> No.16672252

will never work in any american cities because americans have melanin in their """brains""".

>> No.16672288

>we're sorry, but your order has been delayed due to the delivery robot having been made to celebrate diversity

>> No.16672297

yeah my university has those, they're a common site. They're cute too, I wave at them when they pass by. I think they have self-defense systems like an alarm or something so I'm afraid to pet them but I would if I could. They're cutie patooties and I see them like little robot dogs you can fit stuff inside.

>> No.16672300

>first they came for the delivery mans job but I said nothing because I wasn’t a delivery man
Robots are literally stealing our jobs. Fuck robots and fuck Trans-humanists.

>> No.16672311
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Look at him go. What should I name him?

>> No.16672315


>> No.16672319


>> No.16672321


>> No.16672326


>> No.16672360

Can't wait to see a video of one of these getting destroyed

>> No.16672372

>inner city "youths" who play too many video games will see these as roving loot crates

>> No.16672376

They're pretty tough.

>> No.16672379

And Niggers burning cities in 5,4,3,2...

>> No.16672380

Robots doing the shit jobs we don't like to do would be fine if it actually made our lives better. All it does is line the pockets of tech tards

>> No.16672384


>> No.16672390

>buzzfeed soyboy barely carries it five feet
>gives up
Oh, yeah, super fucking tough. Pry the fucking tires off it with a $5 prybar in a bad neighbourhood and show me how fucking tough it is.

>> No.16672396


>> No.16672401

>*machine gun pops out of the top and spins 360 degrees while firing full auto*
This is what we need to keep something safe on the streets of America.

>> No.16672410

This is how they sneak in roaming warrantless video surveillance.

>> No.16672412

>Pry the fucking tires off it with a $5 prybar in a bad neighbourhood
"bad neighbourhoods" should be nuked from orbit, prove me wrong.

>> No.16672420

Looks like an investor scam that may have even worked with a white populace. Not so much when the majority is contemplating actual cannabalism for survival.

>> No.16672432

>delivery robot comes
>still have to tip it

>> No.16672437

The design doesn't seem too bottom heavy, so it shouldn't be to hard to tip.

>> No.16672439

Well since OP isn't posting a link because he's a low iq retard. I can only assume that these might be just to deliver for curbside pickup.

>> No.16672473
File: 113 KB, 600x505, 1504921260756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not trying to be racist when I say this, but let's be real. If that thing goes through a black neighborhood it's not coming back. That's one of the two problems with any automated robot.

Anybody remember Hitchbot? It was basically just an AI with a smiley face in the helmet which was solar powered. Successfully made it all the way across Canada, and all the way across Germany. They put it in the US, it made it as far as a black neighborhood in Philadelphia and was found decapitated and ripped apart in a ditch.

>> No.16672474

Imagine being a delivery man. Imagine losing your job and being replaced that easily by robots.
God, I'm getting hard.

>> No.16672493

>imagine laughing at people losing jobs to automation with a job that could be easily replaced with a robot or an AI

>> No.16672498


Because you get all ypu need to know from the title and image. Also, you could do your own research in one minute. But here you go, faggot.

>> No.16672503

It doesn't matter if you "get what you need from the headline".
You still have to post your source if you want any sort of credibility.

>> No.16672506

We're not far at all from shitposters being replaced by bots anon. Some day soon you'll be arguing with code and not even know it.

We're still a ways off from drivers being replaced by robots though, at least in civilized countries. Most everywhere they've tried it the risk is too high the machine runs someone over, and it's not so much they care about human life as no one wants to be sued or held legally responsible. There's a Tesla test driver who's serving a very long prison term now because while the car was driving itself, she was supposed to be at the wheel in case of an emergency and the footage clearly shows she was watching some tv show on her phone when the car rolled over a pedestrian.

But I understand they have automated public transportation in China already because they don't give a fuck about human life lol.

>> No.16672510
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>Because you get all ypu need to know from the title and image
Weird. I didn't see that in the headline. Think I need to get my eyes checked.

>> No.16672525

Prison communities are the one place this could actually work. Captive consumer-base that you've already billed for meals so they are unlikely to go to better competitors; and that you prohibit from cooking. Plus they have already been selected for being stupid and bad with money.

>> No.16672537

I think it should be pointed out that we got rid of most of our "black neighbourhoods" up here back in the 60s and 70s. Most of those people moved back down south to live with family in the states and never came back. The only black neighbourhoods we have now have sprung up recently thanks to migration quotas.

Hell, we bulldozed over Jimi Hendrix's grandma's old neighbourhood to build a failed freeway system.

>> No.16672546
File: 1.25 MB, 2400x1600, ntma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot read the word Austin without first thinking about Autism.
Everyone in this thread is a faggot

>> No.16672570
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I don't see how your first sentence connects to the second.

>> No.16672573
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>> No.16673011

Nah, onboard nuke also providing power.

>> No.16673079

>FUCK non pizza hut pizzerias, dude.
Why? Pizza hut sucks.

>> No.16673085


>> No.16673098

>it would be super helpful instead of waiting and meeting someone I don't even know - waiting for an awkward interaction
holy fucking shit this bitch is ready to doom the whole world just because she's an autismo retard

>> No.16673107

>"pictures say it all"
>still captioned

>> No.16673116

>this delivery robot ad says the delivery robot is tough so it's gotta be
the bigger problem is that there are jobs that we don't want to do, our (westerners) living standard went up, and we have two ways to deal with that. either make robots to do them, or bring in people who want to do them, do them. one's bad enough but when you have both you're doomed

>> No.16673237

>”enough said”
>then saying even more to validate that enough had indeed been said
Whoever made that image was a fucking moron. I’m guessing European.

>> No.16673251

>>this delivery robot ad says the dude got the food out in the 2nd attempt
Did you even pay attention before launching into your “muh evil lying corporations” programming?

>> No.16673260

>“Pizza robot hit me” will be the new slip-and-fall insurance scam.

No way this will ever happen. Pizza robots will have cameras and obvious insurance scams will always be logged. The robot also looks like it will be going slow enough to not cause any harm to people.

>> No.16673274

Yeah it's pretty difficult for them to hit people, in my experience, though someone on my uni's subreddit says that they've been bonked and someone says they were almost killed by one. Idk if they're joking.

Just the other day I was walking back to my car and one of the bots was stuck at a red light because a truck was halfway into the crosswalk, they're super careful.

>> No.16673277

>No way this will ever happen. Coffee is a well-known hot beverage and all sales are recorded in the register. The cup design also looks secure and well-insulated enough to not cause any harm to people.

>> No.16673355

>carefully examining ads

>> No.16673369

So you form opinions on things you don’t actually look at.
Got it. Peak zoomer. Carry on, Brayden.

>> No.16673375
File: 23 KB, 384x480, Charles-Benedict-Freedman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Police used GPS to track the robot to the man’s vehicle, then remotely made the robot move
“They were able to pinpoint exactly which car it was in by having it move,” Hong said. “They could hear it in the trunk.”
Police initially got a report from Kiwi, the company that created the robots and runs the delivery service, at 11:30 p.m. Thursday, Hong said. Kiwi told police one of their $2,500 delivery robots had been stolen.

The Kiwibots are equipped with GPS, which police used to zero in on the stolen robot’s location in a parked vehicle at an apartment complex in the 2300 block of Fulton Street, between Durant Avenue and Bancroft Way.

When police got to the apartment complex, officers figured out which car the robot was in by making it move. Then they looked up the car’s registered owner, who turned out to live in the apartment complex where the car was parked, and went to talk with him.
Charles Benedict Freedman booking photo
Charles Freedman. Photo: BPD

Hong said police identified that man as 45-year-old Charles Benedict Freedman. Freedman is a substitute teacher, according to jail records online.

Freedman “freely admitted” to police that he had taken the robot, Hong said, and talked about being frustrated by seeing them roaming the streets in Berkeley: “He doesn’t like it,” Hong said.

Freedman opened his trunk to let police retrieve the robot, Hong said. Police arrested Freedman on suspicion of felony grand theft.

As of Friday afternoon, Freedman remained in custody at Berkeley Jail with a bail of $20,000, according to jail records online. He is scheduled for arraignment Monday at the Wiley Manuel Courthouse in Oakland.

>> No.16673378

Little do you realize that this motile pinata is armed with an automatic machine gun

>> No.16673410

will last like a week then be stopped, reason:black "people" will ruin it for actual people

>> No.16673415

see, if he had planned this properly and netted the robot with a faraday cage, he would have gotten away with it.

>> No.16673429

It wouldn't have been able to make noise if the soyboy in your story had pried the wheels off with a $5 prybar in a bad neighbourhood. No, instead it's just another case of a guy picking it up and moving it five feet, this time into the back of his car.
Show me some urban youths going at it with discount handtools.

>> No.16673473
File: 234 KB, 1800x549, burning deliverybots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these things are rolling fire hazards

>> No.16673485

There are no jobs 'we' don't want to do.
Living standards have never been lower in entire existence of biological life.
Both of these problems are caused by what you want to pretend is the solution.

>> No.16673498
File: 23 KB, 450x450, D9AC0165-5EB0-4745-90C2-6579D77FC82D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you, sir. Shall there be anything else?

>> No.16673501

>life satisfaction is so low that the only solution is to medicate and adjust the human mind to compensate

>> No.16673503

they probably got government grants so we're paying for anything smashed

>> No.16673507
File: 396 KB, 776x653, 1631212875967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16673556

MiniRoboNigger 2000 ®

>> No.16673565

>Living standards have never been lower in entire existence of biological life.
Are you fucking serious?

>> No.16673575
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>> No.16673577

first time i had a kek at that meme

>> No.16673580

Actually it was a facetious way of implying you’re a schizo and need meds.
The fact you immediately assume it’s a critique on society and not a critique on you says a lot.
So I’ll be sensitive to your condition and spell it out.
There are indeed jobs ‘we’ don’t want to do. At least in the sense that our society had come to believe that just showing up somewhere on time warrants your being able to buy a house and raise children.
And to assert our living standards are the lowest in history is beyond ludicrous. It would take a special level of retarded zoomer with zero knowledge of history to even entertain that thought.

>> No.16673639

Least family, purpose, living space, community, connection with nature, freedom, self reliance.
99.999% of humanity has never seen the real night sky. Even in living memory we could leave our doors unlocked and let children wander outside without consideration.

>> No.16673658 [DELETED] 
File: 875 KB, 499x273, 69EP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16673676

>Least family
Not all of us were raised by single moms
For the vast majority of human history, the main ‘purpose’ of life was “manage to not die”
>living space
Western people have the greatest amount of personal living space in human history.
You can buy swaths of land that would have originally only been afforded to nobility.
>99.999% of humanity has never seen the real night sky
Humanity decided lightbulbs were worth it

Is your romanticized concept of the past coming from Skyrim or something?

>> No.16673681
File: 60 KB, 1080x1141, 1625248312751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16673710

>"Hurr I'm gonna break it and get free pizza!"
>Get caught and go to jail
>Forced to pay for expensive robot

>> No.16673719 [DELETED] 

>be black

>> No.16673727

So your brilliant plan to stop people from getting free pizza is to threaten them with potentially years of free food?

>> No.16674013

i kind of hate that easy low skill celling jobs are all being fucking wiped out of the planet.

>> No.16674020

Those are in East Austin, not where this will be. The homeless however are going to see it as an oppertunity.

>> No.16674030


>> No.16674049

but on a serious note, robot delivery drones would definitely have to be armed in some way if people want the project to work in America, either electrocute unauthorized people from touching the bot or maybe superheat the door handle so it burns whoever tries to forcefully pull it open. These robot delivery drones work in Asia because the average Asian is very docile and it's the complete opposite in America

>> No.16674077

It wouldn’t get vandalized in the nicer neighborhoods, but having them start the pilot program in Austin tells me that these would only be profitable in a denser neighborhood. So I guess we’ll see how often they get wrecked.

>> No.16674085

I fail to see how a puny little robot is going to defend itself against a sledgehammer

>> No.16674088

This is sick.

>> No.16674091


>> No.16674127
File: 350 KB, 1280x718, Gravity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that it looks like the Gravity Falls logo tells me they might have watched the logo tutorial for photoshop and called it a day.

>> No.16674250

but my point was specifically about the ad, not the robot itself. maybe you should pay attention to what you're reading?
schizo but I'd like to correct the stupid notion that "There are no jobs 'we' don't want to do."
People will do any job provided the pay is good enough, only the pay is almost never good enough, and the reason for that is immigration

>> No.16674302


>> No.16674309

>but my point was specifically about the ad
You were responding to a YouTube video where the guy literally robbed that shit easily on the 2nd try.
Just stop backpedaling and realize you were a chucklefuck for pretending to make point on something you didn’t look at.

>> No.16674317

>reason for that is immigrants
More like the growing stranglehold international megacorps have on the economy, the shift to a service economy, outsourcing production to poorer countries with less labor laws, and the fact that labor advocacy groups are in bed with the corps they’re supposed to regulate. Not to mention the wage stagnation since megacorps pay legislators not to rage the minimum wage, and only some like amazon want it raised only to beat out competition.

But hey, instead of addressing the insidious and endemic corruption baked into your unreformed socio-economic system you can just apply a band-aid solution

>> No.16674328
File: 140 KB, 650x458, 5457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a very old type of logo popularized in travel postcards.

>> No.16674351
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>> No.16674430

Based soulless puppet of the Jews

>> No.16674433

I'm sorry what?

>> No.16674454

Watching this thing rumble down the sidewalk is making me mad. As someone who walks down sidewalks in my liberal shithole's downtown having to share the sidewalk with McDonaldsBot69 other retards and homeless junkies trying to shake me down for drug money enough is fucking enough.

>> No.16674458

Swing Ndick

>> No.16674667

that is a rough 45

>> No.16674686
File: 67 KB, 750x520, 1617591246069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>addressing the insidious and endemic corruption
Or we could do that AND holocaust all immigrants.

>> No.16674693

>deliver within a MAX of 1 mile for 3.80 USD around campus
Wow lazy fucks. That's a short walk.

>> No.16674721

Wagie Eviscerator 3000

>> No.16674842
File: 277 KB, 1338x832, dino3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna steal the copper out that bitch and sell it to the melt man.
copper and lithium nice
the 2nd or third one it will be like clock work

>> No.16674945
File: 28 KB, 480x294, C199DEAE-BD0F-4E96-BE4B-45D8F16ED1C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we please get good looking electric cars?

No more marshmallow vehicles

>> No.16674949

There's probably some legal shenanigans they're exploiting so it's not classified as a vehicle

>> No.16674998

what a fucking retard.

>> No.16675018

You have to walk back again too, retard, while having to horizntally balance a pizza carton in your hand. two miles isnt a short walk, its more than half an hour. Usually in the dark, with lots of niggers around.

>> No.16675041

Can we get electric cars without government tracking devices?

No more illegal surveillance vehicles

>> No.16675047

>2 miles isn't a short walk
It is if you aren't a 400lb retard. It also shouldn't take you 30+ minutes. Try exercising sometime instead of slowly waddling around.

>> No.16675058

>half an hour is too far to walk
>the niggers at Berkley
Dumbass. Less than 3% of their students are black.

>> No.16675159

jap vending machines also sell beer, whisky and cigarettes too without needing an ID check
because their logic is "why would we need an ID check? buying alcohol underage is illegal so no-one will do that!"

>> No.16675166

And yet it works for them. Curious.

>> No.16675397

Actually, those machines require you to have a special ID with an RFID in it to validate your age. You can apply for them at any tobacco seller.

>> No.16675633
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The coffee in that historic case was heated to almost double its usual serving temperature though, nothing would've happened otherwise

>> No.16675680

The pizza will go cold unless you have one of those insulated pizza guy bags

>> No.16675692

I didn't buy any cigs, but I frequently bought beer without an ID from machines when I went to japan 2 years ago.

>> No.16675705

>yes Dmitri the american love eating and hate walking, so we make the spy robot carry pizza to them and they will pay us to steal their secrets.
>Blatd we left the logo on the side SUKA

>> No.16675788

>he actually fell for the mcdonalds gaslighting
What a good goy.

>> No.16676661

Can I defeat this with a stungun? Also just kick it over.

>> No.16676738

Correct on the beer, wrong on the cigs
>but I frequently bought beer without an ID from machines when I went to japan 2 years ago.
The beer ones still don’t require ID. It’s the cig vending machines which do.
It’s why there are much fewer cig machines than their used to be. It’s inconvenient to carry an extra ID literally for buying cigs from a machine.

I honestly love Japan’s approach to alcohol sales; even at convenience stores you just touch “yes” on a screen that asks if you’re old enough when the clerk scans it. Within reason; a store isn’t going to let a 10yo do that.
To me it makes more sense and is more fair; instead of the store getting in trouble if an underage sale takes place, it’s the person who fraudulently purchased it who is considered to have committed the crime.

>> No.16676747

Just wear a mask while engaging in pizza banditry.

>> No.16676772

how hard would it be to buy one of these and slave it out to doordash? I want a robot army

>> No.16676793

theres already robits running around downtown austin that i have no idea what form

>> No.16676794

Unit 01

>> No.16676808

>Don't worry Vasili, they won't care as long as the pizza arrives quickly and is still hot.

>> No.16676811

>Who the fuck put dill and sunflower seeds on my pizza?

>> No.16676814

>this is schizo
>also it's 100% correct
Picture speaks for itself.

>> No.16676832

>drive in van with two buddies, skimasks, obscured license plate
>stalk pizzabot
>wheelman cruises alongside as legman grabs robot, gets it into van
>drive into some alley
>nobody can hear pizzabot's cries for help while it's in the van
>physical tools (stolen earlier from a workman's pickup) crack open robot quickly
>take food
>throw broken robot out of van
>drive home with free dinner
wah lah!

>> No.16676837

It takes less effort to make a pizza.

>> No.16676860

>muffled Tri Poloski in the distance

>> No.16676872
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Looks like we ride again, fellers.

>> No.16676895


>> No.16676900

Fugg da big citys

>> No.16676907

pssst don't tell the zoomies, you will ruin the jokes.

>> No.16678088

>all this for a burger

>> No.16678097

it also would be a fun bonding experience, and would starve some faggot bugman.

>> No.16678575

Sure but you will get caught eventually. Is be surprised if the 360 degree camera didn't upload footage at regular intervals.

>> No.16678887
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I don't trust them.

>> No.16678908

>hello? 911, our robot has been stolen we can tell you exactly whe-
>sir, the country is collapsing and there are shootings all over the city, your robot is the least of our concerns, we'll have an officer there within a week to take a report, thank you and have a nice day

>> No.16678916
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knock them over for the good of the labor movement anons

>> No.16678926
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you do tip your pizzabot, right /ck/?