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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16593149 No.16593149 [Reply] [Original]

Vegan Deli meat.

You don't need to cause animal suffering anymore.

>> No.16593159

The suffering makes it taste better.

>> No.16593180
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>> No.16593190

I don't need to, but I want to.

>> No.16593202

What you think tastes better is the animal's urine. You know?

>> No.16593219

Why is that vegans, more likely to accept evolution, also adopt that diet? Doesn't evolution state that we come from vicious carnivorous land apes? Why do the scientists all of a sudden claim I need to accept a diet of all plants?

>> No.16593295

They don't believe in science. They believe in soyience.

>> No.16593300 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16593302

I can already see the "bubbles" in that thing. It's vegan meatloaf, from what i see.
Look, you could just not put meat in your sandwich, how's that? Stop trying to make non-meat dishes and just make dishes without meat.

>> No.16593308

scientists don't claim you need to accept an all plant diet. (some) vegans are aware that we are actively destroying our planet and would like to slow that down.

>> No.16593309

But this is how they recruit meat eaters.

>> No.16593316

So instead of the animal suffering I have to eat this garbage and suffer? While also being a soyboy?

No thanks.

>> No.16593334

>Look, you could just not put meat in your sandwich, how's that? Stop trying to make non-meat dishes and just make dishes without meat.

Stop trying to make fake chicken wings, chicken breast, whole turkeys, hamburgers, hot dogs, cold cuts, sausages and the rest. Enjoy your lifestyle choices to their fullest, stop trying to emulate what you are trying to run away from.

It's like a homo putting a silicone vagina on his bumchum's arse so he can pretend he's slamming a pussy instead of punching a ticket to hell for his sodomite ways.

Not to mention these fake meat products are loaded with soy, TVP and garbage.

>> No.16593338

All I'm saying is, the fact that some vegans are going out of their way to say they accept evolution but then say "N-no! We ate plants most of our history!", "N-neanderthals had plenty of plant matter in the Ice Age!" and other absurd claims says a lot about their actual care for the facts. They go on endless about how us meat eaters are the illogical, emotional ones who are 'stuck in the past' when anthropology clearly showed that we ate a fair helping of meat. The reason I say showed is because it's sadly only a matter of time before the narrative is shifted and the history is rewritten to suit their agenda.

>> No.16593399 [DELETED] 


>> No.16593417

human teeth and digestive tracts are better suited for consuming plant matter

>> No.16593423

>"I'm gay because two white niggers shit in the mayonnaise."

What did he mean by this?

>> No.16593426

very few people say this and you're wasting both of our times with this non-argument. please eat shit

>> No.16593431

I eat meat.
But I support these companies and initiatives for the sole fact that it makes you anti-vegans and anti-vegetarians absolutely lose your shit.
It's so funny how obsessed people can get over the lives other people choose to live.

>> No.16593469

Mmmm processed foodstuff that is rubbery and bland.

No thanks, gonna keep raising and slaughtering my own animals for meat.

>> No.16593506

I was actually able to make a complete meatless steak with nothing but a bowl full of cheerios and milk, you guys should try it it tastes just like the real thing

>> No.16593511

Duck anon you're so based, wow. Look how much better you are than everyone else! Amazing!

>> No.16593518

And? We are still perfectly capable of eating meat as we've seen for thousands of years... Can you please describe how evolution pushed humans towards consuming plants? There's no way our ancestors could've survive solely off plant matter in the ice age.

How is it a non-argument? I'm stating a fact that most vegans accept evolution. What bothers me is that some go out of there way to state that humans have evolved to eat plant matter, which according to evolution, is false. The reason that matters is because I'm trying to expose how some vegans are so obsessed with pushing their views on all of us (due to their feelings for living things and all that), that they don't care if they're ignoring what humans might actually be made to eat (some meat). They want to use the legal system to ban our rights to consume what might be ideal given our unique separate physical makeup. Just go to basically any vegans YouTube channel, and you'll see, behind the veneer of 'logic' in their debates, you'll see ulterior motives. The fact that you're insulting me for pointing out a basic fact is also good for proving my point. My family is not risking our health for your new and unproven diet. Most vegans my mother met working in a dental office are sickly and have bad teeth (blah blah 'anecdotes don't count', I believe what I see).

>> No.16593522

>I eat meat.
Name one meat then, faggot.

>> No.16593531
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>> No.16593536

uhhh BBC?

>> No.16593554

I don't understand this desire to emulate meat. Vegans have a serious chip on their shoulder and exhibit severe sour grapes.

>> No.16593576

Makes non-vegans seethe and allows them to live forever rent free in your head

>> No.16593620

I've come to collect rent, vegan.

>> No.16593692

I'm >>16593431, not a vegan. I just hate to see all that empty head space go to waste, so I push for things that will help fill the vacant properties.

>> No.16593900

Why would I cease the opportunity to cause animal suffering? Snowflake liberal.

>> No.16593914


>> No.16594157

retarded monkeys

>> No.16594171

I'm a meatan. Tonight I had pork zucchini with some chicken rice, and about a 6oz beef based coliflour steak. Delicious. Best part is, I don't have to feel bad about all the land used to grow soy and palm oil. Or the electricity used to process it into some pathetic attempt at recreating meat.

>> No.16594174

another rental off the marketplace

>> No.16594298

Why do you get so viscerally offended by other people's dietary choices?

>> No.16594323

>Vegan meat.
Then don't call it meat.

>> No.16594328


>> No.16594349

I eat meat all the time and love it but it shouldn't be too much of an issue to promote healthier alternatives. Eating too much meat is not healthy and you should indeed be eating your greens.

>> No.16594360

Animal products aren't really unhealthy though. And this stuff is usually highly processed which I don't know how you can claim it's actually healthier than what's been in the diet of humans for millions of years.

There is basically no legitimate argument about giving up meat for health reasons for the average person. The only reason to support this kind of stuff is because you don't like animals being slaughtered. That's why most vegans aren't going to have a problem with meat substitutes, because the meat itself isn't the problem, it's the slaughtering.

>> No.16594381

Not to condone this pseudo-meat faggotry, but people have historically referred to the flesh of fruits and nuts as "meat" (see mincemeat pies). That said, this weird need to over-process shit until it looks like animal meat is just plain fucked up. Like trying to appeal to picky toddlers or something who can't eat their vegetables.

>> No.16594382


> Several studies have found that high consumption of red meat—especially processed red meat, a mainstay of Western diets—is associated with an increased risk of developing CRC


>Consumption of red meat is probably a cause of colorectal cancer


>Endogenous N-nitrosation, arising from ingestion of haem but not inorganic iron or protein, may account for the increased risk associated with red meat consumption in colorectal cancer.
>The greater the decrease in saturated fat, and the more serum total cholesterol is reduced, the greater the protection from cardiovascular events.

>Consumption of a saturated fat reduces the anti-inflammatory potential of HDL and impairs arterial endothelial function

>these data suggest that addition of a moderate amount of dietary cholesterol to a reduced fat diet rich in polyunsaturated or saturated fatty acids increased the in vitro susceptibility of LDL to oxidation.

> We conclude that eggs consumption, in addition to its hypercholesterolemic effect, increases plasma and LDL oxidizability, a phenomenon which was shown to enhance the progression of atherosclerosis. The atherogenic properties may contribute to the accelerated atherosclerosis prevalent in populations with high cholesterol intake.

>Although they had similar IVUS characteristics at baseline, patients with LDL cholesterol > 120mg/dL showed more annual plaque progression and lumen reduction than did patients with lower LDL cholesterol values.

>> No.16594431

>It's like a homo putting a silicone vagina on his bumchum's arse so he can pretend he's slamming a pussy instead of punching a ticket to hell for his sodomite ways.
Beautiful analogy.

>> No.16594435

Exactly, so many meat eaters bitch about not wanting to eat beans, lentils, etc. and then turn and bitch about artificial meat

>> No.16594437

Fuck, meant for >>16593309

>> No.16594441

Because they won't stop shoving it in our faces. I don't hate gays but I sure as fuck hate rainbow covered lispy weak wristed faggots.

>> No.16594453

Who's shoving it in your face outside of the retards posting bait on /ck/? For all this bitching about vegans, I see far more bitching from people getting triggered over vegans, even on liberal platforms.

>> No.16594459

Don't play stupid you dumb faggot.

>> No.16594496


>> No.16594505

>I do it because it makes you mad XDD
Are you twelve?

>> No.16594513

>processed meat
>We found little or no effect of reducing saturated fat on all-cause mortality
>There was little or no effect of reducing saturated fats on non-fatal myocardial infarction...or CHD mortality...but effects on total (fatal or non-fatal) myocardial infarction, stroke and CHD events (fatal or non-fatal) were all unclear as the evidence was of very low quality.
Did you actually read all of them? I never said reducing saturated fat would never help anyone, which is why I specified animal products being fine for "the average healthy person". Unfortunately the average person isn't really healthy these days, almost half of the USA is obese and eats a ton of junk food and refined sugar, so maybe saturated fat will cause more problems for them. Maybe saturated fat causes more problems for people who already have heart disease for some other reason. But you'll find plenty of studies showing the benefits of animal products, including meat, for healthy people. Everyone I know who tries to completely avoid meat is either an underweight vegan, or overweight from eating too much junk food but blaming animal products instead of all the chips, soda, candy, ice cream, and that kind of stuff. All the healthiest people are omnivores who just exercise occasionally and don't eat much junk food.

We've literally eaten this kind of stuff for millions of years. There must've been some adaptation during that time to consuming those things. It just seems more logical that it's okay compared to recent, limited studies that are usually not 100% definite on what the problem is especially when you can find plenty of others disagreeing about animal products being bad. And I'm way less likely to listen to anyone talking about how animal products are always bad when that kind of argument was used to push higher consumption of stuff like vegetable shortening and refined sugar, both of which have been responsible for a lot of illness and death without any doubt.

>> No.16594520

Looks like another vacant rental is showing up!

>> No.16594754

I bought this then went and bullied a cow to make up for the lack of flavour

>> No.16594782

Vegans don't eat meat retard.

>> No.16594807

Now only my wallet suffers.

>> No.16594813

Because they didn't choose to be vegan to improve the flavor of their meals. They actually understand that there is a flavor sacrifice and they're trying to claw some of that back (not that it's going well). It's perfectly understandable.
The only issue is their nostalgic-desire-for-flavor product naming is essentially false advertising to non vegans, since they're not coming from the perspective of "of course I didn't mean Real meat."
Of course this isn't that big of an issue anymore since our robust consumer law has gotten rid of some of the bigger scams like shuffling in unlabeled vegan crap in with the real stuff. Not that it's so robust that meat means animal carcass, milk means dairy, fresh means not frozen, or that environmentally friendly isn't a shade of green.

>> No.16594853

>Doesn't evolution state that we come from vicious carnivorous land apes?
No, apes like humans are omnivores.
>Why do the scientists claim I need to accept a diet of all plants?
I don't think many scientists are claiming you need to go vegan, but apparently the rate of consumption is not environmentally sustainable, so they are suggesting we dial back the demand for meat to address this.

>> No.16595319

>I don't think many scientists are claiming you need to go vegan, but apparently the rate of consumption is not environmentally sustainable, so they are suggesting we dial back the demand for meat to address this.
I suggest we kill Africans and Brazilians (who are rapidly deforesting their forests for meat) instead

>> No.16595559

Agree. When I gave up vegan ways many years ago, it was partly because I noticed I never wanted to stop eating meat and always tried to find some lame substitute.

>> No.16595565

Eww deli meat already sucks.

>> No.16595576

You gonna eat them?

>> No.16596553

I buy all my meat from locally sourced farmers.
Fuck veagans

>> No.16597906

There's a place in Columbus, OH that does this. I like it.

>> No.16597918

Sure thing buddy:
Now, see, you are a faggot, that means you are a limp wristed bitch boy who takes it up the ass from other men.
You are dumb too, that means the brain you were blessed with by God isn't being used to it's full potential.
You put those 2 together and it makes you: A dumb faggot.

>> No.16597923

Wow, it tastes absolutely nothing like what it's attempting to replicate! Its like magic!

>> No.16597927

Also corrodes your spirit, makes you stupid, fat, and stressed. It’s the price you gotta pay I guess. Not even a vegan. That’s just how it is.

>> No.16597931

I will never respect a vegan that eats "meat substitutes". Stop being a faggot and trying to emulate a food you claim to disapprove of.

>> No.16597934

Meat substitutes and emulations are disgusting. It’s always fucked. There are good vegan dishes that aren’t faux-meat.

>> No.16597941

Eating meat is good and sacrifice is pleasing to God.

>> No.16598627
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Meat consumption does none of this although there is theory on cortisol having harmful effects. This can be resolved by moving to grass fed and pasture raised which we should all be doing.
>corrodes your spirit
crystal magic faggotry
higher IQ, better mental faculty
leaner, healthier muscle mass
>Not even a vegan
Lying, anemic, waif-tier faggot. Almost all vegans are sickly. Those who are not are heavily supplemented, have exceptional nutritional planning, have top tier genetics, and are likely sneaking in bacon.
>plant based marketing schemes are gay

>> No.16598887

no, they're not

>> No.16598932

Epicsauce bacon redditor spotted