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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 232 KB, 600x600, munchos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16671248 No.16671248 [Reply] [Original]

they suck.
post food items that you tried and suck.
post any food item that you were severely disappointed in and regretted trying.

>> No.16671251
File: 278 KB, 1400x1400, moon pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these suck too.
do not buy them.

>> No.16671259

Sigh, they are objectively bad but are comfy to eat. Dry as a dead girls pussy who died in a desert and had her vagina eaten by scavengers, during sex

>> No.16671263

both taste stale right out of the package. awful.

>> No.16671268
File: 162 KB, 236x325, 2.6ozccteriyakipouch_236x325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought all flavors of this and they are gross, wet and cat food slop. Am I eating it wrong?

>> No.16671271

you are a cat

>> No.16671309

Is this the /ck/ humor I've been hearing about

>> No.16671317

this is not funny.
I went out of my way to try something and realized I would have preferred a packet of saltine crackers.
it would have been just as dry, but less awful aftertaste.

>> No.16671321

I don't understand, are you feeling well?

>> No.16671322

also tuna and/or chicken in a bag is cat food and you are a cat.

>> No.16671326

feeling great, just regretting my purchase

>> No.16671328

Purchase of what???

>> No.16671329

I was told these were a great desert in the south.
but they're just dry as fuck.
is that how southerners like it?

>> No.16671331

Munchos and Moon Pies
so dry
bad aftertaste

>> No.16671332
File: 189 KB, 1000x1481, 71joUm+n+gL._SL1481_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16671334
File: 219 KB, 380x380, retard beans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fucking beans suck, there's nothing more disgusting.
No wonder people make fun of English cuisine, they can't even do beans properly.

>> No.16671335

anything with a TGI Fridays logo is awful

>> No.16671337

Yes you have to chase it with RC cola every bite, it is the Tennessee way

>> No.16671342

Agreed, was very confusing trying these being American

>> No.16671343

I think it's more the sauce than the beans
then again maybe they're bad beans and try to hide them with the sauce

>> No.16671346

I like RC cola but these just sucked ass
major disappointment

>> No.16671348

They sell them Dollar Tree

>> No.16671352

These are good.
These are also good but most are dry. You have to get lucky and get a fresh one which is why I don't bother getting them.

>> No.16671355
File: 149 KB, 307x425, coolbeenz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon you didn't get the right one

>> No.16671356

I bought the Moon Pie from a reputable grocery store, not a dollar store
was ass
would not recommend

>> No.16671358

are these menthol flavored or what lol

>> No.16671362

I'm saying they are basically cheap trash and always have been. No one ever said they were good except Californian transplants LARPing to fit into the "local culture" of Madison, TN after moving here to WFH and absorb cheap, red state housing prices.

>> No.16671366
File: 12 KB, 230x205, 1619648022225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 posters
>26 replies

>> No.16671369

shit, are Californians invading that far now?
WI here
fuck off we're full

>> No.16671373

post a food you bought and didn't like or fuck off

>> No.16671382 [DELETED] 

as a bong I prefer the cheaper brands, usually less sweet

>> No.16671386
File: 70 KB, 900x900, wasabi-peas-073_1_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys said these were good. these aren't good

>> No.16671388

They are good but get gross after a couple handfuls

>> No.16671390

I like those in small amounts at a time.

>> No.16671392

imagine ruining perfectly good peas
methinks the weebs be responsible for this

>> No.16671393

Mcdonalds nuggets. Everyone I know fucking loves them and my roommate eats them every other day but they’re really shitty. They taste like wet cardboard. I don’t get it.

>> No.16671397
File: 105 KB, 800x800, 001567253[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kept seeing random different types of people eating these so my curiosity got the better of me.

Probably the worst thing I have ever tasted. Inedible non-food.

you're not supposed to eat a whole ass bowl of wasabi peas they go in a mix

>> No.16671399

It's subtle tempura flavor, not a fan of tempura shrimp either?

>> No.16671412

Yeah these shits are nasty. They taste burnt

>> No.16671417

they taste like i was drinking a bottle of vinegar mixed with a bottle of lime juice and chester cheetah was simultaneously taking a rancid hot shit into my mouth

>> No.16671419

thank you for warning me Anons, shant be trying Takis

>> No.16671447

The new Popeyes nuggets are pretty good. They're like mini tenders, the chicken isn't ground up. I hope a spicy version comes out soon. Wendy's spicy nuggs are alright.

>> No.16671451
File: 281 KB, 1500x1372, 91nKpbUoNmL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We were a Lay's/Ruffles-style chip household growing up so when I finally got the chance to try pringles for the first time I was very excited. I admit the can packaging is very well engineered but the chips themselves are awful. The crisp texture immediately turns into tasteless reconstituted mush compared to conventional potato chips and the flavorings are only 0.0001mm thick on the surface only rendering them flavorless almost immediately. It's as if you told someone to create a potato chip who had never seen one before or simply hated potatoes from the start.

>> No.16671452

these are NOT good, at first it tastes like you are eating a normal potato chip, or a Pringle, but then the aftertaste hits you and it's just awfulness, and regret, and why didnt I buy normal potato chips or a can of Pringles?

>> No.16671458

if you dont like even Pringles, you will HATE Munchos. stay away. do not buy.

>> No.16671826

Baked beans in general are a dumb idea. I bought some on a whim one time because I saw them in the store and was curious, but I didn't think to check the ingredients list. I don't know who thought it was a good idea to combine beans and fucking sugar of all things, but they must have been bored out of their mind. Puke-inducing combination.

>the can packaging is very well engineered
Not really. If you have moderately-sized hands it's hard to get to the chips on the bottom, so you end up having to tilt the can and pour them out onto your palm, which is messy and annoying to do. You'd think the chips would at least not crumble into tiny chunks thanks to the hard packaging but there is still always a bunch of cracked chips at the bottom so there's literally no advantage to having the can packaging compared to traditional bags. Just an annoying marketing stunt.

>> No.16671869

Munchos are fucking FIRE kys

>> No.16671875

OP is a faggot.

>> No.16671883

I freeze these and then eat them
they're dry but idc too much about that

>> No.16671935

Mexican girls in high school would eat these for breakfast

>> No.16671943

They just look like normal chips

>> No.16671961

Accidentally got these recently and they taste like a dead skunks asshole on my tongue. The texture was powdery. Absolutely mutated non-food. It reminded me that most of what companies are trying to sell us are fake food that's killing us.

>> No.16671970

It's like the beans are drowning in nasty, watery, sugary sewage but I know it's really just ketchup. And that's somehow worse because unlike sewage, that means they were intended to be eaten.

>> No.16671977

They taste like nothing, are drier than a desert, feel like pressed baby powder on the tongue, and aftertaste is offensively rotten.

>> No.16671993

fuck I laughed way too hard

>> No.16672004

All of this is correct and the thinness causes them to be little edible razor blades for your gums. On top of the reconstructed texture, every single flavor has the aftertaste of a dirty asshole you made the mistake of going down on after she said "yeah I cleaned" but didn't smell it first. Or the aftertaste is something like your uncle's halitosis when he leans way too close to tell that joke

>> No.16672102
File: 156 KB, 992x558, AP-menendez-trial-05-jef-170102_hpMain_1_16x9_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't start a shit food thread with awesome chips though

>> No.16672208

These are good.

>> No.16672226

Munchos rule. OP's a fag.

>le sigh
Also a fag.

>> No.16672227

they're better tolerated in rice cracker mixes.

>> No.16672250
File: 2.67 MB, 4024x3018, pizza-slice-crimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to the big apple and tried a slice, fucking awful, tasted like cardboard, my ;local kebab pizza join makes better pies

>> No.16672269

I loved Munchos as a kid. Eating them now is just pure nostalgia for me.

t. 35 year old boomer

>> No.16672314
File: 53 KB, 800x500, MV5BZDYzYmQ5MWYtODQwZi00YTBlLWI2NDgtNTQ5M2ZhMjcwMGZkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMDgyNjA5MA@@._V1_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16672375
File: 56 KB, 500x186, food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you munchos are delicious, (you) suck.
These are pretty okay too so fuck you twice.

>> No.16672508

Munchos are strange. The first few are somewhat enjoyable because the texture and taste is novel but they quickly become disgusting as the grease and off flavor become dominant.

>> No.16672519
File: 10 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is amazing

>> No.16672572
File: 44 KB, 500x500, bcc38f64-ec53-4ee4-9388-e9d56559788a_1.a1dccebfd07086a52c826ef36ea3a3b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought those once, im a semi old fag and wanted to see if they were just re branded Tato Skins and they might be good but I dont remember. I never bought another bag, so they probably sucked or my tastebuds changed.

>> No.16673196
File: 61 KB, 467x424, 181981968195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, these were my go tos back when they were still in vending machines and the bodegas of harlem visiting family

>> No.16673201

McD nuggs are GOAT for 15 minutes right out the bag, any longer and you're chewing paper towels

>> No.16673232
File: 2.84 MB, 3120x2093, 20210909_171323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you have moderately-sized hands
Nope, you must mean fatty fuck hands with fatty fucking fingers attached to a fat fuck
Lose weight fatty.

>> No.16673382

the bag smells like farts when you open it

>> No.16673436
File: 44 KB, 569x569, lays_wavy_funyuns-81SiTjRag9S._SX569_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These lays funyun chips suck the mega dick, not only as lays do they suck compared to wise but they taste like cardboard, certanly nothing like funyuns.
Buy these at your own peril, you've been warned.

>> No.16673532
File: 1.62 MB, 3552x2000, WP_20210909_18_24_56_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, why is everyone's default response on /ck/ to assume that an Anon is fat? Or do you really think these skelly wrists belong to a fatass? Next you're going to insinuate that I'm fat just because I can't squeeze my penis into a Pringles can either.

>> No.16673552
File: 269 KB, 1500x1500, funyuns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanted these to be good but they sucked

>> No.16673568

Haha this nigga has marfan syndrome.

>> No.16673576

i love funyuns desu, might go and get some

>> No.16673592
File: 64 KB, 400x500, 46910661241_b6563f3202[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They only sell this at dollarama as far as I know, thankfully

>> No.16673623
File: 72 KB, 488x488, GUEST_d1eb1310-6875-476e-bfeb-f839ca2cf329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16673632
File: 1.70 MB, 1200x1194, talenti-gelato-1551625284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inferior to the original and a pain in the ass to eat. Not worth it along with the price

>> No.16673652
File: 49 KB, 500x500, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i picked up a tall boy of this on a whim at the gas station cause i wanted a cold drink but didnt want a whole 6 pack or a shitty light beer.
holy fuck it was terrible, the "tea" tasted like those sports drink syrup concentrates you squeeze into a glass of water. the "twist of lemon" tasted like they dumped powdered citric acid by hand into a shitty malt liquor base. and all the flavors fought each other like a war zone in your mouth, they didnt complement each other at all.
if you really want something like this, just make your own iced tea at home and dump a shot of vodka in it.

>> No.16673660

>the "twist of lemon" tasted like they dumped powdered citric acid by hand into a shitty malt liquor base.
That's exactly what they did, pal.

>> No.16673672
File: 861 KB, 1647x1345, Pitaya_cross_section_ed2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16673935

Agreed, its overpriced swill. Mostly from their ads to the shit demographic of twats and also from upselling in bars, like in airports, it's pathetic.

>> No.16673952

What’s a matter? Not small brew craft enough for ya?

>> No.16673965

why even make these? why wouldn't I just buy Funyuns?

>> No.16673967
File: 56 KB, 640x426, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Na, it just sucks. Sierra Nevada is a pretty big company and they're far from my favorite brewery but their Marzen is way better.
Sam Adams is boomerbeer.

>> No.16673975
File: 66 KB, 680x589, pitaya_flip_shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to look it up, that's the poor ass flip version of Alucard.

>> No.16673976
File: 631 KB, 828x1055, 8296DBB7-74D7-44D5-9E76-5CF2C7F2E6FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah how could I forget sierra nevada!!!

>> No.16673998
File: 448 KB, 2365x2365, e5fa31a7-4694-4144-91f9-05817496ade7_1.669743975df2e27d171e49a7a3fa56b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of this

>> No.16674003
File: 183 KB, 490x686, iu[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thing i dont like is soy
Well ok boomer, enjoy (You)r Sam Adams and Shock Top.
But pretty much any beer except for maybe Bud and Miller is better than Sam Adams.

>> No.16674016
File: 38 KB, 500x332, fire_pitchforks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raise your pitchforks lads and kill it with fier!

>> No.16674024

All IPAs suck and there are no exceptions.

>> No.16674033

You'd have to smack me over the head and drugged out before I'd go near that swill. Sam Ads swill doesn't even deserve to go near a barge pole in indian poo curry.

>> No.16674051
File: 43 KB, 960x704, 1628829453463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao this nigga's getting manicures

>> No.16674062
File: 65 KB, 872x610, Jonathan_E-w-Moonpie-Rollerball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moonpie w/ Jonathan E

>> No.16674071
File: 2.91 MB, 4032x2268, 1619846128748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude sam adams makes me angry dude boomers reeee
>but sierra nevada tho :)

>> No.16674103
File: 11 KB, 275x183, sliema_shithole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That place looks like a real shithole, worse than a favella.

>> No.16674117

sliema balls

>> No.16674186

>he doesnt have nails to scrape detritus and plague from his teeth after 2 weeks without brushing
Do you even food?

>> No.16674187

favella deez nuts

>> No.16674195

I wanted you to have good taste but you sucked

>> No.16674203
File: 1001 KB, 1280x720, 1626115443935.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb homogay man, I chew the edges of my nails to loosen a snag which I then tear off finger-wide strips of nail from with my teeth to use as toothpicks

>> No.16674210
File: 31 KB, 388x500, Wise_Onion_Rings-41HhGsRzYwL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Wise ones are always better than frito-lay shit.

>> No.16674212
File: 1.05 MB, 2448x3264, 495D45D0-B432-4D9B-86FD-A35DE3D4F8E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much this. Bongs always ranting and raving I made sure to order these exact cans. Got a 6 pack and 5 cans are still left with 95% of the 6th in a landfill somewhere. I won’t even use the rest as dog food

>> No.16674213

Slimey muh balls sak

>> No.16674214

Wise is kino. I moved to the Midwest and they're not available here.

>> No.16674223

I feel your pain, here in the northeast Wise is pretty much just available at corner stores and maybe Walgreens.

>> No.16674225

Wise is denser and crunchier, funyuns have that je ne ce quoi of air bubbles.
Its like comparing cornstarch and flour fried chicken to tempura batter.

>> No.16674235
File: 975 KB, 2400x2400, Wise-Onion_Garlic_chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wise also has these Onion and Garlic, somehow they scare away girls and vampires.

>> No.16674238

These are kino

>> No.16674248

bunch of crusty neckbeards with Le edge

>> No.16674424


>> No.16674429

combos, absolutely fucking vile

>> No.16674440
File: 239 KB, 2500x1674, bay-leaves-dry-2500-56a210353df78cf772718c1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does nothing

>> No.16674448

I fucking hate Charlie the Tuna. I used to use a marker to scribble him out.

>> No.16674455

It's a pain in the ass to find vegan chocolate flavors of this brand. They only come around every once in a while, but they're kino.

>> No.16674470
File: 214 KB, 470x470, 1612911109774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this was the flavor I really like. I remember it had chocolate chunks and good chocolate chips (or something like that) at top, with a white middle and I think caramel. This seems about right. Wish I could order ice-cream online.

>> No.16674514
File: 244 KB, 840x543, huh ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Le edge
The shit legit looks like a package of cat food from the thumbnail it's the most grandma joke to make there

>> No.16674629

You already posted this in the cinnamon thread

>> No.16674680

Zaxby's. I felt so jewed wasting time and calories there since I was only in the southern US for like 4 days.

>> No.16674684

I used to eat entire bags of these. Just couldn't get enough, but nobody ever told me not to touch my face after handling them

>> No.16674957

these ARE good, but ONLY IF IT'S FRESH, almost every one you will find will be expired and/or too old for good flavor

>> No.16675016

Awful stuff, don't know who could possibly enjoy something so bitter

>> No.16675026

>nails that nice
Please be in california

>> No.16675155

Purple doritos

>> No.16675194
File: 200 KB, 2048x1676, 1630380522477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i havent had these since i was a child, you've awakened an awful memory.

It would be better to just eat nothing at all and i ate the whole bag in one sitting because i was a greasy fuck.

>> No.16675209

Starkist and chicken of the sea both taste like catfood. The best canned tuna is the Kirkland albacore.

>> No.16675216

They used to be better, but in the last couple of years they changed them, and they're gross now.

>> No.16675221

Baked beans are amazing if you actually make them yourself. I like to cook them on the rack below some kind of meat in the smoker to catch the drippings.

>> No.16675231

wat. I do this.

>> No.16675238

Give them to someone you hate. Or give them to a food pantry, content in the knowledge that some NEET will have to deal with them.

>> No.16675309

White girl's favorite treat. I think they're disgusting but my cousin and her friend (all white girls) loves them. They're like rancid lime with a cup of salt; nasty shit.

>> No.16676787

The chips melange... The chips must flow...

>> No.16676842

Holy fat, the amount of seethe over a can of beans loool. You gotta put some salt and pepper in there, brown sauce in them is great. Shit thread anyway.

>> No.16676983

How do you screw up beans? Is that even like regular beans with pork or is it some awful english monstrosity?

>> No.16677026

what's those hands do, pretty boy? you wanna play with my cock, baby?

>> No.16677073

Man, these are delicious. You're crazy.

>> No.16677100

Like most supermarket fruit it was picked too early. The brix of store bought dragon fruit is around 10-13 and tastes like water, maybe earthiness from the seed. When you get a homegrown one the sugar can be into the low 20’s and has different flavors. Its not my favorite fruit but it is in a different dimension to what you get in stores.

The entimens ice cream cake was the biggest food disappointment i ever had.

>> No.16677313

The taste has changed considerably.
I'm sorry for you anon

>> No.16677327

Chips tasting of chips lol

>> No.16677332

Dumb frog poster

>> No.16677348

I did the same thing when I first saw them. Was a bag of disappointment.

>> No.16677350

fuck you these are kino. Used to get them from the vending machine before school started back in middle school

>> No.16677377

I'll get fucking violent if you ever say that kind of shit to my face ever again. Munchos are the patrician choice for fried potato snacks. They're delightfully light and airy and thin, with a perfect amount of salt. And they're cheap as fuck.

>> No.16677397

stop being a picky eater then

>> No.16678871
File: 92 KB, 800x800, riplets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really weird mix of spiciness to sweetness.

>> No.16678900


>> No.16678911
File: 3.55 MB, 967x2546, 952066[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think they're that bad but pic related is really good

>> No.16678922

it's too much of a gamble with the grocery ones and fuck knows where I'd find a homegrown one. when they're good they're good though, sometimes I'll cube the flesh and toss them in a mixed drink. I also love the texture and biting the little seeds

>> No.16678929

Pringles are only good for the packaging, when you need to pack them so they don't get crushed or so you can put them in a cup holder in a car

>> No.16678931

even for chain shit you could have done a lot better than zaxby's in the south. bojangles, chick fil a, cook out, biscuitville

>> No.16678940
File: 91 KB, 1000x1000, Albacore_Angle_IMG_2669[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to like the Kirkland albacore until I tried picrel (also at costco). Way better texture and taste than the other brands. Honestly, anything is fine as long as it isn't "chunk" tuna.

>> No.16678956

Pro tip you can turn it into a samus blaster

>> No.16679056

munchos are bis go kill yourself nigger

>> No.16679131

Your first mistake was getting the chocolate ones, your second mistake was eating it without having a drink

>> No.16679182

I've had chick fil a few times. Bojangles is the shit

>> No.16680383

I chuckled

>> No.16681079

nah. im a fan of canned fish and meat in general, and all those pouch things taste "off". im sure they could be used for something, but eating (mostly) straight I'd a no go

>> No.16681086

>stale right out of the package

>> No.16681094

Love these niggas like you wouldn't believe...

>> No.16681131

I buy random spices all the time and exotic ingredients all the time and they are often disappointment.

>> No.16681138
File: 1.36 MB, 1333x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was trying to lose weight a while ago. Bought 10 package of these, tried one and threw the rest.

Ads forgots to mention plasticy texture and shitty taste. Even with sauces and added protein it does not register as food for me.

>> No.16681139

How do you casually eat any of this without getting fat

>> No.16681167

Fuck you

>> No.16681187
File: 128 KB, 526x700, lays-chixwaffles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I'd call it disappointment but I bought these once and they're garbage. Worst thing ever made by anyone. Hopefully these chips no longer exist. If they do then God help us.

>> No.16681505

Fuck off these were amazing I used to get them from the vending machine and drink them with a Mt dew kickstart grape flavor when I was in undergrad

>> No.16681814

The chicken is disgusting but the tuna ranges from inedible to pretty darn good. The ones worth checking out are the spicy thai chili, the lemon pepper and the jalapeno tunas.

>> No.16681853

so underwhelming for how beautiful it is

>> No.16682280

Funyuns aren't chips

>> No.16682358
File: 360 KB, 2000x2000, 01005_Zapps_1.5oz_VoodooKettleChip_Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell man

>> No.16682513

lmao what a faggot, also the design is terrible

>> No.16683180

These are fucking vile.

>> No.16683233

I liked them when i was younger

>> No.16683351
File: 28 KB, 474x327, La_Croix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it was just the flavor (berry or raspberry I think) but this shit tastes like alka-seltzer.

>> No.16683364

Love these

>> No.16683372

The lemon pepper tuna is the only "good"one and that's just by comparison

>> No.16683373

These fucking suck

>> No.16683388

I finally tried these the other day. I liked them. Sweet and savory.

>> No.16683505

Every flavor of this is inferior to regular water.

>> No.16683720

I love munchos. They pair well with sweet drinks.

>> No.16683736

these were alright, friend and i used to get em from the vending machine outside class in uni

>> No.16683743
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I used these to kick my soda habit. The cola flavored ones are alright. Just tastes like slightly flat soda. I look at these as vapes. They serve a purpose but only a retard actively enjoys them.

>> No.16683933

Brave post since /ck/ is a noted Munchos stronghold.
However, you're right.

>> No.16683949

You take that back. Munchos are God's gift to earth

>> No.16683962

Fuck off Adam

>> No.16683975

Why are you black

>> No.16683984

How many deserts have you been to

>> No.16684415

The Buffalo wing × ranch ones are excellent. The original flavor is ok but really is more of a regional thing.

>> No.16684490

You should try Utz Maui Barbeque. It's like a more flavorful version of Voodoo chips. Same kind of sweet, heat and tartness the Voodoo's going for but done better.

>> No.16684506
File: 55 KB, 423x606, 71mNwm7+dSL._SY606_PIbundle-10,TopRight,0,0_SX423SY606SH20_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to an asian or filipino grocery store and find this. Its Funyuns but better. Its crazy soft but the favor is better.

>> No.16684566


Better off dumping peach vodka or something into a real pitcher of sweet tea or some store bought stuff even

>> No.16684586
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I can enjoy almost anything that's cherry limeade flavored, no matter how artificial. Not this. They don't even understand how it's supposed to taste. The cherry flavor is extremely heavy and syrupy, tasting less like most artificial cherry drinks, and more like those cheap chocolate-cream cherries, or just pie filling. The limeade in fact does not taste like any citrus fruit at all, but instead has a distinct papaya/butyric acid flavor that is absolutely disgusting and leaves the aftertaste. In fact, even shitty energy drinks I will usually stomach and finish if it's my first time trying one, but this I could not tolerate more than 10% of.

>> No.16684617

blame the fact that mcdonalds had to remove the longer lasting fats from their foods, the newer fats they use only keep tasting good for the short window of time they are still warm from the burners and/or heat lamps that kept them that hot continuously

>> No.16684939


>> No.16684967
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Miniscule portions
No broth
The most annoying seasoning and oil packets ever designed

>> No.16684993

Did you guys know that food taste is an opinion and not objective fact? I know it might be hard for an autistic sperg to understand but it’s true. Please stop saying “ it sucks” as if your opinion is a fact. It’s not.
Thank you for being less of a stupid nigger in the future.

>> No.16685003

You’re just now realizing /ck/ is one small circle jerk? It’s such an autistic elitist board idk how anyone can stand these people. They’re drug addict “chefs” working at applebees and pretending they make enough money to live on. Like lmao 20 an hour wouldn’t feed my dog let alone what these fucking losers make.

>> No.16685012

Brevity is the soul of wit anon. Saying a bunch of dumb shit only makes retards laugh. That’s why you thought it was funny.

>> No.16685021

Damn I would never go out to eat with you. You’d be a whiny fucking prick about everything. Just total no fun or happiness right here.

>> No.16685029

How about you eat a salad instead of “vegan chocolate” you fuckin woman. You could use it before you’re definitely fat as fuck if you eat ice cream.

>> No.16685036

Anon, you went to a restaurant. Of course you’re gonna be disappointed. You think some black felon is gonna make you good food? You gotta be fat or dumb. Cook at home like a winner for once in your obese retarded life.

>> No.16685038

>trying to lose weight by eating
Damn, anon. It’s like trying to stay up all night and swallowing a handful of sleeping pills.

>> No.16685042

So that makes you a retard right? Idk how you can drink this shit and then actively make fun of people who drink them. You’re as autistic and disingenuous as everyone on this board trying to get laughs and brownie points for not liking something popular.

>> No.16685085

99 posters
195 replies

this aint so bad

>> No.16685663

Yeah, this shit fucking sucks.
>manufacturer a ramen with the broth removed
Real brain hurricane going on over there.

>> No.16685821

You are one rep max

>> No.16685879


>> No.16685887

>since /ck/ is a noted Munchos stronghold
How does anyone take this board setiously?

>> No.16685889

>I look at these as vapes.
also i had no idea they made cola ones, those must be weird
but yeah, seltzers are great
for me, it's polar

>> No.16685930

For me, it's those $.43 cent quarts of the Walmart brand.

>> No.16686032

those are the best, anon

>> No.16686466

Biggest tastelet in the thread

>> No.16686496

the flavor is pretty good
but yeah, they seasoning packets fucking blow. especially if you try opening them with anything other than scissors, they just split in the wrong direction while opening.

>> No.16686858

omg anything by krack o pop is so bad, i tried to be optimistic about it but it tastes overwhelmingly bitter.

>> No.16688137

gotta get the spicy

>> No.16688188

i used to eat these, along with a snickers bar, for a meal during breaks when i worked at my college library.

>> No.16688281

The purple variety suck dick but the guacamole one's that were available at casey's for a week or so were pretty decent.

>> No.16688337

This shit is popping up everywhere. Seems like I see them wherever I go nowadays.

>> No.16688343

I meant the frito-lay onion rings, the wise are the good one, it didn't come across right.

>> No.16688350

100% agreed on that shit, even worse if possible for the little fry edtion, I bought two bags luckily small ones. Ate 1/2 of one through the rest into the nearest dumpster.

>> No.16688355

Just get the Wise ones instead of dealing with insect people... >>16674210

>> No.16688361
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These are fucking disgusting. I can't believe they are so popular. I see them everywhere and I'm just like... Why?

First chip I ever spit out.

>> No.16688367

That's sacreligious, you have about ten minutes to vacate before the local townsfolk bare down on you with flaming pitchforks and flaming torches.

>> No.16688402

Anything from Zapp's, it's tastless shit. Fall for the faggot names at your own peril, you've been warned.

>> No.16688422

voodoo, how lame can they do? It's floor scraps.

>> No.16688503

Voodoo chips are equal parts of the 5 flavors of zapps chips

>> No.16688623

These used to taste so good I don't understand why the recipe was changed

>> No.16688642

I bought a different brand of pulled pork in a pouch similar to that and it was awful.

>> No.16688657

>I don't understand why the recipe was changed

The answer is always money

>> No.16689387

you got shit taste

>> No.16690121
File: 130 KB, 254x365, 4466585_orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think potato chips could be too salty but Jay's chips are covered in an unpalatable level of it.

>> No.16690331

St. Arnold is the best Octoberfest seasonal in existence. Most of their beers are fantastic.

>> No.16690351

Eat two or three
Less sodium that way so you don't get 2000mg from less than 400 calories
Use scissors

>> No.16690356
File: 178 KB, 1500x1500, 812xSkkA6nL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never had them but I've never had a jalapeno chip better than Tim's.

>> No.16690741

The chicken curry flavor is amazing