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16672157 No.16672157 [Reply] [Original]

I get that no one wants to be a line cook but what's so special about being a bar back?

>> No.16672165

You're just the bartenders' bitch who blindly does what you're told. Short of gross negligence or belligerence, you can't be held responsible for anything.

>> No.16672455

What's a barback?

>> No.16672485

You do anything to maintain a bar outside of serving customers. Hooking up kegs, running clean glass from the dish washer, refilling ice, getting liquor/beer from the liquor locker.

>> No.16672499


>> No.16672507
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unprotected anal sex, an american pastime

>> No.16674148

barback... UwU

>> No.16674157

Barback can be a cozy spot where you’re responsible for the bar but don’t have to put up a face like the tenders do, while still enjoying some of the benefits that being a tender has with nearly none of the stress.

>> No.16674350

I’ve noticed even shitty bartending jobs want a couple of years of experience so people want to get their foot in the door

>> No.16674427
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Barbacking is great if you have cool bartenders and are at a good location
I used to pretty much get drunk every shift and clear around $160-$200 a night with at least $100 being cash
It would get busy but it was just about keeping up with dishes, stocking, garnish, supplies, and cleaning rather than dealing with shitty customers
Two girls I closed with weeknights would just cut their co-worker early, have me bartend, and stash me extra tips, also tried to get me laid with regulars

>> No.16674946

sounds pretty based

>> No.16675171

in countries with tipping, being a bartender is actually a good paying job. in small towns it can often be the best paying job in town.
as such, you can never get directly hired as a bartender, when a bar needs a new bartender they usually pull someone who's been waitstaff or a barback for 2~10 years first.
It also means that with the sheer number of applications, the only people who even get hired as barbacks or waitstaff are big tiddie blonde girls age 17~25 so as to secure maximum tips from thirsty drunk boomers.

>> No.16675220

God damn this. I never see male barkeeps anymore. Why the fuck would I pay extra to listen to vapid cunts talk about their problems?

>> No.16675327

Had some flaws, place was brand new when I started, only canned beer no draft, a bitch to stock after a busy night
10-12 hr shift, but first 3 hours was mostly sitting on your phone in the basement half assing citrus juicing
It was kind of a cheap high volume classic cocktail bar, so ice, glassware, shakers, and garnish were always annoying to keep up with, especially since the owner initially went cheap with a small ice machine, always had to run across the street to a gas station
Trying to cleanup/bus tables on a busy weekend sucked too, we were always over capacity
First manager was phony dunce who kinda sucked in high volume, had some good menu ideas though $5 classic crafts with simple ingredients or that could be batched like Negroni's, and $7 shot/16oz beer combos, but all the other bartenders were females who annoyed me by bitching nonstop about him
After one of my girls left it got shitty, her regulars were a lot of service industry people who drank heavy, tipped great, and bought me shots, sometimes fooled around in the basement bathrooms too
Also clean up was a bitch, women's restrooms are always disgusting, don't ever listen to some hover piss shoe wearing whore tell you otherwise
I'm used to barbacks typically being dudes in my city, most managers/owners know some dumb blonde waitress isn't going to clean up puke, want to haul ice buckets, or really do anything overly laborious
But bar culture in most cities is just dumb luck and nepotism, I initially worked the door at a small club/venue and the owner would hire retarded skinny brunette pillheads(he had a type)who would quit or leave mid shift after showing the tiniest initiative a manager took a liking to me and asked me help with service

>> No.16676042

keep your obsession to the flag boards or reddit you faggot retard