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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16653406 No.16653406 [Reply] [Original]

Going to Disneyland next month, what's good to eat there?

>> No.16653436

Mickey Mouse Rice Krispies
Turkey leg
Dole whip

>> No.16653442
File: 425 KB, 2560x1920, DCA-Halloween-Corn-Dog-Castle-Pepper-Jack-Cheese-Stick-4-7124749-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic, but a bit boring.

>> No.16653444

I went to an ice-cream vendor in Disney Hollywood Studios and asked for an orange soda float, and they apologized and refused my order because the menu only listed Coke or root beer floats. I convinced them to just use orange soda, but they begged me to understand that the receipt will say "Coke float" on it.
I feel bad for them honestly, sounds like too many run-ins with angry retard customers.

>> No.16653453

What would be wrong with the receipt saying coke float? It's a coke and made into a float.

>> No.16653474

Not him but I'm guessing in the past they've made an orange float for someone, who then decided they didn't like it and came back yelling "Does this look like Coke to you?!?"

People are dumb.

>> No.16654075

I'm gay, btw. Not sure if that matters.

>> No.16654081

I like a hot load of spunk from sucking off the guy in the Goofy suit

>> No.16654082
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>Dole whip
This. And not the Dole Whip Float. That's overdoing it. Just the plain Dole Whip. It's the best thing at the park.

>> No.16654329

the dole whip is the only must try thing i can think of
everything else is meh

>> No.16654359

Try the grey stuff, it's disappointing.

>> No.16654368

>tfw going to train my child to be as crowd averse as I am so I never have to go to Disneyland/Disneyworld
Descriptions of the sheer human density at these parks sound like a hell tailored just for me.

>> No.16654371

They were probably afraid of their boss coming down on them for going off menu. The way Disney operates is downright psychotic.

>> No.16654375
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Those fat greasy turkey legs.

>> No.16654413

you don't have to train a child to feel uncomfortable in an overpopulated area, you have to train/abuse them to feel comfortable in an overpopulated area.

>> No.16654434

is spending a day at disney expensive?

>> No.16654439

I mean, a ticket for one of the parks is nearly $100

>> No.16654461

Looks like some excellent soft serve or frozen custard.

>> No.16654493
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What do these cost?

>> No.16654506

As of this year, $13.

>> No.16654570

desu poultry is one of the easier meats to smoke- so if you've got a smoker you can use some hickory chips and make these yourself in about 5-6 hours.
Last year I wanted a bunch of fair food but all the fairs had been banned, so I made my own turkey legs, pretzels, and caramel apples.

>> No.16654621

Churros and the Monte Cristo.

>> No.16655076

You sound like a goofy suit

>> No.16655134

Good calls.

>> No.16655200

Not a arm but a leg. :^)

>> No.16655210

turkey leg is a scam, dry and salty as fuck

>> No.16655226
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Angry Dog is good and a solid value.

>> No.16655253

>three dollars and 50 cents for water
>a solid value

I know it's Disneyland, but Jesus Christ. This is what capitalism has done to a sane human being's mind (I'm referring to you). Fuck me, man

>> No.16655261


>> No.16655265

I said the dog is, not the water. Learn to fucking read, kid.

>> No.16655267

The point is to keep out the poor people

>> No.16655272

Ah, my mistake. I will go enjoy my 8 dollar hot dog.

>> No.16655283
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Is this a scam?

>> No.16655465

you could have gotten a 6 inch sub a drink and a bag of chips or a whole footlong sub at subway for that much.

does disney land offer pavillions to do your own cookouts and picnics?
amusement park food is supposed to be over priced.

>> No.16655475

You're not allowed to bring food in.

>> No.16655531
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anything at Club 33

>> No.16655577

Patrician taste right here, the fucking monte cristo is fucked up good and highly under recommended.

>> No.16655593

“Fries” ???

>> No.16655670

Pic above looks like Flamin' Hot Cheetos.
Have to expect everything at Disney is a ripoff.

>> No.16655759

Dole Whip is delicious.

>> No.16655803
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The fried pickle corn dog at Downtown Disney is wacky shit. I loved it.

>> No.16655813

Is that meat stuffed into a pickle? Looks pretty horrid.

>> No.16655824

Any place I can sit with pizza and a couple of cold draft beers?

>> No.16655864 [DELETED] 


>> No.16655865

Is that meat stuffed into a pickle? Looks pretty amazing.

>> No.16655868 [DELETED] 

Is that? Looks.

>> No.16655891

If it's late the soup place in New Orleans should be open. They have an amazing jumbalaya and it is served with a big sourdough bread bowl. A lot of nutrients and carbs to get you through the rest of the night. And it's warm.

Place is right next to Pirates.

>> No.16655919

>muh capitslizm

>> No.16655945

Last time I went there, my favorite spots were the Bengal Barbeque and the Pym Test Kitchen. Conversely, steer clear of the Red Rose Tavern; that place is trash.

>> No.16655947

Disney food is in line with the prices you'll see at other amusement parks, but I've always found that it's always higher quality and more interesting. Its really not that different Than LA (never been to Florida) food prices. My preference is to bring our Brita bottles, which makes LA water from the drinking fountains potable, and some meal bars. We'll use those to keep us from getting too hungry. Then we won't get bled dry buying water and snacks and we can concentrate on things like the nicer meals or specific park food that is unique. Given how much you've already paid to stay in that area and get into the parks, it's not worth the hassle of avoiding park food altogether.

>> No.16655953

Chester's flamin hot fries is a thing and you can get them at any gas station.

>> No.16655955

Not in Disneyland, but in California Adventure there's a place to buy beer.

>> No.16655965

>but I've always found that it's always higher quality and more interesting
From disney land? no lol, county fair food blows it out of the water. Disney land food is all cost cutting corporate food vendors, it's not the small business real deal you get from a fair.

>> No.16655969
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I fucking love the pizza from here but everyone says its bad I don't understand why. I also like the seating area next to the Space Mountain line where it feels like you're outside but you're still inside.

>> No.16655977
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Tokyo Disney has pretty good food. I went on Christmas Eve so it was packed, but the curry I got was good. I loved all the popcorn flavors they have over there.

>> No.16656011

Hummus Fries from Epcot

>> No.16656053

I stopped going to Disneyland when they banned smoking in the park. Can't enjoy my day at the park if I can't smoke. My favorite smoking area was the one across from haunted mansion

>> No.16656090


>> No.16656103

How long ago did they remove smoking areas?

>> No.16656106

No less than 20 years I hope. It's for kids, not faggot addicts.

>> No.16656155


the chowder bread bowls right above the pirates of the caribbean ride is my favorite disneyland food

>> No.16656406

Ronto Wraps in Star Wars Land. It's a Korean kebab

>> No.16656410

Anon, you're trapped in their park. Where else are you gonna get water? From the toilet?

>> No.16656416

Calm down, dude. I was only curious.

>> No.16656449

They serve the Giant-Ass Turkey Legs, all over the park. Those Turkeys must have been roided up

>> No.16656455

If you stop by the Animal Kingdom, they have Rainforest Cafe. Good Burgers and Good Atmosphere. Also got a Drive-In Movie Themed Diner.

>> No.16656462

anything from anywhere not inside the park

>> No.16656469
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man I fucking love these little niggas but I'm always disappointed in how little meat is actually on them. lots of cartilage and cables and things. but you get a few solid bites of delicious smoked meat

>> No.16656538
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>Tom Sawyer Island was evacuated at Magic Kingdom on Saturday after there were reports of suspicious activity involving a man with a hatchet

>> No.16656681

Blue Bayou? I intend to go there, especially since it's one of the few places that serves liquor.

>> No.16656687

The breakfast Ronto Wrap is even better than the standard one.

>> No.16656693

Sure, I'll just take a quick 3000 mile trip for lunch from DisneyLAND to go visit DisneyWORLD, where Animal Kingdom is.

Also Rainforest Cafe is generic chain trash, but Sci-Fi Drive In Theater is good.

>> No.16656778

what did you do to get banned?

>> No.16656937


>> No.16656944

>It's a coke and made into a float.

Coke is a brand or kind of soda you fucking idiot, not every soda is a coke.

>> No.16656973
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Cinderella's ass behind the hall of presidents. Bonus points if you time it so that George Washington says
"I fear my countrymen will expect too much of me. I walk on untrodden ground. There is scarcely any part of my conduct which may not hereafter be drawn into precedent."

>> No.16656976

Kleenex is a brand and a generic product name.

>> No.16656999

>deep fried sticks of butter and curly fries
Fair food is always from the same set of vendors who travel around to all the fairs and make meme food. I'm American, but even I won't eat that shit.

>> No.16657002

They have drinking fountains you dumbass. You can also brink your own. I bring a brita bottle so that I don't catch AIDS from LA water.

>> No.16657037
File: 1.26 MB, 2000x1125, A-Touch-of-Disney-Food-at-Disney-California-Adventure-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't think mac and cheese and chili stuffed in a bread cone would be good, but it is.

>> No.16657056

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as AIDS, is in fact, HIV/AIDS, or as I've recently taken to calling it, HIV plus AIDS.
AIDS is not a communicable disease unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning HIV infection.

>> No.16657062
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Off topic, but got a smirk. Don't do it again.

>> No.16657089

What kind of scary world do you live in where you have to be concerned about proper usage of the names of faggot diseases? If there's HIV in the water, and I get infected, it will give me AIDS, and I will have gotten AIDS because I drank the water. My original statement holds up, but is just a shortcut to saying the same as all that nonsense you wrote. The least you could have done is correctly point out that a brita filter won't remove viruses. However that was a hyperbole on my part for comedic effect.

>> No.16657094

Since it's your first week here, you should know that 4chan has these things called "memes". You should look up some of the classic 4chan memes if you want to fit in.

>> No.16657099

I was too lazy to find and attach a picture of a really sickly looking Stallman.

>> No.16657114

I wish that pickle were me

>> No.16657123

>Mickey Mouse Rice Krispies
This shit is actually nasty. Not worth the $4
>Dole whip
> not the Dole Whip Float
>The fried pickle corn dog
Get extra peanut butter. And use the knife and fork
>You wouldn't think mac and cheese and chili stuffed in a bread cone would be good, but it is.
Along with everything at Flo's V8 Cafe. Literally everything there is good.

>> No.16657126

You want to turn yourself into a pickle? That's be the funniest shit I'd ever seen.

>> No.16657141

get stallman'd

>> No.16657142

Wheres the fag that said he was gonna start working there?

>> No.16657155
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Para mi, son los churros de Senor Buzz.

>> No.16657238

It's crazy how horrible the food in Disneyland Paris is. Almost no choice, and what you get is so terrible that it makes even McDonald look like micheling michelin star in comparison.

>> No.16657246

That's disappointing to hear. The food at the French Pavilion in Epcot was pretty good though.

>> No.16657600

Disney World somehow manages to have more minorities than Disney Land.

>> No.16657830


>> No.16657903

The fairs were banned for being vectors of disease.
Except for a corn maze I liked, they canceled all the food but you could still do the maze on timed tickets, the low density made for a slightly better experience.

>> No.16657924
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This is the place. A little corner of the Orleans district. If it is open it's usually packed as it's the last food late at night and next to all of the Orleans attractions on the way to Thunder Mountain. Probably the best breadbowls I've had.

Also forgot to mention the produce carts that sell fruit near the entrance sell obnoxiously huge red delicious apples. Highly recommend one mid-trip to keep the energy going.

If you go to California Adventure I highly recommend Wine Country Trattoria. It is very good. Food court was blah but there may be something new and tasty there. You used to be able to get a free fresh sourdough bread or something at a corporate sponsored cottage near the entrance.

Oh, and get your fast passes for space mountain. That line is savage. When you get up to the front ask if you can wait for a front seat. They will put you to the side and let a few parties go in front of you and then give you the front seat after.

>> No.16657965

Went there once when I was 15 because my dad worked for a large company with a membership and he pulled a few strings to let us in for a meal.
I actually don't remember a whole lot about the meal itself other than it was really really good. What I mostly recall is feeling very underdressed (Didn't realize there was a dress code and we had to buy me a collared shirt at a gift shop before being let in) as well as the fancy bathroom and the elevator they had in there.

>> No.16658033


>> No.16658524


>> No.16658560

Euro here.
Is food in american mad expensive?
I went as a kid in 2002 visiting my uncle's family in FL and we went to a giant amusement park. Roller coasters and such, very cool park would do it agsin anytime.
But the food was insanely priced, as a thrifty european I agreed with my boomer uncle feeding us home made food while people paid literally 2-300 USD for food, for a family of four, during their whole stay

>> No.16658565

American theme parks lol

>> No.16658571

Food in America is very cheap, food inside American amusement parks is not. Trapping you inside surrounded by overpriced food and trinkets is how they make the money.

>> No.16658576
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>> No.16658585
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>> No.16658593

Yeah so it wasn't just a fading memory, also it makes sense, just like qindowless casinos

>> No.16658691
File: 140 KB, 499x373, jolly-holiday-food-disneyland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks painfully simple but the grilled cheese and tomato soup at the Jolly Holiday is the best breakfast/lunch I've had in the park, especially when it's cold and wintery. I enjoy the matterhorn macaroons but I'm a slut for coconut macaroons in general. Turkey legs are always 50/50, they are either juicy and crispy or dry and stringy. Dole Whip is top tier and objectively best thing there without any biases. The monte cristo sandwich is also top tier, the beignets are also good from the same shop. The plaza inn fried chicken is fucking incredible, but you can't ride anything fast until you diegest it's so much food. Mint Juleps are ONLY good when it is hot as fuck. Popcorn is only good if it's fresh. Bengal BBQ skeweres are based too. The "grey stuff" in fantasy land isn't anything great, but it does make my wife smile when I get it for her.

Dole whip floats specifically suck, same with their overpriced dry ass churros. Soup bread bowls are obnoxious to eat but that's just me. Most of the fancy candies are flavorless suagr and just for pics. Mickey waffles are also just picture food, needs so much butter and syrup to recover. No matter how hungry you are, you can ALWAYS do better than the generic burgers and fries stands they have dotted around the park.

>> No.16658786

You can bring in food but nothing that needs preparation or heating up, a small picnic would be fine. I usually bring a sandwich with me so that I'm not stuck buying something garbage and overpriced because I'm starving and just pay for the things I actually want.

No clue if this is any good but somebody needs to send it to Ramsay.

>> No.16658791
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Dropped my pic

>> No.16658806


You're going to pay at least twice as much for any food or drink inside a theme park because they've got you by the balls.

>> No.16658837

they'll take as much of your money as you're willing to fork over. you could blow through $500 a day per person with no effort at all

>> No.16658874

reddit moment.

>> No.16659102

Damn. They always used to be what me and the gf would get because it was one of the cheapest actual 'meals' in certain parts of the park.

>> No.16659214

Is that honey mustard or a cup of peanut butter?

>> No.16659342

>>Oh, and get your fast passes for space mountain.
Fast Passes no longer exist, bro.

>> No.16659413

bengal bbq is pretty good in adventureland.

>> No.16659420
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Had a few people recommend this, menu looks decent for a quick snack.

>> No.16659438

Don't go to DisneyLand if you don't like it
Amusement parks are for the upper class that you will never be a part of, no matter how many times you vote democrat

>> No.16659461

Anything from Gibson Girl Ice Cream on Main Street is pretty good. It's just regular Dreyer's ice cream but it tastes really good when people-watching at night

>> No.16659466

Spiced turkey leg

>> No.16659575

is that because they have a better system or because no one is going to Disneyland right now?

>> No.16659587

They cancelled it during the pandemic, but now they are introducing a new system in the near future called Disney Genie which is halfway between Fast Pass and the Virtual Queues they currently use.

>> No.16659615
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>Soup bread bowls are obnoxious to eat
they're delicious especially late at night in the winter next to the water rides and lake. you're missing out.

>> No.16659674

I really don't think ingesting 2000 calories of carbs is what I want to do while walking around a park.

>> No.16659680

The skewers are pretty good.
I went in 2019 and i was hoping to try the monte cristo at Cafe Orleans but it was closed that time. Those came in highly recommended.

Like this guy said >>16658691
You should definitely get some fresh beignets at the Mint Julep Bar/Cafe Orleans, and a corndog at the Little Red Wagon in Main Street USA. The Plaza Inn has good fried chicken too which was more than enough for two people

>> No.16659875

>Disney Genie which is halfway between Fast Pass and the Virtual Queues they currently use
I haven't been to disneyland in nearly a decade but this intrigues me.
What was wrong with fast passes anyway? I thought they worked pretty well.

>> No.16659902
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>> No.16659998

It's not that different, just a more modern system with room for additional features. One of those being you can pay a one time fee to basically skip all lines and get on certain rides with zero wait.

>> No.16660009

>you can pay a one time fee to basically skip all lines and get on certain rides with zero wait.
Damn that's kinda nuts.
I assume it's crazy expensive?

>> No.16660013

They haven't announced pricing, but they've been testing it in Disneyland Paris and it's typically about $10. It varies, like surge pricing for Uber.

>> No.16660020

Oh I might have misunderstood. So if say you wanted to ride matterhorn you'd pay $10 (or however much), skip the line and ride it. Then say you wanted to do space mountain, $10 ride it. Then BACK to matterhorn you'd pay $10 AGAIN?
That would make more sense.

>> No.16660024

Yes, there's basically three tiers.
>Free Genie, works like regular free Fastpass
>Genie +, $15 for the whole day that works for most rides, like old Max Pass
>What I mentioned above, pay per ride, and this is only a choice on the super popular packed rides

>> No.16660033

So let me get this straight, with that $15 pass you could get unlimited fast line access for only the mid-tier rides?
Honestly that's a surprisingly decent deal even if it excludes the big stuff. You're already paying out the ass to be at disneyland to begin with, an extra $15 to save an hour+ of waiting in lines for small rides to kill time until your free pass for the big ones is up seems reasonable.

>> No.16660037

Exactly, so as long as you don't care about riding Rise of the Resistance or Spiderman a whole bunch of times, it's all you need and is worth it.

>> No.16660051
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Fuck I'd pay $50 more if it meant that I could just spend a whole day on POTC.

>> No.16660054

Based Pirate Chad, I never get tired of that ride.

>> No.16660102

pirates may be good but haunted mansion imo is the most comfy. plus the boats always wet cause some dipshit kid thought it be funny to toss water into the front

>> No.16660362

It's weird to see Bugles packaged into a box. Is there a plastic bag within?

>> No.16660673

>eats a 5 year olds meal
>speaks about Disney food as if 9 years old
>lists off high calorie mickey-as-fuck foods
>complains about calories in a sourdough bowl filled with soup being obnoxious

>> No.16660686

>going to (((Disneyworld)))

>> No.16660879

The soup sounds and looks really good, but the bread is somehow always freaking stale and chewy. The soups do nothing to help soften them, its like steaming hot leather each time I've had it. If you like'em, more soup for you my dude.

>> No.16660885

based and pirates-pilled

>> No.16660971

After all these years, it only now occurs to me how poorly themed most of the park's food is. Something is to be said about guests wanting stuff they're comfortable with, but save a few novelties, the majority of food offerings in the park are just burgers and chicken strips.

>> No.16661340

peanut brittle

>> No.16661373

5 second rule anon

>> No.16661406

Yet the big black brawl happened in disney land.

>> No.16661471

Agreed. I got one and it had way too much gristle and fat.

>> No.16661526

I had the brisket mac and cheese in California Adventure and it was so fucking good. Forgot the name of the restaurant but it was close to Soarin'.

>> No.16661640

Remember the shame from this post.

>> No.16661708

>Voluntarily spending your money and free time to wait in queues all day
What a fucking nightmare. I wouldn't go even if you paid me.

>> No.16661772

You took six inches alright. But not of beef, and not where you'd initially think.

>> No.16661776

this is why when MPW makes roast turkey he cuts the legs off and chops them up to make the gravy. "there's no real meat worth eating on the legs, much nicer for the gravy than the plate" he says

>> No.16661785
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>> No.16661830

imagine being a wine gimp

>> No.16661837
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>> No.16662212

I tried a few things from that Pym cafe a few weeks ago. The chicken sandwich is ironically small and doesn't taste particularly interesting - the "bun" is a crunchy tiny thing. Peanut butter lemonade thing is cloyingly sweet, giant chocolate bar is genuinely giant and you'll need help for it. Pretty much everything from the Pym Test Cafe is unsatisfying instagram food, don't recommend it.

>> No.16662369

Yeah much better to just live in your basement and spend your whole life whining about other people going out and doing things they enjoy.

>> No.16662506


>> No.16662513


>> No.16663217
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Cars land has a great soft serve
Pirates of the carribean has a restaurant with a pretty good monty cristco
There's a place near the entry of disney california adventure with some street style tacos if you're into that.
Speaking of California adventure, the place near soarin' is not too bad.
Most of the time you're better off eating their snacks over time (ice cream bars, chips, etc.) than most of their restaurants. Skip the restaurants in tomorrowland especially, awful.
t. california native

>> No.16663708

>t. california native
So we should ignore whatever you say?

>> No.16663729


>> No.16663739

>you can't ride anything fast until you diegest it's so much food
has it ever been a thing were some purposefully digests as much food as possible and then gets a front seat on a coaster just so they can puke on everyone's faces behind them?

>> No.16663768

Theme: How to Tell if Your Wife Cheats
I bet the shirt cost as much as the meal.

>> No.16663770

Disneyland > Disney World in every single possible way

>> No.16663777

Disneyland doesn't have anything to compete with the Epcot Food and Wine Festival.

>> No.16663779

Epcot should be it's own separate thing, it's miles above the rest of the trash that is Disney World
The best food at Disneyland is the jalapeno cheese stuffed pretzels

>> No.16663784

>I bet the shirt cost as much as the meal.
It was expensive yeah.
Although interestingly part of the club 33 meal reservation was that tickets to both parks were comped and you instead paid for the meal, which was about ~$150 per head iirc.
So about the same as buying tickets to the parks anyhow but at least we got the nice meal to go with it.

>> No.16663799

Going to DCA next week for our starting park then hopping over to DL later but I couldnt snag any reservations for DCA restaurants. What's the best brunch/lunch meal at DCA that isn't just fried stuff?

>> No.16663805


>> No.16664027

The only good food at DCA is the fair style stuff, none of the restaurants are good.

>> No.16664049

Carthay circle is good had a 400 dollar birthday lunch for my sister in law there really good service as well and you can have some drinks down in the lounge before

>> No.16664309

I can get a better meal at Blue Bayou in Disneyland for less money.

>> No.16664658
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Disney World (Who the fuck thinks you can top 4 theme parks, 2 waterparks, and proximity to the best Universal resort and seaworld)>Tokyo Disney>Disneyland>Shanghai>Paris>Hongkong

>> No.16664665

Any differfence between us Disney and Paris Disney?

>> No.16664670

Disneyland Paris has a better castle. Disneyland US has a better everything else.

>> No.16664672

>dude has a stroke typing capitalism
Good luck paying for your health insurance under a capitalist policy

>> No.16664680

Discoveryland > Tomorrowland

>> No.16664686
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Paris's 2nd gate was only built to fulfill contractual obligations and it shows. Paris has a different, but great "haunted mansion". It's Western themed.

>> No.16664719

Paris Disney doesn't hide backstage shit as well as Disneyland. They're a little more sloppy. Feels less magical.

>> No.16664734

They've been excellent the three times I've had them. Which has always been late at night and twice after rain. The hardest part of the bread was easily soaked in delicious soup, and it was all fresh.

>> No.16664747
File: 101 KB, 550x366, mep118947LARGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disney Würld does a spectacular job of that but they have thousands and thousands of acres so it's easier to design it that way. Even as an adult you get sucked into the illusion of it all, it's fun.

>> No.16664756

Is is is is is is is is is sis

>> No.16664766

Although I love the music of the original, John Debney's elaborate orchestral score used in Paris is pretty fucking great. It's kind of nice they do the extra work to make the attractions unique


>> No.16664767

>walking around like he fred flintstone n shieet

>> No.16664816

No smelly French people in US

>> No.16664829

It is. Go to Knotts berry farm instead

>> No.16664944

You don't have to jump straight to poor people suggestions.

>> No.16664965

Knott's boysenberry festival is probably one of the best food experiences you can have at a theme park.

>> No.16664974
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Not even close.

>> No.16665141
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>> No.16665226

Based Davy Jones. Getting a little damp on a hot California day is a god send.

>> No.16665360
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No, you’re right, it’s a consoomerist hellscape

It’s ok not to buy into the marketing

>> No.16666088

He said one if the best, retard.. not the best.

>> No.16666281

Shared one of these with my wife one time when we went to one of their night time events. It was the only thing we ate while we were there and she literally shit the bed that night.

>> No.16666286

>Probably the best breadbowls I've had.
Came here to post this, I go here every damn time

>> No.16666410
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Yes there is a bag inside.

>> No.16667088

damn never been to disneyland but this looks good

>> No.16667114

Exactly. My HOA is 350$ a month, it is a nice invisible wall to keep out the poors

>> No.16667118

lads this thread makes me kind of sad as a child my parents never took me (divorced parents no siblings) and now as a nearly 40 yr old single adult with no wife or kids, im genuinely sad. i['m often sad due to the mentioned situations but such is life, this lack of disney experience as both a child and not being a parent as an adult is really getting to me. i do have a gf though we are in a bad spot right now, if things prevail should i take her to disney land?

>> No.16667130

If you're both really into Disney stuff, do it. But if you're just doing it because you think it'll fill some hole left by your childhood, it's not going to.

>> No.16667278

disneyland sucks.

>> No.16667358


>> No.16667366

It’s a Hawaii thing too

>> No.16667381

˙pıɹɹoɥ ʎʇʇǝɹd sʞooן ¿ǝןʞɔıd ɐ oʇuı pǝɟɟnʇs ʇɐǝɯ ʇɐɥʇ sı

>> No.16667416


The way people take pictures of food at Disney Land is ridiculous. Do I really need to see Disney Land in the background every time? Does the castle really give that much context? Half the shit is already shaped like Mickey's head.

>> No.16667431
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>california native


>> No.16667506

is it so bad they have the corn dog stand it came from in the background?

>> No.16667516
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I made these on my smoker for thanksgiving last year. I brined and then used a rub

>> No.16667530
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>> No.16667537

>the weeb is also a fatty
Every time.

>> No.16667938
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>> No.16667963

Holy shit, is that pie-anon?

>> No.16668543

Looks gross.

>> No.16668556

yeah I didn't take a pic after. that's a raw turkey broken down and the rub wasn't worked into it yet. I brined it too

>> No.16668627

It was actually a pretty good deal if you were actually able to get into Club 33. They changed it a while ago though, so now the meal is separate from entry. So you would probably end up spending over $300 per person now, even with the prerequisite of Club 33 access.

I think they might have even restricted corporate partnership benefits too.

>> No.16669155
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Here's a better pic of me and the girl I went with.

>> No.16669163
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>> No.16669168

For real though. I am so fat I got the boat stuck on It's A Small World.

>> No.16669317

Steak gumbo bread bowl

>> No.16669334

It's easy when 3 of the theme parks are trash tier and the waterparks will randomly kill you from swimming in them

>> No.16669821

Steak in gumbo sounds weird. Why not sausage?

>> No.16669928
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Disneyland/California Adventure has a pretty wide variety of food. Also, yeah, they got chicken strips.
I've only gone there exhausted and in total caloric deficit. Ready to take on the world again after eating one of these.
Do you smoke a lot of weed? Then yes, it's hilarious and the rides are fun. Are you not some dumb fucking stoner? Then no, it will be boring as fuck except for a few rollercoasters. Go to Six Flags Magic Mountain instead.

>> No.16669954

>I'm smarter than everyone else because I'm a joyless faggot

>> No.16669984


Solid Value is relative here Anon. No one would pay that much for a hotdog of that quality outside of the park. But, in the park they have a monopoly and will upcharge you. This happens in zoos, movie theatres, etc. You don't need to buy it, but I assume that is the context the anon is speaking to. Fries and a hot dog for 8 bucks is good vis-a-vis the cost of other food in the park.

>> No.16670002

Do Amerilards really?

>> No.16670036

yooooou're a biiiig guy aaaafter aaaaaall

>> No.16670112
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>> No.16671256

Someone is mad that Disneyland Paris is still mediocre.

>> No.16672478

Ha, dick.

>> No.16672490

I think Universal Studios is significantly better at food themeing desu. Besides a few hiccups like gilly water at least they aren't selling coke products in star wars.

>> No.16672496
File: 137 KB, 1024x768, redditfulemamne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at least they aren't selling coke products in star wars.
But it's like you're on another planet or in Israel! They even made it canon! It has a Wookiepedia article!

>> No.16672513

They didn't even bother to make the bantha milk creamy, it's just a blue pina colada. At least universal actually bothered to make pumpkin juice pumpkin.

>> No.16672521

And how do you know bantha milk would be creamy?

>> No.16672531

It's milk from a mammal

>> No.16672538

Bantha milk is made into ice cream and butter so presumably it is chemically similar to cow's milk.

>> No.16672543
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For me, it's the Blue Milk™ plant-based coconut and rice milk beverage, included with purchase of the $24.99 Bubo Wamba Family Farms Light Up Souvenir Sipper™.

>> No.16673068

Based marketer.

>> No.16673159

pickle rick

>> No.16673175

Ohhhh... because he turned himself into a pickle! I finally get it. I'm going to have to rewatch that episode now.

>> No.16673221

Peak reddit.
Have a gold.

>> No.16673227

>no chopsticks
Why are Americans so inconsiderate as tourists?

>> No.16673525

The person sitting across from was Japanese and used a spoon. In fact most of the time when Japanese people eat curry, they use a spoon.

>> No.16673531

...Curry is eaten with a spoon in Japan.

>> No.16673843

fuck off faggot, don't tell me how to eat my food. if nips are so sensitive that they fly into a rage because I eat LIQUID with a spoon then they can go get nuked again lol

>> No.16673876

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.16673890

Have fun spending 8 hours trying to eat rice and curry with sticks like a caveman, I'll be in the 21st century

>> No.16674038

get the clam chowder

>> No.16674065

imagine eating food with a pair of fucking sticks lmao bugs are truly subhuman

>> No.16674081

Turkey legs are S-Tier

>> No.16675378


>> No.16675806
File: 1.14 MB, 2500x3017, Ad_Disney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Giving a billion dollar ENTERTAINMENT group money for food.
How about go to a proper CAFE / RESTAURANT / PUB?

>> No.16675809

meet me behind the bins at the teacups and i'll give you a 6 inch sub if you know what i mean (;

>> No.16675843
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Eating is entertaining.

>> No.16676102
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>> No.16676133

from which area anon?

>> No.16676227

Disney hires actual restaurateurs to open and operate within Disney.

>> No.16676272

Is that cheese?

>> No.16676303

Yes it is.

>> No.16676451

Hey Marty. They stuffed me with a pickle!! I'm pickled enriched Marty.

>> No.16676466


>> No.16676483
File: 210 KB, 640x427, Food-Pics-of-the-Week-Soup-in-a-Sourdough-Bread-Bowl-Kirsten-Marie-Hutton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Orleans Square clam chowder is amazing

>> No.16676732

A dozen people in this thread have mentioned this, so there must be something to it.

>> No.16676751


>> No.16676788

Lucky man

>> No.16677394
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>> No.16677432

What makes it square?

>> No.16677887

It's grown in special boxes.

>> No.16678070

For me it was just being exhausted and needing a lot of nutrient rich calories. Sourdough bread and soup is exactly that. Except for the sodium its a very nutritious meal. If you are starving at 9pm after hiking since 8am,can't find a place to eat, and then run into this spot? It's amazing.

That's just a Disney tip. I'd prefer to eat at the Tuscan place in California Adventure or the reservations only place in the middle of Pirates of the Caribbean.

>> No.16678095

I want to date this person and their cute spooky fingernails

>> No.16678117

I don't have those fingernails anymore.

>> No.16678245
File: 30 KB, 360x500, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad that they are required to put frustose corn in everything.

>> No.16678246

What is "frustose corn"?

>> No.16678928
File: 529 KB, 720x603, ISHALHD.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no autistic disney gf to go to the parks with

>> No.16679301

deflecting pajeet detected

>> No.16679411

he probably meant high fructose corn syrup

>> No.16679420

but who was phone?

>> No.16679513

no but walking with a wet ass isnt fun at the end of the day

>> No.16680751

It's California and usually like 80s. That ass will be dry in fifteen minutes.

>> No.16680776

Americans hate thanksgiving but remember the one time as a child where they were allowed the turkey drumstick to shut them up and feel special during thanksgiving while the adults ate.
that is why they charge $13 for a Turkey leg at a theme park.

>> No.16680793

i'm the guy you're responding to and i agree. those things look delicious and i've eaten them and they taste delicious but there's literally no food on it. by the time you're done sucking the bones and throw the thing in the trash you are absolutely starving

>> No.16680865

>there's literally no food on it
>by the time you're done sucking the bones and throw the thing in the trash you are absolutely starving
There's like 400 calorinos worth of meat on a littler one, and the huge one can be as much as 600.
What the fuck, buddy?

>> No.16680872

legit autistics chew their nails.

>> No.16680899

man it's impossible to eat with a hand and teeth. that meat is trapped in a web of cartilage and gristle and cables. it's not edible the way you want it to be

>> No.16680945
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Three words:
Cheeseburger spring roll.

>> No.16680959


>> No.16680966

Their worried about being shot?

>> No.16681003

Do you think universal healthcare doesn't exist under capitalism?

>> No.16681135

oh cool
is that deep fried breading around it?

>> No.16681141

It's a corn dog, just with cheese instead of the dog.

>> No.16681149

whats that in the background? like a big Mickey Mouse face attached to a ferris wheel?

>> No.16681159
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>like a big Mickey Mouse face attached to a ferris wheel?
yes it's big Mickey Mouse face attached to a ferris wheel. What else would it be?

>> No.16682389

looks round to me

>> No.16682428

You get to really feel like a carnivore. The tendons are based.

>> No.16682480

Doesn't doing that answering the initial question of showing the food being, where did you get that.

>> No.16682492

The stuff on the right, is that water?

>> No.16682847

Yes, but it's special Disney water.

>> No.16682903
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ET phone home.

>> No.16683483

One step closer to Bladerunner-Cyberpunk megacorp dystopia.

>> No.16683492

Churros are really good

>> No.16683502

I'm not a beaner.

>> No.16683525
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>deep fried pickles with peanut butter
What is wrong with your people.
I love the odd deep fried dill, but good lord why peanut butter you absolute animals.

>> No.16683531

so.. schnitzel.

>> No.16684130

Never been to DL, but I have had it in Hawaii. There was a local froyo place not to far from where I live that had it as well, but I have no idea if they're still around or if covid killed them.

>> No.16684440
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>> No.16684454

A kid can’t even fully appreciate all the work that goes into that place. Chill out grandpa just because the rides aren’t fun anymore doesn’t mean you can’t just take in the view.

>> No.16685698

Funnier than the original

>> No.16685712

I lived in Japan for about 6 months when I was fucking this jap chick with da sideways pussy and I only saw white people use chop sticks

>> No.16685718

You need to wipe more. The diarrhea isn’t supposed to be still dripping when you pull your pants up.

>> No.16685903
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$100 panini at Pym Test Kitchen.

>> No.16686827

The rides are always fun.

>> No.16686847

as a non burger i'd have to make this myself to experience it, but that and mayo peanut butter sandwiches are on my bucketlist for sure, oh and the elvis samich

>> No.16686857

>diarrhea and rice
no thanks

>> No.16686928
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>> No.16687415

I guess it's true when they say D-Land is better then D-World, over here in Florida we don't have pizza planet or senor buzz churros. starting to feel sad now.

>> No.16687450

You have Epcot though, and from a food perspective that's way better.