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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 76 KB, 1280x720, trans fats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16643769 No.16643769[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you miss trans fats?

>> No.16643810

No. They are sickening. Literal and immediately.

>> No.16643811

Transgender fats

>> No.16643868

people are under the mistaken assumption saturated fat is bad for you but really its the trans fats and maybe other vegetable oils that are toxic

>> No.16643885 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 616x498, images - 2021-09-04T063938.835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a toilet for a fat trans.

>> No.16643925

hahaha I soooo le get it!! XD this is when we pretend we're talking about the food thing but we're actually being edgy low key transphobic and fatphobic pieces of shit :P so le funny and edgy, epic 4chan secret club culture le based chon culture, hehehe u le mad libtards!?!?! guess what we also have epic racism to make you mad, btw did you know reddit is bad!? because they are le soyboys and don't get our edgy irreverent imageboard humorino, sooo do I fit in le yet? lol discriminating people good amirite, actually not people but "people" lmfoa so le based praise kek

>> No.16643929

/pol/ is rotting your brain this thread is clearly about trans fats.

>> No.16643931

>saturated fat
>not bad
Retards like you disseminate dangerous advice.

>> No.16643936

saturated fat is naturally occurring in animal foods we have been consuming for millions of years. the heart disease epidemic is about a century or so old. more importantly is every clinical trial testing if saturated fat caused heart disease has failed.

>> No.16643941

i prefer trans skinnies

>> No.16643950

>more importantly is every clinical trial testing if saturated fat caused heart disease has failed.
Not only this is false but there are plenty of epidemiological studies backing up official recommendations as well. You're a literal cultist falling for snake oil salesmen.

>> No.16643953

"The preponderance of evidence indicates that low-fat diets that reduce serum cholesterol do not reduce cardiovascular events or mortality. Specifically, diets that replace saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat do not convincingly reduce cardiovascular events or mortality. "

>> No.16643959

>epidemiological studies
epidemiological studies show peanut butter and murder rate in New York is STRONGLY associated with hazard ratios above 2. clearly we must reduce peanut butter consumption to prevent murder.

>> No.16643961

wasn't this an episode premise of king of the hill too or am I hallucinating

>> No.16643964

Lol, you think nutritional rct prove causation, retard?
Btw, this is what happens when fools like you debate well-versed doctors.

>> No.16643966

link to all relevant clinical trials shows you are objectively wrong. you won't change your mind despite the evidence but that should at least be known.

>> No.16643971

>you think nutritional rct prove causation,
nothing really gets "proven" outside of math but a randomized trial is the best we have.

>> No.16643997

How is it the best? It compares diet A to diet B while epidemiological studies allow you to process data from people eating all kinds of food combinations. Furthermore, long term rct on non-hospitalized patients rely on self-report so they lose the accuracy advantage over epidemiological studies. On top of that, on an assigned diet, people who are prescribed such diet may feel the pressure to claim they adhered to it where no such pressure is present on epidemiological studies because they don't have to eat a certain diet.
As for confounders, rct on non-hospitalized patients are not exempt from them because you still rely on patients' self-report. You need to adjust for confounders in both type of studies.
Go ahead and explain why an rct is more reliable on long term effects of meat consumption.

>> No.16644023

what about studies on institutionalized people? these exist and subjects diets were completely controlled. these produced the same results as the rest showing no beneficial effect on heart disease from reducing saturated fat. also the randomization part is key and is meant to control for most confounders. in epidemiological studies you are taking different slices of the population and controlling for some factors you think of but there are invariably many others you can't control for. this is why most epidemiological associations turn out to be dis-proven in randomized trials. this is the case 80-100% of the time.

>> No.16644029

>How is it the best?
actually a meta analysis of clinical trials that takes into account quality is well would be best. which is what i posted and you ignored. no evidence will make you change your mind it seems.

>> No.16644033

it's called being schizo

>> No.16644068

There are meta-analysis of epidemiological studies as well and you've yet to explain why an rct is better suited for this subject. You've yet to explain how an rct is better to assess long term effects of eating red meat. I've pointed how not only long term rct are subjected to confounders just like epidemiological studies but how the latter actually provides advantages over the former.

Those on hospitalized patients are more likely short term and like I said, they assess the effects of specific diets. On epidemiological studies, you can divide people based on the percentage of calories they get from meat and based on what other foods they eat, on what amount, on the frequency at which they eat meat, etc. As opposed to seeing the effects of a more specific diet assigned to a control group.
Again, you've yet to explain what confounders they can adjust for in an rct that you can't in an observational study.

>> No.16644216

Yeah, Buck Strickland starts a food truck to tap into the underground black market of banned trans fat foods

>> No.16644226


>> No.16644249

>You're a literal cultist falling for snake oil salesmen.
I suppose you could say the same thing about vegetable oil and sugar companies pushing for people to eat less animal fat so they would buy more of their products instead. And now it's pretty clear that high amounts of refined sugar are terrible for you, and so is vegetable shortening. Animal fat has been in the human diet for millions of years, so I'm more inclined to believe it's not this incredibly unhealthy thing that must be avoided. It seems like the real problem is always processed food, which either directly causes problems like vegetable shortening causing heart disease, or just because it's less nutritious it leads to overeating and obesity which also causes heart disease. I don't want to eat vegetable shortening but I also don't want to eat hydrogenated lard. We really need to try and improve the quality of the food supply or at least lower demand for processed food.

>> No.16644280

This episode was stupid. Trans fat didn't even make anything taste good. Vegetable shortening makes things taste worse because it has a higher melting point which means it stays solid and leaves a waxy film in your mouth. Wouldn't surprise me if they only made this episode because of how often the show advertised for Burger King and they'd make less money if people ate better food.

>> No.16644322 [DELETED] 
File: 2.56 MB, 600x600, 535 - animated crying flag gif glasses hair hanging moshed open_mouth play purple_hair red_eyes rope soyjak stubble suicide text tongue tranny variant_gapejak_front yellow_teeth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hahaha I soooo le get it!! XD this is when we pretend we're talking about the food thing but we're actually being edgy low key transphobic and fatphobic pieces of shit :P so le funny and edgy, epic 4chan secret club culture le based chon culture, hehehe u le mad libtards!?!?! guess what we also have epic racism to make you mad, btw did you know reddit is bad!? because they are le soyboys and don't get our edgy irreverent imageboard humorino, sooo do I fit in le yet? lol discriminating people good amirite, actually not people but "people" lmfoa so le based praise kek

>> No.16644361

is this bait? i’m literally shaking

>> No.16644681

Where is Rachel Levine. Haven't seen it in a while.

>> No.16644692

take your meds faggot

>> No.16644698

Little Debbie's Donut Sticks were better that way.

>> No.16644743

lol doing to much plebbitor

>> No.16644904

lel. true.

>> No.16644910

I jack off to ts Madison, so we still have trans fats. What are you on about?

>> No.16644917

Wow, this tranny sure is in their feelings lmao

>> No.16645662
File: 163 KB, 1080x1080, 1626942455442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy gets it.

>> No.16645959


>> No.16645989
File: 20 KB, 474x318, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hahaha I soooo le get it!! XD this is when we pretend we're talking about the food thing but we're actually being edgy low key transphobic and fatphobic pieces of shit :P so le funny and edgy, epic 4chan secret club culture le based chon culture, hehehe u le mad libtards!?!?! guess what we also have epic racism to make you mad, btw did you know reddit is bad!? because they are le soyboys and don't get our edgy irreverent imageboard humorino, sooo do I fit in le yet? lol discriminating people good amirite, actually not people but "people" lmfoa so le based praise kek

>> No.16646248
File: 1.60 MB, 576x1024, ywnbaw.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16646250

KEK based

>> No.16646255

Nah I bang fat trannies all day all night niggas

>> No.16646275

I use lard.

>> No.16646278
File: 864 KB, 1125x1119, 1630437192487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16646331

Tranny is SEETHING

>> No.16646679
File: 21 KB, 360x264, 351494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's double down on bad thing because gubmint told us not to
Modern conservative discourse

>> No.16646995

Just brimming with self-awareness, aren't you?

>> No.16647044


>> No.16647540

What the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.16647604

Sometimes people use the prefix trans for other contexts than talking about transgender people retard.

>> No.16647622

Wait what? Isn't he just talking about trans fats?

>> No.16648238
File: 299 KB, 1284x1815, carbfags btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16648313

guaranteed replies

>> No.16649801

Oh, like you’re doing now?

>> No.16650192

You should be ashamed of yourself

>> No.16650216

The only snake oils being sold here are vegetable and seed oils

>> No.16650219


>> No.16650302
File: 17 KB, 414x319, 1628874588405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16650402
File: 52 KB, 480x480, 1602861282768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16650448

How can one guy fit so much seethe into one post?

>> No.16650522

Twitter, Reddit, and /pol/? Can you choose which one you wanna be before posting please?

>> No.16651073
File: 420 KB, 676x637, 1630812046200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
