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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.11 MB, 1195x1459, Screenshot_20210901-084726_Instagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16631228 No.16631228[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well, /ck/?

>> No.16631233

go away shill

>> No.16631239

How is this a bad thing?

>> No.16631242


>> No.16631244
File: 87 KB, 511x1024, 1599026250787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol they look so much worse than in their non-photoshopped promo pics. to a silly degree. way smaller than expected too.

>> No.16631250

Why would I eat it?

>> No.16631266

Cause science and media says so
Don't you believe in science anon?

>> No.16631274 [DELETED] 


>> No.16631291

I WILL eat the cube.
I WILL live in the pod.
I WILL eat the bugs
I WILL own nothing.
And I'll LIKE IT!

>> No.16631299

How much is this company spending on viral marketing? I swear that everyday it seems like there is a brand new thread about these dumbass square meal shysters.

>> No.16631307

Why would "science" tell me to eat it?

>> No.16631312

I would be ok with this if it was just a meal alternative that gave you a perfect amount of vitamins etc. Like instead of socialist bug food, just "fuck me I dont feel like cooking or going somewhere to eat". Today I literally didnt have time to cook and the healthy cafeteria where I work was closed out of nowhere. I ate Arbys because there werent any other options and I felt/feel like shit. Id kill for a food square for a situation like that.

>> No.16631313

>yum, yum, yum
imagine that beast's phisique

>> No.16631342


>> No.16631343
File: 22 KB, 336x188, I HATE THE ANTICHRIST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16631356

>I'd kill to eat six squares of food for $10.00
Sure you would. What's stopping you from signing up for a subscription then, shill?

>> No.16631358

this to be honest

>> No.16631361


>> No.16631380

yummy squares for us, regular food for the elites. This is a glimpse of the future that they are teasing.

>> No.16631381

I hope these fucking wops fail this project and potentially kill themselves/become homeless.
t.self hating Italian

>> No.16631388

It's really not. I don't see anything environmentally friendly with it.

>> No.16631397

ok, UN

>> No.16631403

>It's normal food
>but squares
finally food that caters to the clinically autistic

>> No.16631408
File: 208 KB, 276x336, 1610052468630.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vocal environmentalists actually caring about environmental friendliness
Which timeline did you phase on in here from?

>> No.16631412

why would the elite suddenly start caring about the environment

>> No.16631422

It's not about being environmentally friendly, it's about dominance.

>> No.16631424

What would even be the schizo argument as to why food blocks would be pushed? All you're doing is turning chicken into a patty and shipping it a long distance. Doesn't make any sense.

>> No.16631431

>What's stopping you from signing up for a subscription then, shill?
Everything I said in the post that you replied to. Its not made for or marketed to me as a consumer based off of the reasons I listed. I said I would "be ok with it" if it met a specific list of criteria. You shilled for the product more than I did fagass

>> No.16631434

Regular people will be forced to eat "chicken" nutrient squares made from bugs and substandard quality ingredients (spoiled meat, gristle, mechanically separated protein) while the globalists dine on whole meat cuts. Enjoy the pod, cuck.

>> No.16631439

Just use tofu, it's existed for 2000 years and doesn't even contain any meat

>> No.16631444

>oh no... I've been found out
>you're the shill!
Nice try, pajeet. How many rupees do your Jew employers pay per post?

>> No.16631445
File: 39 KB, 512x512, 6274f530b8e88bb5962b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enjoy the pod, cuck

>> No.16631448

For the same reason 'science' telling you to vax yourself and to eat the bugs

>> No.16631450

How is it not?

>> No.16631453
File: 33 KB, 205x252, 1504242946085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stupid gimmick novelty food of the week #8472947201b
>holy shit you guys this is literally being (((PUSHED))) upon us by the weimar kali yuga globohomo zionist elite it's only a matter of time until all other foods are banned

>> No.16631455

>schizo argument
Calm down conspiracy theorist.

>> No.16631461

Why are schitzos acting like this novelty instagram bait product is the NWO plan for all food in the future. Literally nobody is eating this.We already have cheap, subpar, uniformly shaped, processed "meat" product in every single store, it's called hot dogs.

>> No.16631469

Generally when it comes to food it's been vegetarianism and locally produced foods that's considered environmentally friendly. Chicken patties makes no sense, these dishes are like 50% meat.

>> No.16631471

Mental illness-induced plot obsession.

>> No.16631481
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>> No.16631488 [DELETED] 
File: 1.23 MB, 1242x1577, roll-squares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roll your square

>> No.16631489

why does it have to be some kind of ominous Schwab teaser, why can't it just be a few coked up guys with a little capital betting that between the autistic food-as-fuel huel/soylent crowd, the fad diet crowd, and the I'll buy anything with sleek packaging if it makes me believe for a moment that it'll solve my problems without me having to do anything crowd, they can round up enough retards to turn a profit for a few months?

>> No.16631495

>Generally when it comes to food it's been vegetarianism and locally produced foods that's considered environmentally friendly.
lol yeah that's why California's avocado and almond production for the coastal rednecks is an environmental disaster. you are exactly the kind of person being talked about here >>16631408
please kys yourself to 'save the planet'

>> No.16631499

and a sieg heil to you too young lady

>> No.16631509

I don't know anything about avocados or almonds. Is it some other NWO schizo thing?

>> No.16631518

Dude you're fueling them with embarrassing posts like this

>> No.16631526

I don't even know how Almonds in California are related to chicken patties.

>> No.16631536

If I ever see a SquarEat anything in real life I'm going to drop to my knees and scream "Soylent green is people!" as loud as I can.

>> No.16631543

there are few things more environmentally friendly than pasture raised animals and farming, retard

>> No.16631548

>blitzed into a pulp
They can use subpar ingredients and fillers and it destroys the texture of the food
There is nothing about this that benefits the consumer

>> No.16631643

Because it takes 2000 gallons of water to grow a pound of almonds but only takes:

468 for 1# chicken
576 for 1# pork
1799 for #1 steak (specifically)

So it's interesting to see California and the libtard vegans who fetishize/live in it complain about meat production while also eating tons of almonds (or worse, alfalfa).

>> No.16631656

nooooo vegan bros, did we get too cocky?

>> No.16631686

this but unironically
remember, the frogs are boiled slowly.

>> No.16631696

Because your post was an ignorant blanket statement on vegetarianism being more "environmentally friendly". Which is a retarded take to have once you educate yourself. Which vocal environmental activists don't do because their cause is purely for eg-driven virtue signaling.
It's an aside conversation that has nothing to do with the "NWO schizo" stereotype you seem determined to cement here as a replacement for actual engagement in the discussion. That's a separate chain in this thread. You are retarded.

>> No.16631700

Well fuck you for posting this shit thread.

>> No.16631739

You're not "questioning the system", some hipster retard thinks they found a foodie gimmick and you're in hysterics over fantasies of a square food dystopia.
If only they made a schizo-med square for you :^)

>> No.16631764

>schizo schizo schizo schizo!
you're only proving them right. also, you're green ass needs to learn to differentiate between tongue-in-cheek shitposting and posts of legitimate concern before engaging in threads like this. lurk more fgt.

>> No.16631768

Face it. He blew you the fuck out.

>> No.16631777

>For the same reason 'science' telling you to vax yourself
retard alert

>> No.16631785

do people like this actually believe that they're outing genuine shills or are they just being disingenuous to be a dick

>> No.16631788

>learn to differentiate between tongue-in-cheek shitposting and posts of legitimate concern
After the Qoomer uprising we are in a post-irony society. There is literally no verifiable benchmark shitposting from actual schizophrenia and the number of unironic schizos online is too great to give anyone the benefit of the doubt that they're just trolling.

>> No.16631793

get off the fucking internet
you sound like a facebook boomer

>> No.16631839

>the Qoomer uprising
Oh, you're one of those conspiracy theorists manipulated by CNN to froth in hysterical panic at some fringe nothingburger. This exlains all your weird posts ITT

>> No.16631846

It's like having all of your food in the form of Starbursts.

>> No.16631847

lil nigga learned what samefagging is. cute.

>> No.16631871
File: 112 KB, 463x301, youserious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, you're one of those conspiracy theorists manipulated by CNN to froth in hysterical panic at some fringe nothingburger.
Fringe perhaps, but still mainstream enough that I, almost everyone I know, and probably you too has at least one boomer-ass family member that's bought into it. And that's not even factoring their online presence.
My point is, enough unironic qoomers have exposed themselves in real life that it's impossible to tell who is shitposting online and who is an actual Qoomer.

>> No.16631883
File: 10 KB, 171x176, lewl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being aware of how rampant Qshit is among facebook boomers makes you a conspiracy theorist
>what conspiracy am I theorizing?
>y... you just are one, okay??
You want one more try at playing that reverse card, buddy?

>> No.16631888

>im not a conspiracy theorist! im AWARE!
Right on the bullseye of the stereotype

>> No.16631894
File: 72 KB, 441x408, sulu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Answer the question.
>what conspiracy am I theorizing?

>> No.16631904

The Jew and his pajeet army fears the free thinker.

I will NOT eat the bugs.
I will NOT live in the pod.
I will continue to own real property and possessions.
I will NOT like, or tolerate, your NWO.
You will NOT replace US.

>> No.16631910

>i know one person so everyone does
The mass hysteria over Qtards has ten-fold the online presence and is far more annoying

That it's actually a relevant "movement" and not just a media scapegoat. Hook, line and sinker; you conspiracytards fall for that shit every time. Why don't you close this thread and go watch MSNBC for the new thing you're supposed to be in a panic over, instead of a year old corpse.

>> No.16631928

And here I thought my own face-to-face experiences with Qoomers, even among my own family, were the basis of this perception. You mean to tell me, news channels I don't even watch are conspiring to brainwash me into thinking those experiences and people were real instead of mass hallucinations? I'm just victim to a mass media psyop??
Wait, which of us was the conspiracy theorist again?

>> No.16631935

I Take Everything I See On the Internet Way Too Seriously and I'm Super Easy to Troll: The Thread.

>> No.16631939
File: 49 KB, 524x411, reactionimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're the REAL conspiracy theorist! now let me tell you how Q is a liberal media conspiracy
Every fucking time.

>> No.16631940

Why haven't you reported your """""family""""" to the NSA/FBI if you're so worried about Qanon supporters and think they're such a threat to national security?

Spoiler: You won't because you don't. You're just buying into libtard media scare tactics that demonize Qanon tards while vindicating niggers burning down cities in peaceful (but fiery) political protest against niggers getting shot by police while committing violent crimes.

>> No.16631945

>you've had this pointed out to you multiple times before
Yes, Anon, it's everyone else. Not just you. Never you.

>> No.16631952

>Why haven't you reported your """""family""""" to the NSA/FBI if you're so worried about Qanon supporters and think they're such a threat to national security?
I never said I think they are, literally all I said was that they are so pervasive it's impossible to differentiate them from those parodying them. But by all means, keep writing your essay strawmanning me because Qanon seems to have struck a nerve and your meaningless words must be very cathartic for you.

>> No.16631976
File: 30 KB, 350x441, ((you)).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to sucking down dewormer like the livestock beast you are

>> No.16631977

>if i carefully concoct my family anecdote i can deflect anything without actually making a counter-argument
I haven't seen a single Qpost on 4chan in 8 months yet you posters insisting there's some conspiracy of Q phantoms in every corner, actually are fucking everywhere. You're like a tone-deaf plagie, and you should take it to /x/ or /pol/ instead of shitting up /ck/ of all places with your obsessive retardation.

>> No.16631987

>"how am I a conspiracy theorist?"
>keep writing your essay strawmanning me because Qanon seems to have struck a nerve and your meaningless words must be very cathartic for you.
>"waaahhh im being VICTIMIZED for my views because idiots can't handle the TROOF!"

>> No.16631988

>I haven't seen a single Qpost on 4chan in 8 months
They're mostly facebook boomers rallying around Q by name, but I was only using Q as an example of the pervasiveness of NWO plot obsession. Surely, you understood that from the context clues of this thread, right?

>> No.16631990

Until I see the ingredients, no.

>> No.16631994

>"waaahhh im being VICTIMIZED for my views because idiots can't handle the TROOF!"
Well said, Qfags to a T.

>> No.16631998

FACT: If you couldn't lump every anti-left conspiracy theorist into a convenient grouping you'd be forced to evaluate (and potentially dismiss) their arguments individually on their singular merits.

FACT: The liberal media needs an efficient way to discredit opposing political opinions.

FACT: The "Qanon Conspiracy" facilitates this need by lumping any political opinion right of far left through guilt by association with extremists.

FACT: You bought into the propaganda; hook, line and sinker.

>> No.16632000

I'm sure this conspiracy is very real in your mind.

>> No.16632005


There are no stupid questions, only stupid people asking them

>> No.16632006

Because Italians get butthurt over it cause "ur suppose 2 Njoy ur f00d ;_;"

>> No.16632011

great retort, retart

>> No.16632013


because the basic rule of 'good food' is 'ingredients worth eating that taste like themselves', and this fails at every conceptual variation of that.

>> No.16632018

Uh well they're NOT squares because squares are two dimensional shapes.

>> No.16632019

I'm sure this conspiracy is very real in your mind.

>> No.16632022

It's an objective truth that whatever garbage opinion you have my attempts to make you reevaluate them are pointless and will only serve to reinforce them. But I have to wonder that for someone like you, who thinks Qanon tards are a threat or even worth talking about at all, if you are concerned about "antifa"?

>> No.16632023

you cant see the ingredients of anything anymore, take the vax, chud.

>> No.16632026

What Qfags? All I see ITT are Q-hysteria conspiracytards

>> No.16632028

Hope you like fish

>> No.16632031

you WILL eat the bug cube
you WILL transition into an inviable sex aberration
you WILL live inside the cuckpod
you WILL snitch on your cuckpod neighbors that didnt take the monthly v*ccine
you WILL be happy

>> No.16632033

What conspiracy am I theorizing again? That Qoomers have a noticeable online presence?

>> No.16632062

>you, who thinks Qanon tards are a threat
Again. I have literally never said or implied that. My point has always been that the pervasiveness of NWO conspiracy theorists online makes it a fool's errand to differentiate them from shitposters.
Here you are lecturing me on being brainwashed by media conspiracies when you yourself are so obsessed, you can't even function in this exchange without strawmanning me as some kind of MSNBC-watching Q-fearing libcuck. Will your brain short-circuit if you try to interact with someone outside your weird little strawman tropes?

>> No.16632064
File: 550 KB, 978x1019, literally the only pepe ive ever saved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man but those mother sauces though
am i right

>> No.16632072

What else you got? I'm getting bored of this conversation.

>> No.16632076

for me, they're bad because they don't have enough calories, and too expensive
i want nutrtion squares for $1/1000 calories

>> No.16632082
File: 25 KB, 452x286, youretellingmesomeonewoulddothat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By all means, explain to me how using Qanon as an example of the pervasiveness of NWO conspiritards in a thread about how square food is a NWO conspiracy is "random." Or did you get so wrapped up in the debate you wanted to have with a non-existent Q-fearing libtard you forgot what this thread was about?

>> No.16632090

Level with me /ck/ how far away are we from soylent green being people?

>> No.16632095

>the pervasiveness of NWO conspiracy theorists online
You literally replied to a guy pointing out how the myth of vegetarianism being more "eco-friendly" is unfounded with "NWO schizo" here: >>16631509
You're unhinged and seeing ghosts everywhere. This is further compounded by being too autistic to read subtext in meme shitposts.

>you can't even function in this exchange without strawmanning me as some kind of MSNBC-watching Q-fearing libcuck
Act like one, you'll be treated like one. Like was said earlier, you are far more pervasive than your scapegoat ever was and are way, way more obnoxious than they ever were. Just go to /x/ with your screaming at the dumb NWO and Q halluctions you're suffering from. You'll fit in there.

>> No.16632097

Kill yourself numale amerimutt

>> No.16632109

You are quite literally the first person in the thread to complain about or directly reference Qanon (in your words "Qoomers") and you are saying everyone else is obsessed.

Too many people still value human life to openly eat human slurry and a company couldn't suppress enough whistleblowers in order to keep the secret. Maybe in China or some other post-socialist/post-Communism country where they don't value human life, the population has had its soul collectively sucked out by a heavy-handed government and where all media is run by the state they could get away with it.

>> No.16632113

>Qboomers are why I treat every post on 4chan supa-serious like
>no, the Qboomers are all on facebook actually you see
this fucking retard lmao

>> No.16632126

No, it's the argument from the plant eaters, not my own. These cubes have nothing with the usual vegetarianism/ bug eating to do. I still don't get what the supoosed benefit from eating cubes would be from their perspective.

>> No.16632131

>You literally replied to a guy pointing out how the myth of vegetarianism being more "eco-friendly" is unfounded with "NWO schizo" here: >>16631509
Uh dude? Neither of those posts are mine. This was my original post: >>16631453
I think I see what happened here, though. I used Qanon as an example of the pervasiveness of NWO conspiritards which probably stuck a nerve with you for some reason I'm uninterested in. You tried to flip it on me by calling me a conspiracy theorist back, but since I wasn't actually alleging any conspiracy theory you tried to save face by focusing on the Qanon reference instead of addressing my actual point so you could frame it as me being a "conspiracy theorist" that Qoomers are... real? A threat? Not sure, it wasn't relevant to my point.
tl;dr this entire string of replies has been you trying to rebound from an embarrassing misfire of the "nuh-uh YOU'RE the conspiracy theorist" line.

>> No.16632133

It has nothing to do with my original post though. You changed topic from cubes to almonds for some reason.

>> No.16632135

Not far enough.

>> No.16632137
File: 66 KB, 410x292, SHUT IT DOWN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I still don't get what the supoosed benefit from eating cubes would be from their perspective.

>> No.16632141

meds, all of you, now

>> No.16632142

>that wasn't me!
>same exaggerative "NWO SCHIZO!!" vernacular
You're very bad at this. Please go back to twitter with the other idiots screeching at clouds.

>> No.16632150
File: 4 KB, 344x326, 1608624551681.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q-Anon fearmongering is legit conspiracy theory behaviour bruh.

>> No.16632157

I know, that's why you (or that anon) had to resort to strawmanning me as one to frame as the "real" conspiracy theorist.

>> No.16632159

>learn to differentiate between tongue-in-cheek shitposting and posts of legitimate concern before engaging in threads

no. you dumb ass faggots lost the privilege of being taken seriously or being given any sort of benefit of the doubt long ago. this is the environment you created now deal with it. every fucking board just has to have some dog whistling pol thread. people are tired. fuck off.

>> No.16632167
File: 11 KB, 293x301, 1603869647007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You spent the entire thread strawmanning a tinfoil NWO schizo boogeyman out of every tepid anti-globalist post, you can't project post-hoc like this you fucking dumbass.

>> No.16632170

>that's why you (or that anon) had to resort to strawmanning me as one to frame as the "real" conspiracy theorist
You doing ok man? You need a glass of water or anything? Go for a walk?

>> No.16632173

From what I've seen on this site now, people are far more tired of >muh /pol/ posters bringing that board up in every thread that has an opinion that runs counter to their own.

>> No.16632175
File: 31 KB, 521x599, 1624725897306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no. you dumb ass faggots lost the privilege of being taken seriously or being given any sort of benefit of the doubt long ago. this is the environment you created now deal with it. every fucking board just has to have some dog whistling pol thread. people are tired. fuck off.

>> No.16632176

Absolutely. Those posters are responsible for the /pol/ flood because they just refuse to stop taking the bait.

>> No.16632180

Can't have it both ways, kiddo ;)

>> No.16632181
File: 36 KB, 655x527, 02f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically it's not a conspiracy theory though, is it? Even if you believe Qanon is a big deal/threat/movement/etc and someone else doesn't, you still aren't espousing a conspiracy theory. People afraid of Qtard influence don't think there's a conspiracy or nefarious forces behind it, they just think their right wing boomer facebook friends are getting duped by a plot obsession feedback loop. Playing the reverse card on such people doesn't really make sense.

>> No.16632195
File: 383 KB, 1280x958, biggest retard think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Technically it's not a conspiracy theory though, is it?
>they just think their right wing boomer facebook friends are getting duped
Next you're gonna argue that 'Q' never actually existed so there's no way anyone could have duped these people it just happened naturally of course.
And of course you yourself didn't get duped into this mass panic trap of yours.

Captcha: XJSAD

>> No.16632207

>Next you're gonna argue that 'Q' never actually existed
Why would I do that?
>And of course you yourself didn't get duped into this mass panic trap of yours.
Literally what panic trap?

>> No.16632214

Wow, so it's like the regular processed food you can buy the store? AAHHHH IM GOING INSAAANEEEE!!!!!

>> No.16632367

>someone invented a convenience food
Tourists plz leave.

>> No.16632368

>Hint of chocolate
I'll take 60% sugar by weight for $500 Alex

Also roll.

>> No.16632399

Rollos come on sweet potato

>> No.16632440

Please give me the beef square

>> No.16632577

Fuck you and your retarded wojacks. Go eat a dick.

>> No.16632867

>holy shit you guys this is literally being (((PUSHED))) upon us by the weimar kali yuga globohomo zionist elite it's only a matter of time until all other foods are banned
This but unironically.

>> No.16632933

They clearly feel violated that you simply repeated their secret ingroup terms back to them, hence the replies.

>> No.16632936

Meh, I'll try it. I don't have standards.

>> No.16632944

I'll try it once it's 3d printed from lab-grown insect protein cultured in a paste of soybean and recycled plastic.

>> No.16633004

don't care as long as there aren't severe side effects, tastes fine, and competitively priced
t. just had a pint of ice cream

>> No.16633022
File: 13 KB, 228x317, diedquick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and competitively priced

>> No.16633029

Ah yes, posting a pic of an article that will be a failing business idea and try to troll /ck/ with the said pic and niche topic.

Fuck off.

>> No.16633035

i didn't read the article or know anything about squareeats, but it seems like this kind of food can be cheaply mass produced. and when that happens i'll consider it an alternative to current options

>> No.16633039

It's a food-as-a-service subscription plan. And it doesn't seem cheap for the content received.

>> No.16633045
File: 93 KB, 1024x968, 1610429904773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's another stealth /pol/ thread to draw in the schizo's

>> No.16633052
File: 58 KB, 500x375, belief in urself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh /pol/
it's like you're speedrunning an "ignore my post" post here.

>> No.16633055

Have you read this thread? It's about schizo's and qoomers and media and news and Jews and nwo. Nothing to do with cooking.

>> No.16633064
File: 44 KB, 309x302, kenny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and that guy seemed to have cooled down and left the board.
But now you've showed up....

>> No.16633102

Poe's law is too strong these days. I can't tell what's a shitpost and someone being serious about what they typed out.

>> No.16633174
File: 227 KB, 645x1026, 6B8B6E8F-E62F-47D8-B0E5-24F4D82D7D30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone please convince me this isn't just another money-making scheme selling people tiny amounts of not very expensive food but slightly modified for absurd amounts of money?

>> No.16633203

that's literally what it is yes, it's molecular gastronomy dumbed down and probably tastes way less good.