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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16628224 No.16628224 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16628229

Stop eating mushrooms. Stop eating fungi in general. They are very dangerous. You will regret it one day if you keep eating them. They will destroy you. I don't know how, but they will.

>> No.16628230

You don't sound like a very fun guy

>> No.16628235
File: 151 KB, 974x1113, 0F190DF7-C43E-4C89-AB52-65F2DED22283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know how

>> No.16628236

Ngl being part of the mycelial network would be neat.

>> No.16628255

>I don't know how, but they will

>> No.16628256
File: 1.17 MB, 360x202, FD565440-7BAB-42C6-ADF8-F3BAA7C3A6F4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know how, but they will.

>> No.16628261

>pickled mushrooms
>asparagus from a jar
>hollandaise from a jar
>gray steak

>> No.16628263
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You dropped this, king

>> No.16628264

I only cook my steaks 1 minute each side.

>> No.16628300

sweet Jesus. That would have to be the worse looking piece of meat I've ever seen. Was that posted on fagbook or twatface or something? Only a absolute moron would buy meat that looked like that.

>> No.16628305

no seasoning to be found

>> No.16628311

Nothing wrong with that fren. When younger i went 7 seconds, but my chompers aren't so many any more, and i need my meat a little more tender

>> No.16628321

Seems so. Salt and pepper would help that chunk of whateverthefuckitis

>> No.16628350

>He still seasons his food


>> No.16628358

They’re not going to turn you into Juffo-Wup, schizo.

>> No.16628380

looks like it was cooked wet and stewed a little while cooking. steak was cooked a low temp I am guessing. no crust at all.

terrible terrible steak

>> No.16628383

aw geez can we not have threads about random video game/anime ecelebs posting their cooking online

>> No.16628439

I hope you die slowly, like how that piece of meat was cooked

>> No.16628444

Did you know chicken salt doesn't come from chickens? dickhead

>> No.16628451

"Chicken salt"? wtf do you think you're saying, retard?

>> No.16628455

Ever eaten chicken salt? Neither have I dipshit.vppmp

>> No.16628505
File: 2.72 MB, 4000x1844, 20210831_181202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we fucking go fellas. Lets start with the meat. What we're looking for is marbleing. That's the fine white lines of fat contained within the actual meat in attatched pic. The more, the better as it will melt through the meat as you cook it leading to tenderness, taste and flavour. Any excess side fats(the big chunky shit on the side) can be trimmed as desired. This is butcher bought porterhouse, $16.99/kg in .au. Buy bulk! All of this guide applies to all red meat. I can do a guide to buying meat if wanted.

>> No.16628513
File: 730 KB, 3264x1504, 20210831_181308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty important: allow your meat to warm to room temp. You want the capillaries to open to allow the blood to be able to move through the meat. Salt and pepper, while not necessary, is all you'll ever need, but experimentation is good. Enjoy. Spice as desired on one side, heat your plate(pan, cooker, bbq, whatever) so its hot. I use a 57cmx23cm sunbeam for indoor cooking pic related. Place meat spiced side down and season the top facing side. Do not turn the meat! Push it around, but don't flip it yet.

>> No.16628514

this is like the worst kind of people there is
telling others what to do but cant explain it

>> No.16628516
File: 742 KB, 3264x1504, 20210831_181616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let the meat sear. That's when it turns brown and seals the side on the hot plate. Preference between well done, medium and rare is decided here. I eat medium rare, so this'll cook for about 5 minutes.

>> No.16628522
File: 1.98 MB, 4000x1844, 20210831_182347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you're happy and seasoned the upside, it's time to flip. Red meat should only ever be flipped once otherwise its going to end up tough and chewy, aka fucked. Now we're looking for blood to come out of the top of the meat, it cant escape underneath because it's seared. If it starts getting grey shit at the sides, the plate wasnt hot enough. Accelerate, i mean, turn it up

>> No.16628534
File: 2.88 MB, 4000x1844, 20210831_182708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's a bit rushed, and i apologise. Cooking steaks is always done pretty quick though, fuck hogs breath. Also, it's a work night. No excuse i know. Just remember even that faggot ramsey cunt burns meals, undercooks shit and fucks up. We're all going to make it, and tomorrow nights meal is going to be better than this one. This is what i cooked tonight frens, took 15 minutes. I overcooked my steak but my familys was mint. Lets help ech other be the best we can be.

>> No.16628572

that looks like it was made by a literal child
>canned mushrooms? boiled? absolutely colorless
>microwaved cheese for no reason, not even a cheese sauce
>giant streaks of fat in the middle of cut
>looks medium well, no sear
it just looks kinda sad

>> No.16628587

it's a fucking retard. nippon name and some cartoon character profile picture. nips eat fucking whale and raw prawns for fucks sake kek

>> No.16628608

>just trust me bro I know secrets cause I'm a schizo on the internet

>> No.16628616


Your steaks need that maillard browning colour on them. Your chips/fries should be fried or at least finished in the pan that you cooked your steak in. If not that, you make a sauce out of the steak and pour that over the fries. Again you could have gone way further with the eggs as well.

>> No.16628621

Shenpai is a fat tranny jewtuber, not at all surprised it can't cook.

>> No.16628625


>> No.16628631
File: 16 KB, 570x489, images - 2021-08-31T182344.415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw waiting for the fungi uprising

>> No.16628633

Sorry fellas, it's a shit piece of meat, cooked badly, and the sides are terrible. I'm in .au. That "steak", brought here from globohomo store as a single piece would be maybe eight dollars. For $45 can buy maybe 12 pieces of that cut, and if its that bad it's all on me and my selection. Canned mushies, though lacking flavour, can be okay if prepped and cooked properly, but nothing beats fresh of course. It's like canned peas i suppose, tastes like shit but you can live on them. Also, op is a trolling faggot.

>> No.16628656

Is he really going to eat his steak with a bread knife?

>> No.16628665

I could make a better steak with one arm tied behind my back, blindfolded.

>> No.16628671

Yes, you definitely could brother. I'm a unabashed carnivore, post steak!

>> No.16628679

Thanks for letting us know what marbling is. I've always wondered

>> No.16628717

Anything i can do to help mein fren. I can even offer advice on selecting a piece of bulk meat. The shrink sealed crap in the butcher shoppe makes it hard, but it's possible.

>> No.16628909

Did he buy a roast and cut it into a steak shape?

>> No.16628919

>Could you make a better steak?
How should I know?
I can’t taste the photo. And I’m not a turboautist who thinks they can judge how good something tastes by viewing a pic on /ck/ or a YouTube video.

>> No.16628921

that actually looks a bit like velveeta.

>> No.16628984

>most expensive steak
>It's mostly just fat

>> No.16628993

t. Funguy

>> No.16629013

the mushrooms look like they came out of a jar or can

>> No.16629015


>> No.16629045
File: 28 KB, 480x480, proxy-image[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know how, but they will.
You are Non-Juffo-Wup, you cannot understand.

>> No.16629075

I wouldn't trust someone who can't even spell 'marbling' with my steak.

>> No.16629078
File: 67 KB, 443x455, stick it to em.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good fren, Im sure the steaks looked better in person because it's hard to get that youtube cook show beauty lighting. It doesnt look like there's much surface browning to me though. Maybe have your skillet up MUCH hotter, like literally max heat and sear a steak that thin for about 90-120 seconds each side. Make sure once you've done that to rest your meat either in a warm oven (just heated, not cooking temp) or wrap the meat in tin foil on a plate. The rarer the meat, the longer it should rest. While the meat is resting that normally gives me time to fry asparagus and green beans in the pan with butter and oil. I cover that with a foil lid and add a little bit of water to steam them in the emulsion. By the time they are done, steak should be perfectly rested and you can use the juice collected in the tin foil to mix into a pepper sauce or gravy. Delicious! Total cook time should be around 10 minutes.

>> No.16629112
File: 17 KB, 162x197, Lady Dierdre Skye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ngl being part of the mycelial network would be neat.

>> No.16629114

>Red meat should only ever be flipped once otherwise its going to end up tough and chewy
He doesn't know

>> No.16629122

Mushrooms isn't a meat and it's not a plant. Might as well be poison.

>> No.16629127

Nice 'crust' bro LOL

>> No.16629192

Thank you professor Ramsay. I hope to someday be as masterful as you.

>> No.16629312

Fungal hands typed this post

>> No.16629347

Based Myconposters