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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16615792 No.16615792 [Reply] [Original]

You have 30 minutes to cook. What will you add to the rice to make it as flavorful as possible?

>> No.16615798

You have to soak my rice for 30 minutes before you cook it.
This challenge is just setting people up for failure.

>> No.16615808

Soy sauce
Chili sauce
Two sunshine egg on top

Eggs cook fast, you can cook the chicken and onions together, you just pour soy sauce and chili sauce, if in a rush I could pull it off in 30 mins

>> No.16615811

Is it boil in a bag or raw?

>> No.16615812

beef tallow

>> No.16615825

Steak and eggs.

>> No.16615828

mix in Smetana after its done if im feeling lazy

>> No.16615834

Assuming good quality rice, just butter, salt, and a bayleaf.

>> No.16615841

Coconut milk. That is all. The main dish is jerked chicken with scotch bonnets, onions, and green onions.

>> No.16615849

Something Chinese or Indian

>> No.16615855

Sell it for actual food.

>> No.16615866

noodles (no spicepack)

>> No.16615875

Based and taterpilled

>> No.16615903

Boil it in stock

>> No.16616045

Scrambled eggs, green onions, toasted sesame oil, soy sauce and some MSG. Hot ass stir fry, done in four minutes tops.

>> No.16616336

soy sauce
oyster sauce
two lightly beaten eggs fried seperatly
sesame seads
tbsp of butter

>> No.16616410

Since you didn't specify prep time, I'm assuming it's unlimited. I put the rice in the fridge for later, and make pizza with my scratch made dough, and homemade pesto. Only takes about 10 minutes to cook.

>> No.16616501
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try garlic rice. you just fry up a lot of chopped garlic in oil until it becomes crispy. then when seperate the oil from the crispy garlic. you add some oil into the pot or rice cooker when cooking the rice (plus a bit of salt) and garnish it crispy fried garlic. it is super yummy.

>> No.16617599

Add some vinegar to the water before boiling. Throw in a bit of coriander and basil, then add the rice and cook as normal.

>> No.16617611

>soak rice 15 minutes
>cook 15 minutes
So you're just a lazy cunt who wants to beef up your rice without doing any work? Not helping you

>> No.16618188

there's the tomato rice where you add a whole tomato in with the rice or the KFC style rice where you put fkc in the cooker same time.

>> No.16618206
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saute the fuck out of some fatty pork with soy and sugar

>> No.16618221

Fried egg and salt

>> No.16618280
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Pickle rice time

>> No.16619318
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Deep fry pork and mayonnaise.

>> No.16619339

Loco Moco that shit.
Hamburger patty (or better yet, salisbury steak), fried egg and brown gravy.

>> No.16619360

what is this can can I get the recipe

>> No.16619407

that anon is a drunk meal that i don't remember too well
it's gonna be like garlic, spring onion, chilli oil, brown sugar, dark soy, light soy, sesame seed and cooking fatty meat until very very crispy and not overcooking brocolli and toasting your own sesame seeds wa la

>> No.16619417

what cut of pork?

>> No.16619441

the secret is that kind of dish is better with leftover already cooked fatty meat. Beit the scrappy fatty bits off a chicken carcass, or whatever. Because it's easier to crispy them.
And I honestly don't remember which is embarressing but i think it could be homemade char siu or pork scotch roast or even possibly pork belly that is a kinda old pic if that makes it better.

like with nice fresh meat i preferably wouldn't treat it like that. that's the kind of treatment for leftover meat.

>> No.16619457

also worth saying you can cook your brocolli in the pan with/after your meat has crisped up and you've sauced it, but it's better to blanche/shock it first then toss it through.

overcooking brocolli is a sin.

>> No.16620158
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>overcooking brocolli is a sin.

>> No.16620168

Assuming unlimited pantry? Dirty rice or some pilaf-type shit

>> No.16620173
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Glad im using my own rice, not yours. Having to soak 30mins would be a pain

>> No.16620236

Tahini, soy, hot sauce, mustard, mixed vegetables

>> No.16620276

chicken stock (pilaf), succotash, worchestershire sauce, soy sauce, cajun seasoning

>> No.16620280

finely chop carrot onion and mushroom, fry in butter, toast rinsed rice in the mixture, cook using chicken stock as the liquid, serve with a fried runny egg on top.

>> No.16620287
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>t. can't cook good rice

>> No.16620444

>wash rice
yes, thoroughly
>soak rice

>> No.16620456

Rice is slave food for Asian peasants

>> No.16620516

It's rice. You can add just about anything to make it more flavorful.

>> No.16620550

rice -> anything = more flavorful
>as flavorful as possible?

It's like you can't even read.
But desu, OP could be told: "maple syrup".

>> No.16620695

>What will you add to the rice to make it as flavorful as possible?
I open my spice cupboard and dump everything in! voila as flavorful as possible you stupid git.

>> No.16620707
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>he doesn't know

>> No.16620720

Shitton of salt in the water.
A big spoon of tumeric powder
A couple of cloves of minced garlic

>> No.16620767

Green peas, butter, Indian chili sauce, garlic powder.

>> No.16620770

A steak

>> No.16621196

I just make fried rice
eggs, processed ham or spam diced, some scallions and soysauce to finish it off

>> No.16622902

>Grilled beef strips with onions
>One egg yolk
>Hot sauce

>> No.16622909

seasoned salt

>> No.16622960

Easy, MSG

>> No.16622967
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>One egg yolk
Please stop forcing the raw egg on rice meme. It doesn't cook AT ALL even if the rice is steaming hot right out of the cooker, it just turns your perfectly good rice into a slimy cum mess.

>> No.16622976

>sugar milk

if you disagree .. you are free to feel wrong. its fine.

>> No.16622993

its not supposed to cook retard

>> No.16623151

biryani paste

>> No.16623160

For me it's the McChicken

>> No.16623181

I never wash my rice

>> No.16623200

Will try this later this morning while hungover. Thanks.

>> No.16623221

Me neither. Imagine being afraid of a bit of extra starch when you are eating rice. Fucking retarded.

>> No.16623341
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>Assuming good quality rice, just butter, salt, and a bayleaf.
Shieet, I always do butter and salt. I'll have to try adding bay leaf next time.

>> No.16623366

I will make fajita meat and then use the leftover water to cook the rice

>> No.16623375

here you go anon this video teaches you how to process pork for char siu


>> No.16623380

cumin and coriander while cooking, salt and butter after done, serve topped with pieces of fried onion

>> No.16623387

I really like dark soy sauce with wing's hot sauce or spicy banana "ketchup" (closest thing I've ever found to wing's at the grocery store). I did that a lot as a kid and I really loved it.

>> No.16623398

Give it to a person of colour.

>> No.16623423

I still do this when I'm extra lazy or swamped with work. It's so good.

>> No.16623974

>I never wash my rice
Me neither.

>> No.16624117

I'd put a dish of kimchi next to it.

>> No.16624174
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>> No.16624183

You my friend are a special breed of insane

>> No.16624194

I'm Ruski and it's not even insane, it's just bad.

>> No.16624201

>can of cream of mushroom
>sour cream
>chopped shitakes
>ground beef or canned albacore
>optional green peas
My mom made me this sloppa, and I've been eating it for years.

>> No.16625481

I'll add the rice to the trash bin and cook pasta or vegetables instead

>> No.16625490

Whenever I'm in such a hurry I'll usually make an omelette and throw it on the plate with the rice
Takes like less than 3 minutes

>> No.16625701

disgusting mongrel, consider a castration and lobotomy