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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 91 KB, 760x950, 1519101220246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16637588 No.16637588 [Reply] [Original]

What is some food that looks disgusting to you but you have a feeling that people on this board would say "That looks delicious, I'd eat that"?

>> No.16637594

any kind of sausage

>> No.16637747

Anything that looks like OPs picture. I literally eat everything but sweets and cakes. Anything processed that contains flour is also a big no.

>> No.16637761

I'd order this just to spill it "by accident" and make some wagie clean it all up. When they open their mouth to say "no problem sir" I'd spit in jt

>> No.16637771

And then everyone will clap and Obama will show up and give me $100 while I get a blowjob from gwenyth paltrow

>> No.16637781
File: 198 KB, 1500x1120, burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything that comes out of Mexico. Also some American food like American pizza and burgers with too much ingredients like on the pic. I've had a burger like this some time ago and it was nothing short of vile. Also it was a pain in the ass to eat without it falling apart.

>> No.16637787

this actually happened by the infinite universes logic. I'm just happy one of me fucked jessica alba every day

>> No.16637791

>stack of beef cheese and bacon
>fucking vile
I will gladly leave you to your rice porridge and tap water but please leave this board, this is a place for food and cooking

>> No.16637811

t. Nikocado

>> No.16637817
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>> No.16638076

I wouldn't say that looks "disgusting"
It's a slice of cake on icecream ontop of a fucking shake.
What's "disgusting" about that?

It's a fucking mess and will put you into a sugar coma sure. But disgusting? No.
Stop being a fucking child.

>> No.16638290

My teeth hurt just from looking at the OP image. Gotta be like three days worth of sugar in that thing

>> No.16638301
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>> No.16638322

The idea of eating that much sugar is disgusting. Something can be disgusting without being physically revolting.

>> No.16638444
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>> No.16638471

How am I even supposed to eat that? Do they really expect me to take the cake off and eat it with my hands?

Why would anyone want this? why not just serve the cake on a plate on the side?

>> No.16638477

>It's a fucking mess and will put you into a sugar coma sure.
Yeah, that's what's disgusting about it. You think that pile of sugar looks enticing or appetizing and call OTHER people children?

>> No.16638484
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>> No.16638495

Ok I like tbell anon but that is just an obscene amount of food food one man

>> No.16638513

He's a fat fuck, what the hell else would you expect from him?

>> No.16638545
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>> No.16639922

You understand the thread wrong.

>> No.16640082
File: 55 KB, 800x800, KRAFT-MAC-_-CHEESE_OVERSCOOPED-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel a sense of disgust looking at it.
That makes it disgusting.
You know that the world isn't objective right? We don't need to all agree on what's disgusting. Your opinion added nothing. Throw an attention fit somewhere else.

>> No.16640100
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>> No.16640121

It happened in this universe. That poster is Jeffrey Epstein.

>> No.16640125

Oh shut up you absolute /pol/tard.

>> No.16640142
File: 108 KB, 338x451, how horrifying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a bloo bloo~
muh sports teams

>> No.16640170

>get called out on your bullshit
>puss out
As usual. Now leave.

>> No.16640174

This is a thinly veiled picky eater thread.

>> No.16640177
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I can hardly stand to look at these.

>> No.16640808

Good film choice

>> No.16640811

A ham sandwich with a side of beans

>> No.16640828

What? Why?

>> No.16640875
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>> No.16640884
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>Stop being a fucking child.
Ironically only a child would find that appetizing.

>> No.16640892
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obviously. not everything people post here is meant to be true. lurk more.

>> No.16640893

I like the taste of home grown tomatoes but they're too juicy. I wish you could get the taste of home grown tomaters with the texture of the shitty tasting store bought ones.

>> No.16640899

Go back faggit

>> No.16640903

Holy shit, learn to spell.

>> No.16640907
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You just need to find the right sort of tomato to grow. Or perhaps pick them slightly before they're fully ripened. Or alternatively stop being a bitch.

>> No.16640910
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>> No.16640912

Cheese ice cream is really good. It's a popular snack in the Philippines

>> No.16640925

meh, I just don't like tomatoes that much to begin with. I mainly used them to make salsa where the mushiness doesn't matter that much

>> No.16640961

You're supposed to split it with a friend, silly. Actually I don't know if you're supposed to do that but it's how I like to do it.

>> No.16641020


>> No.16641067
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>> No.16641073

lol what. you okay?

>> No.16641084
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>> No.16641126
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That’s perfect if you’re very very very very hungry

>> No.16641137
File: 272 KB, 673x1643, 70BA2FAB-F32C-49D5-AA5A-C52BBDFAA1FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have to use science to all become god so no life is born to suffer such a fate again

>> No.16641210
File: 51 KB, 800x497, chocolate-bar-inside-the-croissant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16641213

holy shit, want

>> No.16641287


>> No.16641293

Whenever someone starts NOOOOOOOOposting, you know they've lost the argument.

>> No.16641305

Soyjackers are the lowest-quality posters on this and any board.
Replying to or quoting this post with a soyjak will be taken as an admission of homosexuality.

>> No.16641311

the song was great tho

>> No.16641564

Is this a real thing people eat? Not just made for the picture? It's not even melted, just a whole-ass chunk of chocolate.

>> No.16641582 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16641820

>telling the poster who is pointing out that the other poster is from reddit to go back

>> No.16641833

He's the poster that was accused of it in the first place. That's why he immediately projected.

>> No.16641849

I like cake and ice cream but the "food" in that picture is a fucking abomination. how would you even attempt to go about eating it without it spilling everywhere, and more importantly how would you not die of a heart attack immediately after from all the processed sugar you're putting in your body

>> No.16641857

>Naked Lunch
>buffalo wings
sounds like a kino night to me anon

>> No.16641895

>too much ingredients
Bread, beef, cheese, bacon, lettuce, tomato, some kind of sauce, and either an egg or another kind of sauce. 8 ingredients.

>> No.16641898

>Something can be disgusting without being physically revolting.
Not when you're talking about food.

>> No.16641908

Well you're either a child or a retard because the only thing that qualifies as "pile of sugar" is the frosting. Cake contains flour, butter and vanilla, so it has a more complex flavour than "sweet" and you're literally describing the texture and mouthfeel of bread as "pile of sugar." Same with the milkshake. Milk is a dairy product, it's not made of pure sugar.

>> No.16641928

At the end of the day its chocolate and bread. Not exactly an uncommon combination

>> No.16641950

What? I've never heard of chocolate and bread.

>> No.16641953


>> No.16641961

opinion disregarded

>> No.16641972

I've never seen someone just put a piece of chocolate on bread but Nutella on toast became more common I think.

>> No.16641975

tomatoes are good i even eat them on their own as snacks just a bit salt and petter, fucking amazing

>> No.16641977

>Throw an attention fit somewhere else.
You're the one acting like a fucking child here.

>> No.16641993

i'll captialize this to make it obvious for you since you clearly need it.
>What is some food that LOOKS DISGUSTING TO YOU
>I wouldn't say that LOOKS "DISGUSTING"

You are so fucking wrong in your comment that you're literally off topic.
That food does not LOOK disgusting at all.

>B-but muh sugar
>It's sickening
>Oh the IDEA of eating that thing
>Muh digestion
>Muh diabetes

>> No.16642000

Hey idiot. "To you." People have different opinions. Grow up and deal with it. Not everyone is going to say the same thing as you. Idiot.

>> No.16642045


>> No.16642173

Fuck you this tastes great.

>> No.16642257

Sugar is very overpowering and only children enjoy having that much at once.

>> No.16642289

I would hope that's what people would do. Sadly I'm too familiar with the fat acceptance movement to think that's what is actually done. More likely it's for one tubbster to eat.
I suppose I'd split one with one or two other people. I probably couldn't eat anything else sweet the rest of the day

>> No.16642318

>the very name of epstein in a joking manner (not even pedophilia related) is /pol/
hahahahahahaha alright

>> No.16642320

if you count pastries as bread then its very common

>> No.16642398

14 hours later and the /pol/tard keeps replying to the post to cry about it. Impressive how easily they get weeded out.

>> No.16642438

Did you search this up? Fucking obsessed

>> No.16642454

Americans are obsessed with everything.

>> No.16642490

i tried these a few years back, one of the worst things ive ever eaten. The cheese on the inside tastes like the powdered kraft stuff, and its completely coagulated/room temperature.

>> No.16642499

The likely reason you don't like tomatoes is because you're eating bland underripe garbage that gets rushed out to supermarkets and chain restaurants.
Tomatoes aren't ripe as soon as they turn red, so they can be sold to morons and troglodytes under the guise that they're ripe
Get some at a local farmer's market and hit them with some salt and pepper to get a real opinion

>> No.16642527

>What's "disgusting" about that?
Because it's literally 99% sugar
It's like a mug of clamato, topped with a pound of bacon, topped with french fries, drizzled in butter, and sprinkled with rock salt. Does that sound appetizing to you?

>> No.16642726


>> No.16642733

Its just a slice of cake on top of a milkshake, how can any of that not taste good?

>> No.16642736

Lol wut. One guy posted some Reddit meme then the other guy recognised the Reddit meme.

>> No.16642760

Fine. Everyone is Reddit. You happy, Redditor?

>> No.16642782

Too much not too many. Too much beef.

>> No.16642938

where you at? have some for you boy.

>> No.16642972

macaroni and cheese things like these are only good when the cheese is actually runny which is almost never because they're too hot straight from the fryer

>> No.16643393
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>> No.16643465
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You seem pretty cute ngl desu

>> No.16643487

you need to go back

>> No.16643496

not only these but all cheetos are like that, the color alone tells you they shouldnt be eaten

>> No.16643567
File: 9 KB, 275x183, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Filipino food is actually fucking disgusting. It's so fucking bad. Idk what faggots are actively enjoying Balut which is just a straight up dead chicken fetus you eat fresh out of the egg but they're all retarded and should be out in jail. They also have this retarded obsession with vinegar like fuck you don't need to dump that shit on everything.

TL;DR: Fillipino food is dogshit if you eat it kill yourself

Pic related

>> No.16644832
File: 217 KB, 1254x688, 1601397154180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16645014

>toppings on the bottom


>> No.16645030

It's a regular slice of cake with one scoop of ice cream and a milkshake. Eating that is only a problem if it's the type of thing you do it every day.

>> No.16645038


>> No.16645054

hes right youre a huge faggot and should kill yourself

>> No.16645082
File: 18 KB, 253x450, czarnina-duck-blood-soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blood cubes, blood soup, anything where it's mainly just animal blood

>> No.16645103

Silence, child. The adults are talking.

>> No.16645109

see there you go again

>> No.16645128

American detected

>> No.16646389

Wallachian detected

>> No.16646407

something extremely nasty about bread and sweets

>> No.16646485

>at the end of the day
Why do people say this?

>> No.16646513

At the end of the day it's a pretty good phrase.

>> No.16646683


I fucking loved these, leave me alone.

Sometimes even the best of us like plebshit dishes. My wife and I are Italian and she hates when I order Pizza Hut. Well does Anthonys make Cheesy Bites pizza? Didnt think so.

>> No.16646686


Germany should have won

>> No.16646692

Spotted the cuckold

>> No.16646696


This is basically a melted root beer float but pepsi instead of root beer

>> No.16646700

>milk is the same thing as ice cream
Lol no.

>> No.16646703
File: 58 KB, 750x499, Balut_food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16646720

On topic of flips, I know a lot of people love halo halo but it's disgusting to me

>> No.16647043

Maybe there's a universe out there where you're not a retard that believes in infinite universes.

>> No.16647154

But wouldn't that make him not a retard because it means that infinite universes exist?

>> No.16647226

How can anything contain flour without being processed?

>> No.16647280

desu i see what you mean
might not be everyones taste but its not really digusting, I for one would like it

>> No.16647300

Which is the point of the thread. That some people will say "That looks disgusting" and other people will say "No that looks good."

>> No.16647346

true, i still feel like i did my part in creating a bit more of the internet

>> No.16647363

>implying it’s meant to be eaten
It’s meant for instagram thots to take photos of it and poke at it a little with a spoon