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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16609965 No.16609965[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Whhhhheeelllllllll uh I don’t know how y’all yankee bois up dher in da noorth do thnags, but down hur in da south we do breakfast a ‘lil bit diffrunt

>> No.16609975

porridge, poorly, fried eggs and hot sauce?

am I being memed over here?

atleast fry the eggs right bro

>> No.16610005

Dats not proidge
Dems iz grits

>> No.16610009

I really want some grits now.

>> No.16610011

I'm gonna be the retard who takes the meme seriously but a dixielander's breakfast is peak breakfast and nobody can convince me otherwise.

>> No.16610018


>> No.16610019

Thread theme.

>> No.16610026
File: 58 KB, 600x398, Sausage-Gravy_18_serve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inferior to biscuits and sausage gravy

>> No.16610028

I'm gay, btw. Not sure if that matters.

>> No.16610031

I can’t imagine eating that slop for breakfast. Imagine starting the day off with a belly full of garbage.

>> No.16610034

/ck/ is a SLOPPA board you heathen

>> No.16610036

Prefer this to English breakfast

>> No.16610039

That IS sloppa

>> No.16610040

I've heard of that, could you teach a europoor what grits actually is?

>> No.16610044

>don’t know how y’all yankee bois up dher in da noorth
>knows that down hur in da south we do breakfast a ‘lil bit diffrunt
which is it?

>> No.16610045
File: 809 KB, 1200x803, baked grits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer baked grits.
Jesus I was so fat when I lived with my mother who made this shit.

>> No.16610049

Did your mother keep wine in the oven too?

>> No.16610050
File: 83 KB, 1252x698, mycuzvinny-bg-menu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16610060
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

savory or sweet?

>> No.16610061

>4:30 AM
>concierge told me the breakfast buffet will open at five
>get my shit together, get the car packed up
>two cups hot coffee
>couple of sausage patties and slices of bacon
>take one last piss in the motel room
>hit the road
Now I know I won't need to take a gas station shit for my next 12 hours of driving because that biscuit, gravy, and meat combo is going to turn into cement. Yes, it's roughly my day's worth of calories, but it's also the only shit I'm eating today, maybe I'll have an apple next motel I hit to remove yesterday's biscuits and gravy from my GI tract.

>> No.16610062

Wikipedia article will get you far, it'd basically the corn equivalent of oats or rice. Hominy ground up and boiled like rice mostly. It's called "grits" because some people think it's gritty like sand, but it depends on how well it was ground and how well it was cooked.

t. never had it. It'll blow your mind.

>> No.16610065

in a big fucking box on the counter.
But it was black box, so you know she's fancy.

>> No.16610070

with cheddar cheese and chopped up hatch chilies.

>> No.16610071

How old were you when you finally moved out?

>> No.16610087

Is that tapatio or cholula on dem eggs boy?

>> No.16610088

north Carolina pete

>> No.16610112

okay cool, is it actually tasty or just meme tier?

>> No.16610114

Tried a college roommate situation at 18, that fell apart because it was technically a section 8 scam (poor-ass friend's mother got section 8 and rented it out to us asshole kids to pay for her crack and holistic garbage while she attended her dying father in another state).
Then actually moved out at 21 after graduating.

>> No.16610115

Grits are literally a porridge

>> No.16610117

those eggs are perfect nigga.

>> No.16610119

Dammit, I was hoping you'd be a genuine I.J.R.

>> No.16610135

no, they are about 1 min from done

don't be an egglet

>> No.16610149

whites are solid. yolk is runny. it's done. simple as.

>> No.16610155

every time i read that book i feel more and more relieved to live 6000 miles away from new orleans

>> No.16610167

What is a grit?

>> No.16610172

it tastes like

It's nice with lots of salt, pepper, and butter though

>> No.16610192

It what 2 youts like to eat

>> No.16610244

2 h-what?

>> No.16610348

whites is a bit undercooked, you are not a craftsman eggfryer like myself, I forgive you egglet