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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16619274 No.16619274 [Reply] [Original]

>Don't eat carbs! They'll make you gain weight!

>> No.16619286

Great thread

>> No.16619296

>don't drink coffee, it's unhealthy!

>> No.16619467
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>Carbohydrates are bad for you, bucko!
>You should eat nothing but meat instead!

>> No.16619572

>Don't drink alcohol, it is harmful to your entire body!!!!!!!!!

>> No.16619579

i've been eating more whole grains and complex carbs if that helps.

>> No.16619625

When I'm not drunk I get panic attacks that I'm dying from a stomach disorder but the pain goes away as soon as I have a few drinks
Every night alcohol saves my life

>> No.16619631

Sorry, this is a /fit/ topic. I'll need you to take it over there.


>> No.16619644

Based, many such cases.

>> No.16619780

It's so weird that this guy is one of the most well-spoken psychologists that I've ever heard, but then he gets hooked on benzos and eats nothing but meat and turns his brain to mush.

I guess that just shows that you can be a genius in one subject and a retard at others.

>> No.16619791

Carbs is a very broad term. People who get mad about this are mad because they want to eat their shitty fried carb snacks usually. Carbs are probably used to subdue people though they're the most addictive form of food, theres something to that. Carbs are the most optional food group too, a source of healthy oils and protein would be better option than carbs + something

>> No.16619800

There are people who have lost huge amounts of weight by eating nothing but potatoes for every single meal.

Obviously you're going to lose a ton of muscle too since there's no protein in this diet, but if you weight 300+ pounds it's one way to get your journey kickstarted in the right direction.

>> No.16620668

Ahh, I see you've met most PhDs.

>> No.16620928

grain industry shill

>> No.16620993
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>japanese eat rice with every meal and their some of the thinnest in the world.

>> No.16621001

japanese smoke cigarettes and live long cigarettes must be good.

>> No.16621011

Japanese men are short, weak, and have tiny dicks. By your logic eating rice will do that.

>> No.16621117

I'm already skinny and compose my diet around potaters

>> No.16621120
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>99% fat free!

>> No.16621144
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>Dont smoke cigarettes! You'll die off lung cancer!
as if

>> No.16621147

That's just because eating only potatoes is miserable and separating pleasure from food means you'll just eat the bare minimum.

>> No.16621152

most cigarette smokers don't get lung cancer therefor smoking doesn't cause lung cancer. checkmate atheists

>> No.16621154

Smart people tend to go crazy because they see everyone around them acting retarded all the time.

>> No.16621157

not to mention all the nutrients you are not getting by eating only that. it might be good for weight loss but i can't see how it would be sustainable or good long term...

>> No.16621160

This is the real redpill. Want to make America thin again? Bring back smoking in public.

>> No.16621270

>stop eating carbs
>lose weight
>realise it's because I'm just eating less generally

>> No.16621330

>Jordan Peterson

>> No.16621438

why couldn't you "eat less" when you ate carbs? this is a consistent observation that people intentionally restricting calories lose less weight than those eating as much as they need to while only restricting carbohydrates. it suggests something unique about carbohydrate. we also have good data now that reducing carbohydrate calorie for calorie will increase your energy expenditure.

>> No.16622071

>this is a consistent observation that people intentionally restricting calories lose less weight than those eating as much as they need to while only restricting carbohydrates.
Nope, chugging lard and eating bacon doesn't break the laws of thermodynamics, fattie.

>> No.16622138
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>The “Atkins Physician Council” also claims that one’s body expends more energy burning fat and thus “You wouldn’t have to increase your exercise at all because your body would be working harder, so that you could literally sit in your armchair and lose weight.”[107] As the Secretary of the AMA’s Council on Food and Nutrition tried to make clear, “The whole [Atkins] diet is so replete with errors woven together that it makes the regimen sound mysterious and magical.”[108]

>These claims sounded so far-fetched that as part of an investigative documentary, the BBC paid obesity researchers to design an experiment to test it. So researchers took two identical twins and put one on the Atkins Diet for a while, the other on a high carbohydrate diet and locked them both in sealed chambers to measure exactly where the calories were going. Did the twin on the Atkins Diet have any sort of metabolic “advantage” by burning fat and protein as his source of fuel? Was he literally flushing more calories down the toilet? Of course not. “We found no difference whatsoever,” the researcher said.[109]

>> No.16622226

Everyone has problems. It's a good thing to understand.

It does. If you're trying to limit calorie consumption, carbs are one of the easiest things to ease up on.

>> No.16622241

i should pick up smoking

>> No.16622263

being fat isn't healthy either but don't delude yourself with muh japan diet

>> No.16622365


>Has the highest life expectancy in the world despite working themselves to death

>> No.16622366

Just take vitamins

>> No.16622412

I'm so pissed because last year I unironically los a ton of weight without even really trying
This year I got it all back though.
I dont really remember what my diet was like. My memory sucks. I dont feel like it was all that different from now though. I dont get it

>> No.16622423

or just eat real food where you know you are not just going to piss out most of the "nutrients"

>> No.16623839

That's a misconception.
The reason Japanese diets are so healthy is the large amounts of vegetables they consume and the exceptionally high quality of the food itself.

>> No.16623870
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>You won't lose weight if you don't exercise

>> No.16623892

Every PhD I know, and as an academic myself I know many, is a substance addict, almost all alcoholics and hooked on caffeine. People who live so much in their heads use drugs to calm down the torrent of thoughts.

>> No.16623899

it's depressing to me how uneducated people's first exposure to someone with an advanced degree comes through charlatans like meat daddy peterson

>> No.16623926

I lost over 100 pounds in less than a year by eating no carbs and limiting my food intake
I also ended up weak, skinny as a methhead looking like death

>> No.16623931

That's literally a stereotype for so-called geniuses, how is it news to you?


>> No.16624257

*unzips lobster*
Oh I'm gunna BISQUE

>> No.16624261

Dr Rice Gulag Greger made my fart out my intestines and I almost keeled over. Soon as I did Keto I fluffed up to buff in no time.

>> No.16624263

you can't outrun a poor diet

>> No.16624338

>benzo addict
i dont take advice from druggies

>> No.16625297

>Stop eating carbs
>Lose 20kg
>Get fit
>Get physical labour job that pays as well as my desk job but I only work 3 hours a day 4 days a week.
>Eat loads of lean meat and vegetables. No fear of fats, bread once a week
>Get confident, get laid
>All during the most depressing time on earth in my lifetime.

>> No.16625344

when will people realize that it's not carbs or fat or whatever that makes you fat, but too many calories?

>> No.16625369

Isn't the reason for this because they're super fast digesting compared to proteins and fats? Honestly if you just keep a basic track of what you're eating there's nothing to be afraid of.