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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16669211 No.16669211 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /ck/
picture this,
you're a doctor that fat people go to because they just don't seem to drop any weight and they're on course to having a pinched artery from all the fat weighing them down.
But you're not just a doctor,
oh no no no no, you are also a CHEF
And your patient Tammy, a 1000 lb hambeast needs you to give her a strict meal plan.
What do you prescribe to her that both tastes good, and will make her drop 800 lbs?
>hard mode: no fasting

>> No.16669215

i would connect a straw from her forehead to her mouth and sew it tight, telling her she must survive the next 6months only from the fat in her forehead

>> No.16669226

Yeah I think Hammy Tammy needs to lose a bit more than just 100 lbs

>> No.16669257

she could survive two years without eating

>> No.16669259

Literally give her water and some vitamins, keep her hydrated, she can just live off the excess fat for at least several months, if not a year

>> No.16669274

Alright, now
you have a choice, either go hard mode,
or make autophagy taste good

>> No.16669278

t. 1000lb hambeast looking for free advice on a morrocan ant farming forum

>> No.16669284

I'm a lanklet lol

>> No.16669303

Tammy's issues are not about food, they're about her. The other sister dropped over 100lbs, got gastric bypass and had a baby while Tammy gained more weight. She hates herself and has no goals. If someone could produce food that tastes exactly like all of her favorite junk but had half the calories, she would just eat 2x as much of it. Over-eating is as much a manifestation of self-hatred as cutting is.

>> No.16669306

Just give her a small meal of steamed vegetables every day for the next five years

>> No.16669461

Wouldn't she drop a lot just eating normal portions? Problem is she buys goodies off the internet so even if the food for her was portioned, she'd still find a way to sneak more.

>> No.16669462

>She actually has fat in her forehead
Holy shit this bitch got a fore-pound-head

>> No.16669478

No, her black boyfriend brings her food. He’s been caught multiple times bringing her bags of chocolate bars

>> No.16669510

Yep, I forgot about him bringing stuff.

>> No.16669634

Since her TDEE at 1000lb would be roughly 6500kcal and you go by the standard ~3500kcal/lb of fat it means she would burn close to 2 lbs a day just by fasting (at the beginning at least). That's fucking insane for me to think of.... losing close to 15lbs a week just doing nothing.

>> No.16669654

imagine eating 6500 calories every day.

>> No.16669662


>> No.16669666

Could you IMAGINE the fucking food withdraws this thing would experience if it tried to lose weight, like holy shit that would suck

>> No.16669683

yeah, she's gotta see a the-rapist and find out why she's trying to kill herself.

>> No.16669715

Can I get a quick rundown on this monster?

>> No.16669776

Just another average American. This one is on television.

>> No.16669787

It? Go fuck yourself, fatphobic pos.

>> No.16669790

I would force feed her magnesium so she shits herself endlessly. Can't keep weight on if you can't keep anything in your colon.

>> No.16669796

Try eating less, piggy

>> No.16670135

As others have said she's a prime candidate for fasting. If she was going to eat something everyday then I would have it be 500 calories of eggs and vegetables. But really the issue is people like her is compliance. She should also likely be given an intelligence test and IQ test and a full psychological assessment to see if there isn't a learning disability or something else involved. Generally when someone gets that obese there's another poster mentioned a psychiatric problem. And if you're going to say no fasting well that's what she needs to do. If you're asking what she should eat she should eat way less than she is and it should mostly be fat and protein that she eats. But she obviously needs to be taught to eat to a program and as I say a compliance has an issue she could have learning disabilities or other mental health issue is. That's the issue that's danced around in America because they stop doing General IQ testing and so forth. A lot of these people have learning disabilities

>> No.16670317

Found the fat ass

>> No.16670326

Sardines on top of white rice, one meal a day.

>> No.16670336

It's fatmisic, ashkually.

>> No.16670337
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>> No.16670378

If soda and liquid calories are in play, I could do twice that without breaking a sweat. Liquid calories are the reason for all these hyper-fats.

>> No.16670387

This one's just too large of a mission, James. You'll never come back alive.

>> No.16670397
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>no starches, no bread ect..
>start keto diet to get it farting & shitting itself
>start it on a exercise program and walking program
>cut its protein based diet by adding vegis
>start it on a vegi diet
>add fish and seafood
>make it work out daily
>make it eat fish-n-c-food
>tell it about /fit/
>eat vegi cauliflower wrap tacos w/ it
>tell it, its a pretty it
>then it leave forever ,like a bad hobbit.

>> No.16670853

>those "people need to see my face" masks appeal to heavyset retards
honk honk

>> No.16670948

She survived covid so give up your rights because it's super deadly

>> No.16670950

Vegan cope

>> No.16670951


>> No.16671126

Covid till she loses the weight. Simple

>> No.16671246

>What do you prescribe to her that both tastes good, and will make her drop 800 lbs?
People that reach this weight have lost all notion of "tasting good", so this is almost an impossible task you're asking us to do
Honestly it's not even a cooking job, these people need a therapist that guides them into understanding Hunger is not the same as a compulsion to stuff your face with corn syrup

>> No.16671364

The crazy thing about tammy is that fat cow got covid at the beginning and survived no issues lmao.

>> No.16671371

a strict died of sugar free gummy bears. she's gonna be in for a rough ride

>> No.16671374

more like a five-pound-head am I right?

>> No.16671381

covid ran out of steam just trying to make it through the layers of fat and never had a chance to attack her organs

>> No.16671387


>> No.16671391

I agree, though I doubt therapy would help. At that point (1000 fucking pounds) you need a chemical solution. Something is wrong with her brain.

>> No.16671473

Certified 5'8

>> No.16671492
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>> No.16671505
File: 460 KB, 1280x857, slatons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I remember those fat pigs.
Didn't they scam people out of money for a funeral for one of them even though she didn't even have the good graces to actually die?

>> No.16671907

dios mio, el ogro de las americas!

>> No.16671936

Had the same problem with a woman I picked up at the bar this weekend

>> No.16671952

Put her on the white trash diet. A few months of meth and Monsters will take off 300lbs no problem.

>> No.16672071

how the fuck do you gain fat on your forehead, let alone lose that fat?

>> No.16672076

Hormonal imbalance and cushing's syndrome.

>> No.16672078

same way you lose or gain any weight

>> No.16672079
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>> No.16672098

>That's the issue that's danced around in America because they stop doing General IQ testing and so forth.

IQ tests are raciss

>> No.16672104

lard milkshakes and octuple burgers

all the weight will just melt off in the ground

>> No.16672110

If no one touched it in over an hour odds are people weren’t gonna have any more, having known exactly how much food gets shoved in Tupperware or thrown away at the end of a party
Obviously eating that much sandwich is still insane

>> No.16672187

crystal meth

>> No.16672948

Nice trips, man

>> No.16672982
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>> No.16673065

I prescribe starvation diet and heavy labor.

>> No.16673294

Fatties aren't people

>> No.16673377

Tammy is on small portions of lean protein and green vegetables with minimal salt and lipids until further notice. Cheat day might involve some buckwheat and butter. I will personally wheel Tammy to the gym, and we are going to hit the stairmaster together.

>> No.16673386

>four sandwiches
>but also loaves

>> No.16673408

just throw up what you eat lol

>> No.16673781

>when mom finds your bulking stash

>> No.16673840

Parasite eggs

>> No.16673849
File: 939 KB, 960x741, 6C9207D3-04D8-4716-820D-062D7D51F69F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ham beast 1000lb white chick
>black boyfriend
Checks out

>> No.16673850

>dazzle camouflage.

>> No.16673861

She figures it worked on WW2 ships why not try it to fake out some drunks at the local pub

>> No.16673911

On the one hand, I respect the man's ability to put away an amount of food measured in multiple feet. On the other, you bring to a party what you expect to take, he should have brought more food. Everyone involved is a little bitch though.

>> No.16673917

Honestly, you could cook almost anything for her and she'd drop a ton of weight very quickly. The amount of effort it takes to become that fucking fat is impossible with the type of portions me or you would find normal, even if all you ate was fast food.

>> No.16673924

none of that even looks good to gorge on

>> No.16674145

Agree. I can't imagine, as a host, getting butthurt like this. It is the hosts responsibility to provide more than enough food

>> No.16674211

It probably isn’t even just a mental thing albeit that plays a part. A lot of the time when someone gets to that level they have a beta enabler or god forbid multiple ones who exist pretty much to shovel food down their face hole. Just look at My 600lbs Life, literally every. Single. Fucking. Person. Has someone who buys and feeds them junk because they’re too retarded, pussy, or even both to just say fucking no. Its like supplying a loved one crack cocaine because if you say no to that you’ll hurt their feelings, even if the addiction will literally kill them or royally fuck their health into oblivion.

>> No.16674219

They ate 100% of his wings, he only 66% of their sandwich. They're the assholes

>> No.16674229

But she needs protein to preserve her muscles. I would feed her chicken breasts, vitamins, omega 3s, and water.

>> No.16674234

Arent they already white trash?

>> No.16674363

TLC spent over a million on specialist doctors and treatments lol

>> No.16674380


>> No.16674408


>> No.16675395

Its a football party though. Its common to eat at the start, grab food during the break or after the match. I don't want to stuff myself right at the start.

>> No.16675436

the real factor at play here is if you manage to get that fat then there's someone else who's enabling this lifestyle for you.
whether it's a partner, family member or something.
how the fuck is someone that fat holding down a job?
even if they're on benefits, how the fuck are they able to financially afford that much fucking food every day, every week for years.
especially the bed-ridden fatties.
at that point there's someone literally spooning food into their mouths or bringing food up to their room.

>> No.16675586

Is that really how it works?
I thought those TDEE and BMI formulas break down once your body is like 70% adipose tissue.
Why aren't the morbidly obese locked in a cell until they lose like 700lbs then?

>> No.16675646

It's Britain, even fatties gotta make do