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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 1200x840, brazil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16661650 No.16661650 [Reply] [Original]

> Brazil
> big country of 200 millions and muh diversity ( italian , japanese , german , portuguese )
> 0 famous international dishes like mexican or peruvian food ( bean and rice don't count , that exist in every country )

they're truly british of latin american for food

>> No.16661678

Brazil is an abomination I don’t know what you were expecting

>> No.16661695

>peruvian food
I wouldn't want my country to be remembered for eating guinea pig.

>> No.16661703

As of ground beef, bread and cheese were exclusively found in the US.

>> No.16661704

I literally hate every other country's cousine. It's so disgusting and inferior. French, Brazilian, Polish, German, Gook; you name it - I hate it.
For me it's American cuisine. Every other country is embarrassing in comparison. Mac and cheese, the best fast food, hot pockets, buscuits and gravy, you name it, we have it.

Fuck foreign countries, and fuck sex-havers

>> No.16661705

This post suggests that there's no iconic British food
Everyone knows about the world famous Toast Sandwich and Bread Pudding

>> No.16661721

And beans for fucking breakfast.

>> No.16661723

>peruvian food
That is not famous at all.

From Brazil people might know feijoada.

>> No.16661770

Brazilian food is not very iconic in taste. There's little use of sauces or spicy flavors. Usually the only BR food foreigners are very fond of is Brazilian barbecue

>> No.16661779

It's because all the different flavors of mutts there hate each other and try to stick to their cultural roots, the germans all care about germany etc. Take all the worst memes about america and that's literally what brazil is.

>> No.16661956
File: 106 KB, 1200x600, brigadeiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brazilian here
we have solid food culture, and even more so when it comes to specific regions and not brazil as a whole. What does usa have of unique or interesting?

anyway i'm enjoying my aracajé

>> No.16661973


>> No.16661997


> ferrero

>> No.16662040

the truth is, nobody cares about brazil

>> No.16662045

Brazilian steakhouses are very common in the US. Patrons often pay $100 per person in these.

>> No.16662059

yeah, there's stuff like requeijao, pacoca, vatapa, carne do sol and tons of sometimes very regional things. And feijoada is fantastic and has a million regional variants. I had a lot of good food last time I was there, especially on the coast with fresh fish and shrimp.

>> No.16662062

as a br i find it sad that our country makes some incredibly good steak but the huge vast majority of it is imported and the population generally eats lower quality.

>> No.16662119

peruvian food is absolutely more popular than brazilian food, at least in the US. my state has a brazilian population about 90x the size (90k vs 1k) of the peruvian one and we have far more peruvian restaurants than brazilian ones.

>> No.16662246

The only people who think brazil doesn't have food are stupid american gringos whose foreign culinary knowledge is 'pizza, taco and enchiladas'. Just don't be a retarded burger.

America literally has no cuisine. No, fast food and generic pie are not 'american', they're as international as plain bread, chicken soup and boiled eggs

>> No.16662391

>Mac and cheese

Dumb Australian detected, macaroni and cheese is European

>> No.16662396
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x854, gumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America literally has no cuisine.

That's just inherently false. African American cuisine (aka soul food), Creole food, Cajun food, barbecue, and all of the other fusions (Chinese American, Italian American, Polish American, etc) are all popular here. I mean really, gumbo is a dish that brings West and Central African, Caribbean, Spanish, German, French, indigenous American, and for some people as of the late 20th century, Southeast Asian cooking into one tasty combination. Even then, you could just use Native American cuisine as an example.

>> No.16662428

I know Brazilian cuisine like to use coconut milk, cassava, palm oil, peppers tucupi etc etc but some how they are known for their meat restaurants. it's a case of lack of promoting their food and not autistic about their food like Peruvians are about theirs

>> No.16662600

feijoada, capirinha, farofa, churrasco, moqueca just off the top of my head, and im american

>> No.16662603


>> No.16662947

>What is Brigadeiro???

>> No.16662984

You're forgetting about sopa de macaco

>> No.16663029

Have you never been to a Brazillian steakhouse they are pretty popular. Maybe you just live in some flyover state so you don't have restaurants other than fast food and diners.

>> No.16663107

None of these things are america. Native Americans, maybe, but all the other stuff wasn't even made in america.

>> No.16664774

what does creole and cajun mean to you? also i can guarantee i dont get texan barbecue in friggin england or wherever you think american bbq originates from besides america

>> No.16664959

funny, i'm in the uk and my mother used to make a version of these for our school fund raisers and parties (she added desiccated coconut and crushed digestive biscuits)
always very popular anyway, didn't know they were a brazilian thing

>> No.16665052

Rocky mountain oysters, big fella

>> No.16665189

Brazilian steakhouses can be found literally everywhere, are you blind?

>> No.16665530

They are famous for eating a lot of meat.

>> No.16665555

yeah and the majority of people living in south america are descended from spanish or portugest people, so by that logic any mexican food that isn't tortillas, beans or agave is not mexican.

>> No.16665572

The only actual american dish is root beer and corn.

>> No.16665573

>0 famous international dishes like mexican or peruvian food ( bean and rice don't count , that exist in every country )
I can't believe you forgot about the Infamous Sopa de Macaco!
It is Uma Delicia!

>> No.16665577
File: 61 KB, 460x572, aD4xdbO_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16665587

American BBQ is inherently American unless you want to be pedantic enough of a faggot to say that smoked meat isn't inherently Ameircan.

>> No.16666370
File: 137 KB, 297x298, umadelicia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uma delícia...

>> No.16666470
File: 149 KB, 342x372, coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> steak is invent and exist in only brazil bro !!!

>> No.16668008


>> No.16668029

Yeah, and tomatoes are a new-world fruit, and pasta was invented by the Chinese, and wine was invented by Georgians. You want to be a whiny nit-picking retard someplace else?

>> No.16668030


btw much better than what the kind of stake you produce in america.

>> No.16668072

sauces are basically non existent here besides for pasta and wet dishes like stew, people season the food itself instead
only bahia has a more remarkable food culture, the rest of the country is pretty generic with the food in south brazil being 95% italian/german dishes adapted to ingredients available here

>> No.16668080

learn proper english first

>> No.16668107
File: 75 KB, 770x600, 1629053316406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why tho

4chan is free and I ain't leaving my country.


>> No.16668109

fair enough