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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16624073 No.16624073 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever impressed someone with your cooking?

>> No.16624076

One time I got told I make a mean meatball. It was the highlight of my year

>> No.16624084

My mom told me I'm amazing at making omelttes
(Even though I made a shitty almost burned fluffy omeltte)

>> No.16624099

yes, my mom and my grandmother

>> No.16624104

some dates yeah, cooking got me laid not a lot but a couple of times

>> No.16624132


My 11 year old sister loves my toasted sandwiches. Which is convenient because she has something I like too.

>> No.16624134 [DELETED] 


>> No.16624141

>Have you ever impressed someone with your cooking?
First proper meal I cooked was a daal curry for my housemates and a few people visiting us... a few were vegetarians so I thought "I love curry, they're veggies... let's do that then".
And my mate said to be it was genuinely the best curry he'd ever had.
I did only follow a recipe, but still... everyone had seconds, so I take that as a good sign.
I'm just happy it was the first proper full meal I'd cooked for anyone and it was enjoyed by everyone.

>> No.16624159

Most times I cook, but I can't tell if it's because people are used to shit food or maybe people are just being nice because I'm retarded, I've never been to able to tell

>> No.16624171
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Many people, yes. You'd be surprised how few bitches know how to cook and I look like a god. It's my go to cheap date that usually leads to smash time.
I've also brought back an empty pot from potlucks and xmas/thanksgiving dinners, which is the highest form of flattery imo.
I brought over a loaf of bread I baked one time to my friend's house and he still hounds me to bake him another lol.
A guy also told me that he will buy beef jerky off of me after I let him try some I made.

>> No.16624195

Yes. Every time I cooked for my girlfriends. But they were horrible at cooking so it's not that impressive.

>> No.16624197

Myself when it hasn't been shit.

>> No.16624276

>impressed someone with your cooking?

Yeah, especially when they don't realize what goes into making a dish. Recently made tacos for a large group of friends. We had 3-4lbs of pork shoulder for al pastor and maybe another 4-5 pounds of flank for steak tacos.

I spent maybe 20 minutes making a marinade from ad hoc ingredients at the rental house for each type of taco. I also cut tiny pieces off to cook and taste to make sure I had enough salt and flavor on the meat before I put it away for the next several hours. People were questioning why I was spending so much time on the taco meat, and why are you rubbing it with your hands? We just spent $70+ on a bunch of meat with no backups, I was going to take the half an hour to make sure it tasted good.

When we ate it several hours later some of the same people asked what I did to make it taste so good. Inexperienced cooks highly underestimate the impact of proper seasoning, preparation, and tasting their food before they serve it.

>> No.16624291


>> No.16624370

Everyone i cook for is impressed. The bar is very low.

>> No.16624389


>> No.16624405

Pokemon cards?

>> No.16624417

My chef liked my green curry one time.

>> No.16624436
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The only compliments that matter, good job.

>> No.16624443

RuneScape gold?

>> No.16624459

>Have you ever impressed someone with your cooking
Why TF would I want to do that?

>> No.16624480

I usually bring leftovers to work for lunch and the nurses are always fawning over it and cooing and going "ohh, that smells so good" etc. etc.
I think they're just surprised that a man can put together a meal at all, though. It's not exactly fancy shit I'm hauling in there in my Tupperware boxes.

>> No.16624486
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>made pork adobo
>girlfriend's Filipino mom said it looked good


>made a Bavarian beer stew
>my German mother said it was just as good as her own

>> No.16624501

>it's another episode of le muttoid american congratuling himself for pretending he has a culture

hilarious, everytime

>> No.16624509

I was literally born in, and spent half my childhood in Germany.

>> No.16624562

Sure, Hans, Tyrone jr. Martinez

>> No.16624570

Same for me, I made a soft runny omelet that I picked up from webm here, the one the guy makes with the chopsticks.
Mom loved it.

>> No.16624579
File: 75 KB, 882x705, wifkhUa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be butthurt that you lost a woman to a handsome blue eyed US Army officer back in the 80s. If you didn't want your women swooning for their conquerors maybe you shoulda won

>> No.16624765

When shared two different houses with two different groups of friends at uni. Some of those were impressed, but only by virtue of the fact I could actually cook and did.

>> No.16624771

Yes. I make interesting stuff I find online and it usually turns out good because I am not a retard and know how to read.

>> No.16624781

One time I made some lightly breaded pan fried rockfish with a lemon Bure blanc sauce that came out so well that everyone looked at me with awe.

Felt good, man.

>> No.16624814

Yes. I make a good Peruvian chicken, my pot roast ain't too shabby, and my rice and beans and sopa de camaron are delicious. Great spaghetti too, I don't know how so many people manage to fuck it up. Fried eggs, hamburgers, perfectly done steaks, I know all the secrets.

>> No.16624820

what do you do at work?

and it sounds like they want the D, pick a pretty one who shares you values and get married what are you waiting for. pussy on tap nigga.

>> No.16626088

>Intended to just fry eggplant slices and put sauce (tomato puree, garlic, salt, pepper, bay leaf, pizza seasoning) and cheese on it because I was to lazy to cook
>Cut eggplant into slices
>Fucked up the slicing, so decided to dice the ugly slices and put them in the sauce
>Had cherry tomato about to rot in the fridge, so diced them too and put them in the sauce
>There was no shredded cheese left, so I put mozzarella
>The mozzarella milk leaked during the cooking and mixed with the sauce which was starting to caramelize, bringing creaminess to the sweet, sour mixture, and savory mixture
I legit got a Shokugeki no Soma kind of reaction eating that, I had never made such a tasty sauce in my life, I've impressed myself so fucking hard

>> No.16626117

My grandma was blown away by my meatloaf

>> No.16626462

Yes. I like to cook for women and you know then have the as Borat says sexy time and the food helps. Also I cook some ethnic foods like curries and lentils and I had numerous ethnic people who grew up eating this food telling me that it was better than anyone in their family cooked it and that if I opened the restaurant doing that it would be full from open to close with ethnic people because they don't care who cooks the food they just wanted to be good. It's only white people who would say that's cultural appropriation

>> No.16626475

>I know all the secrets.

>> No.16626479

My gf's father said I've made the best goulash he's ever eaten

>> No.16626540

and then she blew away your cock
>which, coincidentally, did not blow her away

>> No.16626721

>be 13/14
>learn cooking to impress my family
>obviously my food is shit at age 13
>years later my mom still wont eat my cooking
Sometimes I seriously think about killing myself

>> No.16626735

Thank you Arrested Development Narrator

>> No.16628496

Based. In college I would always get laid by cooking for chicks because I was broke. Easiest way to get laid and if you do it right they will pay for half of the ingredients too lol