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16644182 No.16644182 [Reply] [Original]

Hello friends,

I have decided to make gnocchi for dinner tonight in roughly 4 hours. I will bake my potatoes and use 00 flour and 1 egg yolk per pound of potato. Sound good?

Any other tips, tricks, and techniques would be greatly appreciated.

I will keep everyone updated and hopefully bake a very comfy bread for all interested.


>> No.16644189

make sure the dough is firm enough and dont boil it for too long, once it floats its done

>> No.16644196

Any thoughts on pan frying? I was thinking of doing a tomato + cream sauce for them.

>> No.16644323
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Update 1: my old potatoes have been stabbed and place in the oven.

>> No.16644492

>that narrow oven
are you the guy with the exploding potatoes?

>> No.16644509

Yes. I baked the bananas last week if you were here for that.

>> No.16644511

yeah lol I saw that too, hope your gnocchi turn out!

>> No.16644514

do you have a ricer on hand?

gnocchi goes excellent with cream sauces. pan fry them in a bit of butte, make the sauce in a separate pan, then pour over once plated.

>> No.16644528

There's no reason to stab the potatoes. They won't cook any faster.

>> No.16644532

Thanks m8.

Yes, I will be ricing my taters. Awesome. I'll most likely be doing that then. Pan fried gnocci looks delicious. When you pan fry is it harder to overcook them?

>> No.16644696

your plan sounds good. personally I like to just baste them lightly in brown butter and sage, so that I can taste the potato. if you do panfry then they're ready to flip when they release, don't be afraid of starting them on high heat

>> No.16644823
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don't use too much egg or it'll end up n'yolky

>> No.16644882
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Update 3: Well... I randomly posted update 2 somewhere and have finished ricing my potatoes.

Tip for anyone not in the know. Riced potatoes make the best mashed potatoes. Perfectly smooth.

>> No.16644903

>When you pan fry is it harder to overcook them?

You should be fine. Just get your pan hot enough and saute for a few seconds. Also let them air dry a bit after getting them out of the water before sauteing.

>> No.16644954
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Update 4: Woah! Look what I found. Perfect!

You need to boil them first?

>> No.16644984

hey that’s pretty funny and good

>> No.16644999
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I dont know if you 100% need to but thats how i made mine, yes. i tossed them into some boiling water until they started to float, let them rest, then pan fried for a few seconds.

>> No.16645015

Hmm I'll do an experiment. Some recipes online say you don't need to boil them and other say you do

>> No.16645129
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Update 5: I thought the night was ruined becaude my tomato paste went bad, but I remembered at the last second that I had on in the freezer. Rejoice!

>> No.16645152
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Update 6: I'm going to caramelize the tomato paste really well first then add garlic and chili flakes, then cream, reduce, then the strained tomatoes.

More updates to come.

>> No.16645234
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Update 7: cream in. Time to let this reduce down. I added about 800 calories worth of cream because I'm a fatty in a nearly underweight body.

>> No.16645248
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looking good anon

>> No.16645298
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Update 8: time to stop delaying the addition of the flour and get started kneading. Just enough flour to make a workable dough.

>> No.16645324
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Update 9: I have formed the dough with minimal kneading and about 5-6 oz of flour for 2lbs of potatoes. Let's see how it turns out.

Now it's time for the fun part!

>> No.16645353
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Update 10: the cream reduced by a little over 50% and I added the strained tomatos in. Tastes real nice unseasoned.

>> No.16645369
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Update 11: almost forgot I was growing some oregano in my garden.

>> No.16645382
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Update 12: I added a sprig of oregano to the sauce. Now for a secret ingredient!

Colatura di alici! Or italian anchovy sauce. Smells like a hooker's unwashed coochy, but tastes amazing. Super savory and not fishy when added to dishes. Similar to asian fish sauce, but much more refined tasting.

>> No.16645399
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Update 13: I've begun the slicing of my gnocci.

>> No.16645456
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Update 14: got them cut. That was very satisfying using my yanagiba.

>> No.16645553
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Update 15: testing to see if they're better pan fried only or if I need to boil them first. I had one that was pretty good, but it was too hot, so the interior was still a bit raw in texture.

>> No.16645575

These look great I’m glad you’re doing this. Gnocchi is a dream

>> No.16645584

boil gnocchi before frying. duh

>> No.16645607
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Update 16: I tried both frying without boiling and boiling then frying. It's okay just frying, but if you boil them first there is a definite improvement in texture. Science done!

Thanks, man. For my first time making these they came out super good. Very tender and soft with no gumminess at all.

>> No.16645657

saving this thread, holy smokes
well done dude. from the ricer to the sauce to the fresh oregano to the 'chove sauce. love every bit of this

>> No.16645699
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Update 17: Wa Lah! Came out super tender without any gumminess. I have some that aren't pan fried and some that are. They're both good, but I would try both to see which you prefer. For a first try I'm very happy.

Glad you enjoyed the thread, man. Happy cooking!

>> No.16645711

looks great anon!

>> No.16645717

Good shit anon, would gladly eat/10.

>> No.16645759
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Update 18: I am officially a clean plate club member! Time for my favorite dessert. VEP chartreuse.

>> No.16645819

>this is the nigga who has to stab his potatoes
Fucking lmao. But gnocchi looks good, so good job.

>> No.16645824
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very based. good shit op.

>> No.16645855
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Never forget.

>> No.16645881

A good tater was lost that day.

>> No.16646363

why bake over boiling the potatoes initially

>> No.16646586

Less moisture in the potato mash.

>> No.16646593

Boiling (technically blanching) extracts more moisture more quickly. Counter-intuitive but true. The real reason for baking is the maillard reaction.

>> No.16646631

mallard reaction, meaning you wanna brown the outside? but arent you gonna rice it anyway after

>> No.16647453

the maillard reaction doesn't require direct heat, it's just a catalt, low moisture is the minimum requirement. you can slightly brown the insides of things in the oven, just only slightly.

>> No.16647457

>just a catalt
just a *catalyst

>> No.16647652

I don't believe you. Do you have any evidence to back this up?

>> No.16647725

Potato and banana oven guy i'll watch you closely from now on. Me like

>> No.16648743

Is using egg actually necessary when making gnocchi? I usually just start off with my potatoes, forked, and incorporate flour until the dough combines without being overly sticky.
Also, why the FUCK do gnocchi recipes online tell you to peel the potatoes AFTER boiling, not before? What advantage does that possibly yield? All it does is make peeling them a massive pain in the ass because the potato is boiling hot as you're working with it.

>> No.16648755

10/10, anon

>> No.16649421

From my researching it is not necessary, but it's trickier to get the dough to the correct consistency.

I have no idea about peeling before or after. Maybe it protects the flesh better?
