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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 800x800, KRAFT-MAC-_-CHEESE_OVERSCOOPED-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16635223 No.16635223 [Reply] [Original]

Worst thing you've eaten recently?

>> No.16635267

the american burger i got from my local lidl (germany). tasted like someone cummed on a piece of coardboard and slapped pickles on it and finished it with soggy bread. 0/10 would reccomend everyone only because how awful it was.

>> No.16635273

You'd rather eat Ngubu's cum out of your wife's cunt, wouldn't ya yuropoor?

>> No.16635288

please leave

>> No.16635299

why are you so obsessed with nigger dick?

>> No.16635303
File: 2.96 MB, 1440x2160, Screenshot_2021-08-28-17-04-29-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend sent me this

>> No.16635308

You're the ethnomasochist that allowed a full invasion of them into your country with no shots fired.

>> No.16635381
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what the fuck

>> No.16635397
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The new taco bell chicken sandwich taco

It's tiny as fuck. Comes only with sauce. If you want any lettuce, tomatoes, or other condiments, it costs extra. The chicken is even smaller and bland and dry.

>> No.16635400

Pumpkin ravioli is a classic traditional recipe so this doesn't seem that crazy. Pumpkin is used in a lot of pasta recipes actually.

>> No.16635409

No way, thats pathetic.

>> No.16635427

Yes pumpkin, not pumpkin SPICE

>> No.16635430

i tried it. just a cream slightly sweet filling. its good.

>> No.16635433
File: 437 KB, 840x854, fear and sickness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.16635443

i learned recently that aldi's english muffins are complete dogshit.

>> No.16635444

I'm aware. I'm saying it's not as huge of a stretch as the faggot that posted it on twitter probably thought it was since pumpkin ravioli is already a thing. I haven't tried it but I doubt the added cinnamon would ruin it.

>> No.16635469

Aldi generic brand items suck.

>> No.16635547

Ok, you are very cultured for unilaterally hating popular thing my friend. Very nice!

>> No.16635595

Epic post, friend.

>> No.16635603


>> No.16635712

Pumpkin ravioli isn't even a meme food.

>> No.16635738

some froyo at a froyo shop. the pineapple sherbet has this after taste of something like sweat.

>> No.16635775

i actually like most of their stuff. they make the best milk imo. but the english muffins were so fucking dry and nowhere close to expired.

>> No.16635782

Cringe insult. That the best you can do, bro?

>> No.16635788

Did a cute girl sell it to you? This is important.

>> No.16635793
File: 65 KB, 425x634, 81pMPY3jVrS._AC_SX425_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great thread, I was gonna make a thread about how shit these are but didn't want to litter the catalog.

>> No.16635795

This is what is wrong with Brooklyn

>> No.16635816

I, too, learned about the english muffins the hard way.

>> No.16635817
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>> No.16636097

some fancy newish restaurant with just one chef that makes the menu and cooks pretty much everything. one dish was great and the rest was meh but one dish was so bad
>duck breast coconut curry
>duck was sliced and placed on top, no actual duck in the curry
>curry had that cheap curry paste taste, watery texture
>motherfucker put giant pieces of pineapple in there and whole white grapes
>zero spice or heat
I heard the chef was a stoner but I didn't think it was that bad. it was so fruity it tasted like juice

>> No.16636160

these are great in a "oh god my stomach" way. ONLY that version

>> No.16636175

They make ravioli filled with squash you know?

>> No.16636499

A frozen cheese burger

>> No.16636506

I thought the only good thing was that there's a ton of seasoning powder on each chip. I thought the lime ruined it, and even if there was no lime, it wouldn't have been great.

>> No.16636888

You wish, instead you have to settle for my small cock between the gap in your teeth. Buckle up and get that tummy ready, fag.

>> No.16636945

for me, its the lime, so i can see if people dont like it. but if you know a limefag, this shit is terrible in a good way

>> No.16637027
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>> No.16637029 [DELETED] 

Went to this nouvelle cuisine place and some nigger grilled a watermelon

>> No.16637165

Chocolate chip cookie I made which sugar hasn't completely dissolved yet. Smell like burnt sugar.

>> No.16637182

did you tell them to leave out the jalapenos or something?

>> No.16637188

>PUMPKIN spice
>doesn't include a trace of pumpkin
do americans really...?

>> No.16637195
File: 195 KB, 500x500, FE974561-48F0-49C5-9034-105D28B22E29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not feeling great bros

>> No.16637210
File: 9 KB, 200x220, The_Fourth_Flavor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After all these years....we finally found the Fourth Flavor...

>> No.16637533

you got a touch of the 'tardation by chanced?

>> No.16637642
File: 39 KB, 600x592, d69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MAC 'n Cheese
>pasta is clearly fusilli
Fucking Americans

>> No.16637715

Parboil and pan fry them with some unsalted butter and serve with vanilla ice cream. Sounds delicious.

>> No.16638039

I also made the same mistake anon.
Don't know what the fuck I was thinking it was gonna be any good.

>> No.16638047

a hookers snatch

>> No.16638069

tried to make tonkatsu with iffy pork, fucked up frying and seasoning so it was both undercooked, burnt, and inedible. 0/10 gigantic waste of oil

>> No.16638091

seconding these

>> No.16638211
File: 23 KB, 700x525, 1517634297847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't see what the big deal is, cantaloupe ice cream seems unusual yeah, but it can't be that bad
>open thumbnail
>mac and cheese ice cream

>> No.16639059
File: 20 KB, 294x287, 20210224_231702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came to post this.
I had it an hour ago.
When did taco bell become such a fucking shit show.

>> No.16639089

yeah I'm sure some retard on /ck/ is directly responsible for his country's immigration legislature, faggot
keep dreaming about black dicks on other people's behalf you closet case

>> No.16639135

Italian BMT from Subway. It's been years since I ate subway last time and now I remember why.

>> No.16639163

I tried these but they're just so bitter I don't know who would enjoy them

>> No.16639256

It's their salami that does it. The ham is ok (inasmuch as anything from subway is ok), the pepperoni is ok, but the salami is fucking vile and ruins the whole thing.

>> No.16639419

I tried Cheese Whiz and it tasted like shit. $5 wasted.

>> No.16639446
File: 220 KB, 500x374, 1585119624021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accidentally ate a buttered popcorn flavor jelly bean a little qhile ago. Shit was gross.

>> No.16640045

you're the self-hating racist bringing them up

>> No.16640346

God damn those things are disgusting. Seriously who the fuck enjoys those things.

>> No.16640881

I had tyson's chicken nuggets recently and they sucked
what's the good store bought nugget brand these days?

>> No.16641145

I used to love the popcorn mike n ike's as a kid

>> No.16641157


They’re good you just gotta know it’s coming that’s all.

>> No.16641166
File: 496 KB, 500x325, ladygagacereal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some cereal I've had for months now that just tastes of the container it's in

>> No.16642111

Hey, well last time they tried to secure the existence of their people through force the Jews flattened all of their cities with firebombs.

>> No.16642120

I never tasted any bitter eating these? They just taste tangy and spicy to me.

>> No.16642467

Buttered popcorn jelly bellies are the best flavor, I order packs of only 100% Buttered popcorn online. You are a tastelet